Dr. Joel
Whitton, regression hypno-therapist and author of Life Between Life has
documented dozens of cases where patients have successfully regressed into a
past life or into the between life state.
For instance, one of his patients was a Canadian psychologist who
possessed a few quirks: He had a lifelong nail-biting problem, irrational fears
of air travel and breaking his leg, an obsessive fascination with torture, and
as a child he strangely spoke with a British accent for years. While under hypnosis Dr. Whitton regressed
him to his previous life and the man began telling what he was
experiencing. He was a British WWII
pilot on a mission over Germany under heavy fire. A spray of bullets hit his plane and one of
them penetrated the fuselage breaking his leg.
His plane crash-landed in enemy territory and he was captured then
tortured for information by having his nails ripped out. After reliving this experience and coming out
of hypnosis, the patient was soon able to recover from his quirks and
most remarkable discovery came when he regressed subjects to the interim
between lives, a dazzling, light-filled realm in which there was ‘no such thing
as time or space as we know it.’
According to his subjects, part of the purpose of this realm was to
allow them to plan their next life, to literally sketch out the important
events and circumstances that would befall them in the future. But this process was not simply some
fairy-tale exercise in wish fulfillment.
Whitton found that when individuals were in the between-life realm, they
entered an unusual state of consciousness in which they were acutely self-aware
and had a heightened moral and ethical sense.
In addition, they no longer possessed the ability to rationalize away
any of their faults and misdeeds, and saw themselves with total honesty. To distinguish it from our normal everyday
consciousness, Whitton calls this intensely conscientious state of mind, ‘metaconsciousness.’ Thus when subjects planned their next life,
they did so with a sense of moral obligation.
They would choose to be reborn with people whom they had wronged in a
previous life so they would have the opportunity to make amends for their actions. They planned pleasant encounters with ‘soul
mates,’ individuals with whom they had built a loving and mutually beneficial
relationship over many lifetimes; and they scheduled ‘accidental’ events to
fulfill still other lessons and purposes.”
-Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”
Many of
Whitton’s other patients gave incredibly accurate historical details about the
times and places in which they had lived, and some even began speaking long
lost languages. One man, a 37 year old
behavioral scientist, was brought back to a past life as a Viking then began
shouting in a language unknown to both Whitton and himself. Linguistic professionals later identified the
recording as being Old Norse. Later,
upon being regressed to an ancient Persian lifetime, the same man began writing
in a language previously unknown to both of them. An expert in Middle-Eastern languages later
identified the script as Sassanid Pahlavi, an extinct Mesopotamian language
that flourished between 226 – 651AD.
of the most remarkable situations arise when children spontaneously start
speaking in a foreign language or ‘speaking in tongues’ as the situation is
often referred to, and which languages they could not possibly have learned
from anywhere on Earth during their present life. Sometimes these are very ancient languages
and dialects that are now and have long been extinct, and accordingly no longer
spoken in the modern world today, only being known to historians. In other cases children can describe their
previous homes and lives in very considerable detail, including the town or
area in which they lived in their previous life, their home, family, friends
and often much more specific detail.”
-Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality” (177)
Dr. Whitton and other hypnotists
have recorded several cases where patient’s visions have been subsequently
confirmed by further research. Dr. Peter
Ramster actually produced a TV documentary in 1983 starring four of his Sydney
patients. These four women had never
left Australia yet had all given remarkably detailed accounts of events, people
and places across the world experienced during past-life regressions. The documentary followed Dr. Ramster and the
women to the people, countries, towns, villages, and specific houses they
envisioned in their past lives. For instance,
one of the women, Gwen McDonald, who was at first a staunch skeptic, recalled
during hypnosis a life in Somerset, England.
When taken to Somerset for the first time she was miraculously able to
correctly identify the location of several villages, roads, landmarks and
directed them straight to her old house.
She was able to lead the film crew to many destinations far more
accurately than their maps. She also
knew many local legends and family lines all of which were confirmed by
Somerset historians. In fact a group of
locals began coming to see her every night to quiz her on local history and
there wasn’t a single question that Gwen couldn’t answer.
knew the location of a waterfall and the place where stepping-stones had
previously been located; the locals confirmed the stepping-stones had been
removed about forty years before. She
pointed out an intersection where she claimed there had been five houses;
enquires proved this was accurate; the houses had been demolished some thirty
years previously. One of the demolished
houses had been a ‘cider house’ as she had claimed. She knew the names of the villages as they
had been two hundred years ago even though the names do not appear on modern
maps. People she claimed to have known
were proved to have existed, one of whom was listed in the names of the
regiment to which she apparently belonged … She correctly used obscure West
Country words that were no longer in use and in fact did not even appear in
dictionaries. In Sydney she had
described carvings that had been in an obscure old house twenty feet from a
stream in the middle of five houses located about one and a half miles from
Glastonbury Abbey. She knew the local
people called Glastonbury Abbey ‘St. Michael’s,’ a fact only proven by reading
an obscure two hundred year old history book not available in Australia. She was able to draw while still in Sydney
the interior of her Glastonbury house, which was subsequently proven to be
completely correct. She described an inn
on the way to her house that was indeed found to exist and was able to lead the
team directly to the house, now a chicken shed.
After cleaning the floor they discovered the stone carvings she had
referred to in Sydney.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality” (183-5)
What other explanation can be given for these reincarnation experiences? Can all of these incredible stories be discounted? How can such overwhelming evidence be explained away? With thousands upon thousands of documented and factually verified reincarnation experiences on file it seems that the most obvious and serendipitous explanation is that reincarnation is in fact a reality.
“So convincing is the evidence in favor of past life influences that
one can only conclude that those who refuse to consider this to be an area
worthy of serious study must be either uninformed or excessively
narrow-minded. Over the years my
observation of people who have had past life experiences while in non-ordinary
states of consciousness has convinced me of the validity of this fascinating
area of research … There are observable facts about
reincarnation. We know, for example, that vivid past life experiences occur
spontaneously in non-ordinary states of consciousness. These require no
programming or previous knowledge about the subject. In many instances, these
experiences contain accurate information about periods before our own that can
be objectively verified. Therapeutic
work has shown that many emotional disorders have their roots in past life
experiences rather than in the present life, and the symptoms resulting from
those disorders disappear or are alleviated after the person is allowed to
relive the past life experience that underlies it.” -Dr.
Stanislav Grof, “The Holotropic Mind” (123-9)
most of Asia reincarnation is a generally accepted fact, and the mechanism that
drives it is karma. Gautama Buddha said,
in the Universe is the fruit of a Just Law, the Law of Causality, the Law of
Cause and Effect, the Law of Karma.”
Karma is basically the moral/spiritual equivalent of Newton’s physical
law of cause and effect: For every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction. What goes around comes around,
do unto others as you would have done unto you, because either in this life or
the next, the equation will remain balanced.

“If one person can prove that he has lived before, then
man’s whole concept of life is changed.
He is no longer limited by the narrow confines of a single
existence. He need no longer live for
the now alone. The realization of the
truth of reincarnation bestows upon the human being not only the realization of
his immortality but of his kinship with the ages. He is part of all that has been, is, or ever
shall be.” -Manly P. Hall, “Reincarnation: The Cycle of
Necessity” (153-4)
Hello, I found this blog yesterday and I love it because I am a truth seeker like you and also have been learning the same things that you write here as well. I was raised a Christian and I stopped being one just a year ago but I have learned so much, it's like once you start looking for truth you can't stop. I'm looking forward to read and learn from your posts here and I would like to buy your books soon.
Hey Bryan, thanks for the comment! Glad to hear you're a fellow truth-seeker and I appreciate your support, hope you enjoy the books :) Peace
Great post! We're musing about reincarnation and past-lives at our blog, G&G, this month, so it was rather topical. ;)
Haven't had a past-life regression myself; I think I'd rather watch one being conducted on someone else, rather than participate. I'd like to see how they're done.
Sarah @ G&G
Hey GG, great blog you've got going, keep up the good work! I've never tried past-life regression either, but read a lot of Dolores Cannon and other therapists... definitely interesting stuff
Hello Eric, you have a great blog and i read it when i can. I found your post about reincarnation interesting. If you write on this topic again next time maybe you would like to consider the work of Michael Newton, he has also done a great work on this field (Journey of Souls, Memories of Afterlife etc.)
Keep up the good work :)
Thanks Goran! I haven't heard of Michael Newton before, I'll check out his work :) Peace
Dear Eric,
I have been a loyal follower for a couple of years now and I am a huge fan of your work and investigations. I wish to know your perspective and reflections regarding what's going on in our current events, such as the zionist genocide of the palestinian people, ISIS, and other global conflicts..
All the best,
Hey Jeff, thanks for the questions and comments, I appreciate your readership! I'm absolutely against the Zionist genocide of Palestine as well as the Zio-American occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. ISIS, like Al-Queda it's predecessor, is another CIA-funded, armed, trained Islamic extremist militia used by the puppet-masters for their Hegelian Dialectic controlled opposition. It seems like they are creating the conditions necessary for the WWIII culling they have been prepping for so long, just in time for the centennial anniversary of the first World War too. Mark's recent blog at Wayki Wayki shows that ISIS is definitely controlled and currently being used to foment something big.
I used to believe these things. I now know the truth. Jesus is real. The evidence you cite is demonic deception. Demons know ancient languages. Demons deceive. Anything you believe is okay with them as long as it isn't Christ. The Bible foretold that these "lying signs and wonders" would be used by the demonic to steer people away from the truth. Please ponder this viewpoint. I speak from personal harrowing experience with the demonic. Calling on Jesus saved me. Try it. He will save you too.
My brother fell from a tree and hit his head. He awoke (unknowingly) with an old Irish accent. Using old terms - he would not know. He was born and raised in Texas. My brother is frustrated and embarrassed about this accent. He has always been a tortured soul. Heavy drinker. I do believe his past life is coming through. We do believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. There is NOTHING evil about what has happened to my brother. He is sweet and loving. Evil is not sweet and loving!
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