After over a million dead Iraqis, (100,000+ women and children) and many thousands more murdered in the bogus, contrived "War on Terror," Obama came out yesterday on May 1st (the anniversary of the Illuminati) to announce that US soldiers finally killed Osama Bin Laden. Yay! Hurray! We're all supposed to cheer and feel happy and relieved because now all the suffering, lying, murder, torture, and warfare was worth while!

I'm reminded of Dec. 15, 2003 when the US announced that they found and captured Sadam Hussein hiding in a hole in the ground! Everyone cheered and felt happy and relieved, that is until scores of farmers pointed out the fact that the yellow dates seen hanging on the tree behind Sadam's hole indicate that the picture was taken in September at the latest, by December, date trees no longer bear any fruit.

Back to Bin Laden, it has been claimed by many sources including mainstream news that Osama has in fact been dead since December 2001, so why is the White House coming out on May 1st, 2011, claiming that US troops just now killed him? In addition, I actually just came across a couple videos suggesting something quite outlandish but eerily convincing. Please leave your comments below, what do you think of the following possibility?
I like the way you think. I've been trying to pass this link around for two months now: http://www.welfarestate.com/binladen/funeral/
Nice one, thanks for the link.
Wow, you've got an excellent website going there, keep up the great work Brody:
I have just watched the May 1st (ILLUMINATI ILLUMINATI WARNING WARNING!!!!) speech by Obama OSama Obama Osama (hey people LOOK it rhyymes..???) I watched aghast. First of all he looks like a robot. But i am just aghast,,,LOL
FDo I need explain? it is the most puke-makin propaganda BS I think i have ever seen, and thats sayin something.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - Joseph Goebbels
As for the faces. I am VERY good with face recognition, but LOUSY with remembering names. No, I dont think they are the same.
BUT what interests me is the propaganda. Ie., that this State/Occultst Cabal make sure that a guy that does resenble Osama, AND has a name that RHYMES with the name of their 'number 1 enemy', and has an Islamic sounding other name Hussein like Sadam Hussein. Just what fukin skullandbones duggery is fukin goin on here?!
It is complete mindfuckdom
*sorry, missed to say. 'made sure that he got in power'--though i am sure you knew i meant that
Dead Saddam ≠ Real Saddam
Dead Hitler ≠ Real Hitler
...Osama was (is?) friends with the Bush (crime) family...
Obama most likely has a double--google his ears-- (2) TWO DIFFERENT VERSIONS of HIS LEFT EAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus, what is up with that scar halfway across the back of his head ???
So, yeah, a way for Osama to "walk", heck, even LEAD the American people (what a slap in the faces of our citizens) would be for him to "disappear" as another person.
Drug lords do it to escape police/hitmen...
You might have something there, muzuzuzus, if everything had been planned decades ago, what a way to keep "terrorism" first and foremost, alive and vivid, in the minds of people by "hunting" for a guy named Osama, and making a look-alike president with the name Obama stay in the media and minds EVERY SINGLE DAY, EVERY SINGLE PLACE.
Thanks for the comments guys, here's some interesting stuff:
Osama Killed by Photoshop
The Truth About Bin Laden
that was creepy as dude
Question Osama's "killing" and you're an extremist.
The media are already trying to counterattack any questioning of the Osama story.
Here's the UK Guradian:
"Tellingly, an al-Qaida spokesman, in vowing vengeance against America, called him a martyr, offering no challenge to the U.S. account of his death.
Even so, it is almost inevitable that the bin Laden mythology will not end with the bullet in his head. If it suits extremist ends to spin a fantastical tale of survival or trickery to gullible ears, expect to hear it."
"... Brad Sagarin, a psychologist at Northern Illinois University who studies persuasion, said the rapid disposition of the body "would certainly be a rich sort of kernel for somebody to grasp onto if they were motivated to disbelieve this."
And this has to be the funniest thing you'll read today
"Sagarin said most people will probably be convinced bin Laden is dead because they cannot imagine the government maintaining such an extraordinary lie to the contrary in this day and age."
Infowars has a few good articles up on the subject:
Media Runs Fake Photo
Final Fake Bin Laden Tape in the Pipeline
How about we switch the BS?
Osama bin Laden = Obama sin Laden
Yup, also his VP is Joe Biden so during campaigning their signs read:
Obama / Biden
Isn't that just a little too close to:
Osama Bin Laden
Just move and delete a couple letters, and viola.
Here's another great video I found too:
Be Warned of Digital Deception
This whole charade of Osama-Obama bullshit is used to further manipulate our reality...and on May Day too!
There's one other similarity between Obama and Osama hands that Jeff Grump overlooked in his video — both have hands covered in blood.
BBC agrees with Eric Dubay
UK tabloid, the Daily Mail, reports that someone at the BBC agrees with Eric Dubay's Osama = Obama thought crime.
"BBC News accidentally reported that Barack Obama had been killed in its coverage of Osama Bin Laden's death.
On the corporation's website a ticker along the top of the screen was accidentally labelled: 'Obama dead' before being hastily corrected.
The error happened at 11.19pm as the news was just breaking - and minutes before the U.S. President gave a live speech confirming the kill.
Nice one, thanks for that Nonoun. Check out the zombies celebrating this propaganda:
Outside White House on May 1st
My crystal ball says that this event is going to be used as an excuse for some sort of military action and upscaling of aggression by "Al Queda" or other "pissed off Muslims sympathetic to Osama."
The Truther Girls - Osama Bin Laden is Dead! Again!
Really nice post...thank you very much for sharing
I recently found some german productions pointing out where the next false flag terror attacks might hit....
would be awesome if you would post about it as well
The links i will leave you are german only maybe you can get a first understanding with google translator
The date the attack is supposed to happen is 06/26/11
opening game of the german womens soccer something in berlin
it fits with the summer solstice
lots of hints in the movies...even some hints to nuclear explosions....
http://whaaat.de/truewords/?p=2445 (german article)
this is a very good compilation in form of a video showing all the hints that point to this ritual collected by recent movies,speeches of politicians etc.
as we all know here the hints have been there before 9/11 maybe we can really uncover something here before it happens
"It does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is, victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continous, the essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of the produce of human labor. A hierarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. The war is waged by the ruling group against its subjects, and its object is not victory, but to keep the very structure of society intact."
George Orwell
HAPPY 1984
What if this was much stranger? You must see Obama Cloning and the Coming Space War.
Obama's long-form birth-certificate is a fake and and an absolute forgery done using Adobe Illustrator.
All these subliminal suggestions of Obama/Biden, Hussein, and the whole swich the BS nonsense...all this is under the guidance of the hypnotic-inspiring Thought Process...big things are planned for Obama, our Lincoln Lion King, and for the entire world...
Prepare for the Big One.
This actually exposes what gate-keepers psychologists are. Even the most seemingly radical are of not fukin help regarding this propaganda--the Obama Osama trip. otherwise one freakin psychologist would have offered an analysis by now, right?
The two I know who admittedly are well-known radical in their own way are not at all forthcoming when you ask them outright about stuff.
NOT that we need them. I am just making a point is all
muzuzu sounds a little confuzed hahaha
On the corporation's website a ticker along the top of the screen was accidentally labelled: 'Obama dead' before being hastily corrected.
The error happened at 11.19pm as the news was just breaking - and minutes before the U.S. President gave a live speech confirming the kill.
The fact that they accidentally labelled Osama as Obama is a huge subliminal message...are they (the thought process), hinting at the assassination of Barack Obama?
All Hail our new world saviour!
No, it's not Barrack Hussein Osama,
But Eris! Godess of Chaos!
I made this small film for 20:th april,
and now it's slowly coming together.
Just waiting for the pope to come forward..
Blessed be this work you do!
/ Myskox
All Hail our new world saviour!
No, it's not Barrack Hussein Osama,
But Eris! Godess of Chaos!
I made this small film for 20:th april,
and now it's slowly coming together.
Just waiting for the pope to come forward..
Blessed be this work you do!
/ Myskox
Hey Myskox, your video is AMAZING!! lol
And I felt it deep, a lot of it literally throbbin in side me ;). I LOVE it. its Healing, and I am sharing it all over.
Their height also are quite close.
6 foot 1 inch for Obama
6 foot 4 inch for Osama
The other funny thing is in their respective name.The two letters you have to change are B.S.!
"The two letters you have to change are B.S.!"
word-managed from the same mindset that could have done a worldplay on Fuk U shima ?
muzuzuzus, are you capable of talking coherently??
did i just hear a troll.........?
nope. must have been wind.
Nice breakdown here:
The Osama Deception
Het Eric, that is great. I have shared it where I can!
I love how this was taken down.
He is a puppet. look at the features then look at when he announced osama is dead. he became Obama. Osama. sounds the same right?
NO!! Listen up. If there is one thing I am good at in this life it is NOT remembering names. IU can meet you, you tell me your name. Unless it is one weird mthafukin name, I will forget it in 2 seconds. I cannot remember character names in soaps, films, etc. BUT I am GREAT at remembering faces. I can see someone even in heavy stage make up and tell who it is though might be able to tell the name. So i am telling you that 'Obama' may RHYME with 'Osama' (and I think this is a definite psyop) but I can tell you for sure he AINT Osama!! Be aware of such disinfo like this. I am not sure who first suggested this, but disinfo is intended to ridicule REAL clues into the conspiracy of 9/11 etc
nice! thank you so much! Thank you for sharing. Your blog posts are more interesting and impressive. I think there are many people like and visit it regularly, including me.
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