All governments use violence (in the form of police/militaries) and coercion (in the form of forced taxation) against their populous. Like a world-wide inescapable mafia, all the governments of Earth force us to pay their multitude of taxes, and if we don't, they seize our assets/asses and throw us in jail! As Stefan Molyneux puts it, "the state is a monopoly of individuals with the legal right and obligation to initiate the use of force against others in a given geographical area." But of course if all humans are indeed free and equal, as these governments claim, then none should have the right to initiate the use of force against others. The videos above are for all you government-apologist, Stockholm syndrome, invertebrates who constantly cry out "but what about schools and roads!? If governments don't steal our tax money, what will we do about schools and roads and national defense??" I know you think freedom is scary, anarchy sounds negative, and it's radical and extremist to point out the utter illegitimacy and immorality of the state... but... it's just calling a spade a spade. Government is violence. Government is coercion. Freedom is anarchy.

Hey Eric
....I completely agree with this post especially tonite after the murder of Troy Davis.....anarchy is DEFI NITELY freedom and its time the world realizes it...WAKE UP!!
Thanks Silvia, I'd never heard about Troy Davis' case before. There are far too many stories just like this:
funny how few comments there are .... but we are used to such !! irrefutable statements are normally hated and ignored whilst the messenger gets slandered !! thanx for constantly bravely posting truths and exposing lies.
south africa
Thanks Robbie, I'll assume the silence means everybody agrees with the philosophically solid and obvious statements that all governments are violent and coercive, thus no governments provide or ensure "freedom" (as they constantly claim). Their laws, police, militaries, courts, judges, taxes, prisons, and debt-based money systems are all antithetical to freedom, and prevent true freedom from ever occurring. A bit of honest introspection will reveal that government is the problem, and it cannot and will not ever be the solution.
Government doesn't really even exist if we don't believe in it. The problem is that "govern-mental" means "mind-control" and everyone who isn't an anarchist, I'm sorry to say, is under government mind-control.
Laws are just propositions written by crafty wordsmiths and enforced by uniformed and robed agents of the matrix. Fiat is just "legal" counterfeiting that benefits the central bankers. Taxes are just money stolen, then poorly re-distributed. Politicians are just mafia figureheads campaigning to spend your stolen money. The whole thing's a farce and will slowly fade away when people stop believing that egoistic bullies in blue uniforms have any authority and that silly rules written on legal pads are "law."
Gravity, now that's a law. Inertia, that's a law. But the IRS claiming authority to steal a third of my income every year... that's not a law. That's a crafty piece of violently enforced legislation written by mafiosos.
Very well written comment, Eric. This is why we like your blog so much - you posts are short, to the point, but still with a lot of deep analysis.
Thanks Anonymous :)
Its absolutely true, but I live in the land of the greed and home of the slave. I can't speak up without going to jail. Its expensive and I hate being away from my daughter. You were able to get the hell out of Dodge, I am a felon landlocked by bullshit law. Its a cannabis charge btw. What can I do?
Sorry to hear that Krystofer, freedom doesn't exist if nature is against the law! Punishing people for possession of plants is preposterous. Keep standing up and speaking out, though ideally not at the expense of your daughter, family first, politics later ;-) Good luck!
No such thing as a pure anarchist. If you take away all governments, someone will still run things, even on the one-on-one level. Someone is going to be the boss, and someone is going to make the decisions, always.
Giving a minority group the legal right and obligation to commit violence and extortion against a given population is institutionalized evil. Eliminating government doesn't eliminate evil, but it does eliminate evil's most successful and detrimental vehicle in history. Another word for Anarchy is Voluntarism... every other relationship in your life is voluntary. When you go to the store, police don't force you to buy bread, it's your choice. Anarchy is simply freedom from a violent coercive monopoly of legal power.
Nice work Eric, keep the truth coming. I've really been enjoying listening to Stefan Molyneux and also Max Igan recently.... great evolutionary ideas...
Couldn't agree more.....
Thanks Maurice, I'm a big fan of both Stefan and Max as well! Keep sharing their work, people are really starting to resonate with these important issues. Peace!
Another person caught in the dualistic delusion in this case the side typically linked with ultra libertarians or maybe from his affinity for free associations playing off his psychological pursuits. Many issues here first is his interpretations of government and control. In the future the government will probably be more of an organizing body that expedites abundance, rehabilitation, and compassion.
Another focus will be decisions in regard to expansion and protection for intergalactic, interdimensional, and planetary concerns whilst organizing and implementing trans-humanities merger with burgeoning technologies. Also his view of violence (delightfully Canadian) is too compartmentalized and idealistic. One who is exposed to a bit of violence & is utterly opposed to it is necessary for rehabilitation & protection and given a transhuman/human conflict is quite difficult to pin down!
Paradoxical I know but most everything is. His view of boundless "Freedom" compartmentalized huh...yup. At least read epilogue of the novel Nexus for a little info on the basis of transhumanism.
I don't know why you give Stefan so much praise. He's not a true philosopher and Peter Joseph shut him down imo, then he used intellectual dishonesty to counter in a later video. Reductionism was used by Stefan religiously.
Hey Eric, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Stefan's videos on flat earth, 9/11 and even today posted a video saying evolution is a fact.
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