Out of nowhere last week a film called "Kony 2012" calling for a US invasion of Uganda to kill a man named Joseph Kony became the fastest-growing social media campaign ever. This film uploaded only a week ago by Invisible Children Inc. has received over 75 million views already and is causing a wave of righteous indignation for this latest popular terrorist bogeyman. There are a multitude of reasons, however, why Kony 2012 and Invisible Children Inc. reek of propaganda. First of all, Joseph Kony himself denies all the allegations of rape, torture, and children soldiers made by the filmmakers. Secondly, he is no longer in Uganda and is rumored to have died years ago! Thirdly, 12 big wig politicians and 20 Hollywood superstars have already signed on to show their support for this military invasion, which is a red flag. The supposed atrocities committed by Joseph Kony and his LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) started 22 years ago and ended about 6 years ago. Ugandans laugh at the idea of invading to find Kony because it is no longer a politically relevant issue. Instead they say this is all propaganda in an effort for Western powers to enter Uganda and take it's immense oil reserves. Meanwhile the ostensible creators of this movement, Invisible Children Inc., have been making over $13 million a year in charity and pocketing 69% of donations, giving only 31% to Uganda. Have a look at the great editorials above and leave a comment below what you think of this latest, amazingly successful, propaganda campaign.

This is encouraging:
Scared Phony 2012: Official Video Disables All Comments
People have so quickly seen through this propaganda that the comments section was shut down for damage control. Too many people were commenting constantly about the oil, Kony not being in Uganda, the filmmakers histories and other condemning facts that they disabled comments completely. I'd say this latest propaganda campaign is DOA and a great testament to the power of the internet in helping us expose important information.
Un-freakin-believable. But then again I guess it really isn't...
They are laughably blatantly obvious. I can see this and I hope many others are waking up to their keystone cops routine.
Pluto in the sky for 18 years exposing the lies..they must have been in 7th heaven (lol)when they realized that Freuds' study of peoples weaknesses could be used against them with the propaganda machine. The Truth is like a cool breeze..all good things to you Eric.
lady gaga and bush, among the celebrities who ara gonna save the poor children...please
Kony Screening Provokes Anger in Uganda
Secrets KONY 2012 is Desperate to Hide
Co-founder of Invisible Children, Jason Russell, lost his damn mind last night... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/mar/16/kony-2012-campaigner-arrested?newsfeed=true
Jason Russell, who made the Kony film, was just taken to a mental hospital for erratic and obscene behavior. There's video, and it seems clear that he was under the influence of something or drugged (jumping between cars, confronting bystanders without fear).
He's being made to look ridiculous so that he and Invisible Children will be discredited and take the fall for this. Then the next angle to invade Uganda/Africa will rise up. George Clooney just got arrested today for protesting in support of Sudan...
Crazy propaganda. Good post. Some are looking deeper still and have found barely-veiled references to 9/11 in the video as well as further subliminals and anagrams. Frank at http://merovee.wordpress.com is doing a great job on this and believes that Kony 2012 may have a completely different meaning to what it appears. It's worth reading this post and his others on the same subject: http://merovee.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/knock-out-new-york-ko-ny-2012-911/
'Phony Kony' ;)
I avoided this nonsense like the plague simply because the facebook crowd were all over it like mindless zombies... looks like more and more are seeing through it now though.
propaganda machine at work. now film maker is 5150. damaged goods kicked to the curb. next? . . .
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