I just finished watching this spectacular film by Lenon Honor called "The Early Works of Walt Disney: The Foundations of a Pedophilic Institution." This full-length documentary convincingly exposes, backed by abundant evidence, that from its inception Disney has been a racist, sexist, satanist, pedophilic institution masquerading its propaganda as children's/family entertainment. Lenon Honor shows how Disney:
1) Keeps the viewer's intellectual processes locked into the morally impartial mental state present in childhood
2) Maintains subliminal grasp of the viewer's genial-parental autonomy via the promotion of and the establishment of Disney as the social, moral, intellectual, and spiritual authority in the home in general and in the lives of children in particular
3) Ensures the acceptance of all subliminal programming within Disney films so as to promote satanic cultural ideals, aspects, and practices such as spells, chants, curses, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality, human and animal sacrifices, seances, channeling, summoning, etc.
4) Feminizes men so as to generate the social, moral, sexual, and spiritual conditions necessary for the sequential destruction of the family unit
5) Objectifies women in such a way as to transform their feminine nature in general and their feminine sexuality in particular into a state of whoredom
6) Subliminally promotes whoredom as an honorable and respectable model for womanhood
7) Subliminally promotes the idea within the minds of young boys the notion that whoredom is a desirable character quality within women and therefore something to be perceived as valueable during the courtship process
8) Creates the degree of instability and dysfunctionality within the family unit necessary for pedophilia and possession to take place and thrive cross-generationally
I highly recommend this to everyone. You can watch the whole thing in 23 parts on YouTube here or on Lenon Honor's website here. Peace

We inadvertently left the TV on playing the Disney "Lion King Sing Along Songs DVD", and when I woke up in the middle of the night, the intro was playing over and over, and in my my half-asleep state, it sounded like they were chanting "people are violent" over and over progressing to "people are getting more violent" over and over.
It sounded like as if repeating these phrases with your mouth open, so as to blur the words.
Cartoon Network is TOTALLY satanic.
They had this commercial where a young boy had this laser red light toy, and in the end, he bent over, the camera focused on his rear end as he put the toy between his leg, and the red light was over where his a_ _s is.
And that was when Cartoon Network forever is banne from our household.
And having watched endless hours of cartoons as a child myself, and seen commercials in between cartoons, the toys nowadays are focused on robotic cause and effect from the kids--to me it look like training dogs to react to stimuli.
Not too many toy commercials that encourage kids to use their creativity and imagination (such as Spirograph...)
Cartoon Network even has this new show, Firebreather, where the hero, a blond haired boy, has a reptilian for a father!!!
And they freely use the horned masonic sign as well!
Cartoon Networks show, Adventure Time, is FULL of pedophilia (old king lusting after young girls), phrases such as "between your legs", nipple pinching, really violent gruesome decapitation, and on and on.
and let's not leave out the Cartoon Network LOGO itself, Black & White masonic chessboard
Thanks for the comments anonymous. As comprehensive as this documentary is, it really just scrapes the surface of the amount of wildly unethical mind-control that has been targeted at children for generations. The issues of feminizing men, objectifying women, belittling the family unit, normalizing satanism, and causing every sort of racist, sexist or other division among us are present in all the mainstream media and I'd say are the very reasons for its existence. The first Hollywood director was a Mason. Walt Disney was a Mason. They display their signs and symbols openly in every production. I hope people are starting to see through Disney and the other mainstream masonic propaganda outlets as the corrupt and morally bankrupt institutions that they are. Peace
No wonder Disney movies scare little kids
Another link:
(ps, Little Mermaid had the wedding scene where the priest (in catholic papal attire) had a cartoon erection! --just YouTube it!
Protocols, Protocols, Protocols
I have a feeling they want people to learn about these symbols and societies that the common person sees as satanic because honestly we're indoctrinated to do so by our religions and we all know the same people who control modern religions today are the ones who control disney and other media outlets (i'm not saying you shouldn't see it as satanic, i'm saying your religion/belief system shouldn't be your only reason). One day, the average person who was curiouse about these things will be the ones who accept the doctrine of oneness as in expressing your femenism and masculinity at the same time, accepting that satan in just the negative side of man and Jesus/ other "CHRISTillizations of consciousnesses" are the positive side of humanity and both should be expressed equally. And anyone who doesn't accept this doctrine will be labled as those who cling on to the old way and hold the rest back from evolving into complet Gods. If you want to understan what i'm talking about watch this video and learn about Theosophy along with all global religions, myths and legends about snakes, dragons, and floods, learn who controlls these religions and who corrupted them and you will really be at a high understanding. I have not yet done this to the fullest extent but one day I Will. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVSAGv4kUgk I think it will also be VERY helpful to learn about the 13th Chakra (the one outside the body and experienced inside the heart),13th Tribe of Israel (Dan), the 13th Constilation (Ophiuchus the snake barer/healer), the 13th zodiac sign (again ophiuchus ), and see how they are very similar. Always look for more, if they say there's only 5 look for 6 if they say 12 look for 13.
read it..
Great article, I just saw it in my mailbox the same time as your comment. Look into Sherry Kane's claims and research for yourself. It all checks out. Peace
Here's another link to the full article. That other link got cut off:
maybe no one thought my comment was relevant... I noticed the links are about mind controll and i want to share what i found about Robert Kennedy's assasin, he say's he doesn't remember killing him and the CIA set him up, his name is Sirhan Sirhan the name Sirhan means wolf, i don't know if that is of any significance, he is 66 years old double 6, double name (double wolf) think about it. This is from Associated Press and was released 48 minutes ago. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110303/ap_on_re_us/us_sirhan_parole_10
On the subject of Kennedy,
Thanks for all the links everyone, I'm trying to get through them now. Peace
Dulce, New Mexico
Delve a littler deeper
Why children are preferred targets:
Go here if you dare:
Pushing Drugs on Toddlers & Children:
mars needs moms.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
we deserve what we get - now I understand......
Please be careful! There are animals in human clothing wanting to destroy the beauty that has been created as this lovely planet Earth, and these who desire to destroy, also want to depopulate, because they believe there is a 1000 year period, when such as these shall be given what they love more than anything - wealth and power! How can such as these be ruled by anyone? Keep yourself and your wife, very safe! You are on the right track!
One of them cartoon movies , Tangled .I was surfing the internet when i saw the wallpaper of tangled movie , which had a double meaning.
Im disgusted by Adventure time's Ice King. He is a pedophile and lusts after a child princess. He is super gross and the sexual stuff he says is ridiculous. This is an old man saying this to and about children "lets have some babies", "you keep cock blocking me", "I'll be inside of you", I have a crush on the little princess" Ewww. He freezes children and hold them hostage. When the children beg to be unfrozen, he refuses saying "No, we are not friends yet" or "Not until you eat this" he often holds his crotch. He is super nasty. The show also attempts to condition children into giving in to Pedophiles and being friends with them without involving any authority. This should be banned.
After much complaint regarding the Ice King in Adventure time, the Princess age was changed from 13 to 18 but it is still clear she is very child like in behavior and physical appearances. The Ice King's character has gotten worse. Saying things like, I cannot wait to taste that bubblegum (referring to the Child Princess)
great theory. being a person who has entirely too much experience with pedophilia that suggestion caught my eye. you constantly described Disney to be pedophilic, even going as far as using the alleged word "pedo-disney", without one concrete example. with nothing but big words and poorly thought out connections. I would love to hear more about this, but until you can provide actual evidence that helps to prove your theories, you are just a common doomsday crier, only instead of wearing rags spewing garbage out your mouth on the street, you are wearing a suit with a college education spewing garbage through your keyboard.
even going as far as using the alleged word "pedo-disney", without one concrete example
You obviously didn't even look at the pictures provided, let alone watch the 23 part series with hundreds of examples. If you can't see that Disney is racist, sexist, satanic, and pedophilic after watching that series, you were probably molested by old Walt yourself and your fragmented trauma-based mind-altars are no longer capable of making the connection.
The baron is entertained.
He notes the advancements in human accomplishment and thinking are likely due to some level of control. We as a people have free books for all, it is the public at large in excerzise of their free will who seek these things, this entertainment.
In countering the forces of racism, you must meet them half way, then turn up the amplitude. That is to say, in the 50s no one would have accepted a black president. As more and more appear in media, and the public watches the farce. They become accpeting of the notion and their bigotry, often learned from parents. See above videos. Said bigotry is slowly delluted, to use an alchemaic term.
Human beings are sexual creatures, amoung other things, it becomes natural to think people would choose something that connects with their lower nature.
I will agree there is probably more going on then most suspect, but what we see through the looking glass can mirror what is in the human heart. If some basic program can be installed to keep people from devolving into animals, I say go for it.
Baron Munse
This is one of those wonderful rabbit holes I really enjoyed, when I discovered Lenon Honor's work a couple years ago. Really amazing stuff! Check out what he's up to now, truly impressive.
the case is rock solid against disney for anyone with a open mind or half a brain to look at the evidence its clearly there that they have some sick minds operating things over a long period of time.
I gotta say though, the guy that made those videos is sooooooooooo terrible!
they are so painfully hard to watch even if your interested. Hope someone can put together a quicker easier to watch case again disney, hard to sit down a family member or friend and have them try to watch that!
Is this Life imitaing art, or
art bamboozling you into thinking its REAL LIFE?
RIP Christina Taylor Green of the Cathy Gifford (false flag/ drill) shooting
( 9/11, 2001 - 8/8, 2011 )
But celebrates her 12th (twelfth) birthday???
scroll down to RobotDeathSquad post
What could they possibly want with all those kids?
What would Walt Disney have done with kids?
Interesting perspectives and theories have gone in and have taken the attention of my mind. I think this guy's view on the role of manhood is right and as are several other things, though as far as this being a great piece of work; I would have to protest and say that this guy repeatedly made ignorant remarks for example he continuosly kept tossing around words like pedophillia and satanism around like their blaintantly obvious. With the utmost repect and that is that this video would be a lot better if it did not repeat unexplained name calling, give off a pressure to hate disney without rationalizing, and to rhetorically throw out questions. I think its a worth while video with a refreshing message but it felt a bit like a hypnosis. Interesting find- AG
When I was a kid, I knew something was up with Disney from the start. Even as a child you could witness something, or maybe I'm crazy but as a kid I had a feeling what I was watching was not right. As far as that one picture saying "Disney more responsible than first boners than Playboy" I don't think you can sum it up better than that.
Take a look at Disney character Jessica Rabbit for instance in the Roger Rabbit stuff. Just look at her, is it appropriate or what? She has huge breasts, and a body just built for a woman you would witness in an adult film. What does that give off to a young kid when they first see her? It's worse than Playboy magazine because it's right there in your face as a child.
Even Cartoon Network has some bad stuff on it, yet I can't remember much. I absolutely stopped watching cartoons when I was only 12.
Those pictures are just down right disturbing. The Mickey Mouse Microphone toy, the Donald Duck ride. Yes Disney is loaded with nasty sexual subliminal. Racist too? You said it. Think about Pocahontas or whatever it was called with the Indian Princess. Did you know there was never any Indian princesses? From all my research, the Indians also didn't have names until the whites gave them names later on. They used a lot of film and stuff to paint the original Native Americans as savages and it's the most blunt force of racism in history. Movies like "The Searchers" for instance, that justifies the slaughter of them. Like our treasured "classic" cartoons with Disney, some of our classic films are straight up propaganda and full of racism, especially some of the classic westerns that show the slaughter of Native Americans.
Disney pushes that stuff for a reason. Just like schools indoctrinate on sex and drugs when you're only 10 years old. They want sex on your mind as a child. What amazes me though is how no one figured it out years ago when all this first came out. You know how they say that everyone had more class back in the 1930's and 1950's? Where was the outrage over these cartoons? It's so blunt and in your face, where were the people there to say it was full of inappropriate stuff? It's like that with anything from Masons such as Disney, they make sure it's pushed.
big media has investment crews with ties to marketing budgets... telcos... and gov big bro.... even down to the college professor level...
so lots of arranged employment.. arranged marriages... arranged moving... look at the relationship between silicon valley and hollywood....
and if you bitch too much like me they will stare at you in public and bribe the police to set you up on false charges.... have your dsl tapped.. business hyped.. etc
they start their data base file on you in college... sometimes earlier
They know what they are doing. Over the years they slowly built up so anything that "we" see, other people may not because they are so dumb and indoctronated they think it should be like this. wooh pedophiles running the networks
**** DISNEY!
Many do not see or understand why Disney does what they do to children. It is because people are becoming less spiritual, more worldly and atheist. And basically foolish as Hell. But the Truth will always be the same Truth no matter what year it is. Right and Wrong were define long before my and your lifetime. Billions of people have lived and died that knew GOD. The people in this world today are a tiny fraction and they have none of the wisdom to know. Therefore, they are fools easily duped by Disney and other entities. The agenda of this world is to fulfill the hatred against GOD by bringing people out of a spiritual existence and into a worldly enslavement. And from a spiritual point of view, childhood is the most important time of a person's life. But it represents the roots. Without good roots, what good are you?? A few manage to heal regardless. But most do not. And if you can steal a child's life, you have stolen the whole thing. We must get our children out of public schools and out of mainstream. We must shelter them in what it right. Not by today's standards. But by those that have already been predetermined long ago. The Truth never changes. But the supposed "values" of man are filthy and ever changing.
In the series Robot Chicken on adultswim,theres an episode where walt disney lives as a robot/android inside mickey mouse. Publicly he is mickey mouse, but when hes in his underground lair, under disneyworld, he takes off the mickey suit and EATS STOLEN CHILDREN, alive.
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