Friday, January 31, 2014
Anarchism, Agorism, and Voluntarism
There is no political solution to the problem of government. Voting for a new ceremonial figurehead every four years has never, will never, and could never create any significant lasting positive change because governments cannot be improved or made moral from within. There are too many vested interests and no Statist system, be it Monarchy, Oligarchy, Communism, Democracy, Republic, or Dictatorship, none of them respect the right of the individual to opt-out of being governed.
When the mafia comes around to your business, they always befriend and promise to protect you, providing you pay and obey them. If you refuse to comply however, the mafia burns your business to the ground. Similarly all Statist governments promise to help and protect their populations as long as we pay and obey, but if we don't then they seize our asses and our assets and throw us in prison. The whole problem is giving one privileged class the legal right and obligation to commit violence and coercion against the rest of the population. All governments around the world initiate the use of violence (in the form of police) and coercion (in the form of taxes) against their populations and this is absolutely immoral and unacceptable.
Consensual sex is moral because it is voluntary whereas rape is immoral because it is forced. Similarly, things like charity donations and the free market are moral because they are voluntary, whereas theft and taxation are immoral because they are forced. The root problem festering within all governments around the world is not the rife internal corruption or criminality, those are merely symptoms and side-effects of Statism; the paramount problem with government is that its mandates are mandatory, its compulsions are compusory.
For governments to be moral institutions, all taxes and interactions must be made voluntary. If governments are honestly in existence for our benefit then they must be voluntary and never initiate the use of force against their populations. That kind of authoritarian violence and coercion is not allowed or acceptable in any other facet of our lives; we wouldn't put up with it, so why do we sheepishly line up to vote for a new puppet president every 4 years, thinking they are somehow going to make the mafia moral?
Simply working for the government, whether you're a soldier, policeman, politician or otherwise, your salary comes from the taxes the population are forced to pay, making you a criminal by proxy. Thus working for Statist governments (like working for the mafia) is immoral and criminal because your paycheck comes from stolen money. In other words, all governments, everyone working for them and benefiting from their social programs, are like get-away drivers in a robbery. They may not have personally stolen your money, but your money is right there in their pockets, so who is responsible if not them?
I'm not a fan of "-isms" but the second you express a sound idea, the establishment is quick to re-brand your revolution and assimilate your inspiration into an "ism" they can control. For instance, Anarchy, a once respectable term simply meaning "without rulers," advocating society without government, has long been re-branded hand-in-hand with "chaos" wearing bandana face-masks throwing molotov cocktails. The actual idea of non-violent sovereign societies enlightened and capable beyond the need for Statist governance, however, is certainly ideal, and not chaos.
The terms "Agorism" and "Voluntarism" are similar ideas advocating only voluntary interactions between people and the State. Call it what you will, Anarchism, Agorism, Voluntaryism, or just keep it simple and call it Freedom; it is the missing ingredient in all governments and the root of all State corruption and criminality. If people want to have a bureaucracy of diplomats creating a bunch of social programs for their benefit (what governments claim to be) then that's fine, but just because some guy in a suit wrote something on a piece of paper doesn't make it mandatory, and just because the mafia says "you'd better pay up" doesn't mean you should.
Friday, January 24, 2014
The Out-Of-Body Experience (OBE)
An out-of-body experience is a condition usually occurring
spontaneously during meditation, deep sleep, hypnosis, shamanic trance, sensory-deprivation,
anesthesia, extreme illness or trauma, in which one finds themselves outside
their physical body, yet remaining fully conscious and perceiving everything
normally. Robert Monroe describes it as “an
altered state of consciousness in which the subject feels that his mind
or self-awareness is separated from his physical body and this self-awareness
has a vivid and real sense about it, quite different from a dream.”
The experience typically begins by finding yourself floating
over or standing next to your physical body, perceiving normally, but with a
great feeling of lightness and power.
You may see your physical body lying on the bed or you may just rise
straight up through the ceiling. You may
have a ghostly, astral body which can fly around or you may be a point of pure
consciousness which can travel instantaneously to wherever you think about.
“Some individuals describe themselves as amorphous clouds,
energy patterns, or pure consciousness; others experience distinct feelings of
having a body which is, however, permeable, invisible, and inaudible for those
in the phenomenal world. Sometimes there is fear, confusion, and a tendency to
return to the physical body; sometimes there are ecstatic feelings of
timelessness, weightlessness, peace, serenity, and tranquility. Some
individuals in this state show concern about the fate of their physical bodies;
others feel totally indifferent.” -Stanislav Grof & Joan Halifax,
“Human Encounter with Death” (154)
can move through space (and time) slowly or apparently somewhere beyond the
speed of light. You can observe, participate in events, make willful decisions
based upon what you perceive and do. You can move through physical matter such
as walls, steel plates, concrete, earth, oceans, air, even atomic radiation
without effort or effect. You can go into an adjoining room without bothering
to open the door. You can visit a friend three thousand miles away. You can
explore the moon, the solar system, and the galaxy if these interest you. Or
you can enter other reality systems only dimly perceived and theorized by our
time/space consciousness.” –Robert
Monroe, “Far Journeys” (3-4)
Most OBEs have common features. They all typically begin while in an altered
state of consciousness your awareness shifts to a point outside your physical
body. The physical body is usually seen
dormant on the bed (or wherever you left it) while a second, astral body is seen
attached to your new space of awareness.
This light, ghostly body can pass through walls or solid objects, float/fly
around, and is sometimes even seen by other people.
the OOBE, the individual is near-totally conscious … Most if not all of your physical
sensory perception is replicated. You can ‘see,’ ‘hear,’ and ‘touch’ - the
weakest seem to be smell and taste. Your perspective is from a position outside
your physical body, near or distant. In a near state, it is usually from a
location impossible for you to ‘be’ with your physical body, such as floating
against the ceiling. In a far location, it could be in Paris
when you know you are in New York
physically. You can observe events taking place, but you cannot change or
significantly affect them. You can verify the authenticity of such events
subsequently if you so desire.” –Robert Monroe, “Far Journeys” (265)
have been reported throughout history by people of all ages and cultures. The soul-body or astral-body was known as the
“ka” to ancient Egyptians, the “siddhi” to Indians, and the “bardo-body” to
Tibetans. OBEs are the main subject
matter, described in detail in the Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead. St.
Paul seems to describe an OBE in second Corinthians
chapter twelve. Ernst Hemmingway wrote
about witnessing his soul leave his physical body and float around after being
hit by shrapnel in 1918.
Huxley, Goethe, D. H. Lawrence, August Strindberg, and Jack London all reported
having OBEs. They were known to the
Egyptians, the North American Indians, the Chinese, the Greek philosophers, the
medieval alchemists, the Oceanic peoples, the Hindus, the Hebrews, and the
Moslems. In a cross-cultural study of 44
non-Western societies, Dean Shiels found that only three did not hold a belief
in OBEs. Erika Bourguignon looked at 488
world societies – or roughly 57 percent of all known societies – and found that
437 of them, or 89 percent, had at least some tradition regarding OBEs … Dr.
Robert Crookall, a geologist at the University of Aberdeen and an amateur
parapsychologist, investigated enough cases to fill nine books on the subject.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”
Monday, January 20, 2014
The Rockefeller Family Conspiracy

The financier and original owner of the World Trade Center complex was none other than David Rockefeller. The United Nations (new world order world government headquarters) exists on land donated by his father.
Back in 1976, Congressman Larry P. McDonald said, "The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." He was later killed in a Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down under suspicious circumstances.

Monday, January 13, 2014
End the Animal Holocaust!
"What is your definition of holocaust? Is it a massacre of human beings, or a massacre of innocent beings? In America alone we murder 10 billion land animals and 18 billion marine animals every year. Not for health, survival, sustenance, or self-defense - people eat meat, cheese, milk and eggs for 4 reasons: habit, tradition, convenience, and taste...

"As often as Herman had witnessed the slaughter of animals and fish, he always had the same thought: in their behavior towards creatures, all men were Nazis. The smugness with which man could do with other species as he pleased exemplified the most extreme racist theories, the principle that might is right." -Isaac Bashevis Singer, Author/Nobel prize winner

"Let me say it openly: We are surrounded by an enterprise of degradation, cruelty, and killing which rivals anything the Third Reich was capable of, indeed dwarfs it, in that ours is an enterprise without end, self-regenerating, bringing rabbits, rats, poultry, livestock ceaselessly into the world for the purpose of killing them." -J. M. Coetzee

Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Slavery By Consent
One of the main vehicles of the conspiracy is the global statist unlawful legal system. The legal system which allows all governments to steal from their populations and call it taxes. The legal system which locks people in metal cages for owning outlawed herbs. The following documentary "Slavery By Consent" shows how governments around the world have long tricked people into literally consenting to their own enslavement through loopholes and legalese. The Freeman/Sovereignty Movement is working to help empower people in court by teaching how to establish standing and jurisdiction, how to reclaim your sovereignty, and ultimately how to close down the court by refusing to play their game.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Alex Jones, David Icke and AboveTopSecret are Controlled Opposition
Having been an active figure in the conspiracy community over 7 years now, I can safely and confidently say that Alex Jones and David Icke, the world's two most popular conspiracy theorists, and Above Top Secret, the world's biggest conspiracy forum, are in fact controlled opposition working directly with the government / corporate powers that be. In the following videos I expose facts like Alex Jones' and AboveTopSecret's C.I.A. connections and explain the nature of intelligence agency honeypots, how they effectively gather intel, poison the well, and control the conspiracy opposition by leading it.
Above Top Secret,
Alex Jones,
Controlled Opposition,
David Icke,
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