Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Renaissance Radio #9
This week on the show we have Hugh McKenna and Leon Basin to talk about David Icke, the economy, The NAU and the Amero, the coming depression, the global warming hoax, the war on terror, 9/11 numerology, 2012, mayan calendar, consciousness, the matrix and more. Listen Here

Sunday, September 21, 2008
911 Hidden in Hollywood (Videos)
I just found this series of YouTube videos about 911 symbolism hidden in Hollywood. Whoever made these videos found waaaaayyy more pre-2001 9/11's than I did in last week's post. This is far beyond "coincidence" or "synchromysticism" - this is Mason's running the movie industry, black magicians enslaving our consciousnesses through symbols, numbers, archetypes, and idol worship.
I won't post them all here, but there are actually 9 parts to this video, and they are all excellent and well worth the time to watch. Here is the rest of "911 Hidden in Hollywood"
I won't post them all here, but there are actually 9 parts to this video, and they are all excellent and well worth the time to watch. Here is the rest of "911 Hidden in Hollywood"
Saturday, September 20, 2008
More Near-Death Experience (Videos)
Here are some more amazing and moving accounts of people who have died and lived to tell about it. As always they experience their consciousness lift from their bodies and into a pure white light of God's loving perfection. They are able to feel the effect that they had on every person throughout their lives. They can hear the thoughts and feel the emotions of everyone around them. They are never again afraid of death and even look forward to it. The entire ancient Egyptian religion was all in preparation for and based on the moment of death. Hearing these accounts helps explain why.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Near-Death Experience (Videos)
Have you ever met someone who's had a Near-Death Experience? Have you ever read their stories or heard them talk? If you've never looked into this, I highly recommend it. Everyone who has ever died and come back has exactly the same experience of their consciousness rising from their bodies, being enveloped in love/light, and never ever being afraid of death again.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Renaissance Radio #8
This week on Renaissance Radio we're join by Roger Dubay, Hugh McKenna, and Leon Basin of (www.leonbasin.blogspot.com) to discuss Rik Clay's murder, the New World Order's fake alien invasion planned for the 2012 London Olympics, Project Bluebeam, Roswell/Area 51, MJ-12, Project Camelot, the Vatican/Masons, John Titor, UFOs, the Galactic Federation, Predictive Programming, Exopolitics, the Economy, and more: Listen Now

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Renaissance Radio #7
This week on Renaissance Radio we are joined with Roger and Hugh to talk about a variety of subjects including Magic Mushrooms, the Pyramids, Astral Travel, Atlantis, Religion/Spirituality, Consciousness, Christianity, Mithraism, Neale Donald Walsch, and much more. We'll be back next week hopefully joined with Leon Basin as well, 9pm western time, 718-506-1675

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Rik Clay's Red Ice Interview
Rik Clay's Red Ice Interview
Rik Clay was just "suicided" for his amazing research about the Masonic New World Order's fake alien invasion/rapture prepared for the 2012 London Olympics. Listen to this great interview, his first and last, on Red Ice Creations and pass this information on as far and wide as you can. Rest in peace, Rik, we love you.
Rik Clay was just "suicided" for his amazing research about the Masonic New World Order's fake alien invasion/rapture prepared for the 2012 London Olympics. Listen to this great interview, his first and last, on Red Ice Creations and pass this information on as far and wide as you can. Rest in peace, Rik, we love you.
Renaissance Radio #6
This week on Renaissance Radio we are joined with Roger Dubay and Hugh McKenna to discuss Project Blue Beam, Rik Clay's murder, and the New World Order's fake alien invasion planned for the 2012 London Olympics. Enjoy and meet us at: www.blogtalkradio.com/renaissance-radio every Wednesday night at 9pm western, 11pm eastern US time. The number to call in is: 718-506-1675

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