It has been repeatedly shown that 1). HIV does not even lead to AIDS, 2). AIDS is actually a forced amalgamation of 30 different immune ailments into one misnomer, and 3). The drug “AZT” administered to HIV/AIDS patients actually
further suppresses the immune system!
“In the case of AIDS, I showed that HIV was never proved to cause anything. I also showed that AIDS was not one thing. AIDS was in truth a variety of states of immune suppression brought about, in different groups and, ultimately, different individuals by a large number of DIFFERENT causes … In this research you are about to read, which took place between 1986 and 1988, I also realized that AIDS was a perfect cover story for a covert targeting of populations, from gay men in NYC to Africans in Uganda. Because, if you labeled them with AIDS, already a kind of hypnotic death sentence, and then you treated them with highly toxic drugs like AZT, and you also, in effect, concealed what was really making them sick, you had DEPOPULATION ON THE MARCH.” -Jon Rappoport, “AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century” (1)

A colleague of Robert Gallo, the AIDS “discoverer,” molecular biologist Peter Duesberg, has a very different perspective from his associates. In Spin Magazine January 1988, Duesberg told reporter Celia Farber that, "
Scientists researching AIDS are much less inclined to ask scrutinizing questions about the etiology (cause) of AIDS when they have invested huge sums of money in companies that make money on the hypothesis that HIV is the AIDS virus. William Haseltine and Max Essex, for example, who are two of the top five AIDS researchers in the country, have millions in stocks in a company they founded that has developed and will sell AIDS kits that test for HIV. How could they be objective? Gallo stands to make a lot of money from patent rights on the virus. His entire reputation depends on this virus. If HIV is not the cause of AIDS, there's nothing left for Gallo."

In an interview with author Jon Rappoport, Peter Duesberg continued describing the facts of life in medical research: “
You have to be at NIH to see how they think. They're very, very concerned with the next research step. The step that comes after what they've just discovered. You could remind them that the kind of virus they're studying, HIV, just doesn't really qualify to cause a disease like AIDS, and they would understand what you were saying, and they might even agree with you, as far as general principles were concerned. But then they'd turn around and go right back to working on what they were doing before they talked to you … It's very hard to talk to a person who has a contract with a drug company in his pocket. How do you know that he's telling you the truth? Times have changed. This is high stakes science, financially.” (40-41)

I continued to find chemicals that could produce AIDS symptoms. But I also came across other factors which could cause these symptoms. Like chemicals, they had nothing to do with the fabled HIV virus. The most important one was starvation, long-term chronic malnutrition. It can occur on one level among junkies, it can occur on an entirely different scale among people of the Third World. Malnutrition is recognized as the single largest source of immune-suppression in the world. The current definitions of AIDS in the Third World now accept, by and large, three symptoms as central to AIDS: weight-loss of 10% or more (wasting away), chronic diarrhea, and chronic fever. These are also signs of chronic malnutrition. Diarrhea, through bringing on severe dehydration, is traditionally one of three largest killers in the world. This is nothing new. The reason these three symptoms are being used as front-line indicators of AIDS involves widespread lack of lab testing facilities in Third World countries. Doctors are meant to use these indicators to do fast, on-the-spot diagnoses of AIDS. In such a situation, numbers of AIDS cases will skyrocket, and a hidden equality will be established between AIDS and hunger. But the ‘disease’ is hunger, not AIDS.” -Jon Rappoport, “AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century” (17-18)

Millions upon millions of Africans have been and continue being misdiagnosed and given AZT when they need food. On top of this, most of the hunger and poverty in
Africa today was stirred up and created by western nations. Hunger and poverty are not natural states of being, even for so-called “third world” nations. In fact when first world charity organizations “help” poorer countries with food and medication, the long-term result always hurts the populations and helps western corporate/pharmacratic imperialism. Even food donations have eventual damaging effects. Farmers and others
essential to local economies find it easier to stand in lines getting free food handed to them than it is to work the land. That is until the donations stop coming in or move to a different location; by that time the villagers are dependent on their regular food
deliveries, local power structures change to reflect this, and food/food distribution is used as a weapon by western power brokers.
“The truth is, AIDS is not a single illness, it is an international operation, a business, a bureaucracy. It is, in the Third World, a way of substituting harmful medical drugs for what is needed: food. With AIDS, an attempt is being made to reduce varieties of suffering and political conflict and starvation and chemical abuse to a single entity. Since that viral entity, HIV, is sensational and frightening, it satisfies the desire not to think, not to learn, not to find out what is happening in a world of troubles. It is also easier to dump corrosive medical drugs and pesticides on the Third World than to face up to their widening toxic effect on people. Easier to call their symptoms AIDS. What happens when you try to paint a portrait of an area said to have AIDS, and you find, instead, a combination of drugs, pesticides, starvation, older diseases, and other environmental factors, all capable of causing immunosuppression, all capable of producing the symptoms of what is called AIDS? What happens is, if you want to satisfy your medical peers, if you want to win research grant monies, you overlook the anomalies and say it's all AIDS. If you don't, you admit the picture is diverse and confused. You face facts. You lose grants.” -Jon Rappoport, “AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century” (19-20)
AZT, the HIV/AIDS medication, was approved by the FDA in record time, granted a treatment/recommendation in less than five days and full pharmaceutical licensing in less than six months. AZT specifically damages bone marrow, the site where raw materials for immune cells are manufactured. Thus they are prescribing an immune-suppressant to treat immune-system problems. Essentially, if you didn’t have AIDS before taking AZT, you’re going to have it shortly thereafter.
In his interview with Jon Rappoport, Peter Duesberg said AZT “is hell for the bone marrow... It kills normal cells quite, quite extensively ... AZT is a poison. It is cytotoxic. I think that giving it to people with AIDS is highly irresponsible... the drug is only going to hurt you … And now they are giving it to people with no symptoms. It's supposed to prevent HIV from replicating, yet they can find no evidence that HIV is replicating in the first place.” (42-3)
“Kary Mullis, the winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his invention of the PCR process that amplifies gene-fragments has come to Duesberg's defense. Mullis insists that there is not one paper in the literature that proves HIV causes AIDS. He derides those researchers who unthinkingly accept the HIV hypothesis Another Nobel winner, Wally Gilbert, who teaches at Harvard, has spoken in more muted tones about problems with the HIV hypothesis, as has Harry Rubin, a godfather of modern viral research, who teaches at UC Berkeley along with Duesberg. Richard Strohman, a cell biologist at Berkeley, has voiced objections to the HIV model as well. There are many obvious objections, on scientific grounds, to HIV as the cause of AIDS. The traditional method of assigning a germ as the cause of a disease, called Koch's Postulates, has failed to make anything of HIV. Many people diagnosed with AIDS do not show HIV present in their bodies. No one can find a convincing description, after 17 years, of how HIV destroys immune cells. And so on. Yet the press continues to parrot the party line, and governments all over the world support HIV as the cause of AIDS with billions of dollars.” -Jon Rappoport, “AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century” (82)
Right on. GSH Nelson, B.C.
What is HIV?
What could I say to someone that was prognosticate with AIDS?
Is possible to say to this person don't worry because this is all a Lie, and stop the medication, start to do exercises, and begin to eat raw foods, and you will be better very son... ? /
I too don't believe in this aids story but we can't only say that this is all a conspiracy...
If you do have an immune deficiency problem, you certainly shouldn't take immuno-suspressing drugs. Getting off AZT and getting on a raw vegan diet would certainly be the first two steps I would take. To each his own though. Peace.
Dr. Robert Morse has repeatedly cured HIV / AIDS with fasting and a raw vegan diet
Luc Montagnier who supposedly discovered HIV has admitted that the virus was never purified. This is an astounding admission. Purification is essential as each virus has its own unique set of proteins and only through purification can one determine if one has a new virus or not. The HIV scam is nothing more than a branch off of the depopulation tree. A pharmaceutical genocide. Naturally generating billions for big pharma in the process.
AIDS is just a fancy acronym for immune deficiency. Well myriad things cause immune deficiency, the least of these causes being a virus that has never been proven to exist.
According to HIV test manufacturers, FDA-approved HIV tests do not detect HIV and cannot be used to diagnose HIV.
A big thank you to Clark Baker for his efforts on exposing this fraud.
So sad our government programs to help people are really a way for big money corporation to make more money. Everything about these are lies. Protect yourself, it healthy & organic. Stay away from the chemical isles, ie. processed foods. Read a lable of what's in candy. pretty sick what they pass off these days.
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