Let's start with this video. This excellent clip splices together Alex Jones' own description of Cointel Pro disinformation with clips of him doing those very things: provocateuring, distorting or omitting facts, causing division within a movement, and deflecting attention.
Here is the full video from that above clip: Alex charges into a calm, peaceful gun-rights demonstration with his bullhorn screaming over the top of everyone else with his routine about not being a slave. He then proceeds to tell the demonstration organizer that she "has a hard-on for him."
Next up is Jack Blood, another Texas radio host, formerly an insider within the AJ camp, who used to even be an occasional fill-in guest-host at Infowars, exposing Alex Jones as being a fraud and a shill. Blood gives the inside scoop about how AJ attacks other true patriots, how AJ's wife screamed at him for not parroting the "official infowars position" while hosting, and how Alex doesn't even sign his own autographed videos. Parts 1, 2, and 3 are below, here are parts 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
"It seems that the reason AJ has been so hard on Glenn Beck is to cover the fact that he is also working to destroy people in the liberty movement. By attacking Beck he attempts to hide the fact that he too has an agenda ... The fact that Jones came out attempting to deep six Debra Medina’s political campaign using the 9/11 issue was the last straw for Jack Blood. In the broadcast, Blood revealed that Jones would call him late at night trying to figure out ways to destroy other individuals in the truth and freedom movement that were critical of him. Blood also revealed that Jones is an incredibly unstable individual who can’t hold his liquor and would often try to start fights with other people after he’s had a few drinks. He also revealed that many of the autographed copies of his film Terrorstorm that Jones sold as part of a promotion were not autographed by him, but instead were autographed by members of his staff. Blood and some of the callers that call into his show make other intriguing revelations of the various tactics Jones has used to divide people and to get them fighting amongst themselves so that he in the end would benefit" (Click here to read article).
If you've listened to Alex for a while then you've no doubt heard his version of "the parking lot incident" in which 4 guys with knives supposedly jumped him and he managed to escape uncut. Here's the other, more believable side of that story:
These next clips feature William Cooper (who was run off the road and gunned down/murdered by government agents in 2001) talking about Alex Jones' dishonest radio tactics, Alex taking a fake call from one of his employees, the history behind Alex's GCNetwork, and more.
Here is Craig Oxley on his radio show detailing how Alex Jones gate-keeps the Jesuit/Vatican issue, and how his long rants and screaming immediately turns off normal people unaware of the conspiracy. He also mentions how Alex has been on FOX, BBC, Russia Today, C-Span, CBC, CNN, MTV, and in Hollywood movies like A Scanner Darkly, but yet he's supposedly this "anti-establishment" hero? You've gotta ask yourself why people like John Todd, Bill Cooper, and Rik Clay were murdered and their work suppressed, but Alex Jones, David Icke, Jesse Ventura and all these other "conspiracy heroes" are alive and well, plastered all over both the mainstream and alternative medias.
Has anyone heard Alex's "reaction" to 9/11 on his live 9/11/01 broadcast?? Listen to the next clip. Does anyone find this to be sincere, or is it clear to everyone else that this is horrible acting? This is the same guy that "predicted" the events of 9/11 with incredible accuracy - exactly what would happen and who would be blamed 2 months prior. Perhaps it's more likely that Alex knew about 9/11 from inside sources, "predicted" it on his show to gain public credibility, and then this ridiculous contrived reaction for his radio show was the best he could muster up.
During Alex Jones' most epic rant ever, he clearly says, in what appears to be a Freudian slip, "Do you know what it's like to go to sleep every night knowing you work for a bunch of psychotic killers and you bastards are probably gonna end up killing me one day?" Alex is supposedly a self-made man - Infowars, his films, his radio show, his film appearances, are all independent successes. So why does he go to sleep every night knowing he works for a bunch of psychotic killers?
These next videos expose "truth" movement heroes including Alex Jones, David Icke, Zechariah Sitchin, Leo Zagami and others. For more excellent videos from this user, check out his channel DisInfoWars (Yes, that's me talking about Rik Clay).
Many people have tried to infiltrate Bohemian Grove and none of them were successful, some disappeared altogether. But AJ, after being a syndicated radio show host exposing the elite for 7 years, somehow was able to "infiltrate" Bohemian Grove simply by using a fake name and stating he was in the "hillbilly" clubhouse? Don't you think the Bohemian Club members would need to show an official form of ID? - A card, some documents, a badge, something more than just your word of honor that, "oh yeah, I'm in the hillbilly clubhouse." Then after AJ "sneaks" in and makes his documentary, he claims they only do "mock" sacrifice rituals there, when it is widely known that the Bohemians practice real child sacrifice, ritual sex magick, and blood drinking. So he "exposes" this big club to gain credibility in the conspiracy community, then gate-keeps by repeating the line that Bohemians just do "mock" sacrifices and have gay sex.

3. Alex will never talk about Hologram Planes or the evidence of directed energy weapons used on 9/11. If you mention September Clues or say anything about the planes on 9/11 possibly being holograms, you are instantly labeled as Cointel disinfo.

As shown in the TV series "V," the world is being prepared for an event, likely in 2012, that will involve UFOs over major cities and all over TV. There will be Project Bluebeam holograms in the sky and projected sounds inside people's heads. A Messiah will present himself, likely a giant "nordic" blond claiming to be an alien, Jesus, or something similar. He will have a plan to achieve world peace, bringing the world together under a world government and financial system. This very scenario was laid out quite plainly 2000 years ago in the chapter of Revelations in the Bible. I see most of these controlled "conspiracy heroes" are positioning themselves as leaders so they can manipulate their followers during this great deception.
Check out some of these other great videos looking into the possibility that Alex Jones is controlled opposition and leave comments, what do you all think about AJ?