Evidence continues to accumulate across the internet from vigilant free-thinkers and conspiracy researchers proving that the Boston marathon bombing, just like the Sandy Hook and Aurora shootings, just like 9/11 and 7/7, was a false-flag operation carried out by the government. I've compiled the following key bullet points, pictures and videos which completely blow open the mainstream media version of this event:

-The two suspect's backpacks aren't even the same color or design as the exploded backpack
-Two other men with the same color and design backpacks as the exploded backpack have been completely ignored by the "investigation" and mainstream media reports. They are wearing wires, built and dressed like military, and wearing the logo of a private security firm (like Blackwater) called Craft. Not only that, but one of them is on film running away from the explosion with his backpack missing!
-Several of the suspect's family members including their parents said they were being set-up and that the FBI had been controlling them for years
-The Boston Bomb squad was there at the marathon running bomb drills, just like 9/11, 7/7, Oslo, and other false-flags where they "coincidentally" just so happened to be doing terror drills. This "simultaneous drill" excuse has been used again and again in false-flag operations
-The wheelchair double amputee victim "Jeff Bauman" has been positively identified as being Nick Vogt, an Afghan war vet whose legs were already blown off!
-Three of the same policemen at Sandy Hook have also been positively identified at the Boston bombing
-While being interviewed the Boston police chief in a likely Freudian slip referred to the suspects as "actors"
-The predictive programming cues were there with an in-depth Family Guy reference to bombings at the Boston marathon and a "Joggers" Illuminati card
-There was even a Boston bombing facebook aid page set up two days before it happened
What does everyone else think? Please leave a comment below. Could it be any more blatant that this is another false-flag?
Here's a great analysis of the bombing pictures:
Are You Just a Believer or Do You Think?
FYI, the guy who lost his legs is supposedly from NJ. two people I used to work with know and work wth his cousin. He most likely is not an actor.
We have to get the whole truth even when it hurts our case. Our job is to be better then the media, so we can't be one sided.
I think the one of the Sandy Hook principle is pretty crazy, first it's only a still shot of a video which can be taken out of context, where is the whole video? The new principle of the Sandy Hook is Donna Page who was the former principle and was at the marathon to honor the 26 victims as were other school members. Most likely the Donna being referenced was her with a picture of the deceased principle. I think you need to double check all these conspiracys and take off the ones that are just stupid otherwise it discredits everything. I also have a hard time believing Alex Jones after all of the dis info shill stuff that has come out about him,a lot of which I have read on your site.
My boyfriend knows Jeff Bauman personally- he most definitely had legs in the days before the marathon/ bombings. I also work in a hospital and have seen massive amounts of blood and I can assure you that it looks like that (bright red and "gooey").
Some of the other points brought up are thought provoking and really make you reconsider the events; however I just wanted to give my two cents about Bauman not being an actor. I would check more than one source before putting it up to support your thoughts.
agree with above there is a lot of evidence to show this was a inside job but a lot of the evidence is suggestive and very weak.
other evidence is strong but the weak evidence will lose a lot of people that need proof and wont naturally draw a conclusion that it was a inside job from suggestive evidence.
ok with less then 5 minutes research that photo of the principle being shown at the boston marathon is from someones instagram using a tricky little program called "photoshop".
When you have piss poor evidence mixed in with real evidence your entire case will be laughed at. This is the david icke reptilian move where all your real info is discredited by some silly weak info.
So sad what they did to the 2 brothers.
lost his "voice" ???
due to a bullet EXITING the back of his neck?
Eric I know it's a challenge but I think your site would benefit greatly from a forum or a front page comments section.
Even though there are times your website goes a bit to far, it is a necessary presence. You are right, and offer new and exciting input about a lot of things that 90% of conspiracy blogs are just copy/pasting (probably from your Atlantean Conspriacy ebook, I know I have seen it before). Also your creator owned works are brilliant, I know I promised to buy spiritual science but I left my job this past week. My boss was an adamant racist, and I would not be a silent accomplace any longer.
But like where in the conspiracy scene will you get everything from Wing Chung to Moon Landing to Pranayama. Your website represents some of the best from politics, history, religion, and philosophy- not just e-fellatio on LewRockwell.com articles
Frenchfries with Gravy
Where'd all the Ketchup go?
Thanks for the comments and criticisms all. It looks like you guys are right about the Dawn/Donna photoshop picture going around, thanks for catching that, I've erased everything pertaining to that. As for anonymous claiming to know Jeff Bauman, that doesn't convince me at all. Show me a recent picture of "Jeff" with legs and let's compare that to the picture of Nick Vogt without. The picture of Nick Vogt, Afghan war vet whose legs had already been amputated, looks exactly like "Jeff." Andriulli, I've had an Atlantean Conspiracy forum for years, but recently everyone stopped posting there and it's turned into a ghost forum:
Atlantean Conspiracy Forum
Thanks for the encouragement Andriulli, glad you like all the diverse subjects I write about! Other people give me flak for not sticking strictly to conspiracies. Peace
Looks like they were using this as an excuse to get military on the streets, test out martial law in MA, and they even confiscated several firearms from local resident's homes!
Boston Martial Law Gun Confiscation
Remember, the reason for these false-flags is always to take away our freedoms step-by-step, and as Obama's adviser Rahm Emmanuel said, "we never let a good crisis go to waste, and what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not have done before."
For me personally the illuminati card is about all i need to see, omg thats another one that is mysteriously on point. They're so on point i'm just waiting for there to be a false flag with big ben and other cards that HAVENT happened yet!
The chat is a interesting part of the blog. I enjoy the diversity of the blog even though sometimes i give you grief about the more obscure blogs. The recent wing chun one was great, the columbus blog was legendary very very well done.
I think the big evidence with the white square is pretty amazing. In the past few years laws have been passed that anyone deemed a "terrorsist" is excluded certain rights etc, seems likely for a siutation like this so they could set someone up.
Recently i saw a pretty good movie "body of lies" with Leo. In the movie the CIA basically sets a guy up to take the blame on a terrosist attack. With the new laws its scary to think whoever visits the wrong site or works for them can just be setup for a crime at any point without a trial.
Your right i think this was a trial run for martial law and to test how well they could "lockdown" the goyim.
Hmmm. I want to find a way to make your blog a more active community. Rather then make my own website and what not I would much rather increase yours. It seems a waste of time to retread so much of your own work and conclusions as it represents a modern appendage to the very same mystery schools which have inadvertently inspired us.
Thanks Goskinsgo and Andriulli. I appreciate you wanting to help promote AC! I think the best way is to keep our lines of communication open in these comments sections and to help spread the word by sharing articles on email, facebook, twitter, google+, linkedin, stumbleupon, reddit, forums, etc. These comments sections are great for networking and creating a conspiracy community around what myself and AC stand for, Truth, Freedom, Peace and Love. Not to mention, all activity in the comments section raises SEO, and the comments will be read by thousands of people long after you post, unlike posting comments on social media/message boards which barely anyone reads and is then buried to obscurity within 24 hours. Any other suggestions are welcome! :) Thanks again.
If you're looking for a conspiracy, you'll always find one. A lot of people these days are seduced by the idea of "alternative media" and feel that whatever they hear or read on a "conspiracy" media outlet is true simply because it may go against what mainstream media is presenting. A sucker who believes everything the conspiracists and alternative media says is no better than a sucker who believes everything CNN or FOX say.
That being said, this incident struck me as suspicious from the beginning. Something wasn't right about it. The information presented in this post confirmed some of my suspicions. What struck me the most were some of the photos presented on the linked website. Those people looked way too calm considering they were lying in pools of blood and body parts and had just been blown up. Also, the government agents fleeing the scene without their backpacks -- come on, that's indisputable evidence that SOMETHING was up that day!
The two things I didn't find that convincing were the Bauman/Vogt identity crisis and the "actors" thing. When the commissioner said "actors," he meant the perpetrators, he attackers, the men who acted. He didn't mean to imply that these men were hired actors.
In any case, there's a lot to this story that we're not being told, and hopefully the whole truth will eventually be made public.
Ah I got it now E, (touching on the subject of your variety of topics)
I'm sitting here after smoking some buds, reading "Secret Teachings of All Ages" and it hits me. Slap some links on the side of the page and color in the pictures and it's your blog.
The same way Hall wove through perhaps seemingly unrelated phenomena, history, and religions, the related symbolism proved a very rich and comprehension analyzation.
And your blog carries on that tradition with a complete 2013 make over. I never realized this till now but wow we did have a spiritual ascendence bro. It just occurred to me the secret teachings are now taught by the every day man. No longer ordered iniates, but self innoculated red pills.
But yeah perfect example when you did the science of self defense piece just recently, the minute I saw the triangle it subconsciously arranged it's self into the proper "order" in the pattern of your material. It actually focused my attention. The entire Atlantean conspiracy concept is a lot tighter in your writing then I think a lot of people realize.
The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a great book and Manly Hall a wealth of esoteric knowledge. You said it right, nowadays, the "mysteries" are being taught by self-inoculated red-pill people. It only takes an internet connection and some careful guidance to learn more than mystery school initiates ever could! What did you mean exactly about the triangle concept and how "the entire Atlantean Conspiracy concept is a lot tighter in your writing then I think a lot of people realize"? Sounds fascinating but I don't think I understand what you mean :) Thanks
IMO the guy in wheelchair looks much more like Jeff Bauman--narrower nose than Vogt, straight browbone where Vogt's browbone curves downward to the outer side.
BUSTED! Watch the wheelchair guy's prosthetic leg FALL OFF and being PUT BACK ON >>>
They were pushing him a bit too fast...
I could do an entire piece dissecting how your own works are part of a highly connected original source. Everyone of the topics you touch upon are clearly related for anyone versed in esoteric teachings.
Look at your wing chung write up. Its casual mentioning of the triangle being natures strongest form can roll right into a number of topics from gnostic cosmogony to the pyramids. The casual mentioning of the importance of one's "center" can easily roll into meditation, kundalini, or right back into Gnosticism. Do you see the links as well? Any of the kundalini/serpent mythos can roll into topics of qabballah, then into tarot then into cosmic consciousness.
The reason for this is because you have done magic with this entire website and it's combined efforts. You invoked the platonic archetype of Atlantis and it's magic and bam your entire life and everything you enjoy revolves around those concepts. You can't so much as learn martial arts without finding a branch that focuses (even if inadvertently) on chakras, or triangles.
It runs deep E. Hope I made some sense, when I'm physically exhausted I don't communicate as mercurial as normal.
brought to you by Zion
Wake up everyone ! It is so obvious the government ( Obama - Bin Ladin, USA Military, Disney )
have their evil hands in all the terrible events that have happened. ... Including JFK to 9/11.
Doesn't Obama (#Beast) read the bible well at each terrible event ? There will be more ... Martial
Law ... Polar Shift (Aug - Oct 2013) ... NWO. After all what are the DUMB all over the world for ?
We are being controlled like robots ( Modernized Slavery ) !
This was a false flag, no doubt about it. My biggest problem is the people that aren't questioning things. Boston went into full effect Martial Law, and it took over 1,000 military police officers to find 2 guys, WOW. And then the people were parading and chanting USA USA after they had been under martial law for days. That was not funny at all.
That's how we lose our freedoms man. With idiots chanting and clapping their hands to it. None of the masses of sheep have common sense and logic to even question this stuff, they just follow what they are told on their precious TV's.
I do have to say Obama's administration is very sloppy with this stuff. It's like they want to be caught so they can write down the people questioning the government. Sandy Hook was loaded with more questions than answers, same with this, same with Benghazi and they are already using this to rush in some new laws to destroy our rights. WAKE UP PEOPLE THE REAL TERRORISTS ARE SITTING RIGHT THERE IN THE WHITE HOUSE. BOX CUTTERS LIVING IN CAVES HALF WAY ACROSS THE WORLD DON'T TAKE OUR RIGHTS AWAY IT'S THE MOTHER FUCKERS THAT ARE IN THE WHITE HOUSE
Cool Andriulli, I appreciate that holistic extrapolation of my life's work! :) And Gary Man, you've said it perfectly again. Peace
That video about the Family Guy cartoon was VERY good. I remember I watched the full version after hearing about this a few days ago, and I noticed that at the Family Guy site where I saw it the comments were then stuck on '110'. You KNOW how these Satanists love that number 11, right? So anyway I have seen even deeper into the subliminal messages now thanks to that video you showed Eric. I DID first notice how they have Peter 'Griffin' (Google 'Illuminati griffin') in Mislim clothes. I see this as trying to bring together 'white home-grown 'terrorists' with Muslim 'terrorists, and THIS reminded me something your mater, Alex Jones (lol) pointed out, how they had first tried to frame a right winger, but this story was blown when it was spotted (I am gonna have to look more into that. Bit vague). ALSO in this video I noticed that Mahmoud (shows first time watching I didn't know that was name of leader of Iran) had the remote control Griffin later uses to cause TWO explosions. Also some added info---I have heard that the cartoon was transmitted on the 17th march (?). If so, I have calculated that is 29 days to the REAL Boston Bombings, and in gematria they usually always add two digits to get to a single number, but their number 11 is often left as a power number, and 2+9 = 11. So there is that number connecting that cartoon with the attacks. I have heard the maker of Family Man is a Satanist (not sure if that is true or not). I also read he has also a connection with 9/11. Apparently he was supposed to get on one of the Flights but missed it because he had a hangover!
Problem-Reaction aaaannnnnddd Solution:
Boston Police Chief Wants to Use Unmanned Aerial Drones to Surveil Next Year's Marathon
What a joke…. How did they check the whole house on their house to house search? Attics , Cellars ,under beds, in closets… The brothers were set up and here’s irrefutable proof.
Hey Eric Drones huh? "Elsewhere in the interview, Commissioner Davis says the city must do everything possible to prevent terrorists from attacking their city again. “We need to harden our target here,” Davis says. “We need to make sure terrorists understand that if they’re thinking about coming here, we have certain things in place that would make that not a good idea. Because they could hit any place. They’re going to go for the softest, easiest thing to hit.”
“We need to gather all the information we can as to what happened and make a determination as to the overall commitment the city of Boston has to the threat of terrorism,” he says. “That’s very, very important to me. It’s very important to the mayor. I’m sure there will be a lot of questions about that.”
So let me get this straight, at this Boston marathon they had a DRILL going on with men with SKULL logos on their uniforms which champion violence, and cameras have recorded them (the REAL suspects??) looking like they are 'protecting' and there were sniffer dogs etc---all that the officials have denied. But EVEN if they had had and it was all above board, what fukin good did it do? it's like this guy says: David Lory VanDerBeek “If the government was running a bomb drill in Boston at the exact location, at the time of the terrorist attack, then,
a) They did it
b) They let it happen knowingly, or
c) They tried to stop it, and proved themselves complete failures again as on 9/11.
In any event, I conclude, this government cannot, does not, and will not protect you. So, while I’m deeply sorry for the Boston victims , because I know that the government was possibly running this bombing from start to finish. I am waiting to see how Obama will stand on their graves to advance his political agenda. Obama says he’s going to get to the bottom of this. So, he should start by investigating the FBI, and the DHS and everyone involved with this bomb drill training exercise that apparently went live.
So questions: Who knew about it? Who had the foreknowledge? How did they know? What exactly did they know? When did they know it or how long before the race? And if they knew it when did they not evacuate the people?"
Its very sad the people in US continues to trust their government... however, there is a large number of us that are waking up at a rapid pace. Even Obama had to tell the college grads to not believe in 'conspiracy theories' that warns of the coming US tyranny http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/05/05/obama_to_ohio_state_grads_reject_voices_that_warn_about_government_tyranny.html ... been sharing your Boston article with co-workers in Taiwan. Even the Chinese already know US government has gone rogue. HOWEVER, we must caution against people of the world to not think the people of US are coercing with their government, because that's exactly what the NWO wants to do - disarm the US citizens and dismantle the constitution and sovereignty of the last 'free' nation. After that we will all know the consequences.
It all becomes so obvious if you look a bit closer and connect the dots across so many aspects of our constructed reality. Thanks for your insights as always Eric. While not all of them may be right, there are some excellent observations by the general posters to the Clues Forum here too: http://cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1602
Thanks for all you're doing w/this outstanding blog site!
A year and a half ago I posted my screenplay FALSE FLAG, which draws heavily on two primary sources to tell the story of the 9/11 cover-up. One is the brilliant Miracles essay by David Ray Griffin, who read the script and provided additional invaluable feedback. The other is a heavily researched and footnoted 2-part essay by E.P. Heidner which “ties together many previously unexplained threads in the 9/11 mystery that are most compelling,” in the words of Fred Burks, on whose website wanttoknow.info the essay appeared.
FALSE FLAG is now a novella-length narrative with fictional characters, which I hope you’ll take a moment to check out at this link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/142983438/FALSE-FLAG.
Thanks to the Internet and an increasing number of enterprising and courageous individuals like yourself, the information now available on a 9/11 cover-up is voluminous and convincing. But my perception is that the audience for acting on it is a small fraction of what it could and needs to be. And I suspect that even the most damning, irrefutable additional evidence won’t grow it substantially. The choir is being preached to with brilliance and passion, but it’s time to enlarge the congregation. Exponentially.
All this evidential intelligence needs to be presented in such a way that it permeates the cultural equivalent of the blood-brain barrier. How can we bypass that impregnable human defense system known as denial? Story-telling, fiction, is certainly one way. As I state at the end of FALSE FLAG, “Although its central characters are fictional, the story you have just read is based on the tragedy we all know so well – or, more correctly for many of us, not so well.”
If FF has the narrative drive intended – and previous readers assure me that it does – your read and favorable mention, with a forward to others you think might be interested in it, might help to enhance the response that this monstrous state crime against the planet deserves. No matter what each of us is doing to improve life on earth for humanity and the biosphere itself, we need to know what we’re up against.
(Note that FF is available under a Creative Commons license for free downloading and sharing. Also, as an appendix I include a link to www.patriotsquestion911.org.)
Dick Croy
Here is what I found funny that no one mentions. If Jeff Bauman was really there to see his girlfriend, erin hurley, run in the marathon. Why wasn't she registered for the race? Right after this happened I went to the marathon's website and she wasn't registered. The site will give updates as the runner passes the 5k, 10k, etc. There was no runner by her name. Sounds like a load of crap only our government is too stupid to think about all the details.
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