term “telepathy” was coined in 1882 by Frederic Myers, founder of the Society
for Psychical Research, during his investigation into what was formerly known
as “thought transference.” Reports and documented
cases of thought transference abound in almost every culture dating back for
millennia, but during the 20th century, the scientific method was
applied and repeatable experiments were performed which proved, with combined
odds against chance of trillions to one, that telepathy is indeed a genuine
most common method of testing perceptual-psi (ESP/telepathy) is to isolate a
test subject from a hidden target object or person placed at a distance and see
if the test subject can accurately describe the target or mentally influence
the other person. Hundreds of variations
have been performed on experiments following this basic design:
classic experiment in telepathy was reported in 1923 by Dr. H. I. F. W.
Brugmans and his colleagues in the Department of Psychology at the University of Groningen,
The Netherlands. In this experiment, a 23 year-old physics
student named Van Dam was investigated for his claimed telepathic abilities. He was placed inside a curtained booth,
blindfolded, and asked to place his arm under the curtain to select one square
on a 6 x 8 checkerboard placed on a table next to the curtain. The target square Van Dam was attempting to
select was determined randomly by the experimenter on each trial. An assistant experimenter knew the target
square and tried to mentally influence Van Dam’s arm movements to guide him to
select the correct target square … The results of the experiment were extremely
significant, with 60 successes out of 187 trials rather than the 4 expected by
chance. That’s associated with odds
against chance of 121 trillion to 1.”
-Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (82-3)
second classic experiment that has withstood the test of time is the ESP card
test, as popularized by J. B. Rhine’s Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University. This test involved cards imprinted with one
of five symbols: circle, square, wavy lines, star and triangle … In a typical
experimental run, the deck was thoroughly shuffled and then one person would
select each card in turn and try to mentally send the symbol on that card to a
distant person. This technique made it
possible to collect hundreds of trials quickly, in a wide variety of
environments, and under controlled conditions … Rhine’s 1940 book, Extrasensory
Perception After Sixty Years combined his 60 years of ESP research, 188
different experiments with thousands of trials, in which even the most highly
controlled studies had odds against chance of 375 trillion to 1.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (84-5)

popular and often replicated psi experiment is known as the “Ganzfield”
telepathy test. In a ganzfield test, Participant
A sits in a comfortable, reclining chair, wears headphones playing pink noise
(peaceful waterfall sound), has halved ping-pong balls placed over their eyes,
and a soft red light shined on them.
This type of sensory deprivation results in a dreamy state of awareness
in which the subject becomes more open to mental suggestions/impressions. Once Participant 1 is fully immersed in this
“ganzfield condition,” Participant 2 sits in another room watching a
freeze-frame picture on a TV screen and attempts to telepathically send that
image to Participant 1. Later,
Participant 1 comes out of the ganzfield state, discusses their impressions, is
shown 4 images, and must choose which one they think Participant 2 was sending
1974 through 2004 a total of 88 ganzfield experiments reporting 1,008 hits in
3,145 trials were conducted. The combined
hit rate was 32% as compared to the chance-expected 25%. This 7% above-chance effect is associated
with odds against chance of 29,000,000,000,000,000,000 (or 29 quintillion) to 1.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (120)
modern ganzfield experiment is as close to the perfect psi experiment as anyone
knows how to conduct. Until recently,
the ganzfield experiments were largely unknown outside of the discipline of
parapsychology. Then, in 1994,
psychologists Daryl Bem from Cornell University and Charles Honorton from the University of Edinburgh published a meta-analysis of
ganzfield studies in Psychological Bulletin, a well-regarded academic
psychology journal. That paper provided
strong evidence for a genuine psi effect.
Bem and Honorton’s review of earlier ganzfield studies estimated an
effect with overall odds against chance of 48 billion to 1.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (117-8)
In Upton Sinclair’s 1930
book Mental Radio he cataloged a series of picture-drawing telepathy experiments
performed in collaboration with his ESP-gifted wife Mary Craig Sinclair. During these tests Upton or friends/family would sketch a small
object and then Mary, in another room, another house, or even miles away, would
mentally perceive the image and reproduce the sketch herself. Mental Radio contains scores of these
sketches which show incredible similarities far beyond what anyone would expect
by chance. In conclusion to these
experiments, Upton Sinclair wrote, “there isn’t a thing in the world that
leads me to [write this book] except the conviction which has been forced upon
me that telepathy is real, and that loyalty to the nature of the universe makes
it necessary for me to say so … It is foolish to be convinced without evidence,
but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence.”

third picture-drawing experiment was conducted in 1941 at Cambridge University
by psychologist Whatley Carington. He
recruited 250 students to attempt to replicate sketches in a series of 5
experiments, with 10 drawings each, for a total of 50 targets. By the end of the study Carington had
collected 2,200 student sketches which he then cross-matched with the original
50 possible targets. Amazingly he found
1,209 drawings (55%) were similar to the targets! And this is from 250 different students with
no particular ESP gifts or previous experience.
telepathy test that has been scientifically investigated for nearly a century
is the sense of being stared at. In a
typical study of this sort, Participant 1 stands with his back turned to
Particpant 2, who stands a few meters behind him. Next Partcipant 2 flips a coin to decide
whether he will stare at the back of Participant 1’s head for 10 seconds, or
look away for 10 seconds. After the 10
seconds pass, Participant 1 records their impression, yes or no, and the coin
is flipped again for the next trial.
biologist Rupert Sheldrake has popularized experiments based on this simple
design … and under more controlled conditions, such as those involving use of
blindfolds, no trial-by-trial feedback, and even more secure conditions such as
having [participants] stare through a window from a distance. I found 60 such experiments involving a total
of 33,357 trials from publications cited by Sheldrake and others. The overall success rate in these experiments
was 54.5% where chance expectation is 50%.
The overall odds against chance are a staggering 202 octodecillion
(that’s 20,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)
to 1.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (127)
over a dozen scientific experiments over the last 45 years, using EEG and MRI
brain scanning technology, pairs of identical twins have been separated into
different rooms, and one of them subjected to visual or emotional stimulus
which is then found to register on both of their brains simultaneously. This has also been shown to happen (with a
lower correlation rate) between family, friends, and complete strangers as
design used in these electroencephalograph or ‘EEG correlation’ experiments
asks, in effect, whether poking one person will produce an ouch response in a
distant partner. It’s not recommended to
poke people in the brain, so instead we use a stimulus like a flashing light to
cause one of the brains to jump electrically in a predictable way, and then we
look at the other, distant brain to see if it’s jumping at the same time.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (136)
Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum and his colleagues from the National Autonomous
University of Mexico reported a series of studies in which they claimed to
detect simultaneous brain responses in the EEGs of separated pairs of
people. One of their studies was
published in the journal Physics Essays, stimulating another round of
replication attempts. In 2003, a
successful replication was reported in Neuroscience Letters by EEG specialist
Jiri Wackermann and his colleagues … Wackermann’s team concluded that ‘We are
facing a phenomenon which is neither easy to dismiss as a methodological
failure or a technical artifact nor understood as to its nature. No biophysical mechanism is presently known
that could be responsible for the observed correlations between EEGs of two
separated subjects.’ Another successful replication, this time reported by
Leanna Standish of Bastyr University and her colleagues, was recently reported
in the medical journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. They conducted an EEG correlation experiment
with the receiving participant located in a functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) scanner … They found a highly significant increase in brain
activity (odds against chance of 14,000 to 1) in the receiving person’s visual
cortex (in the back of the brain) while the distant partner was viewing a
flickering light. The same group later
successfully replicated this finding.”
-Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (137-8)
man who invented the EEG, Hans Berger, actually became interested in the brain
and the powers of the human psyche after a telepathic experience he had in
early adulthood. It began when one day,
as a soldier during a military training exercise, he was thrown off his horse
and nearly trampled by a horse-drawn cannon:
the driver of the artillery battery managed to stop the horses just in
time. The accident left Hans thoroughly
shaken but without serious injury. At
that very moment, many miles away in his family’s home, Hans’s older sister was
suddenly overwhelmed with an ominous certainty that something bad had happened
to Hans. She anxiously insisted that
their father contact him, and so he did via telegram. That evening, when Hans received the
telegram, he was initially concerned, as he had never before received a
telegram from his father. Then, upon
reading his sister’s urgent concern about his well-being, he knew that his
feelings of intense fear earlier in the day had somehow reached his
sister. Many years later, Hans wrote,
‘This is a case of spontaneous telepathy in which at a time of mortal danger,
and as I contemplated certain death, I transmitted my thoughts, while my
sister, who was particularly close to me, acted as the receiver.’” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (22)
telepathy is a real fact, it is very possible that it is operating at every
moment and everywhere, but with too little intensity to be noticed, or else it
is operating in the presence of obstacles which neutralize the effect at the
same moment that it manifests itself. We
produce electricity at every moment, the atmosphere is continually electrified,
we move among magnetic currents, yet millions of human beings lived for
thousands of years without having suspected the existence of electricity. It may be the same with telepathy.” -French philosopher and Nobel laureate Henri
Bergson in presidential address to the Society for Psychical Research in
London, May 1913
Hey! In completing of search in Internet word Telepathy a time of the last month, then ewerything concerned about Symbio Telepathy or Sy-T way, which by end is only one successful Telepathy's method. But is it unknown here?
Anyone can to find THE PROOFS OF TELEPATHY of 2007th, placed in
Yahoo group Telepathy.
Human with human case, where ACTIVE action’s mechanism in Youtube could be visible to
anyone. ...2007'th and this can be easy proven, that it is no
Yahoo group Telepathy. Message's subject: The touch through body and the
More simpler Internet's search is with using of two keywords. SYMBIO TELEPATHY
What is it in Your version..?! Jokers text about telepathy's dreams AFTER
Good luck, no eyes people.
Hey Eric this is unrelated but I really want you to take a gander into some work that these guys did about the actor ruled reality and it goes far beyond just the actors at Nasa.
Basically similar to the Bill Hicks is Alex Jones except some of these people are playing multiple characters alive at the same time and on a much much larger scale.
This youtube channel has a bunch of his own content and reuploads of other people's stuff
Here is the website of the fella who made the video linked above.
This guy does the same types of investigation just not in the same quantity.
Hey Eric I linked you wellaware1 the other day and I've been going through more of his work and he seems like he is a controlled opposition shill he does some good work like Alex Jones but will stop you from looking further and not get past the line he draws just like Alex Jones. All of these people seem to have such a difficulty with the shape of our earth and when looking at the counter arguments they never seem to be looking at the right places i.e. your channel.
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