The God Of Judaism Is A Psychopath - by Bernard Weckman
Strong words? Yes! Offensive? Only if you find the truth offensive! But don’t just take my word for it! Let us have a look at the “Good Book” itself! This is what we find in Chapter 20 of the book of Deuteronomy: 20:10-16 "When you come to a city to fight against it, then first proclaim peace toward it. If it answers for peace, and opens its gates to you, then all the people found therein shall be your slaves, and they shall serve you. If it won’t make peace, but will make war against you, then you shall besiege it. And when the LORD thy God has delivered it into your hands, you shall kill every male inside with the edge of your sword. But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the fortunes inside, shall you take for yourself; and you shall eat all the good things of your enemy, which the LORD thy God has given you. Thus you shall do to every city even faraway which are not among your chosen nations. In these cities, which the LORD thy God gives you for an inheritance, you shall leave nothing left alive" …
Strong words? Yes! Offensive? Only if you find the truth offensive! But don’t just take my word for it! Let us have a look at the “Good Book” itself! This is what we find in Chapter 20 of the book of Deuteronomy: 20:10-16 "When you come to a city to fight against it, then first proclaim peace toward it. If it answers for peace, and opens its gates to you, then all the people found therein shall be your slaves, and they shall serve you. If it won’t make peace, but will make war against you, then you shall besiege it. And when the LORD thy God has delivered it into your hands, you shall kill every male inside with the edge of your sword. But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the fortunes inside, shall you take for yourself; and you shall eat all the good things of your enemy, which the LORD thy God has given you. Thus you shall do to every city even faraway which are not among your chosen nations. In these cities, which the LORD thy God gives you for an inheritance, you shall leave nothing left alive" …
Remember: it was the Israelites that were the aggressors, it was the Israelites that invaded Canaan with the clear intention of dispossessing and displacing the rightful owners. Any city or tribe or nation that dared to defend itself against these marauders – sorry “God’s Chosen People” – was wiped out. If they surrendered without a fight they were granted the privilege of becoming slaves. Now isn’t that extraordinarily merciful and generous of our Chosenites? P.S.The successors of the Israelites are at it again! Look at what is transpiring in Palestine! You really can’t miss the parallels!

The conquest of Canaan did almost certainly not happen as described – if it at all – and this particular piece of history need therefore not be taken at face value. So why worry about it? It most likely didn’t happen. And anyway, it is ancient history, isn’t it? Not quite! The Bible, the book that contains the toxic teachings and insane commandments of Yhwh, is still being revered by millions of Jews as well as billions of non-Jews as the literal word of God. That bothers me, to put it mildly.
You do not have to be a psychiatrist – common sense is quite enough! – to understand that if Yhwh were a human being brought in for psychiatric assessment he would be diagnosed as criminally insane, a psychopath. Given his track record in history and his character profile he could certainly not be allowed to walk free; he would have to be locked away, never to be released!
While I do not often find myself in agreement with Richard Dawkins – I find his take on religion a little bit too negative and intolerant for my taste – his description of Yhwh, however, is spot on.
“The God of the Old Testament is
arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud
of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive,
bloodthirsty, ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist,
infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal,
sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” -Richard Dawkins
“The Torah is the most holy of the sacred writings in Judaism.” -R.J. Coggins
Jewish reverence for the Torah (the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) is such that they will not even touch the scroll on which it is written so as not to soil it. A Jew will touch, for instance, the scroll with a corner of his prayer shawl and then kiss that instead of the scroll itself. What are we to make of a people that reveres a book which can only be described as an instruction manual for genocidal racism and other criminal conduct? What are we to make of a people that worships a god like Yhwh?
Is it not reasonable to assume that anyone who worships this god and obeys his commandments must see in him a role model, possessed of qualities that are worthy of admiration and emulation? Furthermore, is it not reasonable to assume that those who accept such commandments as binding are themselves psychopaths? Like attracts like, no? Psychopaths are hard-wired to lie, kill, injure and inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling shame or guilt or remorse.
You find them amongst all races and religions and in all walks of life. They supply mankind with axe-murderers, sexual degenerates, drug-crazed maniacs, poisoners, child abusers/killers, sadistic torturers, con men, professional killers and mercenaries. These are bad enough but their activities are limited by an individual’s life span and generally affect only a small number of people.

Does this man fit the profile of a psychopath? (M A Rothschild – a Jew)

The tendency to blame others for one’s own shortcomings and for one’s own misfortunes and to project onto them the contents of one’s own sick psyche, are, as any first-semester student of psychology can probably tell you, two of the chief characteristics of a psychopath. Are all Jews insane? Yes and No! There are degrees of insanity. Not every Jew is a full-blown psychopath, of course. But being closer to the poison-spewing Torah and Talmud they are more strongly affected.
I know many Jews who are aware of the immoral character of the Talmud’s teachings but dare not speak out against or distance themselves from Judaism out of fear of the repercussions, one of which will be ostracism. Keeping up outward appearances while knowing on the inside that there is something terribly wrong with your people and its religion makes for inner conflict. While this is not psychopathy proper it is still not exactly a sign of a healthy and balanced mind.

(Please check out and bookmark Bernard's blog, The Chosenites, for more excellent articles exposing Judaism/Zionism. Keep up the great work Bernard!)
The karaite jewish scholars i have studied know the pagan lucifer worshiping jews totally rewrote the torah and old testament to fit their agenda. The karaite jewish scholar i like most is a man named Dr. Shmuel Asher... he has opened my eyes up even more through all my studies. Anyways... keep up the good blog, i don't read many except yours and a few others.
Will do, thanks Half Navajo!
A while ago I read a book "Star Wisdom, Principles of Pleidian Spirituality" by Gene Andrade, and it said that Yahwey was a Lyrian warlord, and my experience of those first chapters of the Bible was, that that would explain a lot. It is an excellent reporting on info received from Billy Meier.
I agree with Sue. All the evidence or channeling literature points to the fact that Yahweh was a fallen member of Elohim or some other 5th dimensional being PRETENDING To be the one and only god. He may have been the creator of mankind (member of the Elohim) or something but that still does not make it the alpha and omega. Then again, once you hit the 5th dimension, I'm sure you can make the same kind of sentiment that the univerise and you are one. Didn't Jesus say the same thing? Presuming he was real.
The "god" of the bible is the multi-generational psychopathic ruling elite, those who wrote the bible.
The NWO is "2014" years in the making with WWIII being the beginning of the end of this horror show.
Jesus, who never existed, is the main delusion of this fake, but deadly, scripted reality.
Most people start their culture by criticizing.
When man knows the truth he knows that there is a wheel of justice controlling the life of the humankind. You live now because you had lived before. And your life is controlled by your karma principles.
So one can't be killed unless one deserves it. The one living in the unseen dimension like Yahweh sees what everyone deserves and always his orders come perfect to state justice.
However, you are true in saying that the model affects its keeper in the same way. So Jesus tried to change the model by offering another model for life. But all models lived and worked in the boundaries of the Karma ( Justice)
I sat and touched a angels hands on a plane in 1985. One hand was hot the other very cold. Long story. But I read few years later Hebrews 13 2. Some have entertained angels without even knowing it
Lucifer (YWHW) is the god in Bi-ble.
As a child, reading a simple version of the New Testament, "God" sounded mean and wrathful, qualities I didn't associate as that an allmighty being would dish out. This "god" sounded like he had childish temper tantrums.
Check out Dr. Scott McQuate (innercirle on YouTube)
Usually God chooses to appear little bigger than his followers. So Yahweh was to show him self in compromise with the nature of his people and the nature of his task. In those days his task was to establish a nation. And there were no way suitable for that except behaving like a great general who was to train soldiers and invade other countries in compromise with absolute justice.
The delusion is that the bible is a spiritual book, when clearly it is not. It is a deadly ruse played on humanity by the ruling elite/the biblical "god".
You won't experience any clear thinking on this deception until you stop trying to make sense of this wretched book and throw it into the garbage where it belongs.
The elites "depopulation agenda" is the book of revelations.
These people are made psychopathic by their beliefs and intent
There's literally billions of them on the planet praying for the genocide of billions by elite created wars. Are you one of them?
Gnosis=knowledge that the creator is love and jesus does not exist.
Hard, but mostly true words, dear Eric! And I welcome very much that you see through satanic mystery babylon that is strongly interwoven into the old testament and judaism.
As for Jesus and the new testament, I also hold it with William Cooper: I don't know if this person (or several, merged characters) existed and lived and talked like in the new testament, but read with the heart, there is a lot of spiritual truth and wisdom of life that can be extracted like from few other books.
Peace, Chaukee
I address this "god" and the highjacking of the personhood of a Nazerene insurrectionist in my two-part video here:
I hope you find it useful. Peace.
I believe in a creator of our universe and whatever other universes out there. I want to know if there are any recommendation on certain scholars who have an onsite who our true creator is?
Technically, you can't be "diagnosed as criminally insane." Criminally insane is a legal judgment, not a psychiatric diagnosis. The diagnosis would be antisocial personality disorder, or psychopathy in layperson's terms.
Maybe there is a real god hidden whose power or position was taken away as in a corporate takeover, you know just maybe,the holy grail is about finding the real god .
Amazon: About the Author
Dr. Asher hails from an uninterrupted family lineage of Karaite Torah scholars originating from the Hebrew Tribe of Asher in the Galilee area of Northern Canaan.
"The karaite jewish scholars i have studied know the pagan lucifer worshiping jews totally rewrote the torah and old testament to fit their agenda. The karaite jewish scholar i like most is a man named Dr. Shmuel Asher... he has opened my eyes up even more through all my studies."
Haw, you must have traded some real wampum to believe that some guy claiming to be part of a tribe that was carried off into exile by the Assyrians 700 years BC yet he has an uninterrupted lineage is really what he claims to be.
Oh and what Karaite Jewish Scholars have you studied under because I know most of the respected scholars of today so lets hear your whos who of Karaite Scholars with all the big medicine about lucefarian jews?
I dont think Stormfront has Karaite scholars on staff.
You are all Mistaken YHWH is the only true God, and Jesus Christ is the savior..
What called for such extreme measures.. You should remember medieval people were brutes.. Forms of diplomacy would never be accepted.
I mean all pagan cultures Beheaded the miscreants, Rome, Persian, Hammurabi law..
So people were generally heartless and took pride of being so.
Remember how Jesus tells jews, the law of Moses allows men to divorce their wives, but it was not so from the beginning, what reason did Jesus give, people they are stubborn people.
YHWH is God, the times were bad,
Remember the cruelty administered to samson.. They cut his hair, and then blinded him, and then put him for display.. Mocking God with their pagan gods of sex prostitution, cannibalism, beastiality and such vile forms of pagan worship.
samson prayed to Yawheh one last time to give him strength, to avenge himself and destroy the pagans.
If You know pagans worship Satan that vile fallen god like, Molech,who demanded burnt child sacrifices would know why YHWH is despite of his wrath he is a loving God.
Technically, you can't be "diagnosed as criminally insane." Criminally insane is a legal judgment, not a psychiatric diagnosis. The diagnosis would be antisocial personality disorder, or psychopathy in layperson's terms.
You may be right - technically. But I wrote this article not for speakers of "legalese" (i.e. lawyers) or speakers of "psychobabble" (i.e. psychiatrists) but for educated speakers of plain old English and I am sure they understand what is meant.
But thanks anyway for clearing things up
Bernard Weckmann
Religion is nothing more than history. Anyone with a clear mind can see that all the abrahamic religions are just later editions of the ancient Mesopotamium, babylonian and egyptian gods. The story just changed gradually with time as it spread like chinese whispers. So all the religions are like chapters of the same fantasy story.
The ancient religions which form the foundation of the abrahamic religions trully were barbaric, with practices of cannibalism, burning babies and all sorts of ritual horrors. What's most worrying though is that there is considerable evidence that the elite Jews don't worship the watered down version (Judaism) but still worship the original religions which were around when their civilisations first formed. All the occult and egyptian symbolism and imagery all over pop culture and the US in general indicates that.
And ultimately if these crazies believe there is meant to be armaggedon before their evil messiah returns, they'll create a self fulfilling prophecy. Like how they invaded Palistine and are exterminating the Palestinians, but say it's Gods will and part of the prophecy.
Crazy religious nuts are going to kill us all.
The secret of the heavenly plan was hidden from the public. So no one can know the truth perfectly except the the truly sent from Heaven.
You're exactly correct. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths.
Kevin B. MacDonald has talked about Judaism being a “group evolutionary strategy.” I believe this is true but the essence of this is they are psychopaths. Not all. Probably not even the majority. The reason I say this is their pattern of behavior is psychopathic. I’m going to give a few examples.
Extreme confidence. Jews from all over came to Russia, took over the country and proceed to slaughter very large numbers of people. This takes serious balls. Look at these guys on TV saying the most ridiculous things and just refusing to back down.
A inhuman ability ability to lie. Lying so well as to convince people of the the most ridiculous things. Like White people should allow all other races to move to their country even though it will be the ruin of us. Look at the screwed up stuff they do. Like the homo pedophile that ran the Nazi party.
Elaborate schemes. Prime example is the attack on 9-11. Building #7 fell for about 108 feet at the same speed as a rock dropped in mid-air. To do this all the columns for about ten stories would have to be almost simultaneously disconnected. Even more strange the building stays mostly level as it falls meaning all across the building the column destruction timing would have to be in the millisecond range. The the gov. said this was due to fires. This is just not possible. Not improbable, or unlikely, it’s impossible. It doesn’t take any weird theories to see this.
There was a person who said psychopaths seem to have to have a need for dirt or perversions at times. Fits very well with the choke, slap and puke pornography the Jews are putting out.
No compassion. Look at what they do to the Palestinians. It’s horrible but they seem to revel in the bloodshed. The Checka in Russian were brutal to abnormal levels.
A very good book to read that’s free is “The Mask of Sanity”. Excellent book. Here’s a link to an short excerpt that talks about one spath individual, Stanley, that seems to show a lot of these behaviors.
If you base your world view on the idea that the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you will never be surprised and many things that don’t make sense will suddenly make a great deal of sense. It also would explain how every country the Jews have gone to they’ve eventually been kicked out of. People can only stand so much of psychopaths behavior and then something must give. They must go.
I believe Theodor Herzl knew this. His plan was to save the Jews by segregation.
In the past the Jews took over Russia and proceeded to kill the Russians, Ukrainians and everyone else in profligate numbers. They took over the banks, legislature and industrial production and attempted to kill off the Germans. There is a pattern.
Jews have the same pattern over and over because it works. They go to another country. They say the last country oppressed them and they’ve always been oppressed because they love God and only serve him.
They rise to the top of the country by these methods. They flatter the people who control the country, get them in their debt. Possibly black mail them. They take control of the information and media of the country. After this point the country goes down rapidly. Here’s where the psychopaths always mess up. They have no off switch. Have you ever watched a documentary on wolverines? They are just like wolverines. Wolverines are insatiable eaters. They will eat til they pass out. The Jews are they same. Anyone can get rich if all they do is pursue wealth constantly. This obsession is worse for the Jews as there is nothing they will not do. Psychopaths have no shame so they will do any crime or break any taboo to get money and power. Psychopaths think that the rest of are stupid and we deserve to get taken for being idiots. It’s not really a crime to con people because victims deserve what they get.
Psychopaths having no empathy themselves can only go by the feedback they get from the people they are exploiting. So they push and push to see what they can get away with. The normal people build up resentment towards them. Thinking “surely they will reform or repent” like a normal person who does wrong. Of course the Jews do not. They don’t have the mental process for reform. Then in a huge mass outpouring of hate for the Jews, fed up with the refusal to reform their behavior, they attack and/or deport them. In this stage of the cycle the Big/Rich Jews escape and the little Jews are attacked.
Start over.
The Jews may not be responsible for everything but they are at the root of corruption in the West. They support corrupt people to undermine societies. Over time this builds til the whole society is corrupt. Like a corruption amplifier they up the levels of dysfunction. Any trivial amount of study of what the Jews have promoted over the last fifty years or so will see that it promotes dysfunction. It doesn't make sense that such a small amount of people could do such damage but if they are focused, have no morals and keep at it long enough over time they replace the half way decent rulers with the completely corrupt. Just a matter of money and priorities. Doesn't hurt they control all of the major media sites.
If you read about psychopaths and apply this information to Jews you will never be surprised.
Voltaire on the Jews,
''They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race..."
Great comment and points made Sam, I totally agree. Thanks for sharing!
The context of when God commanded to kill all those who oppose was when God had to purify the land and make it holy, since the pagans worshiped other gods and sacrificed children and did other horrendous things they were defiling the land, notice how God also commands many times to burn every thing up including the animals and not to take anything from the pagans.
As far as the the verse in Deuteronomy 20:10 is not referring to slaves but rather people who will work for them and pay taxes, yes in verse 11 the Hebrew says מס which is tax, slaves do not pay taxes.
If you take the old testament out of context it can mean any thing you like it to mean, what people forget is that God is the creator of our universe and he can give life and take life to whoever and from who ever he pleases, we are his creation and are subdued to him. but this is not to say he is a psychopath that has no reason for anything, that is blasphemy to suggest such a thing.
God is good and His laws are good, the ten commandments are blessed, there are nothing bad in it, if the Torah was man made it would be written in a selfish way that would benefit the leaders(elite) but it does not, the Torah benefits all man kind wherever they may be if they choose to keep it, that is why Christianity is not following the Torah because there is no money in something that is good for humanity, neither do the Jews follow the Torah really, Judaism today has corrupted it's way into the same money making machine that all religions are by reinterpreting the Torah into what they "think" it means and so on. this is why Yeshua the messiah condemned the pharisees of his days because of their corruption and because they fallen away from the true teachings of God that Moses received.
The people known as Jews today, are not descendant from Jacob/Israel's son Judah.
They are edomites, descendants from the Caananites that Jacob's older brother Esau intermarried with, thereby losing his birthright. These caananites where later to be known as Edomites.
The edomites became a part of Judea, when the Judahite King Hyrcanus conquered them approx 125 bc and converted them to judaism.
These edomites call themselves 'jews' today
"They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BC), who forcibly converted them, among others, to Judaism,[39] and incorporated them into the Jewish nation,[20] despite the opposition of the Pharisees. Antipater the Idumaean, the progenitor of the Herodian Dynasty along with Judean progenitors, that ruled Judea after the Roman conquest, was of mixed Edomite/Judean origin. "
The evil in the Old Testament vs. the love in the New Testament parallels human evolution. We started out as brutal animals, but then we evolved to be more kind and peaceful.
But we are still not perfect. We are still destructive. Everything that lives kills something else for the sake of its own survival. This is the harsh truth of reality. We are all psychopaths in some sense.
The Judaist are mentally deranged psychopaths because:
a. They worship a mentally deranged psychopathic mass murderer called Yahweh and imagine he is God.
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochictic, caprciously malevolent bully.” – Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
“Whenever we read … the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible* is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize humankind. And, for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.” – Thomas Paine
*When he says the bible, Paine means the Torah, the OT.
"Jehovah, conned and bullied his way to the top of the godly heap. He then maintained his standing through threats and coercion - and when that didn’t work, he did what only a mentally deranged god would do: he just moved in and killed people."--Paul Tice, in Jumpin Jehovah: Exposing the Atrocities of the Old Testament God.
b. The Judaists imagine they are children of a pimp called Avram, who sold his wife to a Negro Pharaoh.
c. They worship the mass murder Moshe as their prophet. Moshe grew up in the Pharaoh’s household, and the Egyptian (therefore black) Pharaoh never recognized him as anybody different, so he must have been a black too. And Moshe was a mass murder.
Now you why most Judaists are mentally deranged psychopaths.
Of course God had intended to wipe out the Canaanites - they were Serpent Seed, today's Jews. We were warned that they would be pricks in our eyes and thorns in our sides. And they HAVE BEEN! Study the Bible, don't just fall for Jewish propaganda. He was never the Jews' God.
I think the con nection of the psychopathic god Yahweh of the Torah, with the nice god of the New Testament, Jesus, was a deliberate psy-op, created to induce a permanent, ongoing state of cognitive dissonance within the general populace.
If the controllers of any population can con fuse people, it is much easier to con troll them. The god above all gods, is a complete psychopath.The following are just a few among dozens of similar passages found in the Old Testament:
And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21)88
Then Horam, king of Gezer, came to help Lachish; and Joshua smote him and all his people, until he had left him none remaining.
And they took Eglon, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were therein. (Joshua 10:32-34)89
And they took Hebron, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and the king thereof, and all the cities thereof, and the souls that were therein; he left none remaining. (Joshua 10:37)
For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and His fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, He hath delivered them to the slaughter.
Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcasses, and the mountains shall be melted in their blood. (Isaiah 34:2-3)
But in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, (Deuteronomy 20:16)
The Talmud is commentary by Rabbis on the Torah.
"A heathen [Gentile] who pries into the Torah [and other Jewish Scriptures] is condemned to death, for it is written, it is our inheritance, not theirs. (Sanhedrin 59a
• Only Jews are human. [Gentiles] are animals. (Baba Mezia 114a-114b.)
• What a Jew obtains by theft from a Cuthean [Gentile] he may keep. (Sanhedrin 57a.)
It is quite disturbing and even more so because we have been lied to about these writings. Did YOU know about this instruction manual for use against YOU?
• Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a [Gentile]. (Baba Kamma 113a.)
Psychopathic god=psychopathic religion=psychopathic followers. That is just common sense.
Lets set something straight, what we now call jews its actually the pharisee sect. Pharisees are jews, but not all jews are (or were) pharisees. There were pharisees, saducees, and essene/nassene jews, but the essenes didn't believe in scriptures, yahwe neither any bullshit that the pharisees absorved from babylon. Its just as in India where not all religious sect believe in the vedas and the brahmin caste but they (the brahmins) manage somehow to be in charge.
This is what Jesus told to the pharisees about their god Yahwe: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it".
Now you may ask, where are the essenes and nassenes now? the very story of Jesus hints at the pharisee intentions of enslaving and exterminating them. But here goes the most amazing part of the story: Cathars were descendants of the essenes, and geographically it totally makes sense as jews first arrived at the catalunha area.
Their extermination occurred just after the crusades, when cryptojew pharisee crusaders achieved power within the church and manipulated it to start the anhilitation of the cathars. They were killed because the pharisees didn't want any christians not believing in their babylonian sun god, and finally they had the chance to erase from the earth the remaining of the essene heretics.
Cryptojew pharisee crusaders became what we know today as jesuits and freemasons.
So even wikipedia and all rabis acknowledge that today jews are pharisees, but they have managed to be called jews and not pharisees so that they can gain the simpathy of protestant christians and play the "antisemitism" card when someone alerts on their evil doing.
Using the nutter Dawkins did this article no favours.
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