There are thousands of known and practiced martial arts from
every country in the world, and though all martial systems are based on human combat,
different styles have different focuses and blind-spots, strengths and
weaknesses. Some martial styles are based around ancient esoteric forms and traditions,
others are more geared towards sports competitions, and some are designed to maim,
disable and kill people as efficiently and effectively as possible. Wing Chun is among the latter.
Being a peaceful warrior and vegetarian myself, I aim to
never injure or kill any living creature, but if necessary in self-defense or
in the defense of innocents, if violence is being committed against me or a
loved one, I will use every weapon available to me to incapacitate that
aggressor. Wing Chun is such a versatile
and superior system, however, that even against deadly aggression, a skilled
Wing Chun practitioner can diffuse and re-direct an opponents’ energy
indefinitely without ever having to actually physically harm them.
Tai Chi and Aikido masters also train and develop this
ability to completely dominate and control an adversary without ever having to
hurt them. Only such “soft style”
martial arts can develop this ability because only the soft styles train with
the principle of “no force against force.”
Muay Thai, Boxing, Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, and Wrestling for
example are all hard styles which train brute force against force, conditioning
arms and legs for repeated bone on bone hits.
If you’re a strong young man with solid bones and big muscles preparing
for combat or competition, such hard style bone on bone conditioning is a must,
but Wing Chun wasn’t developed by a big strong young man preparing for combat
or competition, Wing Chun was developed by a small weak old woman preparing for
Wing Chun is in fact the only martial art known to have been
invented by a woman. Ng Mui, a Shaolin
nun on the run from the Manchu government, created Wing Chun as a system of
self-defense that women, or smaller, weaker, slower, older people could
successfully use to defeat men, or bigger, stronger, faster, younger
adversaries. By allowing the aggressor
to lead, the soft style practitioner, like the woman in couples dancing, is
completely receptive and responsive to the man’s motions and movements then
mirrors him in real-time.

Looking at human anatomy Wing Chun notices that the eyes,
throat, groin and several of our other main vulnerable targets all rest along
the body’s centerline. For this and many
other reasons we always attack and defend along the center, since both the
opponent’s and our most vulnerable targets are right there. Then we extend our longest weapons forward
like “Bil Gee” thrusting fingers into the opponent’s eyes and knee stomp kicks
into their lead leg.

When Wing Chun practitioners kick we don’t chamber our legs
first then extend out straight at 90 degree angles like most Taekwondo, Muay
Thai, or Kickboxing kicks, because as Newton’s axiom warns us, “for every force
or action there is an equal and opposite force or reaction.” If a smaller, weaker person performs a Muay
Thai teep kick to the trunk of a bigger, stronger adversary, when that kick
connects, instead of pushing back the adversary, that direct force will come straight
back and the power of your own kick will launch you straight backwards. If instead front and side kicks are performed
Wing Chun style, with no chamber, foot rising straight from ground to target at
a 45 degree angle, the equal and opposite force is absorbed and earthed completely
by our back legs.
The “immovable elbow” principle of Wing Chun comes from the
observation that our arms are at their strongest and most stable when held
straight ahead about a fist-distance away from our abdomen elbows bent at 135
degrees. Bent at any more of an angle,
strength is quickly diminished, we become unbalanced and vulnerable to being
pulled; bent at any less of an angle, strength is diminished and we become
vulnerable to being pushed or taken down.
By maintaining this bent arm ready stance, hitting and replacing chain
punches at 135 degrees along the centerline we maximize balance, speed, power
and control.
There are many more examples and reasons why Wing Chun truly is the science of self-defense, but suffice to say, by taking into account aspects
of physics, kinesthesiology, geometry, and anatomy Wing Chun is less like a
martial art and more like martial science.
The art part is in the application, the drilling and training, making
the science subconscious and second-nature, embedding the muscle-memory,
learning to channel the opponent’s energy, and successfully expressing yours.
Another great piece Eric. Comes at a good time for me as I've had a break from JKD for a year following a move and looking for something locally based. In a strange example of synchronicity I had a very vivid dream last night in which I was sparring with win chun techniques against a person unknown to me. Quite peculiarly he looked the spitting image of the blonde fella in the first clip! First site I visited after waking was yours and-hey presto!
I've just read Spiritual Science for the second time and I'm convinced it will grow in popularity and importance and have been promoting it as such. I've had a break from my own blog for a year while I have followed other pursuits but ready to return. My first piece will be a review on this remarkable book which has recently inspired me to heavily research NDE's, quite an incredible topic.
Continued thanks for all that you do sir.
Wow, thanks so much Jim, that was really nice to read. I really appreciate that you'd read Spiritual Science twice and help me out with a review too! Crazy synchronicity too, another AC reader just relayed some amazing synchronicities to me this morning too... hopefully all those mean we're on the right path! :) If anyone else would be so kind as to write a review for Spiritual Science on Lulu or Amazon it would help me out biiiiiiiig time! Thanks so much in advance to anyone that can spare a few minutes for a review. Peace
Spiritual Science Ebook Lulu
Spiritual Science Paperback Lulu
Spiritual Science Paperback Amazon
hard to really appreciate these videos cause these guys make it look so easy and effortless. It almost looks like they are coordinating it on purpose.
do you think you could beat kimbo slice in combat?
He is like Zanghieff from street fighter big and strong but with no real martial arts moves. I'd be curious to see some wing chun used in a street fight!
Hey Goskinsgo, I can assure you they are not "coordinating it on purpose," this is just the level of sensitivity you can develop through using the Wing Chun system. Kimbo Slice would be quite a challenge for anyone but I could definitely give him a run for his money :) Wing Chun is Chinese street fighting. Here's a few videos of Wing Chun used in street fights and against other martial arts:
Wing Chun Street Fight
Real Wing Chun Fight?
Wing Chun vs. Wing Chun
Wing Chun vs. Muay Thai
Wing Chun vs. Kickboxing
Wing Chun vs. Gypsy Boxing
Eric have you ever seen the film IP Man? i'm sure you have, its fantastic.
Sure have, love it, my favorite Kung-Fu movie :)
Great article! you can find additional information at Wing Chun Greece
This is nice and makes sense as I've been studying WC for about two years, but what I'd really like to read is how these principles break down into human physiology and Newtonian mechanics.
One of my biggest complaints was how every student would learn the style differently, have different interpretations and therefore advance differently as well. It was almost like students who were able to "get it" would do well while the rest of the students would need more time to "get it," yet everyone you ask has a different answer. That shows that Wing Chun is not presented on solid scientific ground but is rather upheld by the interpretations of each student.
Thanks for the comment/recommendation Anon, I know what you mean about some people "getting it" and not being able to teach it, the best practitioners aren't always the best teachers.
Great solid info about wing Chun. Until you have chi saud you really can t understand how cool and effective wing Chun is. Our teacher used to have us do si lum toas until we were exhausted which really helps to drive those movements into your brain and make it a reflex instead of something you have to think about. I remember the first time a piece of wood was falling towards me and I bong saud it, good stuff. Keep up the good work
Thanks for this post now I know the Best martial arts for street fighting. keep going :).
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