Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I Knew I Was Right
This new independent group Chronic Vibe's latest track "I Knew I Was Right" has a great anti-NWO/pro-freedom message and super catchy hook. Check it out.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Reclaiming Your Sovereign Citizenship
I just finished watching this awesome, dated, but increasingly relevant lecture by Johnny Liberty. It's a little slow going at first but about mid-way through to the end is packed with litigation tricks and sovereign wisdom to help people to continue thinking and acting freely. Parts 1-3 above, here are parts 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Global Sovereign's Handbook
The Global Sovereign's Handbook
The Global Sovereign's Handbook by John David Van Hove (a.k.a. Johnny Liberty) is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the Freeman/Sovereignty/Redemption movement. The first half reads much like Atlantean Conspiracy or other books exposing the various control mechanisms in modern society, while the second half gets into navigating the judicial system and reclaiming your natural sovereignty.
The Global Sovereign's Handbook by John David Van Hove (a.k.a. Johnny Liberty) is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the Freeman/Sovereignty/Redemption movement. The first half reads much like Atlantean Conspiracy or other books exposing the various control mechanisms in modern society, while the second half gets into navigating the judicial system and reclaiming your natural sovereignty.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Love Police Metanoia Edit
Charlie Veitch hooked up with Metanoia Productions recently to shoot this high-resolution 20 minute Love Police mini-documentary. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
David Icke Debunked
I've been recommended this 2 1/2 hour documentary 3 times already this week and finally got around to watching it. David Icke Debunked is fantastic, really well presented/researched and absolutely essential viewing for anyone who's ever heard of David Icke. If you don't have time to watch the whole thing, at least watch the final half-hour as it gets into how/why David Icke and other "conspiracy heroes" are being used as a controlled-opposition leaders, preparing us for certain future events and ideologies. Here's the transcript from what I'd deem the most important/interesting part of the documentary:
Let me suggest a possible x factor that people like Bill Cooper have suggested, and one that I think without question we are being prepared for by the global elite, and have been for at least 70 years. That is an extra-terrestrial presence being discovered. I realize that there are many documents that reveal a plan of the new world order to use an alien threat to cause the patriotism needed for a world government. After all people would no longer view themselves and separate countries but instead a world family, this would also create the need for a world bureaucracy to deal with the threat. But I think that based on the propaganda of Hollywood and the occult writings that this might not be presented as a threat at all, but rather as them posing as a savior to a world that will be war torn. They will claim to be saving us from ourselves. They will claim to have genetically created mankind, and they would claim that they used to be like us and that we are on the verge of an evolution. Suspend disbelief for a moment as I explain how this would serve as Icke's x factor and the catalyst for his Utopia and the real new world order to begin all at the same time.
It would accomplish the primary thing that Icke says we need to do in order to shift with the planet, that is to destroy religion of all types. All over the world religions would be in turmoil. Here are these aliens and they are claiming to have created us, that means they are claiming to be our God in a sense. Overnight the programming that Icke says is too powerful, the religious programming, that is holding us back from the shift, would be shattered. All the religions would be forced to reconsider their ideas.
Secondly, it would finally get the idea of a possible evolution to the entire world, everyone across the world, from the smallest village to the largest city would have a really good reason to believe that they too could be evolved, they could become like the aliens, they could become actual gods. Overnight the x factor could turn the entire world into little David Ickes believing their evolution was just around the corner.
And of course the world government utopia would be possible then, but it would be even better if what after a time of war like when Alice Bailey said The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience. Here is why:
We need to be convinced that the utopia that we will be asked to join is totally different than the old system. For us truther types we will need to be convinced that the new world order has been defeated in order to trust such a utopia…the regular people will only have to be convinced that the new system, since it will be based on non-religious ideas, now because the aliens showed us that the religions were wrong, will be one where there will be no more wars; that will be the promise…the war that we are saved from initially must be made to look like the epitome of religious wars, it will be something that pins the Jews against Muslims which will draw in the so called Christians…the world will be convinced that the previous wars were about religion…this will be the way that the genocide starts ... It's like the treaty of Versailles times 100.
Only universal disaster could have brought men to a state of mind wherein such propositions and solutions could be presented. The general recognition that the old order has lamentably failed is most valuable. – Alice Bailey
The new world order will seem to have been defeated, we will rejoice in our new hope of utopia we will badly need it, we will be told to await out new found powers, but when they don’t come we will be told that it is because there are still among us that are keeping us from it, those that are still hanging on to the old age.
"But we’re now seeing the last throes of a dying system, where the Illuminati in their box, they’re believing they’re crashing the system to create something else, when it’s actually crashing really, for another reason." -David Icke
Understand what he is saying, he is admitting that they are crashing the system to create something else. This idea should be common knowledge to all of us who study them, they are going to be the solution to a problem they created. And Icke of course knows this, after all he is Mr. problem-reaction-solution.
But listen to what he is saying…he believes his utopia will arise out of their ashes and for some reason their phoenix wont rise… in effect he is saying when the system crashes…he is expecting his utopia to rise but they are expecting a utopia to rise too…how are we supposed to know that the utopia we get after the crash is the one that Icke is talking about instead of the one they have been planning to bring about for so long…or probably the bigger question is… are theses utopias one in the same, they certainly sound the same.…What a dangerous game this is.
They will say that there are still people who don’t trust the new utopia, (these people will primarily be Christians because there are prophecies specifically mention a great deception that will seem to offer peace but it will only last a 3.5 years before it shows its true colors) All the other religions will find it easy to agree to the new system. This in addition to the propaganda that Christianity is behind all the wars of the past will convince the entire world of theses words of Aleister Crowley who was given this message from a being claiming to be an Egyptian god.
I want to encourage people to look into some of the things that we have been constantly told are true in the Truth Movement. For example we have always been told that the Bible was changed by the illuminati, but if you see my video "was the bible written or changed by the illuminati" you will see that this claim is easily disputed. Or that Christians were behind the crusades and other wars, see my video “religious wars, fact or fiction.” Or as I mentioned the Zeitgeit version of history. Watch the video "Zeitgeist Refuted" final cut or check out any of the links at the website If you're really concerned about truth, watch that film, or go to my youtube channel where I have 336 uploads and other videos I have made like this one, and consider the possibility that you have been brainwashed as I once had been, to hate Christians and Jews. Is it so hard to believe knowing Satanists are behind this?
Here we have been told by Icke, a man definitely possessed by something, that if we worship the God of the bible we are worshiping the reptilians.
"When you worship, you project energy, you are feeding this force by thinking you are worshipping this force when you are worshipping these!" -David Icke
He has changed his mind in every book he has written about which way to tell you not to look toward Jesus and not to look at the Bible. His entities have told him to tell us that demons don’t exist. The voice that talked to him for 5 hours in Brazil went on quite a tirade about how demons don’t exist how could they if everything was an illusion.
There is fabulous reason why this misdirection is happening, because the real agenda is being played out like a military system. These demons are influencing people to prepare the way for what the new world order calls its phoenix. And what the theosophical society calls the world teacher, their Christ, what I would call the antichrist. A genuine satanist knows that this has been the plan all along, they are awaiting something they call the black awakening when this system will begin.
"The widespread expectation that we approach the “age of Maitreya,” ... when the World Teacher and present head of the spiritual Hierarchy, the Christ, will reappear among humanity to sound the keynote of the new age … There are millions of mentally alert men and women in all parts of the world who are on rapport with the Plan and work to give it expression.. They provide opportunity for cooperation with the spiritual evolution of humanity… there is no group so likely to ensure that humanity achieves this most difficult goal as the men and women of goodwill … requiring only courage… to initiate action to prepare for the New World Order.” -Alice Bailey
All the conspiracies are leading up to one event. There is an ancient Angel that has been working on a system that would allow him to actually control the world to such a degree that he could force them to worship him as God… and unfortunately for the first time in history the technology is capable of doing that, I believe that the implantable microchip could actually play a role in this. And he is the General in this, that is why you find Satanism behind every door you kick down in the investigation of the new world order, that is why you find his demons telling people to go out on a word stage and teach a doctrine that will lead them right into his hands, to an elitist mindset seeking the luciferic initiation of the light bringer, Prometheus, Lucifer… they have always been preparing you for the Him…their agenda has never changed…but we have been so brainwashed to hate Christianity that the bible is the last place we would look for the truth.
Jesus spoke of the time that’s coming, he said:
"Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be delivered."
It interesting that here is a guy that not even his enemies can find a good reason to accuse him. He is entirely just and sincere, and humble, in the Bible, yet for some unknown reason, what he said is absolutely true, we will be hated for his name’s sake. This hate has to come from a third party, the illuminati perverts the Bible to make you think that religion is equal with Jesus so that you will reject Him. I submit to all of you that Jesus was the most anti-religious person that ever walked the face of the earth. He had nothing but compassion for sinners of even the worst kind…the only harsh things he ever said was to the clergy of his day…oh and the bankers.
Controlled Opposition,
David Icke,
Freeman on the Land
In this great series Mark from Toronto Truth Seekers gives his break down of the Freeman on the Land movement, a great introduction and overview for anyone interested in lawful non-compliance and reclaiming your natural sovereignty. Parts 1 and 2 above, here are parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dispatching Debt
In this clip Jim Townsend discusses how to legally dispatch your debts, crash the phony debt monetary system, and return to lawful de jure government. The global bankers that attack us do so by the mere expedience of writing IOU's backed by nothing. Currency is created as debt in this fractional reserve system and the only way to balance the accounts is with more debt. Jim recommends dispatching all of your debts by writing IOU's to the institutions that have issued you debt backed credit IOU's. For much more on these and other related subjects check out his YouTube channel and his excellent book Without Prejudice.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Upcoming WikiLeaks UFO Deception
The mainstream and alternative medias have been massively hyping up Julian Assange and WikiLeaks recently in what appears to be an attempt to create worldwide credibility of this supposedly anti-establishment organization. Before assuming WikiLeaks and Mr. Assange to be "superheroes of the truth movement" please consider the following article by Nonoun from AC forum, The WikiLeaks Reality:
Today I would like to present the logic behind the theory that Julian Assange of Wikileaks is working for the Anglo-American empire. The advertising guru Bill Bernach once remarked that the truth is not the truth until people believe you. That's is to say, credibility is essential to being believed. If you were to look at the writings of Hitler's propaganda minister Goebbels you would discover how much he focused on gaining credibility for the Nazi administration, including revealing information that at times would embarrass the administration. Let me explain with a simple example. If you want to justify increasing military expenditure you first release news about the woeful inadequacy of current equipment etc. As David Icke calls it, Problem, Reaction, Solution. The claim that equipment is inadequate must have credibility. If it comes from disgruntled soldiers it has more credibility than if comes from armament makers, or the Minister of Defense protecting his budget.
Now, what I observe with Wikileaks is this: while there is a debate concerning whether or not Wikileaks should have released the information, with dramatic calls for assassination on one side, and hero worship on the other, few if anyone is questioning the validity of the picture of the world that is emerging through the leaks. Think about this for a moment. The political system is truly discredited, few people have any faith in the honesty of the political class. 9-11, the illegal wars, the war on terror, the bank bailouts and numerous scandals have left the political class morally bankrupt. They have little if any credibility. Arguments in newspaper blogs over recent years have centered around claims of what is true, what is reality, not just among conspiracy theorists, but among regular folks too. And now we have this apparently credible source of information, provided to us by Wikileaks, with enough scandal to gain credibility among the left, and enough official acknowledgment to gain credibility among the right. The world over a new credible version of international relations is being constructed. And who is the source of this new vision? The diplomatic corps of the USA.
Now WikiLeaks is preparing to "disclose" allegedly leaked government UFO files. If you've been following the Atlantean Conspiracy UFO files, the work of Rik Clay, and/or Project Bluebeam, then you are well aware that the New World Order has been involved in a long-term propaganda scheme designed to trick humanity into believing in UFO-riding extra-terrestrial aliens. This upcoming supposed WikiLeaks UFO disclosure looks to be the next step in humanities forced acceptance of "aliens."
Above, NWO physicist Michio Kaku says you are a terrorist if you are against the coming New World Order. He also uses the propaganda tool called the Kardashev Scale to sell the coming staged "alien" disclosure/invasion deception. From a Christian perspective, people like Reverend Jim Wilhelmsen and AC contributor AliensHateU, believe the coming "alien" deception to be Satan's endtimes "strong delusion" referred to in the book of Revelations where Satan comes down from the sky "with lying signs and wonders" and deceives the whole world away from Christ into accepting a one world government and a mark on their heads or hands (RFID chip/Somark Tattoo) without which no one can buy or sell. As outlandish as that may sound, it was prophecized some 2,000 years ago and seems to be coming to fruition exactly as written. Take some time to peruse the links provided and leave a comment as to what you all think of this. Peace.
Above, NWO physicist Michio Kaku says you are a terrorist if you are against the coming New World Order. He also uses the propaganda tool called the Kardashev Scale to sell the coming staged "alien" disclosure/invasion deception. From a Christian perspective, people like Reverend Jim Wilhelmsen and AC contributor AliensHateU, believe the coming "alien" deception to be Satan's endtimes "strong delusion" referred to in the book of Revelations where Satan comes down from the sky "with lying signs and wonders" and deceives the whole world away from Christ into accepting a one world government and a mark on their heads or hands (RFID chip/Somark Tattoo) without which no one can buy or sell. As outlandish as that may sound, it was prophecized some 2,000 years ago and seems to be coming to fruition exactly as written. Take some time to peruse the links provided and leave a comment as to what you all think of this. Peace.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Hollywood Unmasked
Thanks to Yolanda for sending me this great documentary, Hollywood Unmasked. In it, Dr. Jason D. Kovar exposes from a Christian perspective how Satanism and New Age philosophies have been and continue to be promoted by Hollywood and its self-professed demon-possessed stars. Click here to view the rest of the series.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Technology with Meaning

Aren't we fucking geniuses?
How about a large factory that is fully self-automated and it's job is to provide all the food and medicine the average person needs to live?
Think we can't do that? Then look at what we can do.
Think we can't afford that? Then look at all we do afford.
Read the Original Post Here
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Natural Law vs. The Legal System

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Love Police Kidnapped in Scotland
Charlie Veitch and the Love Police are still out doing their thing raising awareness through bull-horned sarcasm. I enjoyed this recent compilation from his visit to Edinburgh.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Robert Menard - Freeman on the Land
Here's a concise compilation of the more important points expressed by the Freeman on the Land philosophy. There are essentially only 3 common Laws: harming another human being, harming another human's property/possessions, faulting or defrauding a contract. All other "laws" are commercial law, not common law and thus only apply to legal "persons" (not human-beings) which are fictional, corporate entities represented by your name in all CAPITAL LETTERS as seen on your birth certificate, driver's license, income tax forms, social security etc. These commercial laws (statutes) only apply to your "person" not your physical self, thus can be completely avoided by educated non-compliance, and that is what the Freeman movement is all about. For more information, click here:
More Information on the Freeman/Sovereignty Movement
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mark Knight's Trinity of Wisdom

Special thanks to Mark Knight for writing and sending me a copy of this fantastic tome, Trinity of Wisdom. If you enjoyed Mark's first book Wayki Wayki, then I guarantee you will be even more impressed with his latest endeavor. After publishing Wayki Wayki, Mark's quest for truth led him to a Mesoamerican mystery school where he studied Hermetic Alchemical Qabalah and performed a 55 day silent fast. He spoke with no one, consumed only fruit and vegetable juices, practiced yoga and meditation, and reconnected with his highest self. After coming down from this enlightening experience, he began to write Trinity of Wisdom, a masterwork covering diverse subjects such as: Conspiracy, Spirituality, Reincarnation, Yoga, Chakras, Mantras, Pranayama, Meditation, Synchronicity, Shamanism, Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Qabalah, Numerology, Astrology, Tarot, Dreams, Astral Travel, Skrying, Alchemy, and much more. Click the links above and have a look at some choice quotes below. Peace.

After the research undertaken to complete my first book, Wayki Wayki, it became crystal clear that the real wisdom within our realm lies with the adepts who have carried forth the knowledge from the ancient mystery schools, and also within the shamanic lineages from various ancient cultures. It became apparent that there is a secret history full of secret teachings, and that the history and reality we’re fed by the absurd, corrupt, greedy world elite in the early 21st century is just a small fraction of what we actually are, and what actually is. Through following synchronicities and signpost experiences I ended up at a self-initiatic temple of the mysteries in the Maya highlands. There I lived in a pyramid for a hundred days studying the esoteric
unwritten Hermetic Qabalah and Hermetic Alchemy. My process included a 55 day silent meditative fast that allowed me to go deep enough into the Qabalistic archetypal world to push my consciousness and core being across an archetypal veil. Once there, I was able to glean how this ancient philosophy and science has held truth and wisdom that has stood fast throughout millennia, a truth that is wholly related to the authentic self. (Preface)

A man that is in fear, apathy and hatred sets up a society to reflect it, therefore the wars and the corporate and banking monsters that create them are actually at one with the people, at one with the collective mind. So what we are seeing in the world today is just a manifest symptom of a long and complex plan, with the real root issues and causes lying in consciousness, individually and collectively. The wicked and weak cannot fall lower than the lowest in each person, it is all a reflection, a barometer. People need to stop blaming and being angry, the world is telling us what is wrong, and it is with the self. Many people are waking up to the agenda of the world elite, the
levels of manipulation, and the need to look within themselves. In recent years through the spread of awareness and information, many more are waking up each day. (24)
Big Brother,
New World Order,
Monday, November 22, 2010
Rawesome Raw Foods Raid
Rawesome Foods, a raw organic co-op in Venice, California was recently raided, guns drawn, by scores of L.A. Policemen after 5 government agencies got together and decided their raw dairy products could be a health risk (pause for involuntary gagging and eye-rolling). So once again, the government is deciding for us what we should or shouldn't put into our bodies, to the point of busting down doors at gun-point and confiscating thousands of dollars worth of raw organic food. Meanwhile Monsanto and other corporations are genetically modifying us to death with NO government action taken against them whatsoever.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Jim Townsend's Without Prejudice
Thanks to Kerry for sending me this excellent book, Jim Townsend's "Without Prejudice" (available here free). If you're interested in delving deep into the Crown's fraudulent banking, judicial, and religious systems that rule this world by supposed divine right, this book is a masterpiece, and highly recommended reading for all free men. Check out these choice highlights below, and click the link above to read the entire book.
Anarchy is simply an absence of government, an absence of that which does not and never will work. While the idea of having a government to govern the civil service seems legitimate enough, it is unfortunate that too few understand the difference between governing the civil service and subjecting the free citizens of the state to slavery. We are told that we are free as long as we follow all the “laws”. This is a lie. If you have to follow all this legislation that pretends to be “laws” you are a slave. It is that simple. The legal definition of free is “not subject to the legal constraint of another”. A free man is self governing. A slave follows rules and regulations. To those that constantly tell me we need to be subjected to all the rules and regulations of this foreign church I would ask, is the only thing that stops you from committing transgressions against your fellow man a written rule? The only thing that stops you killing everyone in sight: a written rule? The only thing that stops you from stealing everything you can at every opportunity a written rule? Is the only thing that compels action or in-action a written rule?
There is a lot being said about the New World Order. Some people see it as the Corporate takeover of the world; a global fascism of lawyers with society ruled by Judges. Some people see it as the common subjection of the nations of the world in a dominion of God’s chosen; global feudalism of priests with society ruled by Kings. In both orders the lot of Hu-Man-ity is as a ruled Slave. In actual fact these are the only two sides regardless of how many players are on the board and they are both owned by the same people. Their banker owners play both ends of the field to keep the human resource chattel herds running down the middle. Slavery rule through God “Law” is the Old World Order. Slavery rule through Man “Law” is the New World Order. Regardless of name, it is always slavery controlled by legislative “Law”. Theories abound about this “New World Order”. In our world of controlled media, the most idiotic are promoted as the first facts, the slightly more credible next and the obviously impossible last. However, if you do offer well-researched facts and someone gets wind of it, the lapdog media is sure to cry “conspiracy theorist” and do all they can to heap derision on it. Let us never the less endeavour to throw some light on the truth and apply some common sense.The entire raison d’etre behind the staged charade is TO INSTALL A PRIVATE LEGAL SYSTEM. Keep in mind always that free men are self-governing and when you apply it to them; LEGISLATION IS SLAVERY. The United Nations is all about establishing this private legal slavery system franchise globally.
Free men are self-governing and live in self-governing countries. Slaves are subjects that live in dominions of commonly United Nations. Notice that all that has happened is an evolutionary exchange of one form of slavery for another, national slavery to multinational to global slavery. The biggest problem in establishing a global slavery system is of course one of logistics. How do you govern six billion people? The first thing is to get rid of four fifths of the population. Getting rid of the eighty percent of the human race that are useless eaters solves eighty percent of the logistics problem. Attacking the food supply is the easiest way of achieving this. Genetically altered seeds cross-pollinate with other seeds in your garden making all of them infertile. Unhealthy foods, fertilizers and weed killers bring a plethora of health problems. Vaccinating animals with poisons that destroy their immune systems and then feeding them waste by-products from slaughter-houses in huge feed lots poison our food livestock and environment on a grand scale. Attacking the population directly is more risky. The most effective way to do that is covertly with drugs and toxins. The CIA has a long history of human experimentation. They are a front organization of the British Crown of Israel, the world’s largest covert drug dealer for centuries. Four times as many people die in North America every year from pharmaceutical drug use as from illicit narcotics. Not only is our food directly vaccinated with poisons that destroy their immune systems it is also “mandatory” to poison your children in the same way. SIDS, autism and a host of disorders are caused by vaccinations. As if controlling the population is not enough, governments use chemical trails and HAARP systems to control the weather. All these toxins rain down on us and flow into the same water that all the industrial toxins and fertilizers do, adding to all of the pollution. When you get sick from all of it you can run off to see a licensed Doctor; they are the number one cause of death in our society. One thing is certain about the New World Order; most of us are not welcome in it. Our very survival dictates that we understand who is behind this world order, what they want and how they expect to achieve it.
The most effective way of controlling a population is to lie to it. When people never know the truth, they never understand the true nature of the problem and they are hopelessly entrapped by the ensuing inability to find a solution. You cannot provide solutions for what you do not understand. For this reason, 90% of intelligence black operations are exercises in disinformation. One form of disinformation is History. Remember always that the victor in control writes officially sanctioned His-story. Another is to give 80% of the truth and 20% obvious nonsense. Hearing only the 80% truth later, many will automatically equate it with the 20% nonsense that first accompanied it and discredit all of it. Another is to simply lie outright and then challenge your opponent to prove you wrong rather than provide proof of what you contend.
The natural “Law” is of necessity unwritten. The only way you can lawfully be compelled to court is if you have done another hu-man an injury; physical, mental or financial. To render unto every man his due, each case must be looked at and weighed upon all the circumstances of the event. Since each moment of time is unique and discrete, so are all claims. A man, or natural person, is called to answer a claim in front of a jury of his peers. It is rationalized that a dozen people from his society will understand if he has comported himself in a moral and ethical manner. It is the jury that decides his guilt, not a judge. An accused is presumed innocent. The reason for this is because in order for there to be evidence of an event, an event must have taken place. You cannot examine a non-event. Now think about this. If I am out hunting and I come across a warm patch of hay that is laid down, I will know that deer have lain there recently. I have evidence of an event since an event has taken place; the deer have lain here. It is not ever logical to ask someone to prove their innocence. Innocence cannot be proven. If you have done nothing there is no evidence. This is why it is incumbent upon the accuser to prove their case. It is typical of the Crown and their minions to make bizarre claims and then attempt to shift the onus of proof onto their hapless victims but they are clumsy and blatant in their attempts. If one thinks about the bizarre claims that the British make about God, one finds them trying to defend their claim by a similar process of logical reversal. Asking them to prove the existence of their God they either point to the book they wrote or ask you to prove to them that their God does not exist. It is their claim that God exists and thus it is up to them to prove their claim. If they claim their God gave them the earth it is of course incumbent upon them to produce said God. It is illogical to claim there is a God and then ask us to prove there isn’t when we say Bullshit. As noted above, you cannot prove the non-existence of something that does not exist. You can only prove the existence of something that does exist. The British God is as phoney as they are.
All other “systems of law” other than natural law are illegitimate. British Common Law is a coerced agreement between a despotic monarch and peers of the realm. It has nothing to do with the emancipation of subject slaves. It is nothing more than Imperial UK feudal rules and regulations. Maritime Law and Admiralty Law are virtually synonymous. This is the law of the high seas, also known as Piracy. The law of the high seas is; there is no law. Canada’s ecclesiastical courts operate a kind of bastardized mixture of Common-Piracy-Equity police state law. The whole lot is illegitimate, but incredibly lucrative. Crime pays big time for the Crown in Canada. Most of all there is no crime until the RCMP move in with their little ticket books and start ticketing everything in sight. They also get to auction off any “stolen property” they recover. (I thought selling stolen property was a crime? NOT when the RCMP do it?) All proceeds from crime also go to the Crown. Not only do they get everything from criminal cases, if they can legislate a crime they can seize your property as well. Call a plant that God gave to Man a drug and you can steal everything a pot smoking hippy owns as proceeds from “crime”. What a scam! The most insidious component of these judicial atrocities is of course; mind control. Bust a young man for a joint of pot and he has a criminal record that negatively impacts everything he does. In how many ways are we “criminalized” by this system that makes us believe we are the criminals? The “lawyers of God” who tell you that everything you do is a crime for which you must pay them whatever amount they can suck out of you sound like the “priests of God” who tell you that you are born into sin and must give them everything you can in order to save your soul from their Satanic God. All a lawyer has to do to steal everything you own is write a rule or regulation into a book. This is how the criminals make you look like you are a criminal while they rob you. (This is of course slavery.) It requires an inordinate amount of gullibility on our part, which of course is more than motive enough to ‘dumb down’ a population.
Natural Law is predicated upon a Golden Rule; “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. It is also based upon a few fundamental tenets; errare humanum est, corpus humanum non recipit aestimationem, mens rea, corpus delecti, ab abusu ad usum non valet consequential, caveat emptor, etc… To sum up the law; Natural Law is the only legitimate and logical form of Law. It is logical to assume that if you comport yourself in a moral and ethical manner you will never break the law. Undermine morals and ethics and you undermine the Natural Laws of Man that are promulgated by reason and empathy. Equity courts govern the independent arbitration of disputes arising out of valid written agreements. What is “legal” refers to agreements between competent parties that have been written down. To say something is “legal” in reference to another man means that there is a written agreement that he is signatory to. Legal contracts have to follow a few guidelines in order to be lawful. You cannot contract to commit a crime. Such contracts are unlawful, void and unenforceable. To be lawful a legal contract must have full disclosure, mutual consideration and mutual agreement. Strictly speaking, if it is not specifically enumerated in the agreement, it is not part of the agreement. If you are not mutually compensated it is not lawful. If you are forced to sign under any form of duress it is not lawful. There is no such thing as an assumpsit, assumption or presumption in a lawfully valid legal contract. It is easy to see that if we follow the few simple rules above and honour our contracts that disputes will rarely arise. One must always remember that the Legal Industry requires victims, er customers, like any other industry. It is for this reason that they legislate people into a position of absolute jeopardy. It makes them easy targets.
The definition of FREE is an interesting one; not subject to the legal constraint of another. Can you see that the entire British legal system is quite simply nothing more than slavery when it is applied to free men? Though you may have a million glib and benevolent reasons you can ne ver legitimately make an argument for imposing legislation on a free man because it is a crime and nothing ever justifies crimes against humanity. Unless we have a specific agreement, nothing I do is of any business of yours unless I do you an injury. It is for this reason that the valid law is unwritten. Free men are self governing and not subject to legislation. What is legislation? A legal constraint. What is a legal constraint? It is whatever you have agreed to in writing. Now look at the definition of a legal contract again. Have you entered into a valid lawful contract with the government that would allow them to collect an income tax from you? It is only the public that have entered into a contract w ith the Crown and that is why the Crown only pays the Public. Le t the public pay their own damn taxes, they get all the benefits. It is odd that the Crown tells their victims that they can find the income tax act in the library when it is obvious that their victim should have a complete copy of the Act that CCRA should have provided them with when they supposedly entered into the agreement. To say that we get nothing for our taxes is an understatement. We get far less than nothing for our taxes. This is evidenced by the very fact that our country is in debt. In fact, our children are born into debt. Who entered them into a legal agreement that would compel performance? Debt peonage is slavery. Taxes are slavery. When you control all aspects of a man’s life, that is slavery and when you have an interest in him as a hu-man being, that is slavery.

Freeman Movement,
New World Order
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Alien Predictive Programming
When I was a little kid, I once asked my 90 year-old great-grandfather if he thought aliens existed. He laughed heartily and said of course not. Later on I asked my 60 year-old grandfather the same question. He said he wasn't sure if they existed or not. When I first asked my 30 year-old dad about it, he said there were billions of galaxies and planets just like ours and so there were most likely other forms of life out there somewhere. Nowadays when I ask my 9 year-old students who believes aliens exist, in every class, almost every student raises their hands. NASA and the Hollywood Masonic propaganda machine have been in overdrive for the past 60 years trying to inculcate us into a belief in extra-terrestrial aliens, and it seems to be working. Look at all these alien movies. Why is Hollywood so incessantly propagating this meme?
Cowboys & Aliens (coming out Summer 2011)
The Battle of LA trailer (coming out 3/11/11)
Skyline (in theaters now)
Splice (2010)
V (2009)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
War of the Worlds (2005)
Taken (2002)
The X Files (1993-2002)
Men in Black (1997) Men in Black II (2002)
Contact (1997)
Alien (1979) Aliens (1986) Alien III (1992) Alien Resurrection (1997)
The Arrival (1996)
Mars Attacks! (1996)
Independence Day (1996)
Species (1995) Species II (1998 below) Species III (2004)
Coneheads (1983)
V (1983)
E.T. (1982)
Close Encounter of the Third Kind (1977)
War of the Worlds (1953)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Alan Watt and other researchers claim these are all examples of indoctrination through fiction or "predictive programming," a mind-control technique that works by slowly introducing new concepts in fictitious, humorous, or other benign ways so that our natural skepticism is temporarily turned off. Having bypassed this mechanism, the propaganda is able to sink in and marinate better, as Alec Baldwin explains here:
Alongside the mainstream predictive programming, the propagandists then slowly introduce a "counter-culture" movement of supposedly non-fiction, true, actual accounts of aliens like the following examples below, the godfather of which being the 1947 Roswell AREA 51 UFO crash. "Government insiders" to this day write books and give interviews saying that alien bodies were recovered from the site.
First Contact
Alien Interview (below) and Alien Autopsy (click here)
Real Alien Photographs!?
Then you've got extremely questionable organizations like Project Camelot and the Disclosure Project constantly interviewing dozens of supposed government insiders about their top-secret knowledge of extra-terrestrial presence on Earth. The Pope is out saying "it's okay to believe in aliens" and "the aliens are our brothers." Supposed NASA insiders like Richard Hoagland and his "Enterprise Mission" are trying to convince people there is/was life on Mars and that NASA is covering up a legitimate alien phenomenon. The UN has even appointed a "Space Ambassador" to meet with extra-terrestrials when we make contact. I'm not even kidding. Her name is Mazlan Othman and she's from Malaysia. Check it out in the video below:
There are steadily increasing UFO sitings around the world and in the news, and the journalists almost always laughingly suggest the possibility of little green men, instead of investigating, exposing, or even considering the evidence-backed, easy-to-prove angle that these UFO's are in fact GOVERNMENT aircraft, and that the whole alien meme constantly in our faces has been a long-term propaganda scheme getting us ready for a Project Bluebeam-like contact event, complete with UFO's and human-hybrid genetic monstrosities (their idea of eugenetic "perfection") who will play themselves off as "aliens" here to bring world peace, technology, and aid in our evolution. Are you ready for the fake aliens?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tao Wow Wisdom

My good friend Chris at the TaoWow blog has been a continual source of ideas and inspiration for me. Have a look at some of his excellent recent entries:
The Next Phase

End Times 2012

I Care Because You Do

Sunday, November 7, 2010
David Icke Exposed
Thanks to Joe for creating and sending me this excellent break-down of David Icke's suspicious secret society connections, from insider info to Masonic symbols, hand-signs and hand-shakes, Icke certainly seems to conceal more than meets the eye. Personally, I am quite sure that Icke, Jones, and many other "conspiracy heroes" have been purposely placed in the semi-spotlight to lead the NWO's controlled opposition. If you doubt this, please peruse the following: Alex Jones is an Inside Job 1 & 2 and David Icke Exposed as a Freemason
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