✦ Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion
Monday, August 15, 2011
2012, Reptilians, & Bluebeam
Michael Tsarion, Jim Marrs, Zecharia Sitchin, David Icke and other NWO researcher’s current positions lean toward the idea that the world’s royal bloodlines and/or all humans are descended from alien progenitors. I highly respect the work of these authors, but disagree with their belief in reptilian extra-terrestrial progenitors (as I've yet to see any truly convincing evidence) and think this is part of the Brotherhood's manipulation. Soon they will likely be staging UFO flyovers, fake invasion and bluebeam scenarios to facilitate the final stages of their New World Order and new world religion.
Many cultures all over the world have the same mythologies and creation stories that involve the heavens, stars, angels, demons, serpents, snakes, or dragons. African Kings claimed descent from the Chituhuri serpent people. Chinese Kings claimed descent from ancient dragon gods that came from the sky. The Sumerian Kings claimed descent from the Annunaki, “those who from Heaven to Earth came.” Annunaki, are called many things in the Bible: Anak, Anakim, Sons of Anak, and Nephilim are some of the more common. These are the Fallen Angels among whom Satan is leader. But are they literal physical alien beings from outer-space? The Sumerian symbol for Planet X (Nibiru), which many say will come back in 2012, is the same symbol found over most Masonic temples and meeting halls. The symbol is the top of the caduceus, a winged-orb, sometimes drawn with the two serpents. This has already been explained as a spiritual symbol for crown chakra illumination, and not a physical planet.
“Carl Sagan described the three tiers of the human brain as the reptilian (the most ancient and deepest layer), the limbic (the middle tier that directs motor sensory and normal life functions), and the neocortex (the uncharted territory of the upper realms). He also used the symbolic dragon to portray the dormant, sleeping, reptilian part of the brain that is both ancient and undisturbed. When the sleeping dragon rises, his fire (kundalini) surges throughout the various layers and in alchemical measures awakens and integrates the triune brain." -Ray Flower, “The Union and Reunion of Opposites”
Recent books like Dan Brown’s best-seller “Da Vinci Code” have promoted the idea that Jesus was a real person whose bloodline is being preserved to this day. It’s true that the elite obsessively inbreed to preserve their DNA, but it is not the DNA of Jesus. The Bible claims that the Son of Man will come back and sit on his throne in Israel. Matthew 19:28 reads, “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’”
It is impossible to “sit on twelve thrones” so this, like most everything in the Bible, must be metaphorical. The idea of sitting on twelve thrones and ruling twelve tribes is something that can and does happen within our own consciousness when we become aware of the true twelve “gods.” As was understood all over the ancient world, the 12 gods of Atlantis/Olympus are facets of our own consciousness. Everyone carries the messages and personalities of all 12 signs of the zodiac. Different people exemplify (worship) different gods/signs, but He who is King, the 13th, he who controls the 12 around 1, is something to strive for. To balance the characteristics of the 12 gods, we must keep our perspective as the 13th objective observer. This is what is meant by sitting on twelve thrones and judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
This is not, however, a perspective shared by many of the world’s indoctrinated priests/pastors and their parishioners who are all waiting for a messiah to come and save the world. The idea of a messiah coming during end times is shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike, thus this is the perfect paradigm through which to present the bloodlines’ first King of the New World Order.
According to the elite, as the first messiah came to establish the Kingdom of Heaven, the second illuminated messiah will establish a New World under his rule. Concerning this messiah, 33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall, in “The Secret Destiny of America” wrote that, "The outcome of the 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings" (26).
Someone of royal lineage like Prince William could be paraded around by the mass media and shown performing miracles - amazing feats and philanthropic gestures perhaps. UFO sightings increase, the news gradually begins regularly reporting on aliens, UFOs, Area 51, Reptilians etc. until 2012 they stage a mass UFO wave over major world cities. Just like Independence Day the movie, they could claim that world government under the UN is the only way to exterminate the alien threat. Along the Bible/Da Vinci Code line, they could claim that Prince William is the descendent of Jesus, or they could give us some other messiah. Or they could use “Project Bluebeam” and give us different holographic messiahs simultaneously in different parts of the world:
“One of their key plans is called Project Bluebeam. One element of this is to use laser-generating satellites in the ‘Star Wars’ network in different parts of the world to project holographic images in the sky of UFOs, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Khrishna, etc. With each belief system convinced that their savior has come, the potential for enormous religious conflict is obvious. Messages will be broadcast (as they already are) on the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), Very Low Frequency (VLF), Low Frequency (LF) and microwave bands which can be picked up by the human brain. This technology is highly sophisticated today and many people will believe that ‘God’ and their ‘savior’ is talking to them when it is really the Brotherhood manipulators. Much ‘channeled’ information comes from this source already. Project Bluebeam also involves the manifestation of ‘supernatural’ phenomena of many kinds to terrify the population and amid the terror and conflict, also via holographic image in the sky, the Brotherhood ‘savior’ will come.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (482)
Eric..You are so right on with what they will do with the Blue Beam. You did a show and talked about Blue Beam. Can you talk about it some more and your take on the things we will see? Do you think the Blue Beam can take people away? I Love looking at your Blog. Thanks *Ron*
Interesting. Of course, most of my own objections arise from the references to Christianity (a deep seated bias I assure you).
The quote you use referencing the "12 thrones" is related to the 12 Apostles (including at that time Judas who was later replaced). 12 people sitting on 12 thrones is a little easier to conceive. I don't want to say that you are misusing the quote, because I certainly agree that a great deal of the Bible is metaphorical.
However, I do think that there is a pretty big problem with the idea that Christians might be able to accept Prince William as the Messiah Returned on the argument that he is descended from Christ. For one thing, most Christians would absolutely refuse to believe that Jesus had any children (your own research notwithstanding). For another, the entire body of Theology rises up to deny this as a possible interpretation.
I also do not want to deny that Religion is capable of being manipulated by political powers (a great deal of history would refute me if I tried), I am just here addressing these specific two arguments here.
Remember it's all about manipulation, don't get manipulated ;-) we are far more powerful that anything they can throw at us. It's like they are trying to contain a bucket of water by pressing harder and harder - They can not suppress our conciousness we will just burst out. We are already :-D
Nods, will do! Also, I apologize for the "children" thing. I was projecting and then deducing from my own projection rather than reading, a very dangerous thing to do.
I will probably disagree with you on the Jesus question, but if I do, I want it to be a genuine disagreement and not just me disagreeing with my own assumptions as to what you might have said!
Very good, I have now read (re-read) most of your Astrotheology postings and perhaps I should be posting there. However, I don't want to have to dig to find our conversation!
I do disagree pretty thoroughly with a great deal of your content but most of all with your method.
I do not disagree with the symbolism which you point out and nor do I have any trouble with the level of knowledge (astrological) which you ascribe to our distant ancestors (I do not follow the myth of progress). However, I do strongly disapprove of your manipulation of language to make your points.
For instance, in several places you blur the distinction between the use of the Sun in the sky and the Son of God, Jesus, as if they have been arranged on the basis of the WORDS. However, other than being a homophone, I do not see the correlation. You refer back to the Germanic roots of English, but the roots of the Son of God don't come from Germany! They come first from Hebrew, then into Greek and Latin. I am not a scholar of Greek or Hebrew and am a pretty poor hand at Latin, but the words you are looking for are "Filios" (Son) and "Sol" (Sun).
You have done a quick superficial study of these religions and mythologies. There are relationships and interdependencies and Christianity most definitely borrows heavily from other cultures, but you are missing out on the real story which is going on here.
You once said to me that you would not believe in God "even if a voice spoke to you from the depths of a burning bush." Yet here I see you espousing concepts which have far less support than arguments for the existence or non-existence of God. I am curious to understand why you feel that these conspiracies are better supported than the logical proofs of Thomas Aquinas.
Did you also read the "Magic Mushroom" tab? Check that out too. Jesus, like Mithra, Dionysious and so many other God men before him are not historical personages. They are mythological mushroom heroes. That is why you eat the blood and body of Christ (Just like Mithraic initiates ate the Amanita blood and body of Mithra). Christ means "oil" (think Crisco) and that's why Christ (oil) "walks on water." People can't walk on water, but the oil from an amanita muscaria "Mes" does. That's what "Christ-mes" is, the sacred amanita cake made with Nile river clay in the Egyptian Sun religion.
Read John Allegro's "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" and watch "The Pharmacratic Inquisition" to learn more. Here in Thailand the Royal symbol is none other than a Mushroom, the Sun, and a Crown (corona/chakra) because here, Buddha is their Sun/Mushroom hero. The spiritual trance you are taken into upon ingesting these mushrooms is where the original nature/fertility religions stemmed from (pun intended).
So you disagree with Tsarion's and all thems idea about alien progenitors because you think the illuminati is behind everything...in one swoop dispelling any evidence of alien visitation...including the many facts cited by these blokes and others.
Yup, just like that, with one swoop I'm saying there are no physical aliens from outerspace coming on UFOs. The UFO's are government anti-gravity technology and bluebeam hologram tech. The Alien/UFOlogy propaganda is being funded by the Rockefellers and upheld by the Masons in Hollywood/NSA/NASA. The "Face on Mars" and 5-Sided pyramid is a NASA fraud. We've never been to the Moon or Mars, all pictures are faked.
*Nods* True! The word Christ comes from Hebrew for "the anointed one" their Messiah. One was "anointed" by having oil poured or place over ones head.
Interesting take!
On the other hand, Christmas does have a slightly different etymology than you present here (though I don't what to say this is evidence that you are totally incorrect). Christmas comes from Christ's Mass, Mass being the traditional name in the Christian (RC and Anglican esp) tradition for the service in which the sacrament of communion takes place. The reason why I don't necessarily feel this refutes your point is that I haven't yet had a chance to read the "Magic Mushroom" portion.
Eric, I'm rather lost. You quoted David Icke, the reptillian conspiracist, in the final statement as the climax of your article. What is your angle on him?
Don't worry, I'm just a simple person trying to find the truth.
Picture of of the prince with the "evil hand gesture"? He's wearing headphones and listening to music. In case you didn't know, "devil horns" also mean something like "rock on"...
You are all paranoid about life and clearly, even if you cannot bring yourself to admit it, wish for death. You're just too afraid to kill yourself.
aliens could be leading the highest of technology in the universe. to think that will just show up in everyones lives in a little rediculous.their neurochems are from higher dimentions meaning they work underneith your own eyes. you are not trained to see them but they are here for the new age of aquarius. they are here to bring the truth to those who are hiding something. they will bring a new enviroment of exotic atmospheres deemed appalling to the human eye. new wave legnth for all to decypher.
Eric...me emtreciono em ler este tipo de comentário com dedicação e claresa,enquanto que o mundo corre em busca de futilidades, e envolvimento com ceitas e heresias, informações que fogem da realidade de Deus; gostei muito do que li me enrriqueceu meus conhecimentos e tenho a certeza que qualquer comentário ao contrario é equivoco e não estão com Senhor nosso Deus. Parabens e que Deus te abençõe.reolfeta
If you take DMT or talk to anyone who has, you will likely hear stories of reptilian beings that exist in the "spirit world." I recommend reading Rick Strassman's "DMT - The Spirit Molecule" or Graham Hancock's "Supernatural" for much more on that. Having taken entheogens myself on several occasions I am aware of the existence of other dimensions or "the spirit world" as most tribal cultures call it. The spirit world is alive with various beings, many of them reptilian, and I'm sure the "elite" have long been in contact with them. What I have yet to see evidence of, however, is physical reptilian beings in THIS dimension coming on physical UFOs. Physicalizing and historicizing these facets of the spirit world is what I see happening. Just as they physicalized and historicized Jesus into being an actual guy, they are doing this with the alien myth. They've tried so hard to historicize Jesus that they even started the calendars over 2011 years ago to try and convince people. Here in Thailand it's the year 2554 because that's when the establishment claims Buddha was born. Look into the symbology, numerology, and astrotheology surrounding these myths and you'll see the common threads. Physicalizing and historicizing our mythic heroes is how they control our imaginations.
Oh and for Torq, I do believe in "God" but I reserve the right to define that exactly how I see it. I was referring to the Judeo-Christian God, which is perceived as an outside, separate entity that rules over creation. My conception of God is the infinite consciousness that exists within and without all things, the "I AM" at and as the center of all of us.
Also if anybody missed it there's a great discussion / debate about God and a passage from my upcoming Spiritual Science book in the comments section of this recent post:
I do agree that "Reptilian aliens" is complete bull, however i have a question to ask, Eric:
Here in Thailand the Royal symbol is none other than a Mushroom, the Sun, and a Crown (corona/chakra) because here, Buddha is their Sun/Mushroom hero. The spiritual trance you are taken into upon ingesting these mushrooms is where the original nature/fertility religions stemmed from (pun intended)
Can you show me which royal symbol you are talking about which is a mushroom?
Because the bird they show on the Emblem is "Garuda"
and the Symbol of the house of "Chakri" are the weapons of God Vishnu (chakri - disk) and God shiva (trident)
Seriously, when I first met my friend, the one thing I noticed about her were her EYES. They were an hourglass-shaped narrow slit and they were bluish-gray--unusual for a 60yr old Korean lady.
I just kept staring at her eyes and they were really freaking me out. Later I told my siblings about her eyes, thinking they reminded me of that Chinese guy with double eyes on Ripleys-Believe-It-Or-Not.
The next week, we were to meet again, and I was anxiously anticipating looking at her eyes again, but this time, and ever since after, her eyes had the round pupils, and they were BROWN. I thought I was wigging out...only I had mentioned her eyes to my siblings.
Fast forward 6 years later, she invited me over to stay for a weekend, and she told me how she was staying fit, and showed me her abs--but they seemed particularly layered.
I never heard of Reptilians until just a year ago, and I met my friend 12 years earlier.
Her son did mention his mother was descended from royalty...
And I am usually not one to believe in this stuff, and stick to the "scientific" explanations of things, until I read about ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS last year, and it kind of kicked off exploring the "rabbit hole" of human history.
A very good post on a very difficult topic Eric. We do disagree on some things, like the historic reality of "Jesus". My own take is that a lot of historical disinfo has been created to distract researchers, no offense ;-) And i do respect your research work, both interesting and pretty accurate. The "alien" theme is getting too strong to ignore, and i agree 100% with your take on a "parallel" universe with various entities, which overlap our universe, and agreed entirely i've never seen any real proof of "aliens" in the popular form. All i see is rehashed version of "biblical" demons. Everything makes sense to me when i reduce "aliens" and many other strangenesses to that level. Including having "fought" them on a physical level. It only makes sense when you accepts the big superfight, God vs Satan, and all the unpleasant side effects. I keep going back to a quote of Jesus: "do not be deceived" and when i read your work, and Vigilant Citizen and others, all i see around me is a huge woven illusion, so thick that most cannot even accept it AS illusion.
"After 30 years of serious UFO research, Dr. Hynek finally adopted the theory that UFOs are from another dimension, or a parallel reality (Bob Larson, UFOs and the Alien Agenda, p. 93)."
Agreed with you eric that ET'S are not from Pleiades, Sirius or alpha draconis star system, that is all part of deception.
I also think that these et's are spirit beings from another dimension and they are worshiped in various secret societies including freemasonry, you can read about that in freemason charles w leadbeater book called hidden life in freemasonry.
And these beings have different names like demons, jinn, satan, shaitan, greys, reptilians etc. This documentary explains about the ET deception and their worship in secret societies.
in europe, australia, canada, there re so many "immigrants"/cultures mixing up (due to their plans to destroy states - BY mixking up all the cultures) they ll have to put multiple pics in the sky, CANT wait to see that, a jesus next to buddha and ganesh and whatever,
anyway, the nwo guys too will die, probably with 110y or when their genetics. roots brain implants will work out a lot later BUT they WILL DIE the panic of a 100y old kissinger/rockefeller/queen who soon WILL DIE (having all the money and power and plans) enjoys me a lot yes, they have children, but THEY will have to go, I can smell their panic, imagine, on top of the pyramide, all the money and power! and then knowing that their time has come, I like that
You can see the symbol of Shakti/Kundalini in the middle with the sun behind it. Below that is an over-turned mushroom which resembles a pedestal, (if you see some of the more detailed versions on govt. buildings etc. it is clearly a mushroom). Above that is a crown representing the crown chakra. Often there are elephants on either side... elephants are revered in Thailand like cows are in India, and magic mushrooms just happen to grow in cows/elephants "holy shit."
They like to brand themselves with these spiritual symbols so that we are subconsciously attracted by association. For example, check out SCB's symbol here in Thailand:
The leaf is a Po leaf, the tree under which Buddha was enlightened. It is a heptagon (7-sided shape), the color purple (7th chakra color), and their call center number is 02-777-7777. Everything inside SCB banks is purple, and there are always 7 stripes affront the main counters, each of them metallic in color except for the 3rd one which is always yellow (and just happens to be the 3rd chakra color). So to the average person these spiritual symbols go unnoticed and seem meaningless, but subconsciously we're all attracted to various colors, shapes, symbols, numbers etc. and we can be manipulated accordingly.
And to add to the reptilian thing, I've been thinking about all the cloning and hybridization experiments they've been admittedly doing on the news (as well as black projects in D.U.M.B's, Area 51, Dulce etc.). They could very well have some human / reptilian genetic hybrid sub-species that they've created that they could stick on anti-gravity craft and claim are aliens. The technology exists to literally create reptilian "aliens" if they don't already exist.
Thai people used to be hindu - the Shiva trident and Vishnu's chakri proves they used to be hindu.
Buddhism spread after Buddha died, and they went in all direction to spread Buddhism.
There was a time in India when Buddhism almost wiped out Sanatan Dharma which was saved by Adi Shankaracharya, who rewrote the dying vedas.
This is the opposite force, which brought back Sanatan Dharma from Buddhism which goes againt the flow of the Vedas, yet every thing in Buddhism originated from the vedas. It is just a deviation of the original.
As for the elephants, People used to use Elephants for thousands of years. They have been revered in India since the beginning. They are considered to be the most intelligent animal in the world. They recognize their own reflection and even remember people who they have met years ago.
God Ganesha who is the Son of God Shiva is the example that Elephants are held in high regard.
Good timing with this piece today as I wanted to raise something with you and your readers which I believe is very much linked and of great importance.
I was wondering how many people are aware of talk of a 'Maitreya' figure that is being promoted as the second coming of Christ and the messiah figures across many different religions?
Maitreya is promoted through an organisation called Share International, a global organisation that some have claimed has links to the UN. The main character at the forefront of this new age ideology is a chap called Benjamin Creme who has been talking about the arrival of this Maitreya for 35 years and is a student of the likes of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey.
Why do I raise this here? Well its the comparisons to bluebeam that very much interest me. We learn through Share Intl that Maitreya is here already and following a global economic crash he will appear to everyone around the world both in image and telepathically.
There is a great deal of info on this that can be found on the share intl website. Once revealed Maitreya is supposed to show everyone around the world that the religions of old are all as one and that he is who they have been waiting for. He will show people the errors of their past ways and will show how the world's resources can be redistributed so that we see an end to famine, poverty etc. It sounds fantastic but in my mind this organisation is very much linked the global elite power structure and I see a huge deception occurring. It also fits extremely well with Christian descriptions of the anti-Christ.
Please have a look through the website
Also have a look at the Share International advert that appeared on CNN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjwdFkapK1w
If you have a good read through the FAQ's in the Archives section of the site I'm sure you'll be amazed if you haven't come across this garbage already. It could be absolute nonsense but I get a feeling that all of this very much goes hand in hand with the larger NWO agenda. I'd be fascinated to hear what you have to say.
Let me talk about the symbolism of the image you have shown me.
Elephants represent power and support - elephants on both sides shows they support the kingdom.
The serpents would represent the spiral of God Shiva, and the disk would represent the ultimate weapon of God Vishnu, just like the flag. It is not the sun, because look at the rays, they are slanted, showing that that disk is revolving weapon of Vishnu just like the flag.
This symbol would be the same as the one in the flag.
The outer rays would be the energy liberating from the fusion of these energies of both Shiva and Vishnu.
Above the disk is the Pyramidal structure of sri yantra - same as the pyramids, Christmas tree and Meru.
Erm i dont think the bottom thing is a mushroom though, but i will have to double check.
excellent post once again ..thanx eric ...and in total agreement on ALL POINTS you made !! jesus, the reptillians, saviors coming, moon-walking....ALL BULSHIT or metaphors for rituals etc .... you can also add to the 12 issues ..new jerusalem 12 x gates ... jesus 12x disciples, joseph 12x brothers, moses 12x tribes ...all stemming from jupiter = zeuss 12x years to orbit the sun ....
then bluebeam and low freq ...that is their last card they will play !! NO SAVIOR COMING TO FIX THIS MESS WE MADE ...WE BETTER FIX IT OURSELVES !!! then lastly ... about your take on "god" ...total agreement !! much peace robbie ps i did also make 2x vids on the UFO deception about a year ago
now its very important: when soon god speaks to you over ELF haarp waves, and he suddenly stops talking when you re covered in tin foil, then you know, it is not him,
paint your walls with metal paint, then you re fine - or just wait until the chemtrails covered your walls with a thin layer of aluminium (my black humor - sorry)rhu
While I agree with most of what Eric is saying here - about there being no such thing as aliens, Jesus, or saviour...I, with all due respect do not agree that Blue Beam is what they claim it to be.
Blue Beam may be nothing more than a distraction - to keep the, "truthers" from figuring out a larger, more sinister agenda.
As for the reptilian mind - that is generally neglected - there are no reptilian aliens...it is a metaphor for the reptilian mindset that drives the Illuminati agenda...likewise, it drives the conspiracy movement in a frenzy of confusion.
It is exactly how it is, it is us pagans against the exclusive religions. I know their greatest weakness, that will be their inevitable demise.
If you also know the Hegelian Dialect of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis, then you'd know that you are trying to be the Antithesis to the Global Elite, "Thesis" of, "exclusive religions." They want you to react, to fight back, to protect what appears to be precious (to the Ego).
In the end, your reaction and their actions will forge a new, "activity" that will be the sum of it. I am sure you know of this already. So, why react?
As for the double-slit experiment - it does not prove god or god's nemesis exists either.
If there is a god, may he strike me down. Think anything gonna happen? Nope. Nothing did. Therefore, there is no god, no satan, no devil, no Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, or any other imaginary deity that people come up with. It is good for day-dreaming, but that is as far as this whole god-business goes.
Satan / Devil are the creation of the politically motivated "Exclusive Religion" which was "fighting" pagan religions of Europe by destroying their past and making their God look like the bad guy, so the modern day Christians would never try to look back to their original roots.
The real monster is the Vatican and Christians are its victims.
Druv. Take a look around you. Has, "god" done a very good job? I don't see it. If you think you see something good that, "god" is doing, let me know.
Open your mind to the possibility that there is no god, and therefore, as you said correctly - there is no devil. If there is no devil, god is neither necassary (based on his/her resume of endless war, his/her greed for money, and endless stream of laws that makes no sense, and which nobody cares to obey) nor wanted.
war is inevitable, either you sit back and get squashed or fight for what you hold true. Id rather be the latter.
And when was the last time a war managed to decide anything successfully? I don't care what kind of war - whether physical or spiritual or not - war has resulted in only more suffering, pain, loss, grief, bloodshed, savagery, hypocrisy, lunacy, and more chaos.
Have you forgotten that in order to fight the very, "evil" that you want to, you must first, "fear" it...and in this case - the fear of, "exclusive religions" (last I checked, all religions - even pagan religions are exclusive and self-loathing, self-absorbed in elitism in nature).
Don't forget - to fight something, you must have a pretty high Ego. I stress caution - if you fight you risk being/becoming the very thing you are fighting against.
Druv. Take a look around you. Has, "god" done a very good job? I don't see it. If you think you see something good that, "god" is doing, let me know.
The day you understand the core message of the double slit experiment, you wont have to ask me this question.
God is not an entity - he is pure and perfect energy and he transcends good and evil. He is formless and has form at the same time.
And when was the last time a war managed to decide anything successfully?
I am not talking about a physical fight, i can easily beat exclusive religions with my mind alone. Their roots are weak , hence the whole dark tree will burn.
Have you forgotten that in order to fight the very, "evil" that you want to, you must first, "fear" it
I have no fear, because i know - even if i die - i will return, i will be reborn to fight another day = Cycle of rebirth.
( energy is neither created nor destroyed - only transformed)
It is the "Exclusive Religions" that will fear our power - their demonic reign will come to an end.
even pagan religions are exclusive and self-loathing, self-absorbed in elitism in nature.
You will need to take a deeper look, because you do not know enough about them.
They talk about living with balance with nature, peace and never to kill.
I have given up on merci to destroy the "Exclusive religion", the day they are gone. I will be at peace.
you must have a pretty high Ego.
I am a Yogi, follower of God Shiva - the God of Knowledge/ the destroyer of evil.
Yogis learn to control their Ego through deep meditation, and they can be detached from the world.
They can use their Ego, any way they like.
I have tried letting go of all my desires, and i can but my work remains unfinished.
I will not be able to rest before i destroy the Exclusive Religions and its dark hold. Hence i use my Ego as a weapon, i can retract it, once they are finished.
Serge Monast - person responsible for popularizing the Blue-Beam Project was a radical Christian fundamentalist and was affiliated with a political movement that promoted French separatism in Quebec, Canada.
All of the major claims made by Monast concerning "Project Blue Beam" have direct and well-documented antecedents in Star Trek, dating back to 1976. Much of the information on Roddenberry's aborted Star Trek movie script was released in several different books in 1994- the same year that "Project Blue Beam" was allegedly published.
Let's focus on the fourth stage of blue-beam
According to Monast,fourth would be "the universal supernatural manifestation with electronic means." He said it would take on three specific "orientations." One would simulate an alien invasion, which would then provoke nations with nuclear weapons to strike back.
This is utter bullshit. The real agenda is this. A devious Reptilian plot involving vibrational patterns & frequencies has been executed invoking mental & physical changes in society.
Plug your ears and listen. Still hear a constant high-pitched resonation with mild "tweets" & clicking? This resonation is occurring 24/7 without your awareness. These sounds have been meticulously engineered & subconsciously embedded in electrical/mechanical products for decades, ranging from appliances, to fans/cooling units, motorized vehicles -- you name it. Also these "tweets", hissing sounds, and synthesized patterns have been embedded in just about all forms of media, television, music, etc.
These sound patterns are gradually causing mental fatigue & invoking anomalies in physical characteristics, ranging from gradual growth of teeth resulting in excessing crowding causing the bottom teeth to angle inward towards the mouth, "fang" like appearance, ridges in the forehead area of the skull in a V shape pattern, gradual skin changes resulting in super water resistance (i.e. hands that no longer prune when in water), enhanced vein & tendon structure, etc. Probably these patterns are activating part of the 98% "junk" DNA we haven't been told shite about. You don't need to believe any of this but remember as when this is unfolded to the public you will know the true cause (SOUND) as opposed to the story unfolded to us by the BS "media"
when our electricity got shut off, and we lived in a city without fluroridated water (Honolulu), my pineal gland for the first time in like 20 years went buzzing like crazy.
this time, i knew it was my pineal since learning about all this stuff a year ago, and as i have many menories of the thing going off as a young child only back then, i didnt know it was anything to take notice of (other than it was a bit annoying). i'm also starting to see sparkles again flashing, and as a child, the whole room would sparkle (but now, just little sprinkles). i'm not sure what the sparkles are, or if i'm just getting too much sunlight (started to sungaze lately).
but as a kid til now, i've always heard tinny ringing, but now sure what that is, or maybe i've just accumulated too much heavy metals in me and it gravitates towards my head. i DO get headaches if i'm in the sun and do anything remotely strenuous. i feel my head heating up super hot.
i few months prior, living in a building with lots of wifi, i had constant headaches on a daily basis, and the headaches would lessen if i got out of the building.
but the best i've felt in a long time was when we had our electricity shut off. my body felt lighter, calmer, i felt motivated and energized!
would like to experience that again :)))))
and yes, i truly believe we are not the only "beings" here...my friend is the Korean lady Reptilian!
also, if animals can have their GIANT counterparts; elephants to mammoths, tigers to saber-toothed tigers, lizards to dinosaurs, birds to ptyradactals, ??? to hu-mans, humans to ???
To me, Project Bluebeam sounds like the dark forces applying a "reverse" to a "reverse psychology" on the existence of "aliens" (i use quotations because the aliens would have been here first ;))
Either way you are to look at Project Bluebeam, it wouldnt matter because they have the technology to use on us. They have zapped or have been zapping us as Max stated. I'm sure the elites have Plan Z already waiting. Afterall, they love their game of Chess, where the next move is planned out many steps in advance.
Thanks for all the great comments. Some thought provoking stuff there. The reptilian issue certainly isn't cut and dry and open to many interpretations and variations. I'll keep an open mind on the subject.
The prehistoric aborigines of the cradles of civilization say they were conquered by Aryan invaders. The word Aryan is a variation of Arean, and Arean means Martian. There is a tribe in the Mideast who claims its ancestors came from Mars.
reptile-Aryan fossils from Mars (5:21 - 5:38) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly76gLx7-Ig
The most interesting evidence for the Martian origin of the white race, if not an extraterrestrial immigration for all of man kind is provided by science reporter Gay Gaer Luce in Body Time. Biologists acknowledge that the vital rhythms of all creatures are established by their place of origin; this is why subequatorial plants bloom for us in the North at Christmas, and species entrained to the periods of the Moon are believed to have evolved in the tidal ocean.
When experimental human subjects are isolated from all terrestrial rhythms as much as possible to discover the free period of the human body, it has been found that most people settle into a daily rhythm of sleep and work of twenty-four hours and forty minutes. Twenty-four hours and forty minutes is the daily period of Mars.
Remember that we all are reptilian hybrids to a degree (the r-complex for example). Look also at the human fetus in utero during first weeks. Doesn't it remind you something
It's only later in the sequence that the mammalian traits kicks in. Those reptilian human hybrids that have at least 50/50 split of dna are able to shape-shift.
Be suspicious to every kind of information that you are absorbing. Alex Jones (except for the fact that he is dis-info) has got two slogans, adequate to reality. "Info wars" and "There is war for your mind"
These are few quick examples of many shape-shifting deceivers on you-tube.
Druv's self-righteous and combative reply to my last reply as anonymous proves my point all the more. A double-slit can't prove anything...just a bunch of waves of light that has some empty space in between them...so what?
Yogis, it seems are just as arrogant, combative, and hypocritical as any other religious freak (i.e. the entire conspiracy theory movement can be seen as an exlusive religion in its own right even without needing any argument on my part to back it up)...
If Yogis are really about, "living in peace with nature and other humans" - perhaps the first thing they ought to do is stop fighting, and, "standing up for what they believe in." In the end of the day, you can believe whatever you want, just let others be.
Instead, no; these religious fanatics and zealots are just as over-reactive as the elites they are fighting against - urging humanity to react agaainst a non-existent problem of, "evil", "exclusive religions" when every single religion, scientific notion, and magical formula is exclusive and eltist by nature.
As Druv's attitude points out - it is not any real truth that these religious psychos are concerned about...it is about using ego in new ways to, "fight" other, "egos." And do what with them?
In fact, Charlie Veitch from way back when is right - the conspiracy theorists are a bunch of hooligans, religious nuts, and fanatics. Of course, I don't endorse Charlie Veitch in any way, but his statement that the conspiracy movement is lost and mired in a cult of personality, and a herd mentality is correct. Likewise, so is the Elites of the world...both sides are just fighting a battle that does not exist, and the outcome matters little because both sides will claim victory.
I may not understand or completely agree with Druv, but he makes a lot of sense in certain aspects. And you, anon(above), have points that I agree with. But you seem to contradict yourself in the few posts you have made. You suggest Druv should "stop fighting" and "do what he believes in"... Mistake me if I'm wrong but you seem to be "fighting" all on your own. And to add, Druv IS doing what he believes in. and if you did any research on his religion or maybe got to actually KNOW him, you wouldnt jump to conclusions, calling him a "zealot", or saying he over-reacts, as the elites do (which I have seem no evidence of either doing)
I don't mean to bring about offense and I don't believe in religion, I am just seeking truth and trying to learn how and why humans do as they do.. Great topic and discussion btw everyone, ERIC IS THE SHIT!! peace, D
All religion is about sun-god worship - no exception. Nature worship is about as lame as it can get - it is another form of sun-god worship.
I am not the one whose encouraging anyone to fight (mentally, physically or using any voodoo magic). I am merely pointing out Druv's hypocrisy of, "no peace until they (Exclusive Religions) are defeated...because they are demonic." And if I were, "fighting all on my own" what would I need to fight against? I am not a combative person, I am just stressing the absolute necassity of stepping back and being non-reactive to understand the bigger picture from a larger point of view.
Druv can believe in whatever he wants - why can't he just let those, "evil" religions be as well? Surely if he believes in freedom, then others have the freedom to be stupefied by their religions as well? And since I already said all religions are the same - Druv's religion is really no different than the one's he claims to be fighting against, because apparently, he implies that his ego is better than the, "exclusive religions" because he can, "reincarnate" and then gives me a physics lesson, which I don't need to hear.
And know this - the Elites of the, "exclusive religions" that are, "demonic" are also reacting to what Druv and many other religious/conspiratorial zealots/fanatics/fervors do.
UFO's are a man-made fraud. All religions are a fraud. God (not Jesus the Christ) DOES exist and is the great “I AM”…indivisible and infinite Spirit. Nothing is external to consciousness (Pantheism is as much of a joke as Orthodox Christianity / Judaism / Islam) and free will is nothing short of a state of delusion…you are the effect of the one cause and there is no getting around that. Once you understand the metaphysical truth of these statements and escape from the deception of the material realm, you will warrant and validate these claims demonstrably…all by yourself.
For Jim, you're right on about the Maitreya and his hype-man Benjamin Creme. He's purposely building the mystery of this same "world teacher" with supernatural powers, who is here today, but hasn't announced himself. Sounds like complete NWO BS, promoting yet another external savior:
“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible; and if once a man has taken it into his head that there is a mystery in a thing, it is impossible to get it out, either by argument or experience. And then, we can so change notions by merely changing a word. What more contemptible than fanaticism; but call it enthusiasm; then add the little word noble, and you may lead him over the world" -Adam Weishaupt, Jesuit and founder of the Bavarian Illuminati
And for Max, why do you believe anything NASA has to say? NASA clearly faked the Moon and Mars landings, but you believe them when they say they collected reptilian fossils from Mars? What about the "rocks" (petrified wood) they collected from the "Moon" (Antarctica)?
NASA has 0 credibility, a reputation for blatantly lying, and was started by a group of Nazis and Masons so I'm at a loss when people believe anything they have to say:
"Maitreya" is a Sanskrit word, i don't have to say more about that.
They are using our concept to promote their hidden agendas.
@Max: The prehistoric aborigines of the cradles of civilization say they were conquered by Aryan invaders. The word Aryan is a variation of Arean, and Arean means Martian. There is a tribe in the Mideast who claims its ancestors came from Mars.
Wrong again, Aryan is a Sanskrit word, which means good man. It is not an alien word. Sorry all your analysis breaks down.
@Anon - Learn to read, then we will talk. Seems like you have absolutely no idea what i am talking about.
Maitreya, the World Teacher, has been based in the Asian community of London since July 1977, gradually emerging into full public view.
This society has been set up in 1977, the same year "ISKON" founder was murdered by the Vatican agents, and they created the Gnostic Christianity to counter the effects of ISKON.
The word "martyr" was made from the word "Maitreya", it is this exclusive religion that is behind all the manipulation.
Wow. Never saw the "mars landing hoax" that Eric posted.. That John guy got served by tao. I literally lol'd at that shit.
Question, probably a stupid one.. What if I tried joining the free mason mickey mouse club and worked my way up to the 33rd degree, and then exposed everything with hidden camera, microphone, etc... Again, probably a naive question but fuckin hell I want theyre true motives out in public, like it should be
I can't understand why anyone would want to worshihp, "pure energy." Energy is just light, which is the sun-god (on the zodiacal cross of human sacrifice).
Nevermind Druv - go worship your sun-god, and tell us, "how much he loves you" after s/he/it murders millions...in the name of peace, love, freedom, and sanctuary (of course - it has always worked for millennia).
@Anon And since I already said all religions are the same - Druv's religion is really no different than the one's he claims to be fighting against, because apparently, he implies that his ego is better
You really need to learn how to read.
I have been saying in my previous comments, that ego can be controlled, and i dont think you understand clear English? Go back to school, and come back when you grow up.
All religions are not the same, Exclusive religions were made as a weapon of war - destroy and assimilate. They have no real value, unlike the balanced older cultures.
I can't understand why anyone would want to worshihp, "pure energy." Energy is just light, which is the sun-god (on the zodiacal cross of human sacrifice).
It was the disinformation started by the Exclusive religion to warp history as they saw fit to assimilate other culture,, and you are merely spewing back the same old bullshit.
Please stop talking, you need to learn what happened in the past properly.
You have no idea what you are talking about, stop making yourself look like an absolute fool.
Oh may be that's why you hide under an Anonymous name?
I don't need to, "grow a brain cell." What you need to understand is that every religion is the same - once you cut out the veneer of, "differences" i.e. language and facade of uniqueness...all religion is bent on control and assimilation.
Your religion has already, "assimilated" you, and made you into another earth-sun-air-water worshipping sheeple. May be you ought to, "go back to school and grow a brain cell."
Druv is also implying of course that just because, "the older more stable culture" are, "stable" that does not mean that they are not about human sacrifice and stupefying them into sheep/cattle for the slaughter. Druv's religion is the new environmental movement religion of the consiracy theorists/truthers' new world order daydream.
Cmon Druv, don't sink to this guys level. It makes it a lot worse when you attack him back. Even though he is antagonizing you and your belief...who really gives a ??? You still believe what you believe, and this guy does what he does. He obviously is on his own trip and you on yours, let's try and find our peace of mind...please.
Hey meow. A plant called ganja has nothing to do with this. And you two cats have to find something better to do than b@tch over this Internet... P.s. Sorry for the pointless posting by me i am stranded with nothing else to do.
Yes, OFFICIAL moon landing was a hoax. But it was made to confuse you. The "elite" was there were much earlier using anti-gravity technology (many astronauts died during tests).
According to mainstream history man discovered rocketry and within about 7 years fooling around with rockets and monkeys. Then a group of men landed and return from moon perfectly on first time try :)
The point of all this was simply to HIDE the massive PRISONS AND CAMPS being built on the moon and mars for you.
Now it's coming to the surface, because time is near. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQU-sknrpVc&
@Druv I won't waste my time for you except this one and only paragraph. This to all reading you and taking your words for granted.
Shiva is not the "ultimate yogi". This is lie. Siva is known in Vedic literature as a hunter not a yogi. The Vedantic texts specifically refer to Siva as a demigod. Krisna is the supreme personality of Godhead. Siva does not have the power to grant anyone liberation because he is a demigod who relies on Krisna for his power.
Druv's avatar tells everything you need to know. Shiva is always portrayed with cobra. Cobra is symbolic representation for OPIUM. This and few others psychoactive substances allowed the "elite" to made contact with many psychopath beings. They gave the "elite" knowledge about the universe and deprived them of empathy.
What makes you think humans are building prison camps on the Moon and Mars? Where are you getting such fantastical information and why do you believe it? There's plenty of room on and in the Earth to facilitate plenty of prisons for all humans... why would they go off-world to build them?
Yes, OFFICIAL moon landing was a hoax. But it was made to confuse you.
Those "Moon photos" in the video you linked were also made to confuse you. The "Face on Mars," the "5 Sided Pyramid," and the fake rover landings are also made to confuse you. Why would you agree with me that NASA engages in hoaxes and tries to confuse people, but then believe in the legitimacy of these NASA photos?
Watch any NASA documentary and tell me that supposed "actual video footage" of any planet isn't just poor-grade CGI. The Moon and Mars landings are provably fake on multiple accounts. NASA was started by a group of Nazis and Masons who encode occult symbology and numerology into EVERY mission they've ever created. If you believe anything NASA produces, you're far more trusting than I.
They are slowly conditioning you. Just be aware so when the time will come you will able to make the right decision, because no one will force to do anything.
Even the supposed "alternative truth movement" is also conditioning you to think that Mars is being populated by "scientists" and prepared as a "survival colony" for "elite" in the face of "imminent" "catastrophic events". This is one example of their ugly propaganda Alternative 3 - Mars Coverup Exposed
Matthew 19:28 reads, “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’”
Eric Dubay said: It is impossible to “sit on twelve thrones” so this, like most everything in the Bible, must be metaphorical.
Torq said: The quote you use referencing the "12 thrones" is related to the 12 Apostles (including at that time Judas who was later replaced). 12 people sitting on 12 thrones is a little easier to conceive.
I believe in Messenger Isa and the message (the original book) he was given. But I don’t believe he is the one portrayed as Jesus in Bible. Bible has gone through too many translations, additions and manipulations for me to believe in it. Actually I believe the author of most of the Bible was someone who was serving Lucifer/Satan. That’s why Illuminati understand the Bible quite differently from anybody else and they are actually fulfilling the Bible prophecy.
A quote from A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera: According to Knuth (E. C. Knuth, The Empire of the City - Anonymous), when the queen enters 'The City', she is subservient to the Lord of Mayor (under him, is a committee of 12-14 men, known as 'The Crown'), because this privately owned corporation is not subject to the Queen, or the Parliament.
What I’m suggesting here is the above passage of Bible refers to the followers (i.e. Illuminati) and promises high positions. The unique powers of the Crown may suggest that they may have something to do with the above.
Eric Dubay said: The idea of a messiah coming during end times is shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike, thus this is the perfect paradigm through which to present the bloodlines’ first King of the New World Order.
Most of Muslims expect for the return of a messiah, but they expect for the return of Isa the Messenger, not Muhammad. Actually I don’t believe anybody will come back to save us, because Quran (which in Arabic form have never and will never be changed) doesn’t say in anywhere that Isa (pbuh) will come back. The idea that Isa (pbuh) will come back comes from Hadis (claims that Muhammad had said or done so, which may or may not be true) and been included as commentaries to translated Qurans.
Re: Aliens. Aliens don’t exist, but demons do. I actually believe dead people can’t come back into this world and manifest themselves to us. They are all demons shapeshifting into the people we knew so that when we can be manipulated in the way they want us to. I read a lot about demons shapeshifting into people we know in our dreams, who can be easily identified by their extraordinary height (that is why they will be usually be in a sitting position or behind an object covering their half of the body). They will disappear straight away when you say that there is only one God you believe in and you are his creation!
Druv said: Btw - the worship of the sun began with Sanatan Dharma / Hinduism. When we begin "Yoga" the first thing in the morning - we do the salute to the sun.
This is your true colours, Druv. I don’t understand why you claim to be fighting against Illuminati, freemasons, etc, when they do the same thing what you do every day – worship Sun, etc. But it explains a lot why you are against monotheistic religions especially Islam - that’s what they want to destroy too!
I have told so many times you are either a deceived or deceiver. Some good ideas you write here doesn’t mean you are neither of the above, because a deceived is a deceived and the deceiver has to write something meaningful to attract attention before deceiving.
You blame Islam and Muslims in general, not the people who actually committed atrocities in India, just because their leaders called themselves Muslims (which I doubt they were, otherwise they wouldn’t do such atrocities in the first place). You have never read even a translated Quran not to mention in an Arabic form, but still believe it teaches evil.
And you claimed physics knowledge looks hilarious when we see you jump so many illogical conclusions in your posts.
I agree with someone’s post that you are the Antithesis to the Global Elite, "Thesis" of, "exclusive religions." By the way Islam is not exclusive, it’s inclusive. There has been only one kind of message passed through all the prophets throughout history. Quran just happens to be the last message, fortunately not prone to any manipulation (that’s exactly why Quran and muslims have being attacked for from all sides.)
One example, all the presidents of former-soviet republics of Centrral Asia claim to be muslims but have been persecuting, jailing (for limited periods (3-15 years), but extending them every time before the end date) and killing (literally) muslims who pray 5 times a day. But if you drink alcohol, get corrupted or do exactly what you are told without questioning (just like in an army) you prosper. Why do you think the leaders of those “Muslim” nations were better in earlier parts of history, including Mogul/Moghul/Khazar khans. By the way deep research into Mogul/Moghul/Khazar khans will lead to the ancient roots of most of the TPTB in our world. I believe they have nothing to do with (genetically) current poor Mongols living in Mongolia.
think please said: anyway, the nwo guys too will die, probably with 110y or when their genetics. roots brain implants will work out a lot later BUT they WILL DIE... I can smell their panic
What is going on her is not limited to someone’s of a group of people’s lives, this is an intergenerational conspiracy. Don’t forget masons, etc will be fully possessed by a demon after a specific degree when they become illuminated. That’s the reason why the people on top levels of the pyramid don’t care even what they do (pollute environment, etc) negatively affect their lives too – at the end of the day it’s someone’s body who will be affected, not the demon’s.
Anonymous said: Take a look around you. Has, "god" done a very good job? I don't see it. If you think you see something good that, "god" is doing, let me know.
God has created you with a Free Will and all the Earth for your disposal. Why do you blame God when all that bad stuff happened because people with the Free Will chose to serve Lucifer/Satan and themselves, rather than God and his people!? And don’t worry, everyone is going to be accountable for what they have done and what they have chosen not to do. If you don’t do evil and do good in general, just do something else –oppose evil AT ALL COST (even at the cost of losing your life), and you will be fine, God willing There is no reason to become a non-believer just because someone else is.
Max said: Remember that we all are reptilian hybrids to a degree (the r-complex for example).
From Islamic/Quranic point of view, there have definitely been Jinn/Demons who interbred with humans. I believe it was not much long after the creation of Adam. Eating from a forbidden tree - the event which caused the Adam and Eve to leave paradise must be related to either: 1) Learning forbidden occult knowledge from Lucifer/Satan; or 2) This hybridisation of humans with Jinn/Demons. Quran clearly states that there are people on Earth who are of Jinn and humans.
Anonymous said: All religion is about sun-god worship - no exception.
There is nothing in Quran that supports your claim. Prove me wrong.
Guys, guys, guys...Muslims, Jews, Christians, Yogis, and Shiva-worshippers alike...you guys are too attached to your religion. Step out of the little box that they encased you in...and see things from a perspective that more different, but may be the key to finding out why your world makes absolutely no sense to someone else (i.e. your's truly).
Allah's name is derived from Allanah - a pre-Islamic lunar goddess. Why would they change the name of Allanah to Allah? Because it would both conceal and reveal certain messages to certain elites at the top of the food chain who command the whole show...hell, even the famous mosque at Mecca pays homage to the lunar goddess - look at the entire mosque from a bird's eye-view and you will notice that it looks uncomfortably like a fish...and what a load of fish to fall for the religion that is known as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. At the Kabba, there is even a reference to the World Trade Center twin towers and there are also three domes - a referenec to the TRINITY that is in all religions - this is the foundation of sun/moon-worship.
Likewise, Christians who believe in, "Jesus" are also worshipping Allah, because Jesus claimed fairly openly that he is the LIGHT...and Allah's nemesis - Al-Shaitan is nothing more than Satan/Lucifer - the bright and morning star (the bringer of knowledge and intellectual bullshit) - Venus in some other cultures, Aphrodite in others, and Mary in still others...all different names for the same deity.
To worship the moon is to worship the sun as they are - as this blog noted - the same size when we see them (their true ratio in size is still open to discussion). The moon reflects the sun...and it is all based on a system of duality of light and dark, good and bad, right and wrong...a fabricated cabal to throw all people of all, "self-righteous" religions into a frenzy of hatred, bigotry, and fear against each other. This in turn creates confusion, and open hypocrisy, lunacy, and while all these religious folk claim their religion is their solace - one has to only see what kind of god or deity they worship when they go about preaching one thing and killing us in the name of saving us from, "guilt, sin, shame, and the imaginary devil."
Be honest with yourselves religious folks - all religion is exclusive, mired in elitism, exclusitivity, human sacrifice, sheep-mentality, and all think that somehow they are, "different" from every other religion, and that their TRUTH is the only TRUTH, and that they must spread it with the sword if need be...that is completely not true. All religion is - solar/lunar in essence - the worship of Solomon's temple...which is not exclusive to the Dome of the Rock as many would like to believe. Solomon's Temple is literally all around you...just take a clear look with your eyes.
Allah's name is derived from Allanah - a pre-Islamic lunar goddess.
1) Enemies of Islam, God in general would want you belive that. You did , anybody else?
2) It doesn't matter how you call God, the most important thing is which God you are referring to. Does using a general name God in place of the word Allah change anything when what you are referring to is our only Creator?
even the famous mosque at Mecca pays homage to the lunar goddess - look at the entire mosque from a bird's eye-view and you will notice that it looks uncomfortably like a fish.
I didn't say all muslims are 100% perfect and they onlt do righteuo s things. I only said the Quran in Arabic form is the only uncorrupted word of God accessible for a general believer.
Whether you do or don't undertand Arabic is a different matter altogether (believe or not most Muslims don't know Arabic either).
Everything else mosques, domes, symbols etc are created by men who have Free Will. They may have used this great advantage to their own good or bad (angels don't have this choice - they only serve God. That's why they have been told to bow Adam. If we pass the ultimate test - do good rather than bad deeds, we will have higher level than angels. Otherwise we'll be equal Jinns/Demons who Lucifer/Satan belong to).
Likewise, Christians who believe in, "Jesus" are also worshipping Allah
This is the 1st time I encountered this nonsense. Christians believe Jesus is a Son of God, thus (somehow) God himself. In Quran God states many times that He is merciful enough to foregive anything but worshipping any of His own creations.
one has to only see what kind of god or deity they worship when they go about preaching one thing and killing us in the name of saving us from, "guilt, sin, shame, and the imaginary devil."
God states in Quran that we have to wage war when we are attacked. He says people who believe their own version of religion will go to heaven too as long as they have done enough good deeds. He only states that in a muslim communities (there is idea of government in Quran as we know it) members of other religions wil have to pay a very small (compared to average taxes we all pay) tax, but they brnefit from not having to fight for their community if there is a war.
Be honest with yourselves religious folks - all religion is exclusive, mired in elitism, exclusitivity, human sacrifice, sheep-mentality, and all think that somehow they are, "different" from every other religion, and that their TRUTH is the only TRUTH, and that they must spread it with the sword if need be
You believe in what you believe, I believe in what I believe. We will be judged according to what we have done or have chosen not to do. There is no subjugation to Islam in Quran. If there were any in history, that's someone else's fault, not God's, and those people will be accountable for.
We will be judged according to what we have done or have chosen not to do. There is no subjugation to Islam in Quran. If there were any in history, that's someone else's fault, not God's, and those people will be accountable for.
Why would we want to be judged? If God created those laws, and the laws, rules, etc do not work, then it can only be the lawgiver's respnonsibility to, "correct it."
Everything else mosques, domes, symbols etc are created by men who have Free Will
Free-Will is a great illusion for people to think they are free, when in fact they are chained to slavery and serfdom to the thought process. There is no free-will. People can be controlled via symbols and signs, even the language itself. Thought controls and directs all actions - and where does that thought come from? Some say the, "Holy Spirit" - others, "Angels," and still otherse, "Spirits." None of the above exists - they are all in your mind...implanted via religious texts, social norms, fear, prejudice, hatred, and suggestibility of the mind to these ludicrous ideas in the first place.
2) It doesn't matter how you call God, the most important thing is which God you are referring to. Does using a general name God in place of the word Allah change anything when what you are referring to is our only Creator?
There is no god - all the gods/deities/saviours/heroes/heroines of mythology and religious text are all one and the same group of thinkers who guide and manipulate via language, symbols, sound, color, shape and neurolinguistic programming. Gender is also irrelevant as the Father, Mother, Son/Sun are one and the same - they indivisible. Without one, the others cannot exist.
The Thinking process is the prcess into luancy, confusion, madness, despair, corruption, suffering, pain, loss, grief, fear, bigotry, greed, anxiety, and desperation. This is all courtesy of the, "god" of, "love."
there is NO idea of government in Quran as we know it
I'll research anarchy in more detail before letting you know how it compares to what Quran says about government.
Why would we want to be judged?
So that hopefully people around you feared from being held accountable for wouldn't steal you, beat you and kill you and leave you to live a peaceful life.
If God created those laws, and the laws, rules, etc do not work, then it can only be the lawgiver's respnonsibility to, "correct it."
Where is logic in that? Let's say you have a family rule - noone in your family should kill others for no reason. If one of your sons does exactly that, do you just change the rule as the creator of that rule which didn't work and issue a new rule - anyone in the family can kill others for no reason?!
Free-Will is a great illusion for people to think they are free, when in fact they are chained to slavery and serfdom to the thought process.
Free will is something you can choose to do something, decide not to do something, think about something one way or another. You may want to say that we don't have much choice in what we can choose to do, but I'll say you have to do what you believe is right no matter the consequence. As far as I know noone has found a way to have absolute control over people's thinking process. Brainwashing, etc can be easily defeated as long as you don't want to be brainwashed any more.
The Thinking process is the prcess into luancy, confusion, madness, despair, corruption, suffering, pain, loss, grief, fear, bigotry, greed, anxiety, and desperation. This is all courtesy of the, "god" of, "love."
It's not that different from this situation: so that your manager in your work wouldn't harrass you, do whatever he/she wants with you at the fear of being held accountable for and fired by your ultimate manager - the owner and let you work peacefully.
As far as I know noone has found a way to have absolute control over people's thinking process. Brainwashing, etc can be easily defeated as long as you don't want to be brainwashed any more.
Did you read my last post carefully? Didn't I mention the significance of how symbols, language, and neurolinguistics can in fact control you without letting you know consciously about it?
You are also forgetting that one element of mind control is that you are not under mind control. In fact, thinking is the mind control process. While no one person can, "control" you - it is possible for the thinking process to direct you. You are not opening up to all the possibilities - no matter how illogical they seem. Afer all - religion makes no logical sense to anyone with any inside knowing of how the whole system operates.
We are all victims of MKULTRA - by imagining that we are not - we have already fallen deep inside the trap of mind control manipulation. One has to keep an open mind to all the possibilities - no matter what because the world is not logical, rational, or reasonable as some people would like to believe.
The Thinking process is the process into luancy, confusion, madness, despair, corruption, suffering, pain, loss, grief, fear, bigotry, greed, anxiety, and desperation. This is all courtesy of the, "god" of, "love."
This is all BS, and you know it.
You are bullshitting yourself. Deep inside the mind-control, you can't see it because it is not possible within your limited mindset. What I said is possible if you are willing to take into consideration all of the observations that anyone with open eyes with notice.
Don't BS me with your own BS when you are only BSing yourself. Religion is indeed hypocritical and hypnotic.
This is your true colours, Druv. I don’t understand why you claim to be fighting against Illuminati, freemasons, etc, when they do the same thing what you do every day – worship Sun, etc. But it explains a lot why you are against monotheistic religions especially Islam - that’s what they want to destroy too!
Like i said before, you are clueless. You have passed your brain capacity to evaluate and understand whatever i talk about.
We existed far beyond the masons, and their ideology is to warp what ever existed before so people do not remember their past.
As for my problem with Islam, i had provided enough links to show the past which you carefully ignored or you mental capacity had already crossed its limits.
You limited Brain cannot fathom such simple realities, like i said before go back to school and grow a braincell.
If the best that Druv can muster is to attack someone's intelligence, then he is as hopeless as hopelesness can get.
There is not a single thought is truly our own - after all - where did we get all the inspiration for our, "thoughts?" Thoughts do not appear out of nothing - there is a source...intellectualism, "enlightenment", "higher learning", "religion", "science" are all the instruments by which thoguhts enter our heads to direct our actions. The intellectual process is the dumbing down process.
Like i said before, you are clueless. You have passed your brain capacity to evaluate and understand whatever i talk about.
We existed far beyond the masons, and their ideology is to warp what ever existed before so people do not remember their past.
As for my problem with Islam, i had provided enough links to show the past which you carefully ignored or you mental capacity had already crossed its limits.
You limited Brain cannot fathom such simple realities, like i said before go back to school and grow a braincell.
Of course such an attitude from Druv is going to make the entire, "truth" movement look bad...and it makes him look like a fool. Division and duality is the game of the elites...and Druv has fallen completely in line with the strategy that they want. They want people to be separated, to fight amongst themselves, to think that one is superior than the other, to believe that they have the TRUTH, yet, Druv admitted already that he does, in fact, "salute to the sun in the morning" when he does Yoga. Freemasonry is also Sun-god worship. Christianity makes no qualms about their sun-god allegedly called, "Jesus." Islam revolves around the moon goddess Innana who simply changed her name into a, "he" - called Allah, with the same sun-god principles of human sacrifice by going around in the stomach of a fish (the Mecca Mosque), and Jews also worship the same sun-god via the Kabbalah (Kabba-Allah).
So, let me put this out in simple terms:
The fish is a Christian symbol of the Sun God called, "Jesus."
The fish is also likewise a symbol of Babylon's sun-god - Oannes, Samesh, whichever name one prefer.
The fish design of the Mecca Mosque is therefore a homage to the principles of sun-god worship. Your scripture won't tell you that, because, "God" does no exist. It is a fabricated concept to throw everyone off from awareness and true freedom.
Buddhists also worship the sun-god via the concept known as, "enLIGHTenment." The light is the sun, or the son of god. The serpent mind rears its ugly head in all religions - Babylonian, Egyptian, Canaanite, Yogi, Buddhist, "Vegans," (yes, even raw vegans are guided and inspired by the Luciferian mindset - energy is light which is Lucifer), Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, Scientologists, Freemasons, Shriners, atheists, scientists, everyone.
So, now tell me Druv - how much of a fool can you be to fall for your pathetic sun-god worship involving a fish?
Islam revolves around the moon goddess Innana who simply changed her name into a, "he" - called Allah, with the same sun-god principles of human sacrifice by going around in the stomach of a fish (the Mecca Mosque)
If you are referring to the moon symbol on top of some (not all) mosques, this symbol hasn't got anything to do with neither the wording nor the meaning of Quran. Muslims generally don't associate their inner belief with symbols. Some quotes from this source:
"The crescent moon and star symbol actually pre-dates Islam by several thousand years... The city of Byzantium (later known as Constantinople and Istanbul) adopted the crescent moon as its symbol... the crescent moon was featured on the city's flag even before the birth of Christ... The early Muslim community did not really have a symbol... During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic armies and caravans flew simple solid-colored flags (generally black, green, or white) for identification purposes. In later generations, the Muslim leaders continued to use a simple black, white, or green flag with no markings, writing, or symbolism on it... It wasn't until the Ottoman Empire that the crescent moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world. When the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city's existing flag and symbol... For hundreds of years, the Ottoman Empire ruled over the Muslim world. After centuries of battle with Christian Europe, it is understandable how the symbols of this empire became linked in people's minds with the faith of Islam as a whole... Based on this history, many Muslims reject using the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam. The faith of Islam has historically had no symbol, and many refuse to accept what is essentially an ancient pagan icon. It is certainly not in uniform use among Muslims."
Quran clearly states that worshipping anything or anybody else than the Creator Himself is the biggest sin.
The reason why we find this symbol on top of most of our biggest mosques (it's not the case with small mosques built by local communities themselves) is because for centuries most of our leaders claimed they were muslims while they were not. Even now most of the leaders of muslim nations are claim they are of local nationality and are muslims while they aren't. For example if you trace back the origin of the Saudi Royal family you come accross a jewish trader who killed a famous islamic scholar and stole his identity, bribed people to spread his false claim around Arabia, got rich, used money and naivity of muslim people to build a khalifate.
It's ithe same with many other leaders muslim nations: Jordan, Egypt, Uzzbekistan (he claims to be uzbek and muslim, actually is a jew) etc. If you observe what they do as opposed to what they say you can easily identify who they really are. While most of them hide their friendship with the US and Israel, some of them don't even try to hide it. I don't have anything agaisnt anyone's wish to be friend with anobody. But in this instance the friendship concentrates upon getting rid of true muslims by using labels of "fundamentalists" and "terrorists". Believe it or not there are much worse prisons than Guantanamo in so-called "muslim" countries including Saudi Arabia where they torture muslims:
If you consider the above, a pagan symbol, or even the shape of the Mecca mosque won't surprise you much.
You should differentiate between what the a particular scripture's guidance from what people choose to do. The difference between the two is the basis upon we all will be judged one day.
You should differentiate between what the a particular scripture's guidance from what people choose to do. The difference between the two is the basis upon we all will be judged one day.
Unfortunately, the Scriptures are not based on any "trick"le of truth. That is why people of all stripes and colors find ways to justify breaking the rules of, "god" in the first place. The rules don't work because people will always find ways to break rules. The only way to stop this insanity is to have a law against whatever is deeemed, "sinful. " The world is over-run with laws, rules, statutes, codes, government, police, armies, mercenaries, murderers, etc because we have too many laws (from, "god").
So, basically, this is how it goes: "God" creates a bunch of rules that he knows that people will break. Then, while nobody is paying attention, "God"s alter-ego, "Satan" or whichever devil one prefer, "seduces" you to, "break God's rules for your own benefit." The victim in question, "rationalizes" why the rules can be broken. This person then breaks it. Then, "God" (god?) comes back in anger demanding that you must be judged, tormented, burnt, smeared, crushed, tortured, and rot in Hell (hell?), the Devil's home (devil?) for eternity for breaking his rule (oh, and did I mention, "god" will then run to the bank at the same time that the victim is breaking his holy laws of ten things you can't do?).
But, but...he loves you!....oh, and he needs your money, "for caring" purposes. Fucked up ain't it?
Anyone with any drop of wisdom can see this. Why can't Druv see it? Or my Muslim friend over here?
It doesn't matter whether or not the, "fake Muslims" are Jews, Americans, Christians, or Crusaders...every religion of the Abrahamic faith is dedicated to human sacrifice.
Now, none of the ordinary people are actually bad per se, they are just being misled first by their, "god" then by their, "church," "caliphate," "priest," and ultimately, the people are being scammed into believing the bullocks that is these religions. Sun-god worship is ultimate hypocrisy, and the Hypocratic Oath is an oath to hypcocrisy.
Unfortunately, the Scriptures are not based on any "trick"le of truth. That is why people of all stripes and colors find ways to justify breaking the rules of, "god" in the first place. The rules don't work because people will always find ways to break rules. The only way to stop this insanity is to not have a law against whatever is deeemed, "sinful. " The world is over-run with laws, rules, statutes, codes, government, police, armies, mercenaries, murderers, etc because we have too many laws (from, "god").
I couldn't find any logic in what you wrote, even with your clarifications. One thing I understood that you seem to be angry, which is good , but the problem is your anger is directed at your own creator rather than the people who corrupt the scriptures, change them or interpret them so that they can have more and more control over you. If you believe you are being manipulated and used, why don't you oppose the people who are doing that to you? Or is it easier just to sit back and complain about God?
The rules don't work because people will always find ways to break rules
Don't mix the God's words (in uncorrupted form and in its original language) with all the man-made laws. The former is a blessing and guidance from God for your own good so that you couldn't be owned, manipulated and used, and you could have a peaceful life. The latter has been created by men so that you could be owned, manipulated and used.
I couldn't find any logic in what you wrote, even with your clarifications. One thing I understood that you seem to be angry, which is good , but the problem is your anger is directed at your own creator rather than the people who corrupt the scriptures, change them or interpret them so that they can have more and more control over you. If you believe you are being manipulated and used, why don't you oppose the people who are doing that to you? Or is it easier just to sit back and complain about God?
First, you are going under the assumption that I, the author of that post is indeed angry. That is not true. I am not angry at anything. I am merely being cynical.
Secondly, you are going under the assumption that there is a god, or that the creation is even valid.
Thirdly, you are going under the assumption that this "creator" is, "good" and that it is the duty of, "humans" to, "defend the good" by, "reacting."
Forthly, you are under the impression that if we do not rebel, then we let, "evil" win.
Finally, all your assumptions are deeply misguided and a clear misreading of what I wrote.
It is not all about logic, reason, faith, rationality, or a new pseudo-intellectual-spiritism [which is what you are suggesting when you stated that, "Don't mix the God's words (in uncorrupted form and in its original language) with all the man-made laws. The former is a blessing and guidance from God for your own good so that you couldn't be owned, manipulated and used, and you could have a peaceful life. The latter has been created by men so that you could be owned, manipulated and used")].
There is no, "God", "God's Word" or any of the things you mentioned. The greatest lie is the lie that says there is a God, or that this God loves you, and that the world it has created is real, valid, and good. Read carefully: It is a lie.
If you care to understand the real purpose of this illusory creation of a 3-dimensional world, you'll have to abandon all semblance of logic and observe the world with cynicism.
This world is not logical, rational, or reasonable. It is riddled with deceit and deception in every corner when one has eyes to see.
Well that’s a poetic note and it’s a start and I can dream can I? See, I don’t worry about the little things… bees, trees, whales, snails. I think we’re part of a greater wisdom that we won’t ever understand, a higher order. Call it what you want. You know what I call it? The big electron… the big electron. [Imitates electronic hum] It doesn’t punish, it doesn’t reward, it doesn’t judge at all. It just is and so are we...for a little while… thanks for being here with me for a little while tonight.
That greater wisdom is what I am trying to get at into you people. Neither god, nor the devil, an imaginary saviour, an imaginary great beast, good nor evil are a part of this bgreater wisdom. Wisdom is beyond good and evil, beyond god and the devil, beyond dreams and perceptions...wisdom is who and what we are. That is what George Carlin is saying.
For a little while, we are separated from this greater wisdom, but we are it, and we are inseparable from this greater wisdom. We are this greater wisdom. Thanks George Carlin, you'll always be missed.
I didn't say you are angry, only said you seem to be angry.
All of my assumptions are valid. If not prove me wrong.
The greatest lie is the lie that says there is a God
Complete opposite, the second biggest lie ever told is that God doesn't exist. The biggest lie ever told is to say that someone is or was a God.
This world is not logical, rational, or reasonable.
It's, it's based on the laws of physics which are logical, rational, or reasonable. Otherwise the universe wouldn't survive a millisecond.
It is riddled with deceit and deception in every corner when one has eyes to see.
This is correct, but this doesn't mean that the world is illogical, irrational or unreasonable. It only means some people choose to do wrong as opposed to do right.
From now on I won't respond to your illogical, irrational and unreasonable statements. As God says: "So leave them (alone) to speak nonsense and play until they meet the Day of theirs, which they have been promised." (Quran 43:83)
From now on I won't respond to your illogical, irrational and unreasonable statements. As God says: "So leave them (alone) to speak nonsense and play until they meet the Day of theirs, which they have been promised." (Quran 43:83)
This is exactly the same mentality that drives the elites of the world in their quest for world domination. Once again, my Muslim friend above explicitly states that anyone who does not fall into line with his, "god" shall be judged and vanquished simply because they don't see the world as completely rational, logical, or reasonable.
The, "age of Enlightenment" nonsense that has been spewed has herded these religious zealots into a herd mentality that is very dangerous for their own wellbing. After all, how can these religious folks be so sure that they won't be judged as well?
If god loves people so much, why judge, punish, and treat them like slaves? Does it make any sense to anyone excepf these religious freaks?
I'd be careful of what you wish for my friends. Because you may get more than you bargained for, and it may not at all turn out to be the way that you imagined it would be. Your faith can't guarantee anything - your faith in reason, logic, and rationality is just as misguided as those of the ruling elites with their intellectual indoctrination.
The conspiracy movement is indeed turning into a New Elite that will declare victory once the, "judgment" of the lord has come to pass (as they claim according to their blood-soaked, blood-drenched, and ghoulish holy books).
The world is in the mind - and the mind can be manipulated at will via the thought process of intellectual indoctrination. The Age of Reason is the Age of Mass Murder.
Eric , please I need so much you answer. I have just heard about BlueBeam project. I am one of the Eastern countries. I live far from my country. My aunt is very rich and lives in my home-country. I have occured out just an hour ago that She calls herself as Maria, and she is expected to give a birth to a baby to Jesus on the 21 of December 2012. ı know she has lost her mind, and actually she ia a woman with a very bad character, bad habits, she never might be Maria. But I am scared because she is totally supported by Jewish Organization who is sending her someone to marry soon to have a baby. She believs to everything what they say. SHe might even kill the people who she does not love, I am so much affraid of it and sorry for the babay she is planning to have. Please let me know, will that happen you think. What should I do. They have a huge an enermous plan, they are going on through this plan and they are all so much rich to afford evry kind of evil stuff. Please o please tell me something.
Hey Anonymous, all that "birth of a new baby Jesus on Dec. 21, 2012" esoteric occult weirdness is simply that. Don't concern yourself too much with their delusions about messiahs and saviors. Just worry about taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Expose any important information you can, and other than that, try not to get so caught up in their fear-based plans, and focus on love-based positive solutions. Peace
My experience with reptillians and aliens is that they are not physical beings but interdimensional 'etheric' beings that can affect our emotions and spirit body. I have had numerous healings in which I have had reptillian and alien influences removed and I have experienced the effects. So, to discover the reptillilan influence you need to perceive beyond the five senses. Some people have this ability awakened and some do not.
Eric..You are so right on with what they will do with the Blue Beam. You did a show and talked about Blue Beam. Can you talk about it some more and your take on the things we will see? Do you think the Blue Beam can take people away? I Love looking at your Blog. Thanks *Ron*
very important post!
Interesting. Of course, most of my own objections arise from the references to Christianity (a deep seated bias I assure you).
The quote you use referencing the "12 thrones" is related to the 12 Apostles (including at that time Judas who was later replaced). 12 people sitting on 12 thrones is a little easier to conceive. I don't want to say that you are misusing the quote, because I certainly agree that a great deal of the Bible is metaphorical.
However, I do think that there is a pretty big problem with the idea that Christians might be able to accept Prince William as the Messiah Returned on the argument that he is descended from Christ. For one thing, most Christians would absolutely refuse to believe that Jesus had any children (your own research notwithstanding). For another, the entire body of Theology rises up to deny this as a possible interpretation.
I also do not want to deny that Religion is capable of being manipulated by political powers (a great deal of history would refute me if I tried), I am just here addressing these specific two arguments here.
Yeah, I agree that Christians and everyone else will likely find it difficult to accept Prince William or any other as a world King/President.
And as for Jesus having children, my research shows that Jesus didn't even exist. So no, I definitely don't believe he had children or a bloodline.
For more info on the non-existent historical figure known as Christ, click on my Astrotheology and Magic Mushroom topic tabs
@ *Ron* "Can you talk about it some more and your take on the things we will see?"
try this
Remember it's all about manipulation, don't get manipulated ;-) we are far more powerful that anything they can throw at us. It's like they are trying to contain a bucket of water by pressing harder and harder - They can not suppress our conciousness we will just burst out. We are already :-D
Nods, will do! Also, I apologize for the "children" thing. I was projecting and then deducing from my own projection rather than reading, a very dangerous thing to do.
I will probably disagree with you on the Jesus question, but if I do, I want it to be a genuine disagreement and not just me disagreeing with my own assumptions as to what you might have said!
Very good, I have now read (re-read) most of your Astrotheology postings and perhaps I should be posting there. However, I don't want to have to dig to find our conversation!
I do disagree pretty thoroughly with a great deal of your content but most of all with your method.
I do not disagree with the symbolism which you point out and nor do I have any trouble with the level of knowledge (astrological) which you ascribe to our distant ancestors (I do not follow the myth of progress). However, I do strongly disapprove of your manipulation of language to make your points.
For instance, in several places you blur the distinction between the use of the Sun in the sky and the Son of God, Jesus, as if they have been arranged on the basis of the WORDS. However, other than being a homophone, I do not see the correlation. You refer back to the Germanic roots of English, but the roots of the Son of God don't come from Germany! They come first from Hebrew, then into Greek and Latin. I am not a scholar of Greek or Hebrew and am a pretty poor hand at Latin, but the words you are looking for are "Filios" (Son) and "Sol" (Sun).
You have done a quick superficial study of these religions and mythologies. There are relationships and interdependencies and Christianity most definitely borrows heavily from other cultures, but you are missing out on the real story which is going on here.
You once said to me that you would not believe in God "even if a voice spoke to you from the depths of a burning bush." Yet here I see you espousing concepts which have far less support than arguments for the existence or non-existence of God. I am curious to understand why you feel that these conspiracies are better supported than the logical proofs of Thomas Aquinas.
Did you also read the "Magic Mushroom" tab? Check that out too. Jesus, like Mithra, Dionysious and so many other God men before him are not historical personages. They are mythological mushroom heroes. That is why you eat the blood and body of Christ (Just like Mithraic initiates ate the Amanita blood and body of Mithra). Christ means "oil" (think Crisco) and that's why Christ (oil) "walks on water." People can't walk on water, but the oil from an amanita muscaria "Mes" does. That's what "Christ-mes" is, the sacred amanita cake made with Nile river clay in the Egyptian Sun religion.
Read John Allegro's "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" and watch "The Pharmacratic Inquisition" to learn more. Here in Thailand the Royal symbol is none other than a Mushroom, the Sun, and a Crown (corona/chakra) because here, Buddha is their Sun/Mushroom hero. The spiritual trance you are taken into upon ingesting these mushrooms is where the original nature/fertility religions stemmed from (pun intended).
So you disagree with Tsarion's and all thems idea about alien progenitors because you think the illuminati is behind everything...in one swoop dispelling any evidence of alien visitation...including the many facts cited by these blokes and others.
Yup, just like that, with one swoop I'm saying there are no physical aliens from outerspace coming on UFOs. The UFO's are government anti-gravity technology and bluebeam hologram tech. The Alien/UFOlogy propaganda is being funded by the Rockefellers and upheld by the Masons in Hollywood/NSA/NASA. The "Face on Mars" and 5-Sided pyramid is a NASA fraud. We've never been to the Moon or Mars, all pictures are faked.
*Nods* True! The word Christ comes from Hebrew for "the anointed one" their Messiah. One was "anointed" by having oil poured or place over ones head.
Interesting take!
On the other hand, Christmas does have a slightly different etymology than you present here (though I don't what to say this is evidence that you are totally incorrect). Christmas comes from Christ's Mass, Mass being the traditional name in the Christian (RC and Anglican esp) tradition for the service in which the sacrament of communion takes place. The reason why I don't necessarily feel this refutes your point is that I haven't yet had a chance to read the "Magic Mushroom" portion.
I'll be back.
Eric, I'm rather lost. You quoted David Icke, the reptillian conspiracist, in the final statement as the climax of your article. What is your angle on him?
Don't worry, I'm just a simple person trying to find the truth.
The Human brain is truley amazing.
Picture of of the prince with the "evil hand gesture"? He's wearing headphones and listening to music. In case you didn't know, "devil horns" also mean something like "rock on"...
You are all paranoid about life and clearly, even if you cannot bring yourself to admit it, wish for death. You're just too afraid to kill yourself.
Get help. Seriously.
aliens could be leading the highest of technology in the universe. to think that will just show up in everyones lives in a little rediculous.their neurochems are from higher dimentions meaning they work underneith your own eyes. you are not trained to see them but they are here for the new age of aquarius. they are here to bring the truth to those who are hiding something. they will bring a new enviroment of exotic atmospheres deemed appalling to the human eye. new wave legnth for all to decypher.
Eric...me emtreciono em ler este tipo de comentário com dedicação e claresa,enquanto que o mundo corre em busca de futilidades, e envolvimento com ceitas e heresias, informações que fogem da realidade de Deus; gostei muito do que li me enrriqueceu meus conhecimentos e tenho a certeza que qualquer comentário ao contrario é equivoco e não estão com Senhor nosso Deus. Parabens e que Deus te abençõe.reolfeta
If you take DMT or talk to anyone who has, you will likely hear stories of reptilian beings that exist in the "spirit world." I recommend reading Rick Strassman's "DMT - The Spirit Molecule" or Graham Hancock's "Supernatural" for much more on that. Having taken entheogens myself on several occasions I am aware of the existence of other dimensions or "the spirit world" as most tribal cultures call it. The spirit world is alive with various beings, many of them reptilian, and I'm sure the "elite" have long been in contact with them. What I have yet to see evidence of, however, is physical reptilian beings in THIS dimension coming on physical UFOs. Physicalizing and historicizing these facets of the spirit world is what I see happening. Just as they physicalized and historicized Jesus into being an actual guy, they are doing this with the alien myth. They've tried so hard to historicize Jesus that they even started the calendars over 2011 years ago to try and convince people. Here in Thailand it's the year 2554 because that's when the establishment claims Buddha was born. Look into the symbology, numerology, and astrotheology surrounding these myths and you'll see the common threads. Physicalizing and historicizing our mythic heroes is how they control our imaginations.
Oh and for Torq, I do believe in "God" but I reserve the right to define that exactly how I see it. I was referring to the Judeo-Christian God, which is perceived as an outside, separate entity that rules over creation. My conception of God is the infinite consciousness that exists within and without all things, the "I AM" at and as the center of all of us.
Also if anybody missed it there's a great discussion / debate about God and a passage from my upcoming Spiritual Science book in the comments section of this recent post:
Occult Symbolism
I do agree that "Reptilian aliens" is complete bull, however i have a question to ask, Eric:
Here in Thailand the Royal symbol is none other than a Mushroom, the Sun, and a Crown (corona/chakra) because here, Buddha is their Sun/Mushroom hero. The spiritual trance you are taken into upon ingesting these mushrooms is where the original nature/fertility religions stemmed from (pun intended)
Can you show me which royal symbol you are talking about which is a mushroom?
Because the bird they show on the Emblem is "Garuda"
and the Symbol of the house of "Chakri" are the weapons of God Vishnu (chakri - disk) and God shiva (trident)
Btw - the worship of the sun began with Sanatan Dharma / Hinduism.
When we begin "Yoga" the first thing in the morning - we do the salute to the sun.
My best friend is a Reptilian.
Seriously, when I first met my friend, the one thing I noticed about her were her EYES. They were an hourglass-shaped narrow slit and they were bluish-gray--unusual for a 60yr old Korean lady.
I just kept staring at her eyes and they were really freaking me out. Later I told my siblings about her eyes, thinking they reminded me of that Chinese guy with double eyes on Ripleys-Believe-It-Or-Not.
The next week, we were to meet again, and I was anxiously anticipating looking at her eyes again, but this time, and ever since after, her eyes had the round pupils, and they were BROWN. I thought I was wigging out...only I had mentioned her eyes to my siblings.
Fast forward 6 years later, she invited me over to stay for a weekend, and she told me how she was staying fit, and showed me her abs--but they seemed particularly layered.
I never heard of Reptilians until just a year ago, and I met my friend 12 years earlier.
Her son did mention his mother was descended from royalty...
And I am usually not one to believe in this stuff, and stick to the "scientific" explanations of things, until I read about ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS last year, and it kind of kicked off exploring the "rabbit hole" of human history.
A very good post on a very difficult topic Eric.
We do disagree on some things, like the historic reality of "Jesus". My own take is that a lot of historical disinfo has been created to distract researchers, no offense ;-) And i do respect your research work, both interesting and pretty accurate.
The "alien" theme is getting too strong to ignore, and i agree 100% with your take on a "parallel" universe with various entities, which overlap our universe, and agreed entirely i've never seen any real proof of "aliens" in the popular form. All i see is rehashed version of "biblical" demons.
Everything makes sense to me when i reduce "aliens" and many other strangenesses to that level. Including having "fought" them on a physical level.
It only makes sense when you accepts the big superfight, God vs Satan, and all the unpleasant side effects.
I keep going back to a quote of Jesus: "do not be deceived" and when i read your work, and Vigilant Citizen and others, all i see around me is a huge woven illusion, so thick that most cannot even accept it AS illusion.
Thought provoking stuff, thanks!
peace :)
"After 30 years of serious UFO research, Dr. Hynek finally adopted the theory that UFOs are from another dimension, or a parallel reality (Bob Larson, UFOs and the Alien Agenda, p. 93)."
Agreed with you eric that ET'S are not from Pleiades, Sirius or alpha draconis star system, that is all part of deception.
I also think that these et's are spirit beings from another dimension and they are worshiped in various secret societies including freemasonry, you can read about that in freemason charles w leadbeater book called hidden life in freemasonry.
And these beings have different names like demons, jinn, satan, shaitan, greys, reptilians etc. This documentary explains about the ET deception and their worship in secret societies.
in europe, australia, canada, there re so many "immigrants"/cultures mixing up (due to their plans to destroy states - BY mixking up all the cultures) they ll have to put multiple pics in the sky, CANT wait to see that, a jesus next to buddha and ganesh and whatever,
anyway, the nwo guys too will die, probably with 110y or when their genetics. roots brain implants will work out a lot later BUT they WILL DIE
the panic of a 100y old kissinger/rockefeller/queen who soon WILL DIE (having all the money and power and plans) enjoys me a lot
yes, they have children, but THEY will have to go,
I can smell their panic,
imagine, on top of the pyramide, all the money and power! and then knowing that their time has come,
I like that
Great points Mark, Druv, and David. Here's a couple versions of the Thai Royal symbol I was referring to:
Royal Symbol w/out Elephants
Royal Symbol w/ Elephants
You can see the symbol of Shakti/Kundalini in the middle with the sun behind it. Below that is an over-turned mushroom which resembles a pedestal, (if you see some of the more detailed versions on govt. buildings etc. it is clearly a mushroom). Above that is a crown representing the crown chakra. Often there are elephants on either side... elephants are revered in Thailand like cows are in India, and magic mushrooms just happen to grow in cows/elephants "holy shit."
They like to brand themselves with these spiritual symbols so that we are subconsciously attracted by association. For example, check out SCB's symbol here in Thailand:
Siam Commercial Bank
The leaf is a Po leaf, the tree under which Buddha was enlightened. It is a heptagon (7-sided shape), the color purple (7th chakra color), and their call center number is 02-777-7777. Everything inside SCB banks is purple, and there are always 7 stripes affront the main counters, each of them metallic in color except for the 3rd one which is always yellow (and just happens to be the 3rd chakra color). So to the average person these spiritual symbols go unnoticed and seem meaningless, but subconsciously we're all attracted to various colors, shapes, symbols, numbers etc. and we can be manipulated accordingly.
And to add to the reptilian thing, I've been thinking about all the cloning and hybridization experiments they've been admittedly doing on the news (as well as black projects in D.U.M.B's, Area 51, Dulce etc.). They could very well have some human / reptilian genetic hybrid sub-species that they've created that they could stick on anti-gravity craft and claim are aliens. The technology exists to literally create reptilian "aliens" if they don't already exist.
Thai people used to be hindu - the Shiva trident and Vishnu's chakri proves they used to be hindu.
Buddhism spread after Buddha died, and they went in all direction to spread Buddhism.
There was a time in India when Buddhism almost wiped out Sanatan Dharma which was saved by Adi Shankaracharya, who rewrote the dying vedas.
This is the opposite force, which brought back Sanatan Dharma from Buddhism which goes againt the flow of the Vedas, yet every thing in Buddhism originated from the vedas. It is just a deviation of the original.
As for the elephants, People used to use Elephants for thousands of years. They have been revered in India since the beginning. They are considered to be the most intelligent animal in the world. They recognize their own reflection and even remember people who they have met years ago.
God Ganesha who is the Son of God Shiva is the example that Elephants are held in high regard.
Hello all,
Good timing with this piece today as I wanted to raise something with you and your readers which I believe is very much linked and of great importance.
I was wondering how many people are aware of talk of a 'Maitreya' figure that is being promoted as the second coming of Christ and the messiah figures across many different religions?
Maitreya is promoted through an organisation called Share International, a global organisation that some have claimed has links to the UN. The main character at the forefront of this new age ideology is a chap called Benjamin Creme who has been talking about the arrival of this Maitreya for 35 years and is a student of the likes of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey.
Why do I raise this here? Well its the comparisons to bluebeam that very much interest me. We learn through Share Intl that Maitreya is here already and following a global economic crash he will appear to everyone around the world both in image and telepathically.
There is a great deal of info on this that can be found on the share intl website. Once revealed Maitreya is supposed to show everyone around the world that the religions of old are all as one and that he is who they have been waiting for. He will show people the errors of their past ways and will show how the world's resources can be redistributed so that we see an end to famine, poverty etc. It sounds fantastic but in my mind this organisation is very much linked the global elite power structure and I see a huge deception occurring. It also fits extremely well with Christian descriptions of the anti-Christ.
Please have a look through the website
Also have a look at the Share International advert that appeared on CNN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjwdFkapK1w
If you have a good read through the FAQ's in the Archives section of the site I'm sure you'll be amazed if you haven't come across this garbage already. It could be absolute nonsense but I get a feeling that all of this very much goes hand in hand with the larger NWO agenda. I'd be fascinated to hear what you have to say.
The original name of Thailand was Siam = Sayam - which in Hindi and Sanskrit refers to Sri Krishna.
Sayam means Dark - Sri krishna had dark skin, hence he was known as Sayam.
Another indicator of the Vedic Civilization.
The name of all the kings used to be "Rama" - another indicator o the Vedic civilization.
Sri Rama was the previous Avatar of God before Sri Krishna.
The kings were named after him, the echo versions of the original.
They are the decedents of India - separated by time.
Their traditional dance style is same as traditional dance of India called Bharat-natyam.
Let me talk about the symbolism of the image you have shown me.
Elephants represent power and support - elephants on both sides shows they support the kingdom.
The serpents would represent the spiral of God Shiva, and the disk would represent the ultimate weapon of God Vishnu, just like the flag. It is not the sun, because look at the rays, they are slanted, showing that that disk is revolving weapon of Vishnu just like the flag.
This symbol would be the same as the one in the flag.
The outer rays would be the energy liberating from the fusion of these energies of both Shiva and Vishnu.
Above the disk is the Pyramidal structure of sri yantra - same as the pyramids, Christmas tree and Meru.
Erm i dont think the bottom thing is a mushroom though, but i will have to double check.
Don't forget the role of the reptilian brain in humans and all animals that perpetuate the reptilian agenda via our, "temples."
If we were in fact Reptilian - we would be cold blooded. Then we would require a lot of sun bathing to keep the body warm.
Hmm i dont seem to need the sun a lot, so am i truly reptilian?
By the way, the word "Temple" come from Latin which basically point to Rome - hence Vatican Christianity.
So the Catholics are the reptilians?
Temples in Hindi and Sanskrit are called Mandir. So the "temple" concept would not apply to us. =)
I stress caution when you jump to conclusions Druv...try not to see things as, "us-versus-them."
Hello Eric - my post on Maitreya and Share International has gone. Can you republish please? Thanks
excellent post once again ..thanx eric ...and in total agreement on ALL POINTS you made !! jesus, the reptillians, saviors coming, moon-walking....ALL BULSHIT or metaphors for rituals etc .... you can also add to the 12 issues ..new jerusalem 12 x gates ... jesus 12x disciples, joseph 12x brothers, moses 12x tribes ...all stemming from jupiter = zeuss 12x years to orbit the sun ....
then bluebeam and low freq ...that is their last card they will play !! NO SAVIOR COMING TO FIX THIS MESS WE MADE ...WE BETTER FIX IT OURSELVES !!! then lastly ... about your take on "god" ...total agreement !!
much peace
ps i did also make 2x vids on the UFO deception about a year ago
now its very important: when soon god speaks to you over ELF haarp waves,
and he suddenly stops talking when you re covered in tin foil, then you know, it is not him,
paint your walls with metal paint, then you re fine - or just wait until the chemtrails covered your walls with a thin layer of aluminium (my black humor - sorry)rhu
While I agree with most of what Eric is saying here - about there being no such thing as aliens, Jesus, or saviour...I, with all due respect do not agree that Blue Beam is what they claim it to be.
Blue Beam may be nothing more than a distraction - to keep the, "truthers" from figuring out a larger, more sinister agenda.
As for the reptilian mind - that is generally neglected - there are no reptilian aliens...it is a metaphor for the reptilian mindset that drives the Illuminati agenda...likewise, it drives the conspiracy movement in a frenzy of confusion.
Oh...and there is no, "God."
I stress caution when you jump to conclusions Druv...try not to see things as, "us-versus-them."
It is exactly how it is, it is us pagans against the exclusive religions. I know their greatest weakness, that will be their inevitable demise.
Oh...and there is no, "God."
Prove your statement?
You can see God in the double slit experiment, the original source.
It is exactly how it is, it is us pagans against the exclusive religions. I know their greatest weakness, that will be their inevitable demise.
If you also know the Hegelian Dialect of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis, then you'd know that you are trying to be the Antithesis to the Global Elite, "Thesis" of, "exclusive religions." They want you to react, to fight back, to protect what appears to be precious (to the Ego).
In the end, your reaction and their actions will forge a new, "activity" that will be the sum of it. I am sure you know of this already. So, why react?
As for the double-slit experiment - it does not prove god or god's nemesis exists either.
If there is a god, may he strike me down. Think anything gonna happen? Nope. Nothing did. Therefore, there is no god, no satan, no devil, no Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, or any other imaginary deity that people come up with. It is good for day-dreaming, but that is as far as this whole god-business goes.
As for the double-slit experiment - it does not prove god or god's nemesis exists either.
Sorry, you don't really understand the basic laws that can be plainly seen in the double slit experiment.
God transcends good or evil - he is the original source. He has no opposite.
Therefore, there is no god, no satan, no devil, no Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, or any other imaginary deity that people come up with.
You do not know complete history either hence i would say you are wrong.
They want you to react, to fight back
war is inevitable, either you sit back and get squashed or fight for what you hold true. Id rather be the latter.
Satan / Devil are the creation of the politically motivated "Exclusive Religion" which was "fighting" pagan religions of Europe by destroying their past and making their God look like the bad guy, so the modern day Christians would never try to look back to their original roots.
The real monster is the Vatican and Christians are its victims.
Druv. Take a look around you. Has, "god" done a very good job? I don't see it. If you think you see something good that, "god" is doing, let me know.
Open your mind to the possibility that there is no god, and therefore, as you said correctly - there is no devil. If there is no devil, god is neither necassary (based on his/her resume of endless war, his/her greed for money, and endless stream of laws that makes no sense, and which nobody cares to obey) nor wanted.
war is inevitable, either you sit back and get squashed or fight for what you hold true. Id rather be the latter.
And when was the last time a war managed to decide anything successfully? I don't care what kind of war - whether physical or spiritual or not - war has resulted in only more suffering, pain, loss, grief, bloodshed, savagery, hypocrisy, lunacy, and more chaos.
Have you forgotten that in order to fight the very, "evil" that you want to, you must first, "fear" it...and in this case - the fear of, "exclusive religions" (last I checked, all religions - even pagan religions are exclusive and self-loathing, self-absorbed in elitism in nature).
Don't forget - to fight something, you must have a pretty high Ego. I stress caution - if you fight you risk being/becoming the very thing you are fighting against.
Druv. Take a look around you. Has, "god" done a very good job? I don't see it. If you think you see something good that, "god" is doing, let me know.
The day you understand the core message of the double slit experiment, you wont have to ask me this question.
God is not an entity - he is pure and perfect energy and he transcends good and evil. He is formless and has form at the same time.
And when was the last time a war managed to decide anything successfully?
I am not talking about a physical fight, i can easily beat exclusive religions with my mind alone. Their roots are weak , hence the whole dark tree will burn.
Have you forgotten that in order to fight the very, "evil" that you want to, you must first, "fear" it
I have no fear, because i know - even if i die - i will return, i will be reborn to fight another day = Cycle of rebirth.
( energy is neither created nor destroyed - only transformed)
It is the "Exclusive Religions" that will fear our power - their demonic reign will come to an end.
even pagan religions are exclusive and self-loathing, self-absorbed in elitism in nature.
You will need to take a deeper look, because you do not know enough about them.
They talk about living with balance with nature, peace and never to kill.
I have given up on merci to destroy the "Exclusive religion", the day they are gone. I will be at peace.
you must have a pretty high Ego.
I am a Yogi, follower of God Shiva - the God of Knowledge/ the destroyer of evil.
Yogis learn to control their Ego through deep meditation, and they can be detached from the world.
They can use their Ego, any way they like.
I have tried letting go of all my desires, and i can but my work remains unfinished.
I will not be able to rest before i destroy the Exclusive Religions and its dark hold. Hence i use my Ego as a weapon, i can retract it, once they are finished.
I will disappear.
Serge Monast - person responsible for popularizing the Blue-Beam Project was a radical Christian fundamentalist and was affiliated with a political movement that promoted French separatism in Quebec, Canada.
All of the major claims made by Monast concerning "Project Blue Beam" have direct and well-documented antecedents in Star Trek, dating back to 1976.
Much of the information on Roddenberry's aborted Star Trek movie script was released in several different books in 1994- the same year that "Project Blue Beam" was allegedly published.
Let's focus on the fourth stage of blue-beam
According to Monast,fourth would be "the universal supernatural manifestation with electronic means." He said it would take on three specific "orientations." One would simulate an alien invasion, which would then provoke nations with nuclear weapons to strike back.
This is utter bullshit. The real agenda is this.
A devious Reptilian plot involving vibrational patterns & frequencies has been executed invoking mental & physical changes in society.
Plug your ears and listen. Still hear a constant high-pitched resonation with mild "tweets" & clicking? This resonation is occurring 24/7 without your awareness. These sounds
have been meticulously engineered & subconsciously embedded in electrical/mechanical products for decades, ranging from appliances, to fans/cooling units, motorized vehicles -- you name it. Also these "tweets", hissing sounds, and synthesized patterns have been embedded in just about all forms of media, television, music, etc.
These sound patterns are gradually causing mental fatigue & invoking anomalies in physical characteristics, ranging from gradual growth of teeth resulting in excessing crowding causing the bottom teeth to angle inward towards the mouth, "fang" like appearance, ridges in the forehead area of the skull in a V shape pattern, gradual skin changes resulting in super water resistance (i.e. hands that no longer prune when in water), enhanced vein & tendon structure, etc.
Probably these patterns are activating part of the 98% "junk" DNA we haven't been told shite about. You don't need to believe any of this but remember as when this is unfolded to the public you will know the true cause (SOUND) as opposed to the story unfolded to us by the BS "media"
For more info go to -> http://anunnakiagenda.com
Knocking on your Noggin'
what makes you think we are the only "type" of beings...
@ Max,
when our electricity got shut off, and we lived in a city without fluroridated water (Honolulu), my pineal gland for the first time in like 20 years went buzzing like crazy.
this time, i knew it was my pineal since learning about all this stuff a year ago, and as i have many menories of the thing going off as a young child only back then, i didnt know it was anything to take notice of (other than it was a bit annoying).
i'm also starting to see sparkles again flashing, and as a child, the whole room would sparkle (but now, just little sprinkles). i'm not sure what the sparkles are, or if i'm just getting too much sunlight (started to sungaze lately).
but as a kid til now, i've always heard tinny ringing, but now sure what that is, or maybe i've just accumulated too much heavy metals in me and it gravitates towards my head. i DO get headaches if i'm in the sun and do anything remotely strenuous. i feel my head heating up super hot.
i few months prior, living in a building with lots of wifi, i had constant headaches on a daily basis, and the headaches would lessen if i got out of the building.
but the best i've felt in a long time was when we had our electricity shut off. my body felt lighter, calmer, i felt motivated and energized!
would like to experience that again :)))))
and yes, i truly believe we are not the only "beings" here...my friend is the Korean lady Reptilian!
also, if animals can have their GIANT counterparts; elephants to mammoths, tigers to saber-toothed tigers, lizards to dinosaurs, birds to ptyradactals, ??? to hu-mans, humans to ???
To me, Project Bluebeam sounds like the dark forces applying a "reverse" to a "reverse psychology" on the existence of "aliens" (i use quotations because the aliens would have been here first ;))
Either way you are to look at Project Bluebeam, it wouldnt matter because they have the technology to use on us. They have zapped or have been zapping us as Max stated.
I'm sure the elites have Plan Z already waiting. Afterall, they love their game of Chess, where the next move is planned out many steps in advance.
the schools all of teached we wronged
Thanks for all the great comments. Some thought provoking stuff there. The reptilian issue certainly isn't cut and dry and open to many interpretations and variations. I'll keep an open mind on the subject.
The prehistoric aborigines of the cradles of civilization say they were conquered by Aryan invaders. The word Aryan is a variation of Arean, and Arean means Martian. There is a tribe in the Mideast who claims its ancestors came from Mars.
reptile-Aryan fossils from Mars (5:21 - 5:38)
The most interesting evidence for the Martian origin of the white race, if not an extraterrestrial immigration for all of man kind is provided by science reporter Gay Gaer Luce in Body Time.
Biologists acknowledge that the vital rhythms of all creatures are established by their place of origin; this is why subequatorial plants bloom for us in the North at Christmas, and species entrained to the periods of the Moon are believed to have evolved in the tidal ocean.
When experimental human subjects are isolated from all terrestrial rhythms as much as possible to discover the free period of the human body, it has been found that most people settle into a daily rhythm of sleep and work of twenty-four hours and forty minutes. Twenty-four hours and forty minutes is the daily period of Mars.
@ Max,
no wonder there's never enough time in a day!
i've also read that people are attracted to living near the waters of their birthplace...
Remember that we all are reptilian hybrids to a degree (the r-complex for example). Look also at the human fetus in utero during first weeks. Doesn't it remind you something
It's only later in the sequence that the mammalian traits kicks in.
Those reptilian human hybrids that have at least 50/50 split of dna are able to shape-shift.
Be suspicious to every kind of information that you are absorbing. Alex Jones (except for the fact that he is dis-info) has got two slogans, adequate to reality. "Info wars" and "There is war for your mind"
These are few quick examples of many shape-shifting deceivers on you-tube.
user astrotometry - reptilian tongue (2:18)
user cv1122 - pupils going crazy through entire video
...and this is to all the vege fanatics reading this blog
my favorite reptilian promoting frutarianism :)
user schimfo - fast tongue (5:24), eyes (6:02) (9:12)
user CharmingPixieFlora - her right eye (1:41)
...and to all the jesus fanatics (whatever you call yourselves new born Christians, believers)
user gorilla199 - eyes (0:18)
Fritz Springmeier - his right eye (3:08)
Druv's self-righteous and combative reply to my last reply as anonymous proves my point all the more. A double-slit can't prove anything...just a bunch of waves of light that has some empty space in between them...so what?
Yogis, it seems are just as arrogant, combative, and hypocritical as any other religious freak (i.e. the entire conspiracy theory movement can be seen as an exlusive religion in its own right even without needing any argument on my part to back it up)...
If Yogis are really about, "living in peace with nature and other humans" - perhaps the first thing they ought to do is stop fighting, and, "standing up for what they believe in." In the end of the day, you can believe whatever you want, just let others be.
Instead, no; these religious fanatics and zealots are just as over-reactive as the elites they are fighting against - urging humanity to react agaainst a non-existent problem of, "evil", "exclusive religions" when every single religion, scientific notion, and magical formula is exclusive and eltist by nature.
As Druv's attitude points out - it is not any real truth that these religious psychos are concerned about...it is about using ego in new ways to, "fight" other, "egos." And do what with them?
In fact, Charlie Veitch from way back when is right - the conspiracy theorists are a bunch of hooligans, religious nuts, and fanatics. Of course, I don't endorse Charlie Veitch in any way, but his statement that the conspiracy movement is lost and mired in a cult of personality, and a herd mentality is correct. Likewise, so is the Elites of the world...both sides are just fighting a battle that does not exist, and the outcome matters little because both sides will claim victory.
I may not understand or completely agree with Druv, but he makes a lot of sense in certain aspects. And you, anon(above), have points that I agree with. But you seem to contradict yourself in the few posts you have made. You suggest Druv should "stop fighting" and "do what he believes in"... Mistake me if I'm wrong but you seem to be "fighting" all on your own. And to add, Druv IS doing what he believes in. and if you did any research on his religion or maybe got to actually KNOW him, you wouldnt jump to conclusions, calling him a "zealot", or saying he over-reacts, as the elites do (which I have seem no evidence of either doing)
I don't mean to bring about offense and I don't believe in religion, I am just seeking truth and trying to learn how and why humans do as they do.. Great topic and discussion btw everyone, ERIC IS THE SHIT!!
@ Dublyn, Druv, everybody else
All religion is about sun-god worship - no exception. Nature worship is about as lame as it can get - it is another form of sun-god worship.
I am not the one whose encouraging anyone to fight (mentally, physically or using any voodoo magic). I am merely pointing out Druv's hypocrisy of, "no peace until they (Exclusive Religions) are defeated...because they are demonic." And if I were, "fighting all on my own" what would I need to fight against? I am not a combative person, I am just stressing the absolute necassity of stepping back and being non-reactive to understand the bigger picture from a larger point of view.
Druv can believe in whatever he wants - why can't he just let those, "evil" religions be as well? Surely if he believes in freedom, then others have the freedom to be stupefied by their religions as well? And since I already said all religions are the same - Druv's religion is really no different than the one's he claims to be fighting against, because apparently, he implies that his ego is better than the, "exclusive religions" because he can, "reincarnate" and then gives me a physics lesson, which I don't need to hear.
And know this - the Elites of the, "exclusive religions" that are, "demonic" are also reacting to what Druv and many other religious/conspiratorial zealots/fanatics/fervors do.
UFO's are a man-made fraud. All religions are a fraud. God (not Jesus the Christ) DOES exist and is the great “I AM”…indivisible and infinite Spirit. Nothing is external to consciousness (Pantheism is as much of a joke as Orthodox Christianity / Judaism / Islam) and free will is nothing short of a state of delusion…you are the effect of the one cause and there is no getting around that. Once you understand the metaphysical truth of these statements and escape from the deception of the material realm, you will warrant and validate these claims demonstrably…all by yourself.
Love the posts Eric…keep them coming!
The (reptilian) EYES have it:
Oh Baaby:
Holy Cow!
For Jim, you're right on about the Maitreya and his hype-man Benjamin Creme. He's purposely building the mystery of this same "world teacher" with supernatural powers, who is here today, but hasn't announced himself. Sounds like complete NWO BS, promoting yet another external savior:
“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible; and if once a man has taken it into his head that there is a mystery in a thing, it is impossible to get it out, either by argument or experience. And then, we can so change notions by merely changing a word. What more contemptible than fanaticism; but call it enthusiasm; then add the little word noble, and you may lead him over the world" -Adam Weishaupt, Jesuit and founder of the Bavarian Illuminati
And for Max, why do you believe anything NASA has to say? NASA clearly faked the Moon and Mars landings, but you believe them when they say they collected reptilian fossils from Mars? What about the "rocks" (petrified wood) they collected from the "Moon" (Antarctica)?
Fake Moon Rock Given to Holland Museum by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
NASA has 0 credibility, a reputation for blatantly lying, and was started by a group of Nazis and Masons so I'm at a loss when people believe anything they have to say:
The Mars Landing Hoax
The Moon Landing Hoax
"Maitreya" is a Sanskrit word, i don't have to say more about that.
They are using our concept to promote their hidden agendas.
@Max: The prehistoric aborigines of the cradles of civilization say they were conquered by Aryan invaders. The word Aryan is a variation of Arean, and Arean means Martian. There is a tribe in the Mideast who claims its ancestors came from Mars.
Wrong again, Aryan is a Sanskrit word, which means good man. It is not an alien word. Sorry all your analysis breaks down.
@Anon - Learn to read, then we will talk. Seems like you have absolutely no idea what i am talking about.
Get off what ever you are smoking.
Aryan invasion theory was concocted by the Vatican to subvert history of India, you seem to have taken it to a whole new level of Aliens?
Take a step back and think again, your analysis is flawed.
Maitreya, the World Teacher, has been based in the Asian community of London since July 1977, gradually emerging into full public view.
This society has been set up in 1977, the same year "ISKON" founder was murdered by the Vatican agents, and they created the Gnostic Christianity to counter the effects of ISKON.
The word "martyr" was made from the word "Maitreya", it is this exclusive religion that is behind all the manipulation.
Wow. Never saw the "mars landing hoax" that Eric posted.. That John guy got served by tao. I literally lol'd at that shit.
Question, probably a stupid one.. What if I tried joining the free mason mickey mouse club and worked my way up to the 33rd degree, and then exposed everything with hidden camera, microphone, etc... Again, probably a naive question but fuckin hell I want theyre true motives out in public, like it should be
@ Druv
I can't understand why anyone would want to worshihp, "pure energy." Energy is just light, which is the sun-god (on the zodiacal cross of human sacrifice).
Nevermind Druv - go worship your sun-god, and tell us, "how much he loves you" after s/he/it murders millions...in the name of peace, love, freedom, and sanctuary (of course - it has always worked for millennia).
@Anon And since I already said all religions are the same - Druv's religion is really no different than the one's he claims to be fighting against, because apparently, he implies that his ego is better
You really need to learn how to read.
I have been saying in my previous comments, that ego can be controlled, and i dont think you understand clear English? Go back to school, and come back when you grow up.
All religions are not the same, Exclusive religions were made as a weapon of war - destroy and assimilate. They have no real value, unlike the balanced older cultures.
again, go back to school to grow a brain cell.
I can't understand why anyone would want to worshihp, "pure energy." Energy is just light, which is the sun-god (on the zodiacal cross of human sacrifice).
It was the disinformation started by the Exclusive religion to warp history as they saw fit to assimilate other culture,, and you are merely spewing back the same old bullshit.
Please stop talking, you need to learn what happened in the past properly.
You have no idea what you are talking about, stop making yourself look like an absolute fool.
Oh may be that's why you hide under an Anonymous name?
@ Druv
I don't need to, "grow a brain cell." What you need to understand is that every religion is the same - once you cut out the veneer of, "differences" i.e. language and facade of uniqueness...all religion is bent on control and assimilation.
Your religion has already, "assimilated" you, and made you into another earth-sun-air-water worshipping sheeple. May be you ought to, "go back to school and grow a brain cell."
Druv is also implying of course that just because, "the older more stable culture" are, "stable" that does not mean that they are not about human sacrifice and stupefying them into sheep/cattle for the slaughter. Druv's religion is the new environmental movement religion of the consiracy theorists/truthers' new world order daydream.
Lol you stupidity is dumbfounding!
Please, stop making yourself look like an absolute fool.
Your limited intelligence is painful.
Only inquisition, and Jihad wars have been done my Exclusive religions. Try to come back to reality, and stop smoking pot.
Cmon Druv, don't sink to this guys level. It makes it a lot worse when you attack him back. Even though he is antagonizing you and your belief...who really gives a ???
You still believe what you believe, and this guy does what he does. He obviously is on his own trip and you on yours, let's try and find our peace of mind...please.
@ Druv
Religion is the cause of stupidity and your dumbfoundedness of my statements.
Go off and smoke your pot of sun-god human-sacrifice worship, and come back after your loving deity slaughters you for peace.
Hey meow. A plant called ganja has nothing to do with this. And you two cats have to find something better to do than b@tch over this Internet...
P.s. Sorry for the pointless posting by me i am stranded with nothing else to do.
Nothing personal...but, do be careful for your own sake.
P.S. Contradiction ahd hypocrisy is the name of the game of - well, this entire 3D experience called, "life."
Yes, OFFICIAL moon landing was a hoax. But it was made to confuse you. The "elite" was there were much earlier using anti-gravity technology (many astronauts died during tests).
According to mainstream history man discovered rocketry and within about 7 years fooling around with rockets and monkeys. Then a group of men landed and return from moon perfectly on first time try :)
The point of all this was simply to HIDE the massive PRISONS AND CAMPS being built on the moon and mars for you.
Now it's coming to the surface, because time is near.
I won't waste my time for you except this one and only paragraph.
This to all reading you and taking your words for granted.
Shiva is not the "ultimate yogi". This is lie. Siva is known in Vedic literature as a hunter not a yogi. The Vedantic texts specifically refer to Siva as a demigod. Krisna is the supreme personality of Godhead. Siva does not have the power to grant anyone liberation because he is a demigod who relies on Krisna for his power.
Druv's avatar tells everything you need to know. Shiva is always portrayed with cobra. Cobra is symbolic representation for OPIUM. This and few others psychoactive substances allowed the "elite" to made contact with many psychopath beings. They gave the "elite" knowledge about the universe and deprived them of empathy.
Shiva is not the "ultimate yogi". This is lie. Siva is known in Vedic literature as a hunter not a yogi.
Show me some evidence of your claims? show me any "legitimate" Hindu site claiming the bull you just wrote.
dublyn - i just come here to take a break from the constant writing i have to do for my work.
Just to get my mind off my work.
What makes you think humans are building prison camps on the Moon and Mars? Where are you getting such fantastical information and why do you believe it? There's plenty of room on and in the Earth to facilitate plenty of prisons for all humans... why would they go off-world to build them?
Yes, OFFICIAL moon landing was a hoax. But it was made to confuse you.
Those "Moon photos" in the video you linked were also made to confuse you. The "Face on Mars," the "5 Sided Pyramid," and the fake rover landings are also made to confuse you. Why would you agree with me that NASA engages in hoaxes and tries to confuse people, but then believe in the legitimacy of these NASA photos?
Watch any NASA documentary and tell me that supposed "actual video footage" of any planet isn't just poor-grade CGI. The Moon and Mars landings are provably fake on multiple accounts. NASA was started by a group of Nazis and Masons who encode occult symbology and numerology into EVERY mission they've ever created. If you believe anything NASA produces, you're far more trusting than I.
They are slowly conditioning you. Just be aware so when the time will come you will able to make the right decision, because no one will force to do anything.
official half truths - Moon find may point to habitable tunnels
Even the supposed "alternative truth movement" is also conditioning you to think that Mars is being populated by "scientists" and prepared as a "survival colony" for "elite" in the face of "imminent" "catastrophic events".
This is one example of their ugly propaganda
Alternative 3 - Mars Coverup Exposed
Matthew 19:28 reads, “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’”
Eric Dubay said:
It is impossible to “sit on twelve thrones” so this, like most everything in the Bible, must be metaphorical.
Torq said:
The quote you use referencing the "12 thrones" is related to the 12 Apostles (including at that time Judas who was later replaced). 12 people sitting on 12 thrones is a little easier to conceive.
I believe in Messenger Isa and the message (the original book) he was given. But I don’t believe he is the one portrayed as Jesus in Bible. Bible has gone through too many translations, additions and manipulations for me to believe in it. Actually I believe the author of most of the Bible was someone who was serving Lucifer/Satan. That’s why Illuminati understand the Bible quite differently from anybody else and they are actually fulfilling the Bible prophecy.
A quote from A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera:
According to Knuth (E. C. Knuth, The Empire of the City - Anonymous), when the queen enters 'The City', she is subservient to the Lord of Mayor (under him, is a committee of 12-14 men, known as 'The Crown'), because this privately owned corporation is not subject to the Queen, or the Parliament.
What I’m suggesting here is the above passage of Bible refers to the followers (i.e. Illuminati) and promises high positions. The unique powers of the Crown may suggest that they may have something to do with the above.
Eric Dubay said:
The idea of a messiah coming during end times is shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike, thus this is the perfect paradigm through which to present the bloodlines’ first King of the New World Order.
Most of Muslims expect for the return of a messiah, but they expect for the return of Isa the Messenger, not Muhammad. Actually I don’t believe anybody will come back to save us, because Quran (which in Arabic form have never and will never be changed) doesn’t say in anywhere that Isa (pbuh) will come back. The idea that Isa (pbuh) will come back comes from Hadis (claims that Muhammad had said or done so, which may or may not be true) and been included as commentaries to translated Qurans.
Re: Aliens. Aliens don’t exist, but demons do. I actually believe dead people can’t come back into this world and manifest themselves to us. They are all demons shapeshifting into the people we knew so that when we can be manipulated in the way they want us to. I read a lot about demons shapeshifting into people we know in our dreams, who can be easily identified by their extraordinary height (that is why they will be usually be in a sitting position or behind an object covering their half of the body). They will disappear straight away when you say that there is only one God you believe in and you are his creation!
Druv said:
Btw - the worship of the sun began with Sanatan Dharma / Hinduism.
When we begin "Yoga" the first thing in the morning - we do the salute to the sun.
This is your true colours, Druv. I don’t understand why you claim to be fighting against Illuminati, freemasons, etc, when they do the same thing what you do every day – worship Sun, etc. But it explains a lot why you are against monotheistic religions especially Islam - that’s what they want to destroy too!
I have told so many times you are either a deceived or deceiver. Some good ideas you write here doesn’t mean you are neither of the above, because a deceived is a deceived and the deceiver has to write something meaningful to attract attention before deceiving.
You blame Islam and Muslims in general, not the people who actually committed atrocities in India, just because their leaders called themselves Muslims (which I doubt they were, otherwise they wouldn’t do such atrocities in the first place). You have never read even a translated Quran not to mention in an Arabic form, but still believe it teaches evil.
And you claimed physics knowledge looks hilarious when we see you jump so many illogical conclusions in your posts.
I agree with someone’s post that you are the Antithesis to the Global Elite, "Thesis" of, "exclusive religions." By the way Islam is not exclusive, it’s inclusive. There has been only one kind of message passed through all the prophets throughout history. Quran just happens to be the last message, fortunately not prone to any manipulation (that’s exactly why Quran and muslims have being attacked for from all sides.)
One example, all the presidents of former-soviet republics of Centrral Asia claim to be muslims but have been persecuting, jailing (for limited periods (3-15 years), but extending them every time before the end date) and killing (literally) muslims who pray 5 times a day. But if you drink alcohol, get corrupted or do exactly what you are told without questioning (just like in an army) you prosper. Why do you think the leaders of those “Muslim” nations were better in earlier parts of history, including Mogul/Moghul/Khazar khans. By the way deep research into Mogul/Moghul/Khazar khans will lead to the ancient roots of most of the TPTB in our world. I believe they have nothing to do with (genetically) current poor Mongols living in Mongolia.
think please said:
anyway, the nwo guys too will die, probably with 110y or when their genetics. roots brain implants will work out a lot later BUT they WILL DIE... I can smell their panic
What is going on her is not limited to someone’s of a group of people’s lives, this is an intergenerational conspiracy. Don’t forget masons, etc will be fully possessed by a demon after a specific degree when they become illuminated. That’s the reason why the people on top levels of the pyramid don’t care even what they do (pollute environment, etc) negatively affect their lives too – at the end of the day it’s someone’s body who will be affected, not the demon’s.
Anonymous said:
Take a look around you. Has, "god" done a very good job? I don't see it. If you think you see something good that, "god" is doing, let me know.
God has created you with a Free Will and all the Earth for your disposal. Why do you blame God when all that bad stuff happened because people with the Free Will chose to serve Lucifer/Satan and themselves, rather than God and his people!? And don’t worry, everyone is going to be accountable for what they have done and what they have chosen not to do. If you don’t do evil and do good in general, just do something else –oppose evil AT ALL COST (even at the cost of losing your life), and you will be fine, God willing There is no reason to become a non-believer just because someone else is.
Max said:
Remember that we all are reptilian hybrids to a degree (the r-complex for example).
From Islamic/Quranic point of view, there have definitely been Jinn/Demons who interbred with humans. I believe it was not much long after the creation of Adam. Eating from a forbidden tree - the event which caused the Adam and Eve to leave paradise must be related to either:
1) Learning forbidden occult knowledge from Lucifer/Satan; or
2) This hybridisation of humans with Jinn/Demons.
Quran clearly states that there are people on Earth who are of Jinn and humans.
Anonymous said:
All religion is about sun-god worship - no exception.
There is nothing in Quran that supports your claim. Prove me wrong.
Guys, guys, guys...Muslims, Jews, Christians, Yogis, and Shiva-worshippers alike...you guys are too attached to your religion. Step out of the little box that they encased you in...and see things from a perspective that more different, but may be the key to finding out why your world makes absolutely no sense to someone else (i.e. your's truly).
Allah's name is derived from Allanah - a pre-Islamic lunar goddess. Why would they change the name of Allanah to Allah? Because it would both conceal and reveal certain messages to certain elites at the top of the food chain who command the whole show...hell, even the famous mosque at Mecca pays homage to the lunar goddess - look at the entire mosque from a bird's eye-view and you will notice that it looks uncomfortably like a fish...and what a load of fish to fall for the religion that is known as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. At the Kabba, there is even a reference to the World Trade Center twin towers and there are also three domes - a referenec to the TRINITY that is in all religions - this is the foundation of sun/moon-worship.
Likewise, Christians who believe in, "Jesus" are also worshipping Allah, because Jesus claimed fairly openly that he is the LIGHT...and Allah's nemesis - Al-Shaitan is nothing more than Satan/Lucifer - the bright and morning star (the bringer of knowledge and intellectual bullshit) - Venus in some other cultures, Aphrodite in others, and Mary in still others...all different names for the same deity.
To worship the moon is to worship the sun as they are - as this blog noted - the same size when we see them (their true ratio in size is still open to discussion). The moon reflects the sun...and it is all based on a system of duality of light and dark, good and bad, right and wrong...a fabricated cabal to throw all people of all, "self-righteous" religions into a frenzy of hatred, bigotry, and fear against each other. This in turn creates confusion, and open hypocrisy, lunacy, and while all these religious folk claim their religion is their solace - one has to only see what kind of god or deity they worship when they go about preaching one thing and killing us in the name of saving us from, "guilt, sin, shame, and the imaginary devil."
Be honest with yourselves religious folks - all religion is exclusive, mired in elitism, exclusitivity, human sacrifice, sheep-mentality, and all think that somehow they are, "different" from every other religion, and that their TRUTH is the only TRUTH, and that they must spread it with the sword if need be...that is completely not true. All religion is - solar/lunar in essence - the worship of Solomon's temple...which is not exclusive to the Dome of the Rock as many would like to believe. Solomon's Temple is literally all around you...just take a clear look with your eyes.
That is my schpiel.
Allah's name is derived from Allanah - a pre-Islamic lunar goddess.
1) Enemies of Islam, God in general would want you belive that. You did , anybody else?
2) It doesn't matter how you call God, the most important thing is which God you are referring to. Does using a general name God in place of the word Allah change anything when what you are referring to is our only Creator?
even the famous mosque at Mecca pays homage to the lunar goddess - look at the entire mosque from a bird's eye-view and you will notice that it looks uncomfortably like a fish.
I didn't say all muslims are 100% perfect and they onlt do righteuo s things. I only said the Quran in Arabic form is the only uncorrupted word of God accessible for a general believer.
Whether you do or don't undertand Arabic is a different matter altogether (believe or not most Muslims don't know Arabic either).
Everything else mosques, domes, symbols etc are created by men who have Free Will. They may have used this great advantage to their own good or bad (angels don't have this choice - they only serve God. That's why they have been told to bow Adam. If we pass the ultimate test - do good rather than bad deeds, we will have higher level than angels. Otherwise we'll be equal Jinns/Demons who Lucifer/Satan belong to).
Likewise, Christians who believe in, "Jesus" are also worshipping Allah
This is the 1st time I encountered this nonsense. Christians believe Jesus is a Son of God, thus (somehow) God himself. In Quran God states many times that He is merciful enough to foregive anything but worshipping any of His own creations.
one has to only see what kind of god or deity they worship when they go about preaching one thing and killing us in the name of saving us from, "guilt, sin, shame, and the imaginary devil."
God states in Quran that we have to wage war when we are attacked. He says people who believe their own version of religion will go to heaven too as long as they have done enough good deeds. He only states that in a muslim communities (there is idea of government in Quran as we know it) members of other religions wil have to pay a very small (compared to average taxes we all pay) tax, but they brnefit from not having to fight for their community if there is a war.
Be honest with yourselves religious folks - all religion is exclusive, mired in elitism, exclusitivity, human sacrifice, sheep-mentality, and all think that somehow they are, "different" from every other religion, and that their TRUTH is the only TRUTH, and that they must spread it with the sword if need be
You believe in what you believe, I believe in what I believe. We will be judged according to what we have done or have chosen not to do. There is no subjugation to Islam in Quran. If there were any in history, that's someone else's fault, not God's, and those people will be accountable for.
We will be judged according to what we have done or have chosen not to do. There is no subjugation to Islam in Quran. If there were any in history, that's someone else's fault, not God's, and those people will be accountable for.
Why would we want to be judged?
If God created those laws, and the laws, rules, etc do not work, then it can only be the lawgiver's respnonsibility to, "correct it."
Everything else mosques, domes, symbols etc are created by men who have Free Will
Free-Will is a great illusion for people to think they are free, when in fact they are chained to slavery and serfdom to the thought process. There is no free-will. People can be controlled via symbols and signs, even the language itself. Thought controls and directs all actions - and where does that thought come from? Some say the, "Holy Spirit" - others, "Angels," and still otherse, "Spirits." None of the above exists - they are all in your mind...implanted via religious texts, social norms, fear, prejudice, hatred, and suggestibility of the mind to these ludicrous ideas in the first place.
2) It doesn't matter how you call God, the most important thing is which God you are referring to. Does using a general name God in place of the word Allah change anything when what you are referring to is our only Creator?
There is no god - all the gods/deities/saviours/heroes/heroines of mythology and religious text are all one and the same group of thinkers who guide and manipulate via language, symbols, sound, color, shape and neurolinguistic programming. Gender is also irrelevant as the Father, Mother, Son/Sun are one and the same - they indivisible. Without one, the others cannot exist.
The Thinking process is the prcess into luancy, confusion, madness, despair, corruption, suffering, pain, loss, grief, fear, bigotry, greed, anxiety, and desperation. This is all courtesy of the, "god" of, "love."
I made a small mistake in my earlier post:
there is NO idea of government in Quran as we know it
I'll research anarchy in more detail before letting you know how it compares to what Quran says about government.
Why would we want to be judged?
So that hopefully people around you feared from being held accountable for wouldn't steal you, beat you and kill you and leave you to live a peaceful life.
If God created those laws, and the laws, rules, etc do not work, then it can only be the lawgiver's respnonsibility to, "correct it."
Where is logic in that? Let's say you have a family rule - noone in your family should kill others for no reason. If one of your sons does exactly that, do you just change the rule as the creator of that rule which didn't work and issue a new rule - anyone in the family can kill others for no reason?!
Free-Will is a great illusion for people to think they are free, when in fact they are chained to slavery and serfdom to the thought process.
Free will is something you can choose to do something, decide not to do something, think about something one way or another. You may want to say that we don't have much choice in what we can choose to do, but I'll say you have to do what you believe is right no matter the consequence. As far as I know noone has found a way to have absolute control over people's thinking process. Brainwashing, etc can be easily defeated as long as you don't want to be brainwashed any more.
The Thinking process is the prcess into luancy, confusion, madness, despair, corruption, suffering, pain, loss, grief, fear, bigotry, greed, anxiety, and desperation. This is all courtesy of the, "god" of, "love."
This is all BS, and you know it.
Why would we want to be judged?
It's not that different from this situation: so that your manager in your work wouldn't harrass you, do whatever he/she wants with you at the fear of being held accountable for and fired by your ultimate manager - the owner and let you work peacefully.
As far as I know noone has found a way to have absolute control over people's thinking process. Brainwashing, etc can be easily defeated as long as you don't want to be brainwashed any more.
Did you read my last post carefully? Didn't I mention the significance of how symbols, language, and neurolinguistics can in fact control you without letting you know consciously about it?
You are also forgetting that one element of mind control is that you are not under mind control. In fact, thinking is the mind control process. While no one person can, "control" you - it is possible for the thinking process to direct you. You are not opening up to all the possibilities - no matter how illogical they seem. Afer all - religion makes no logical sense to anyone with any inside knowing of how the whole system operates.
We are all victims of MKULTRA - by imagining that we are not - we have already fallen deep inside the trap of mind control manipulation. One has to keep an open mind to all the possibilities - no matter what because the world is not logical, rational, or reasonable as some people would like to believe.
The Thinking process is the process into luancy, confusion, madness, despair, corruption, suffering, pain, loss, grief, fear, bigotry, greed, anxiety, and desperation. This is all courtesy of the, "god" of, "love."
This is all BS, and you know it.
You are bullshitting yourself. Deep inside the mind-control, you can't see it because it is not possible within your limited mindset. What I said is possible if you are willing to take into consideration all of the observations that anyone with open eyes with notice.
Don't BS me with your own BS when you are only BSing yourself. Religion is indeed hypocritical and hypnotic.
we are all one:
and on a side note, it's making more and more sense to
"eat light to be Light"
I am curious as to how you propose to live without thinking, and why you believe that would be preferable to thought.
You say that "thought controls and directs all actions." How then might one act without thought?
This is your true colours, Druv. I don’t understand why you claim to be fighting against Illuminati, freemasons, etc, when they do the same thing what you do every day – worship Sun, etc. But it explains a lot why you are against monotheistic religions especially Islam - that’s what they want to destroy too!
Like i said before, you are clueless. You have passed your brain capacity to evaluate and understand whatever i talk about.
We existed far beyond the masons, and their ideology is to warp what ever existed before so people do not remember their past.
As for my problem with Islam, i had provided enough links to show the past which you carefully ignored or you mental capacity had already crossed its limits.
You limited Brain cannot fathom such simple realities, like i said before go back to school and grow a braincell.
If the best that Druv can muster is to attack someone's intelligence, then he is as hopeless as hopelesness can get.
There is not a single thought is truly our own - after all - where did we get all the inspiration for our, "thoughts?" Thoughts do not appear out of nothing - there is a source...intellectualism, "enlightenment", "higher learning", "religion", "science" are all the instruments by which thoguhts enter our heads to direct our actions. The intellectual process is the dumbing down process.
Druv is indeed a religious freak.
Like i said before, you are clueless. You have passed your brain capacity to evaluate and understand whatever i talk about.
We existed far beyond the masons, and their ideology is to warp what ever existed before so people do not remember their past.
As for my problem with Islam, i had provided enough links to show the past which you carefully ignored or you mental capacity had already crossed its limits.
You limited Brain cannot fathom such simple realities, like i said before go back to school and grow a braincell.
Of course such an attitude from Druv is going to make the entire, "truth" movement look bad...and it makes him look like a fool. Division and duality is the game of the elites...and Druv has fallen completely in line with the strategy that they want. They want people to be separated, to fight amongst themselves, to think that one is superior than the other, to believe that they have the TRUTH, yet, Druv admitted already that he does, in fact, "salute to the sun in the morning" when he does Yoga. Freemasonry is also Sun-god worship. Christianity makes no qualms about their sun-god allegedly called, "Jesus." Islam revolves around the moon goddess Innana who simply changed her name into a, "he" - called Allah, with the same sun-god principles of human sacrifice by going around in the stomach of a fish (the Mecca Mosque), and Jews also worship the same sun-god via the Kabbalah (Kabba-Allah).
So, let me put this out in simple terms:
The fish is a Christian symbol of the Sun God called, "Jesus."
The fish is also likewise a symbol of Babylon's sun-god - Oannes, Samesh, whichever name one prefer.
The fish design of the Mecca Mosque is therefore a homage to the principles of sun-god worship. Your scripture won't tell you that, because, "God" does no exist. It is a fabricated concept to throw everyone off from awareness and true freedom.
Buddhists also worship the sun-god via the concept known as, "enLIGHTenment." The light is the sun, or the son of god. The serpent mind rears its ugly head in all religions - Babylonian, Egyptian, Canaanite, Yogi, Buddhist, "Vegans," (yes, even raw vegans are guided and inspired by the Luciferian mindset - energy is light which is Lucifer), Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, Scientologists, Freemasons, Shriners, atheists, scientists, everyone.
So, now tell me Druv - how much of a fool can you be to fall for your pathetic sun-god worship involving a fish?
Islam revolves around the moon goddess Innana who simply changed her name into a, "he" - called Allah, with the same sun-god principles of human sacrifice by going around in the stomach of a fish (the Mecca Mosque)
If you are referring to the moon symbol on top of some (not all) mosques, this symbol hasn't got anything to do with neither the wording nor the meaning of Quran. Muslims generally don't associate their inner belief with symbols. Some quotes from this source:
"The crescent moon and star symbol actually pre-dates Islam by several thousand years... The city of Byzantium (later known as Constantinople and Istanbul) adopted the crescent moon as its symbol... the crescent moon was featured on the city's flag even before the birth of Christ... The early Muslim community did not really have a symbol... During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic armies and caravans flew simple solid-colored flags (generally black, green, or white) for identification purposes. In later generations, the Muslim leaders continued to use a simple black, white, or green flag with no markings, writing, or symbolism on it... It wasn't until the Ottoman Empire that the crescent moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world. When the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city's existing flag and symbol... For hundreds of years, the Ottoman Empire ruled over the Muslim world. After centuries of battle with Christian Europe, it is understandable how the symbols of this empire became linked in people's minds with the faith of Islam as a whole... Based on this history, many Muslims reject using the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam. The faith of Islam has historically had no symbol, and many refuse to accept what is essentially an ancient pagan icon. It is certainly not in uniform use among Muslims."
Quran clearly states that worshipping anything or anybody else than the Creator Himself is the biggest sin.
The reason why we find this symbol on top of most of our biggest mosques (it's not the case with small mosques built by local communities themselves) is because for centuries most of our leaders claimed they were muslims while they were not. Even now most of the leaders of muslim nations are claim they are of local nationality and are muslims while they aren't. For example if you trace back the origin of the Saudi Royal family you come accross a jewish trader who killed a famous islamic scholar and stole his identity, bribed people to spread his false claim around Arabia, got rich, used money and naivity of muslim people to build a khalifate.
It's ithe same with many other leaders muslim nations: Jordan, Egypt, Uzzbekistan (he claims to be uzbek and muslim, actually is a jew) etc. If you observe what they do as opposed to what they say you can easily identify who they really are. While most of them hide their friendship with the US and Israel, some of them don't even try to hide it. I don't have anything agaisnt anyone's wish to be friend with anobody. But in this instance the friendship concentrates upon getting rid of true muslims by using labels of "fundamentalists" and "terrorists". Believe it or not there are much worse prisons than Guantanamo in so-called "muslim" countries including Saudi Arabia where they torture muslims:
If you consider the above, a pagan symbol, or even the shape of the Mecca mosque won't surprise you much.
You should differentiate between what the a particular scripture's guidance from what people choose to do. The difference between the two is the basis upon we all will be judged one day.
You should differentiate between what the a particular scripture's guidance from what people choose to do. The difference between the two is the basis upon we all will be judged one day.
Unfortunately, the Scriptures are not based on any "trick"le of truth. That is why people of all stripes and colors find ways to justify breaking the rules of, "god" in the first place. The rules don't work because people will always find ways to break rules. The only way to stop this insanity is to have a law against whatever is deeemed, "sinful. " The world is over-run with laws, rules, statutes, codes, government, police, armies, mercenaries, murderers, etc because we have too many laws (from, "god").
So, basically, this is how it goes: "God" creates a bunch of rules that he knows that people will break. Then, while nobody is paying attention, "God"s alter-ego, "Satan" or whichever devil one prefer, "seduces" you to, "break God's rules for your own benefit." The victim in question, "rationalizes" why the rules can be broken. This person then breaks it. Then, "God" (god?) comes back in anger demanding that you must be judged, tormented, burnt, smeared, crushed, tortured, and rot in Hell (hell?), the Devil's home (devil?) for eternity for breaking his rule (oh, and did I mention, "god" will then run to the bank at the same time that the victim is breaking his holy laws of ten things you can't do?).
But, but...he loves you!....oh, and he needs your money, "for caring" purposes. Fucked up ain't it?
Anyone with any drop of wisdom can see this. Why can't Druv see it? Or my Muslim friend over here?
It doesn't matter whether or not the, "fake Muslims" are Jews, Americans, Christians, or Crusaders...every religion of the Abrahamic faith is dedicated to human sacrifice.
Now, none of the ordinary people are actually bad per se, they are just being misled first by their, "god" then by their, "church," "caliphate," "priest," and ultimately, the people are being scammed into believing the bullocks that is these religions. Sun-god worship is ultimate hypocrisy, and the Hypocratic Oath is an oath to hypcocrisy.
Unfortunately, the Scriptures are not based on any "trick"le of truth. That is why people of all stripes and colors find ways to justify breaking the rules of, "god" in the first place. The rules don't work because people will always find ways to break rules. The only way to stop this insanity is to not have a law against whatever is deeemed, "sinful. " The world is over-run with laws, rules, statutes, codes, government, police, armies, mercenaries, murderers, etc because we have too many laws (from, "god").
To last Anonymous:
I couldn't find any logic in what you wrote, even with your clarifications. One thing I understood that you seem to be angry, which is good , but the problem is your anger is directed at your own creator rather than the people who corrupt the scriptures, change them or interpret them so that they can have more and more control over you. If you believe you are being manipulated and used, why don't you oppose the people who are doing that to you? Or is it easier just to sit back and complain about God?
The rules don't work because people will always find ways to break rules
Don't mix the God's words (in uncorrupted form and in its original language) with all the man-made laws. The former is a blessing and guidance from God for your own good so that you couldn't be owned, manipulated and used, and you could have a peaceful life. The latter has been created by men so that you could be owned, manipulated and used.
To last anonymous:
I couldn't find any logic in what you wrote, even with your clarifications. One thing I understood that you seem to be angry, which is good , but the problem is your anger is directed at your own creator rather than the people who corrupt the scriptures, change them or interpret them so that they can have more and more control over you. If you believe you are being manipulated and used, why don't you oppose the people who are doing that to you? Or is it easier just to sit back and complain about God?
First, you are going under the assumption that I, the author of that post is indeed angry. That is not true. I am not angry at anything. I am merely being cynical.
Secondly, you are going under the assumption that there is a god, or that the creation is even valid.
Thirdly, you are going under the assumption that this "creator" is, "good" and that it is the duty of, "humans" to, "defend the good" by, "reacting."
Forthly, you are under the impression that if we do not rebel, then we let, "evil" win.
Finally, all your assumptions are deeply misguided and a clear misreading of what I wrote.
It is not all about logic, reason, faith, rationality, or a new pseudo-intellectual-spiritism [which is what you are suggesting when you stated that, "Don't mix the God's words (in uncorrupted form and in its original language) with all the man-made laws. The former is a blessing and guidance from God for your own good so that you couldn't be owned, manipulated and used, and you could have a peaceful life. The latter has been created by men so that you could be owned, manipulated and used")].
There is no, "God", "God's Word" or any of the things you mentioned. The greatest lie is the lie that says there is a God, or that this God loves you, and that the world it has created is real, valid, and good. Read carefully: It is a lie.
If you care to understand the real purpose of this illusory creation of a 3-dimensional world, you'll have to abandon all semblance of logic and observe the world with cynicism.
This world is not logical, rational, or reasonable. It is riddled with deceit and deception in every corner when one has eyes to see.
To quote from the legendary George Carlin:
Well that’s a poetic note and it’s a start and I can dream can I? See, I don’t worry about the little things… bees, trees, whales, snails. I think we’re part of a greater wisdom that we won’t ever understand, a higher order. Call it what you want. You know what I call it? The big electron… the big electron. [Imitates electronic hum] It doesn’t punish, it doesn’t reward, it doesn’t judge at all. It just is and so are we...for a little while… thanks for being here with me for a little while tonight.
That greater wisdom is what I am trying to get at into you people. Neither god, nor the devil, an imaginary saviour, an imaginary great beast, good nor evil are a part of this bgreater wisdom. Wisdom is beyond good and evil, beyond god and the devil, beyond dreams and perceptions...wisdom is who and what we are. That is what George Carlin is saying.
For a little while, we are separated from this greater wisdom, but we are it, and we are inseparable from this greater wisdom. We are this greater wisdom. Thanks George Carlin, you'll always be missed.
I didn't say you are angry, only said you seem to be angry.
All of my assumptions are valid. If not prove me wrong.
The greatest lie is the lie that says there is a God
Complete opposite, the second biggest lie ever told is that God doesn't exist. The biggest lie ever told is to say that someone is or was a God.
This world is not logical, rational, or reasonable.
It's, it's based on the laws of physics which are logical, rational, or reasonable. Otherwise the universe wouldn't survive a millisecond.
It is riddled with deceit and deception in every corner when one has eyes to see.
This is correct, but this doesn't mean that the world is illogical, irrational or unreasonable. It only means some people choose to do wrong as opposed to do right.
From now on I won't respond to your illogical, irrational and unreasonable statements. As God says: "So leave them (alone) to speak nonsense and play until they meet the Day of theirs, which they have been promised." (Quran 43:83)
From now on I won't respond to your illogical, irrational and unreasonable statements. As God says: "So leave them (alone) to speak nonsense and play until they meet the Day of theirs, which they have been promised." (Quran 43:83)
This is exactly the same mentality that drives the elites of the world in their quest for world domination. Once again, my Muslim friend above explicitly states that anyone who does not fall into line with his, "god" shall be judged and vanquished simply because they don't see the world as completely rational, logical, or reasonable.
The, "age of Enlightenment" nonsense that has been spewed has herded these religious zealots into a herd mentality that is very dangerous for their own wellbing. After all, how can these religious folks be so sure that they won't be judged as well?
If god loves people so much, why judge, punish, and treat them like slaves? Does it make any sense to anyone excepf these religious freaks?
I'd be careful of what you wish for my friends. Because you may get more than you bargained for, and it may not at all turn out to be the way that you imagined it would be. Your faith can't guarantee anything - your faith in reason, logic, and rationality is just as misguided as those of the ruling elites with their intellectual indoctrination.
The conspiracy movement is indeed turning into a New Elite that will declare victory once the, "judgment" of the lord has come to pass (as they claim according to their blood-soaked, blood-drenched, and ghoulish holy books).
The world is in the mind - and the mind can be manipulated at will via the thought process of intellectual indoctrination. The Age of Reason is the Age of Mass Murder.
Eric , please I need so much you answer. I have just heard about BlueBeam project. I am one of the Eastern countries. I live far from my country. My aunt is very rich and lives in my home-country. I have occured out just an hour ago that She calls herself as Maria, and she is expected to give a birth to a baby to Jesus on the 21 of December 2012. ı know she has lost her mind, and actually she ia a woman with a very bad character, bad habits, she never might be Maria. But I am scared because she is totally supported by Jewish Organization who is sending her someone to marry soon to have a baby. She believs to everything what they say. SHe might even kill the people who she does not love, I am so much affraid of it and sorry for the babay she is planning to have. Please let me know, will that happen you think. What should I do. They have a huge an enermous plan, they are going on through this plan and they are all so much rich to afford evry kind of evil stuff. Please o please tell me something.
Hey Anonymous, all that "birth of a new baby Jesus on Dec. 21, 2012" esoteric occult weirdness is simply that. Don't concern yourself too much with their delusions about messiahs and saviors. Just worry about taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Expose any important information you can, and other than that, try not to get so caught up in their fear-based plans, and focus on love-based positive solutions. Peace
Awesome post lots of great informing information cheers.
My experience with reptillians and aliens is that they are not physical beings but interdimensional 'etheric' beings that can affect our emotions and spirit body. I have had numerous healings in which I have had reptillian and alien influences removed and I have experienced the effects. So, to discover the reptillilan influence you need to perceive beyond the five senses. Some people have this ability awakened and some do not.
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