"The truth of the matter is that you do have those standby provisions, and the statutory emergency plans are there whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism, apprehend, invoke the military, and arrest Americans and hold them in detention camps." -
U.S. Representative Henry Gonzalez, Aug 29th, 1994
“Today, the New World Order has brought in hundreds of thousands of foreign troops into the United States, they have brought in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of guillotines for executions, they have built a network of unused concentration camps across the U.S., they have built crematoriums next to these concentration camps, and yet most Americans appear to believe the lies of President Clinton and others.” -Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati
” (note: Fritz Springmeier has been in prison since 11/13/03 after being framed)

Since the Reagan administration, REX-84 U.S. Civilian Inmate Labor program has been drawn up, implemented, and expanded in many ways. The military and police have been increasingly training together. The military has been running operations like “Urban Warrior” fully-armed in suburbia. 800+ FEMA detention centers (concentration camps) have already been built all over the
United States and Halliburton’s engineering subsidiary KBR is busy building more. These camps are complete with biometric scanners, barbed wire facing inwards, gas lines and furnaces, heli-pads, watchtowers, and security cameras. The few journalists who have filmed and reported on these have been observed by black helicopters and even approached and questioned by secret servicemen
(see Google or you tube videos of “FEMA camps”).
“The Civilian Inmate Labor Program was conducted in secret at US military bases from 1989 to 1996. This nightmare program was recently declassified. If Civilian Inmate Labor Programs are so wonderful, why did the Army keep them secret for over seven years? There are thousands of pages of documents on the Army’s website detailing the massive scope of this program, much of which is still secret. Many of the documents are contradictory. For example, on the same page it will say that the Army is not allowed to house and use State inmate labor, and, in the next paragraph will say that they have been housing and using State inmate labor …For years, we warned people about FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). The federal documents have been around for decades and include round-up plans and concentration camps. People used to laugh at us when we said this in December of 1999. Then came Seattle. FEMA housed and protected government-placed ‘anarchist’ provocateurs, but put five hundred peaceful demonstrators in a FEMA camp on the outskirts of town. FEMA used the old Sand Point naval brig to detain hundreds of American citizens.” -Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”
“FEMA can force the population to live and work wherever they are told. People can be moved from their homes and have their property seized, including farms and businesses. Their children can be taken away from them and FEMA has the power to take over all communications, food and energy sources, health care, finance, education, welfare and transportation including your personal vehicles. The Postmaster General can order that all men, women and children are registered. It is also FEMA that controls the network of concentration camps, or ‘detention centers,’ in the United States that are in place and waiting for the dissidents and ‘troublemakers’ when the Illuminati fascist takeover is complete. Yes, concentration camps in America.” -David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and the
World Trade Center” (199)

In the past few decades, the militarization of the American police has become a noticeable reality as soldiers and police cadets increasingly train together. Paramilitary units, unheard of 40 years ago, are now the norm in over 90% of all police forces and their frequency of use has skyrocketed 2,000% in the past decade. Reporter Alex Jones has detailed the militarization of American police and covered urban warfare drills in his excellent "Police State" documentary films, all of which are available for free on google/youtube. Also check out his latest and greatest police state film here:
Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA
“I’m in northern California, in Oakland, where Marines have come in for Operation Urban Warrior, which should be deemed Operation Desensitization of the Population. They hire hundreds of role players to beg and scream, ‘We’re Americans. Please don’t put us in camps. Don’t take our guns.
’ The loudspeakers blare as women and children are led handcuffed to the interrogation center of the camp: ‘Attention. Attention. Attention. Due to the large number of people arriving, you will experience a short delay. Please remain calm and cooperate so that we can process you into the camp faster.’
… In my film, Police State 2000, we have footage of Marines backed up by local police ordering a man with a camera to stop filming and to turn his camera off. There are two questions here: 1. What is it that they have to hide? 2. Why are Marines engaging in law enforcement activities that violate the First Amendment?” -Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”
“Across the country, SWAT teams are putting the finishing touches on our new prison style schools, by conditioning our kids with “mock-terrorist/school shooting attacks.” SWAT teams’ so-called anti-terror drills at schools are really just conditioning exercises that are part of Federally-funded FEMA programs to condition the children that it’s completely normal to have men dressed up like executioners screaming at them, taking over their schools without warrants, and ordering them, with their hands behind their heads, onto busses where they are taken to undisclosed locations …Men in black uniforms yell and scream and throw profanities at them (that we won’t print here) as they beg a
nd cry and plead. They are then loaded on buses and taken to a local jail where they are dragged around like filth and treated like criminals. A whole generation is learning how to be slaves, learning how to bow down and beg and to put their hands behind their heads when the ‘ring wraiths,’ the ‘dark lords’ appear. And many of these children died at the hands of SWAT teams. SWAT teams are notoriously trigger-happy and frequently shoot their own officers. Take Fort Worth, Texas, where the ‘Cop of the Year’ was shot in the head by one of his comrades at a SWAT team drill at a school. In Detroit, they shot a kid in the face in one of these so-called drills.” -Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”
I can't read this too depressing :(
What a bunch of crap. Are you trying to sell a book or something? No one in their right mind has this much doo doo in their head unless their trying to sell something. You need to get a real job, grow up and stop seeing boogie men behind every tree...Jeezzeee!!!
Look MR gerry, the man has a lot of insight into some interesting topics/subjects. Why not do your own little research to find out how much truth this man is sharing. I hate when people comment for the sake of commenting. Do some researching before you open your mouth..
I would like to know where they got the fact that FEMA was the organization doing this?
I work for FEMA and I would like to know where this concentration camp stuff is at.
Of course "Fema" employee does not know the evil which operates at the top which is behind the American holaucost they are planning for all of us. Compartmentalization is at work at all levels of government which allows only the highly corrupted and trusted parasitic friends of the new world order to know the real agenda which is going to be genocide for most of humanity!
All that is in this site is true and forthcoming. Do your own research! Get ready for Christ's return.
wow this is stupid all crack pot theorys and all speculation without a true witness to know these ideas ur just causing unwanted panic and crackheads to believe ur story
I'm sorry but if you really believe this then you are lost. As in you are a lost person with no hope to ever return to the real world. You will foreverly be afraid of everyone and everything and never will be happy in your life.
All PEOPLE that dont belive that the new world order is true then go on about your every day life like some robot and when it happens should of listened so TOLD YOU SO
The FEMA Organization will start setting their plan in action on July 27 in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and California. It is even posted on the official FEMA website from our government. Who will save us now?
These theories are hilarious. Keep them coming. :D
The same mental disorder afflicted a lot of Germans in 1936.
DENIAL is a cowards way out!
To those who continue to deny...do your own research, read REX 84 ,agenda 21, operation gardenplot , then speak discerningly
But then......never mind , stay asleep .
I realize you know allot on this subject, you need to take a good look at your approach to get your message out. You need to understand that this is so hard for so many to grasp, that free country as the United States of America could do such an evil thing to its citizens. I have seen you insult the very people your trying to convince. You need to realize this information is new to most people, it so surreal the average Joe can't seem to comprehend it. I know you feel the urgency to get the message out, and time is running out. I pray that our heavenly father will slow this assault on the United States, so you can get your message out in a more convincing manner.
American can be cruel and evil...look how we treated the Native Americans...how we treated the African Americans. the founders of this land were cruel rapists and killers. Read a history book and research how we treated those who came to us in peace. I do not doubt the government's ability to treat us in the same exact matter as they treated them in the 1600s. America is capable in doing us harm to gain power as Hitler did to the countries in Europe. We give the government too much power... as the great novelist Melville once stated government is not good for the nation...the less government the better. I have my own personal reasoning that led to believe the world is definitely coming to an end...i don't about the date but it definitely will...biblical, scientific, and cultural. The government in the executive branch and the congress are corrupted without a doubt. and Gerry, when a boogie man scares you from behind a tree...expect a gunshot to your head...not from me...but from the government. the constitution of American will no longer be respected since it is already being restricted. Our freedom is becoming more limited and I cannot deny it, our freedom will continue to be limited more and more until one day freedom simply will not exist. I have some doubts on accuracy of information about the FEMA Concentration Camps, but I will not ignore it. I will keep continuing my research.
WOW this site is beautiful information, ive been researching many things in my life and this is a huge thing i believe in. The New World Order is coming whether people who have been blinded like it or not. We as humans and americans need to open our eyes and create a new goverment found on truth and good. We must avoid the sickness of our world and be above the problems.(My message to the world): Bad things have been happening for a long time, every day many have the goal to make us weaker and unable to think for ourselves, it is our responsibility to do whats right and true and to not go along with the bullshit. Even if you dont believe in any of this, just remember a life without freedom is not an option. When the time comes will you stand up for yourself and rid of evil... A.G.---EVOLVE
Its so black and white when it comes to the unaware unconsious to the consiously aware. a person who meditates, can only recieve the true light. Its time to wake up and give everyone in your family a gun/shooting lessons or else youl just be another slave who was caught slippin
Time lives on the winds of change. I do believe at some point in my life, and I have between 20 and 40 years left. A lot of this will come to pass. Our forefathers set us up for this. As a test or a testament of our humanity, but somewhere along the way the truth got lost in the politics as usual.
"In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king"
"Everywhere I look The blind lead the blind" Charles Manson, Eyes of a Dreamer.
"All the saints have been hung, all the songs have been sung, all the cries have been wailed, all the people have been jailed"
Charles Manson, Eyes of a Dreamer
I am reminded of a poem by a jew who was eventualy rescured from a concentration camp by American forces. The jew was addressing Bill Clinton and was accusing The United States of America of not comming to rescue them soon enough.
I realized that essentialy there were supposedly 6 million jews murdered in the holocost. There were no where near as many Nazi's. Jews worked in factories that produced ammunition and morter rounds for the Nazis, and in one case assited them in counterfiting British Currency to bankrupt the Allies. I have never heard a story of a single Jew who killed a Nazi, made a bomb and blew them up NOTHING. The jews did not fight, they ran like rats, and died like rats.
It remined me that your freedoms are not free, your dumb. You only have the rights you are willing to stand up for an protect.
If you are willing to let any number of "Nazi's" "FEMA" "Marines" or who ever the faschist maybe take you alive instead of fighting them with lethal force if neccissary then you are a coward. A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies but once. Also it is better to die on your feet then to live on your knees.
My message to the people of the world is to stand up for them selves and stop relying on laws, and other people to protect you. Grow a set of balls and realize that you have to get off your couch and your soft little ass and change the world instead of complaining and taking it because its easier.
I have had black helicopters follow me on more then one occasion, I smile and wave. I do not give a fuck because I am a man not a mouse, I don't run from anyone and I am not affraid to die regardless of the cause. I love my country and I belive in America and would do anything to protect it, but if the government comes after me then lets fucking fight to the death.
I don't need permission to be free, I am no ones slave. I don't need a job, I don't need a bank loan, I can produce my own food and survive in the wild. I am an island and a loan wolf, and I serve no master.
People need to STOP dealing with banks and any company who wants to do business on credit. Deal in cash and pay for what you need immedialty instead of paying 25% intrest on your own money. If you do this the bank can't kick you out of your house, you don't have any debt and a credit score is meaningless. I don't think I even have a credit score, because I DO NOT USE ANY KIND OF CREDIT.
I think that is intresting that crackheads and fanatical religiouse types can finaly agree on something.Jeff Gates said...
All that is in this site is true and forthcoming. Do your own research! Get ready for Christ's return.
December 16, 2008 1:38 PM
Anonymous said...
wow this is stupid all crack pot theorys and all speculation without a true witness to know these ideas ur just causing unwanted panic and crackheads to believe ur story
March 30, 2009 12:28 AM
I think it is also intresting that people can not understand that FEMA stands for Federal Emergency Managment Administration. I would imagine that in a national emergency there would need to be additional jail cells, and if it was a virus or other unkown pathegine that FEMA may need to burn bodys, and bury the dead in a sealed vaults to prevent the virus from spreading to the healthy population. Any idiot with half a brain could understand that, and any moron could easily see how an outsider who smokes way to much dope and plays way to much magic the gathering in his moms basement would cook up ghost stories to sell books to get a new for Fiesta.
I also know that when I was in college a few years ago, they did school shooting drills where they locked the doors and everyone hid from the "Shooter". They are trying to create some way to save human lives in this situation, not training swat teams to come in and execute the students you moron. That is a fact based on reality, you can ask the families of the vicitms at Columbine, and Virginia Tech.
Everyone I have ever met who has had opinions like this all had one thing in common, they had a seriouse mental disorder that caused them to belive and imagine things out of context. Sadly the brain doesn't work right and is typicaly being flooded with drugs and alcohol. The fact that you wrote a book on it, and you are so deep into the conspiracy theorie would make even an insane man wonder when they are coming to get you.
We are watching you...
We are watching you...
Always watching you...
The only way out is to kill your self tonight...
I loved your first comment KillerSix and I was on my way to compliment your attitude towards freedom. But then before I could, you wrote a second demeaning comment showing me that you're not nearly as spiritually evolved as you sounded in the first comment. I congratulate you for and agree with your stance on freedom/banks/debt etc. Unfortunately I see that you're also arrogant, full of assumptions and jumping to conclusions regarding things you know nothing about. I hope you can take and understand both my compliments and criticisms. Peace
I am not arrogant I live in reality, here there are only the haves and the have nots. It is simple to say that I am arrogant but it is difficult to contest what I have to say, because the truth is that if there is a massive conspiracy to hoard Americans into concentration camps then it would take the involvemnet of most top level individuals to plan the involvement of a large number of middlemen and a hell of a lot of soldiers to subdue a population of 300,000,000 people. Also secrets like that never stay secret for long, and typicly where are you going to find hundreds of thousands of low income individuals to be your storm troopers of death on there own friends and familys. The logistics of such a conspiracy are a joke, and belive it or not people every where would have to be co-operating towards the same goal which was the case in Nazi Germany, studying the Holocost would be a good start for understanding something like this.
But one must remeber that we are not in 1940 what ever the fuck, we have computers, video cameras, and there are enough nuclear weapons, Bio-Logical, and Chemical Weapons to kill everything on the planet, not to mention small arms.
The point is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The United States is Deeply in debt, Fighting wars on two fronts, and if a collapse were to happen like what happened in Russia. Everything is up for grabs, in Russia drug dealers were caught selling a nuclear sub with the missles, they also had more then one. They had missle launcers tanks, guns, etc.
Also if you are concerened with human rights look at North Korea, and then look at all of the other Fucked up countries in that region with fucked up agendas, including nuclear proliferation. Imagine that for a second the United States Failed in its humanitarian missions across the globe and the homeland began a decent into anarchy.
Look at the problems with all of the current problems, with gangs, and home grown terrorist. Without the control the federal government is bringing to the table your ass wouldn't last a minute because your soft.
Imagine that all of the top level gang members are released from jail and there gangs have all the technologies available to our military. How long would you and your Wife 2.5 kids shit yellow house picked fense and Aero Star Mini Van Last. You would be dead or enslaved for sure, because those people are TAKERS and you are a COMPLAINER.
What the governement is planing is not public knowledge because it takes a level of secrecy to keep a society and a military together not to mention to make it a super power. Waite 50's and the truth will come out and you will see that what was going on was to protect you in case of an emergency. Hopefully we never have to find out what its for.
Also where is the recruitement office for both the illuminaty and the New World Order??? I checked Craigs list but did't see any add where they were hiring. I would rather be the devels right hand man then in his path. Also many of you do deserve to be exterminated, in my opinion
I would also like to point out that conspiracy theories are always wrong. Lets look at Y2K, 2012, Heavens Gate, etc. It's difficult to belive that anyone could know the exact date the world will end, the world is Billions of years old according to people considered to be intelligent who acttualy have proof(Sorry Religouse Freaks Your Out In the Cold on the God DiD it Story). Consider the fact that for years and years people belived the world would come in the year 2000 and that computers across the world would crash and we would be back in the stone age in the blink of an eye. I didn't see a nuclear holocost, post appocoliptic war zone, nothing. Acctualy I went to sleep on Y2K and slept through it peacefuly.
My point is that both religion and conspiracy theories are based on faith and everyone belives them regardless of what evidence proves they are wrong. I have yet to see one angel skeleton, nuclear holocost, or anything substantial.
I belive that the end of man kind will come because we fight all the time and waste time fucking, sleeping, and generaly focusing on unimportant Bull Shit that doesn't matter. Basicly we are nothing more then some bugs floating around on a rock in space, to close or to far from the sun and were all dead. What if there is an asteroid...whos going to call Bruce Willis. The point is that we are creatures of nature, and our demise will come from nature. I doubt that any one government can control 6 Billion People World Wide, people have been trying that Shit for thousands of years and it ALWAYS fails.
I would rather be the devil's right hand man then in his path.
Ahh, the truth comes out. All that about standing up for freedom, dying on your feet instead of living on your knees... when actually you're proud to be satan's little bitch ("KillerSix" 666). I don't envy you when it comes to judgment / reincarnation time.
Also many of you do deserve to be exterminated, in my opinion
That speaks volumes of your morality and integrity. I know exactly who you are.
I belive that the end of man kind will come because we fight all the time and waste time fucking, sleeping, and generaly focusing on unimportant Bull Shit that doesn't matter.
I believe you are right, that is the reality you live in.
"I would also like to point out that conspiracy theories are always wrong."
Come now. That's like protesting that someone must be hiding all your things from you because they're always in the last place you look. It may appear on the surface that conspiracy theories are always wrong, but that's because once one of them is proven true, we no longer call them a "conspiracy theory," we simply call them a "fact."
I'm sure virtually any time something terrible has been learned about the government, the initial proponent was dismissed as a "conspiracy theorist." That's just how it works. Until you know something 100%, it's a "theory," and if it's about a conspiracy, it's a "conspiracy theory."
Obviously I have my own differences with people on this site, but you cannot sincerely argue that the government hasn't done some seriously fucked-up shit and conspired about it. Those people who blew the whistle? Conspiracy theorists.
Good points Ben, thanks for the comment. Peace
Well , I think every1 has some great points & ive enjoyed all the research. We all want 2 believe our country is doing the right thing,but fact is that greed has controlled it 4 a longtime now. Now is the affect, which means that were all watching our economy fall apart while other problems manifest in a viscous machine like manner. Its almost as if our government is using everything going on and elections in 2012 2 prep us for the next stage. These camps are a precautionary step for whatever power is in control next(China & US Gov) I love my country and appreciate all that the troops and officers do every day for my freedom! If it does fail though, i feel like these camps are for people that resist & refuse to conform.. Keep in mind that the Constitution of America will not exist anymore, which means NO RIGHTS.
I'm very glad to see that there are people who are awake and aware of what is occurring, and seem to be prepared to combat it. What concerns me is whether everyone is mindful and aware that the police, soldiers and other government employees are not the enemy. They are doing their job to the best of their abilities and, hopefully will not resort to the kinds of brutality they may or may not be ordered to do. Keep in mind that reasoning is much better, and safer, for everyone involved; rather that bringing harm to our fellow Americans, who or may not be misguided.
BTW. I'm a simple postal worker in a small-town plant. Still a government job. I have participated in an emergency drill where anthrax was simulated to have been detected by a (incredibly expensive) machine used to "protect" us. The level of control exerted over ordinary citizens, (ie., postal employees, customers, anyone unfortunate enough to be within a certain distance of the facility, including family members if the postal employee were to have "escaped" and went home) are rounded up, quarantined, decontaminated and treated for anthrax exposure. Nearly all employees involved were shocked and alarmed to see what was happening to them. We also know the likelihood of being contaminated with anthrax through the mail is ridiculously small, but Homeland Security shells out big bucks for our Bio-hazard detection Systems and HEPA ventilation filtration systems installed on our machines. Take a tour of a plant and see the ridiculous "feel good" measures in place supposedly for our protection.
Thank you for great post
In the words of the lady on leprechaun in alabama "COULD BE A CRACKHEAD!" if you dont know look it up on youtube.
Ready for the New World Order? Me neither, but I don't know about you but I'm going out with guns blazing. Death to this terrorist organization we call our government!
For those of you who don't think anything is possible as far as what the "Shadow Government" is capable of, then you are living with your heads in the sand. When Hitler and and Nazi's started rounding up Jews first in Germany, then later on in other parts of Europe, many Jews and other Europeans didn't, wouldn't or couldn't believe it. People just can't fathom that another human being would do such atrocious behavior. Jews who were paying attention to what was going on, packed what they could and got the hell out of Europe as fast as they possibly could. The majority of the rest perished. A friend of mine who had a top secret job in the Pentagon during the 1960's and 1970's, told me in 1985 while visiting my mother and my sisters and me, that we should seriously consider stocking up on silver and also to consider leaving the country within the next twenty years or so. He said that based on what he knew from his experiences working in the DOD and his job as a cryptographer, that the U.S. government is NOT the entity Americans think it is. They "system" IS compartmentalized as one of the previous commentators stated. "They" want you and your families to continue sleeping while they feed you/us absolute propaganda. Keep slurping your carbonated, artificially colored, high fructose corn syrup diabetes inducing water a.k.a. Soda Pop. And keep consuming highly processed food-like substances and clogging yours and your children's arteries while "They" suck you dry like the vampires they are. Is it paranoia? No...it's being awake and aware of what is going on around you. Are you prepared? ARE YOU PREPARED?
I can't read this too depressing :(
This is the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. Listen people, we need to stop this, we need to take back the control that belongs to US AMERICANS. NOT the Government. Fight now while we still have the chance. This should scare everyone to the core.
What if this became a reality?
God help us.
Someone mentioned FEMA saying they would only take control in a state emergency. What if the government created its own emergency. I think we all know by now that there was no way al Qaeda were responsible for 9/11. It marked the beginning of the plan. The camps aren't for criminals or terrorists they are for survivors. Wipe out most of the population with some government made pathogen then when your down to a managable number herd you into work camps built by of all people Haliburton. There's a company you can trust lol.
Wake up people freedom and democracy is a lie you are all slaves, we'll you soon will be!!!!. Read agenda 21.if that doesn't reek new world order to you. Then you are blind!!
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