The above mini-documentaries "Run From the Cure" and "Leaf" clear up the myths and expose the truth about the miraculous medicinal marijuana plant. If you still believe any of the old government lies and propaganda surrounding this outlawed natural herb, please browse through the following links: The Marijuana Conspiracy, The War on Marijuana, The Real Reasons Cannabis is Illegal, Just Say No to the War on Drugs, How Weed Won the West, American Drug War, The Emperor Wears No Clothes.

Thanks for all you do, your message is getting out there...
awesome post!! I couldn't agree more :)
Cannabis in moderation can bring consciousness to every generation...PS(To the government), I grow weed ;)-AG
good one :D
ive read it at 4:40 11^^
Can you imagine if government agents were busting down people's doors and raiding their herb gardens:
"Is that thyme and rosemary? Hands up! Get down on the ground! Dispatch, confirm that, we've got saffron and paprika, looks like some oregano and lemongrass too. You're going to jail for a long time you criminal."
I'm so motivated by the work of Rick Simpson. We're now doing similarily by helping our loved ones with the gift of Cannabis Essential Oil. Take control of your health and get growing!!!
Ya don't need smack, ya don't need speed ' cause everything is better with a bag of Weed : )
I've been smoking weed every day for the last 6 years and I can tell you that it is all good, in moderation. I'm actually struggling right now to cut down and even try and get away from it for a while because it's getting in the way of my good functioning. Its hard for me to eat healthy and make the right desicions when I got the munchies. Waking up early and being motivated is another issue. So yes, using marijuana in moderation won't kill you, but if you're not careful, it can add up and cause alot of problems, trust me!
Don't blame the herb for your uncontrollable munchies! Sorry, but that's your own lack of discipline. I have many friends, teachers, businessmen and other professionals who are healthy vegans, have smoked all day every day for years, and have yet to experience a single negative effect.
Well Eric, if police feel like arresting people for possesion of oregeno, they can do it legally now :(... Now that the National Defense Authorization Act is a law... But, hey it's live free or die hard,(whats freedom worth)right? I lov da ganjas health benefits so i grow de herb anyway, ja feel meh? And @anonymous person, i could see through societys corruption when i was smoking all the time, so i had to cut back in order to maintain my peace of mind. THE HERB ALLOWS YOU TO BE YOU(even if your ego says no). If you are not tolerant to societys crap, then marijuana should be limited to once a month or whatever works for each user. Also, everyone is different, but for some people cannabis can strip them of natural canniboid production, if its used too much(everyday for a long time). Thats just my opinion... jah heard?-AG
Glad to hear you're helping your family with cannabis oil Azure! And great points AG. Even if people experience negative effects, the main issue is that Mother Nature and all her plants should be legal. As Bill Hicks says, "trying to make nature against the law? Doesn't that seem kinda unnatural?"
I'm not a cannabis or alcohol user but really I wish more people could see the complete insanity and absurdity of it all. "You can consume this chemical filled, cell degenerating, man made 'concoction' but don't you dare think about utilizing that plant naturally growing in the ground!"
"Don't blame the herb for your uncontrollable munchies!" Hi, Eric! Been coming to your site for some time and this is my first time commenting! Just had to share that you are indeed right about not blaming cannabis for bad behavior. I've smoked weed for about 12 years now, and everyone always used to say I should stop because it gives me uncontrollable munchies. I would always argue back that it wasn't actually "uncontrollable", it was just that I was lacking will power. I used to eat fast food for breakfast lunch and dinner until reading about how much damage I was doing to myself. The thought of going a few days without food used to seem impossible, but I recently did a 4 day fast with no food, just some water with a lime and apple cider vinegar. I smoked weed during my fast and felt really hungry, but through sheer will power I stuck through it. I've always been intrigued about how shamans advise people to fast before ingesting a hallucinogenic cactus, so I figured I'd try the same with weed. As I was fasting and smoking, It felt like my mind was so much clearer. I started thinking about so many things I usually avoid giving thought to. I don't know what to call it, but it just felt like I was really conscious. I broke my fast with a smoothie that has fresh squeezed orange juice, chia seeds, bee pollen, spinach, celery, cactus fruit, and banana.. haven't eat fast food since! And now when I smoke weed, I don't even think of fast food! My skin has cleared up, the dark circles under my eyes are gone, my stomach has flattened, I have more energy, but best of all I feel like I have so much more will power and control over my life. I'm not sure if that's a testament to the fasting or the cannabis, but I'd like to think it's both! Thank you so much for the work you do! Blessings, from California!
Thanks for that great comment Anonymous. Definitely a testament to both fasting and cannabis. Glad to hear you've been proactively cleaning up your diet. Keep it up and blessings to you!
I agree about moderation. Thanx to Eric for suggesting that to me a while back...ever since then Ive been quite productive and definitely a lot more conscious like anonymous said.
thank you for all your hard work and opening peoples eyes that have been blinded by reefer madness propaganda...keep it up youre doing a great job...THANK YOU !!!
to monopolize drugs is the core conspiracy. first of all, heroin and cocaine and marijuana travels light. lighter than money. its the most valuable currency there is.
second, it has a side effect of enlightenment. all the religious myth are probably marijuana induced. and other halucinon substances, like mushrooms.
the secret cabal use drugs to easily attain money and use them in ceremonies and recreational purposes. this is the first law to be obeyed in the world, to illegalize (this word is not even in the vocabulary, funny) drugs.
you cross this border, no matter whether you are a president, they will fuck you. everything else is pretty much allowed. but theres one thing you are not suppose to do, plant drugs yourself.
you do this, they have no tolerance. its their thing and only theirs alone.
Eh mahn this ah Herb mahn hustlin, bright and early in tha morning.
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