Thanks so much to everyone who has helped me share Spiritual Science on their emails, twitters and facebooks! Also a special thanks to the dozens of you who have already purchased a copy. I really want to share this empowering and enlightening book on a mass scale. If it were to become a best-seller I truly believe Spiritual Science would spark a flame of metaphysical consciousness that would absolutely change the world for the better. (Note: It's possible that I have a slight bias on this matter, but that does not dissuade my conclusions :) The positive comments, feedback and reviews you've all given are really encouraging and appreciated.
"I have the pleasure of knowing Eric personally. He has been teaching me Wing Chun and Yoga for about nine months now. He has shared with me some very empowering knowledge not least in regard to diet and exercise. I have been lucky enough to get a copy of his latest book 'Spiritual Science'. It is a fantastic distillation of wisdom; a complex interweaving of knowledge pertaining to what it really means to be human in this inhumane age. I thank him for sharing his work and recommend both the book and a juicer(!) to those of us determined to become beyond the veil. Make that energy exchange and order the book! It is wide-ranging and erudite, not to mention as exciting, as the 'Golden Bough' was in its day. Thanks Eric!" ~Shane
"I am on Morphogenic Fields in your book 'Spiritual Science'. Have to say it is the best book I have ever read. It compiles everything worth knowing about life and the universe. You did a tremendous job and I can't wait to read the second half of the book! I'm going to become a millionaire one day and I am definitely going to pay you back for all the wisdom you have bestowed upon me." ~Joe
"Good luck with the book I think you've done a very good job in all chapters. I enjoyed reading it all and will definitely revisit it. I'm keen to follow up several of the topics in my own research now. I had already come across the curious ability of consciousness affecting otherwise random events and the effects also in quantum theory, this is an ever interesting area. The book had a nice personal feel with the references and personal stories from you and the Mrs. which was very nice. I was also flattered to see my own ramblings in there, thanks for seeing them as valuable to the project. I took one major lesson from the book too, apart from good enlightening words on the holographic mind/universe to mull over and research more I have also decided to open up more of my time to traveling out of my body. Oh and another thing, I've done this since I was young but your book made me try again but more scientifically. I hit people with stares from behind and keep tally on my fingers (left fingers for fail, right for success) as to whether they react. I've found a short direct hit is more powerful than a long stare. Anyway, well done on the book and good luck!" ~Tao Wow

HI Eric,
I guess I'm of the privileged first '22' and have just finished your excellent overall introduction to the realm of Spirit being proven by scientific method. (yet not a lot about 'love' being the true single source unifying field being 'discovered' by the progressive science!)
Anyway, great work,by the book or several and give the gift of knowledge.
Also, Eric, know your not alone in your efforts to educate, inform and change with new visions of much better ways.
J. Lee
Thanks so much J. Lee, I appreciate the kind words and support! Peace
I finished it, man you hit the nail on the head. The information in your book just makes sense. Its almost undeniable the way you present it. Great job Eric, you have reinforced all of my beliefs. I am going to buy more copies for my family soon. Thanks Eric!
You're the best Joe. Your message just made my girlfriend cry :) Happy tears of course. You'd be surprised how much flak we get for what we do, so when someone shows the kind of kindness and appreciation you have, it means a lot. Really, thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for all the encouragement and support you've shown us. Peace
I am loving this book, Eric! :)
Aw, thanks Amy! So glad to hear that. How far into it are you? Be sure to give me a quick review when you finish and let me know if I can answer any questions or anything. Thanks again! Peace
I'm about 40% in: I'm reading about holograms and DNA and how the 'laser' from our DNA/RNA could be activating the wave/particle duality...(I think I understand that). It is fascinating and densely packed, I will definitely leave a better review when I am done. Mostly I have philosophical questions, such as how to reconcile the majesty and spirituality written about in your pages- to the daily grind, stunted, and false existence I am living...perhaps you tackle this further through the book?
Thanks Ami, I love your question: How to reconcile the majesty and spirituality written about in your pages - to the daily grind, stunted, and false existence I am living? I think you will find more answers as you continue through the book, and I can also recommend my podcast "Solutions to the System" and a good blog post I read this morning, My Strategy to Spiritually Survive the Current Demonic World Order Hope those help. Looking forward to your full review! Peace
This book, Spiritual Science, has to be one of the most important books I have ever come across. I absolutely love it. It is my ipad, in my computer and, just in case, in my phone so I can study it and read whenever I choose. I highly recommend it.
Thanks so much Michael! I'm glad you feel this information is as important as I do :) If it were to become a best-seller I think Spiritual Science could really create a tidal wave of metaphysical awakening in the world. Keep spreading the good word, and thanks so much for the support! Peace
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