It’s interesting that King “Atlas” is said to have ruled “Atlantis” - an ancient sunken city in the “Atlantic” Ocean. There is also a Mount Atlas in Morocco and the etymology of Atlas/Atlantic is indeed from Atlantis. Strangely enough, however, as the Atlantean scholar Comyns Beaumont wrote, “
The word (Atlantis) possesses no derivation from any known language of the old world either ancient or modern. Yet, among the so-called ‘native races’ of America, it is a living word.” (“The Key to World History,” 19)

The Toltecs, Nahuatlacas, and Aztecs of South America and all the races that settled Mexico traced their ancestors back to a starting point called “Aztlan” or “Atlan,” in the Atlantic. It was a land they described as “too fair and beautiful to be left willingly” which was lost under the sea after a great flood. Aztec temples are called “Teocalli” which interestingly compares with the Greek “theos” (God) and “kalias” (house/dwelling of). Europeans first settling in Delaware and Maryland found a river named by the natives “Potomac,” which is just like the Greek word “Potomos” meaning “river.” The native Basques of Western Europe also claim to be descendants from a continent called “Atlaintika” which sank beneath the waves. The Basque language itself shares no lingual affinities with any other European language but is very similar to native American languages. The natives of Mindanao in the Philippines are the “Atas” who have the same flood myth and claim descent from light-skinned invaders who intermarried with the aboriginals.
“Look at it! An ‘Atlas’ mountain on the shore of Africa; an ‘Atlan’ town on the shore of America; the ‘Atlantes’ living along the north and west coast of Africa; an Aztec people from Aztlan, in Central America; an ocean rolling between the two worlds called the ‘Atlantic;’ a mythological deity called ‘Atlas’ holding the world on his shoulders; and an immemorial tradition of an island of Atlantis. Can all these things be the result of accident?” -Ignatius Donnelly, “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World”
With the Atlantic Ocean and the Atlas Mountains in Morocco we see the theme of water and hills/mountains being equated with Atlas – this is repeated world wide. In Japan, Atago is a hill in the center of Tokyo where gods brought civilization to Japan. Atagi are the Japanese priests protecting wisdom from prehistory. In Tongo, Ata mountain and memorial are devoted to red-haired, fair-skinned gods who came long ago and blessed the natives. Italy, comes from Italia, which comes from Atalya, a word meaning “land of Atlas” Atalya is also the name of an ancient ceremonial mound in Biarritz. Across the Atlantic, the Aztecs also venerated a holy mountain by that name. Atalaia is the name of a small Quechua Indian town and Atalya was a Pre-Incan city found by archaeologists and confirmed by local history. In Guatemala where the Mayan civilization thrived, near Lake Atitlan is a stone tower called Atalaya. The mountains of Indonesian Sumatra are called Atjeh. The Guanche natives on the Canary Islands call mountains “Ataras” and their Atlas figure was named “Ater.” Tenerite (Guanch) natives call themselves Atinach, which means “people of the sky god.” Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus and other classical writers describe the “Atarantes” people who lived on the Atlantic shores of Morocco. “Atcha” is ancient Egyptian for an advanced, but sunken city. Egyptian gods or heroes were Atum, Atfih, At-hothes, and many other “At” names. Atchafalaya means “Long River” to the Choctaw Indians whose flood myth syncs. Atea is the Marquesans ancestral progenitor, like Egypt’s Atum. Atiamuri is the site of huge megalithic ruins in New Zealand, which contains At and Mu. Atiu is an extinct volcano in the Cook Islands. The Pawnee Indian’s, adept at astrology with the usual flood myth had the sky god “Atius.” Nahuatl is the Aztec’s language and almost all their gods names end in “atl.” Their Atlas character is Atlanteotl and Atlantika means “we live by the sea.” The Taureg natives of Morocco’s name for water is also Atl. The Tuaregs claim decent from the “Atlantes” ancient Moroccans written about by Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus and others. Atla was a giantess Norse god. Atlakvith (meaning Punishment of Atla) is the name of their written record of their Atlantean oral history. Atlamal is another of these myths which means “The story of Atla.” Atla is also an Otomi Indian town in Mexico. The Otomi have a ritual dance called the “Acatlaxqui” with 10 dancers to represent the 10 kings of Atlantis from the ancient ancestry. The Aztec sea-god was “Atlahua” and their great flood was “Atemoztli. Today’s Alca on the Gulf of Uraba was called Atlan before the Spanish conquest. Atlan is the name of a Venezuelan village of Paria Indians who say their home country was a prosperous island in the Atlantic inhabited by wealthy seafarers from which they escaped the flood. Autlan was home of the advanced Tarascans of Michoacan who say they were inheritors of a drowned island civilization. Atland is the Northern European name given to Atlantis as shown in the medieval Frisian manuscript, Oera Linda Bok. Atlanersa was the 5th century BC King of Nubia, whose name meant “Royal descendant of Atlan.” Atao was a Minoan god thought to be Atlas. And later in Crete, Atana was the name of a their language/dialect. Aton was the oldest sun deity in Egypt and Atonatiuh was the ancient Aztec sun god. Another name for Egypt’s Sun God was Ra like Rama of the Hindus, Rana of the Toltecs, Rayam of the Yemen, and the Raymi Peruvian Sun festival. (Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” 29-43) Is anyone prepared to accept all this etymology as coincidence? Could there really have been an advanced ancient Atlantean civilization? Could the myth of a sunken island continent be more than a myth?

Upon that part of the African continent nearest to the site of Atlantis we find a chain of mountains, known from the most ancient times as the Atlas Mountains. Whence this name Atlas, if it be not from the name of the great king of Atlantis? And if this be not its origin, how comes it that we find it in the most north-western corner of Africa? And how does it happen that in the time of Herodotus there dwelt near this mountain-chain a people called the 'Atlantes', probably a remnant of a colony from Solon's island? How comes it that the people of the Barbary States were known to the Greeks, Romans, and Carthaginians as the ‘Atlantes,’ this name being especially applied to the inhabitants of Fezzan and Bilma? Where did they get the name from? There is no etymology for it east of the Atlantic Ocean.” -Francios Lenormant "Ancient History of the East," (253)

Scholar and renowned linguist Charles Berlitz of Berlitz language schools spoke 32 languages and wrote many books on Atlantis. He came to believe in Atlantis after his research traced all world languages back to what he thought must be a single ancient dialect. Many famous people have believed in the authenticity of Atlantis. Francis Bacon wrote, “The New Atlantis,” H.G. Wells wrote “Men Like Gods” about Atlantis, and William Blake the poet was a believer. Two of the best-known prophets in history - Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce - both spoke of Atlantis. Ignatius Donnelly was a Minnesota Governor, Congressman and Senator who wrote extensively about Atlantis. The most revered and well-known philosopher in history, Plato, wrote about Atlantis specifically saying it was both a literal story and a myth.
Iamblichos (was) an important fourth-century neo-Platonist philosopher who insisted upon the historical validity of Plato’s Atlantis account, but stressed, as did Plato, its allegorical significance.” -Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia (143)
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