The Boy Scouts of America motto ends “Everything is A-OK” then they do the “OK” sign with their right hand on their forehead. If you look closely, the thumb and
index finger make a circle, and the other three fingers reach up like three 6s. So the OK is 666 and placing it on your forehead is just like in Revelation 13:16

2 divided by 3 equals .666. 666 divided by 212 Fahrenheit, the boiling point of water, is equal to Pi 3.1415. House Resolution 666 is an unconstitutional attack on 2
nd and 4
th amendment rights under the pseudonym of “crime prevention.” U.S. Highway 666 leads to
Dulce, New Mexico where a huge military underground facility is located. Personnel, soldiers, and civilians have incredible stories to tell about Dulce and the Dulce Wars. The Euro coin of the “Eur-a-peon
Union” has 6 stars with 6 rods then 6 more stars = 666. Officially there are 660 rooms in
Windsor Castle. Those moral pillars of the community wouldn’t be hiding 6 rooms would they?

The Better Business Bureau is bbb which looks like 666 and its symbol is
the illuminati torch/flame. BBB = 222 numerologically. The words “truth” and “wisdom” are both found in exactly 222 verses of the King James Bible. The word “Nazarene” is 222 in Greek gematria. The 222nd word of the New Testament is
Alexandria in Strong’s concordance of the King James bible is number 222.
Alexandria Egypt is 222 miles round trip to the Great Pyramid. In
Alexandria, Virginia the George Washington National Masonic Memorial building stands 333 feet tall. Washington’s birthday has been moved from Feb. 11
th to the 22
nd, which is 222. George Washington’s Alexandria Lodge number was 22.

Washington monument obelisk in
Washington D.C. is 555 feet tall above ground with another 111 feet anchoring below (555+111 = 666) The word Christ is used 555 times in the New Testament, the temperature difference of the moon is 555 degrees, and the area of Mars is 55,555,000 square miles.
Pythagorean numerology only goes up to 9 and then starts over at 1 giving 2 or 3 letters per number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Using Pythagorean numerology, the word “Fox,” like Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News actually encodes 666. So does Rockefeller’s Exxon (eXXOn = 666), the X-Box (XbOX = 666), and movies like Triple-X and the X-Men Trilogy. When something is XXX like for poison or pornography it is 666. When you write XOXOXO for hugs and kisses it also means 666666. When every game of Tic-Tac-Toe is finished, the 3x3 square filled with Xs and Os is actually 666 in every direction.
“Off-brand products are called "Brand X," and of course, there is the U.S. terrorist prison camp, Camp XRay at Guantanamo, Cuba. Today's youth have been called Generation X, and a lot of folks are concerned about a planet, or star, reported to be speeding toward us called Planet X that has occult significance … He mentioned, too, the interesting use of the letter X in the Rx of drug stores; the use of the four-letter, abbreviated word Xmas to replace Christmas, and the fact that, in Black's Law Dictionary, it says that the sign or mark of X is sometimes made as a substitute for a man's signature on legal documents. And the continued use of the mysterious X abounds. Children at play can be heard to say, ‘Cross my heart and hope to die.’ In the Greek alphabet, the letter Chi is denoted with the symbol X, and given the numerical designation of 600. The numerologists say that triple X, then, would yield the number 666. Black Muslim leaders obviously see X as a substitute name of great spiritual significance. Two well-known Black Muslim leaders have been named Malcolm X and Louis X, names they chose for themselves. The latter, who was born Louis Eugene Wolcott in 1933 in New York City, changed his name to Louis X after his conversion to Islam by Black Muslim leader Elijah Muhammed. Today, he is known as Louis Farrakhan. It is well-known that Farrakhan is a 33° Prince Hall Mason.” -Texe Marrs, “
Codex Magica” (205-6)

Generation X plays their X-Box game called X-Men about people mutating due to X-Ray radiation. Meanwhile Fox’s X-Files, Sitchin’s Planet X, and Project Camelot’s “Mr. X” are telling us the aliens are coming. Brand-X is generic and expendable. An Ex-husband or wife has been crossed-(Xed)-out. There was no Generation W, why are we Generation X? X marks the spot. Could we be marked for something?
“The sign, or letter, X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The Illuminati elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. The mysterious letter X seems to take on a wide and varied life of its own, with or without the secret aid of the elite sponsorship” -
Texe Marrs, “
Codex Magica” (205)

The meanings of 666 are many and varied. 6x6 = 36, and when added together, every number from 1-36 (1+2+3+ … 36) = 666. Creation was in 6 days. Man and the serpent were created on day 6. Man labors 6 days only, and has 6 names in the Bible: Adah, Ish, Enosh, Gehver, Anthropos, and Anar. 6x6x600 = 21,600 which is the number of nautical miles around the Earth. Plato said in Kritias that 6 was a sacred number in
Atlantis and represented the female intuitive/receptive moon power. The triplicate of any number in
numerology is the highest intensification, so 666 means strongest female/moon energy. If Jesus Christ is the Sun/Son 555, then their Antichrist would be the Moon/Daughter 666. Also 6x6x60 = 2160, the precise number of years to pass through one sign of the zodiacal procession of the equinoxes. This 25,920-year, 360-degree cycle, Plato’s “Great Year” is the long backwards wobble Earth takes through the signs of the zodiac. The progression is 1 degree every 72 years, so each sign of 30 degrees takes 2160 years to pass through. This knowledge well-understood by the ancients is all contained in the Bible, but has been covered up and kept hidden over time by the priests and papacy.

Hey thanks for your energy Eric. I'm just looking for a bit of context for two things... what is the relevance to (2 divided by 3 equals) .666. And what about the boiling point and Pi? I 666 divided by 212 Fahrenheit, the boiling point of water, is equal to Pi 3.1415.
Just something I thought about the other day... Freezing is 32... 33 is the point of unthawing (illumination)? Body temp. is 98.6 minus The freezing point of water.... what do you get...
Thanks again
Peace Love Respect
Hey Al, great point! Yeah, at 32 degrees water is still frozen, but at Masonic 33 it becomes liquid and can move about freely. The same with length, 13 (York-Rite) inches equals exactly 33 (Scottish-Rite) centimeters.
As for the boiling point and Pi, I'm not sure the relevance, but it's certainly an interesting mystery. Another Pi mystery is the numerology of the word "Zodiac." If you rearrange it to "Cadoiz"
You get Pi 3.1415926 This one makes more sense as Pi has to do with circles and the Zodiac is a celestial circle... but what about the boiling point of water... what does that have to do with Pi? Anyone? Peace
Water STILL doesn't melt at 33 degrees. It melts and freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The requirements of heat of fusion (the energy absorbed/emitted by the particles as they change phase) stipulate that the temperature will remain at a constant 32 degrees throughout the phase transition.
Also, the surface area of Mars is 89,973,616.6 square miles and the average temperature range on the moon is 500 degrees Fahrenheit (avg daytime-avg nighttime).
I must also question what amount of accuracy is necessary for you to consider a number to be "Pi." 666/212 = 3.14151 which is not equal to Pi 3.14159...
The answer to the number 212 can be found in Genesis 1:4 Good devided Light and Darkness
Darkness has Gematria of 333 and light has gematria of 212
So God diveded 212 and 333 (333/212) = ½ PI
The word MAN (Ha-Adam) - the Image of God (AL-HIM) relates to PI
Read it from behind 31415.
The Greek Word Bible has the Numerical Value 314.
The Jewish Passover was instituted to be held on the 14. March Aka 3.14
The Sukkoth festival ends on the 22. september (september means 7) so 22/7.
After the Flood the DRY land was visible on 27th of the second month (2.27)
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alfabeth. According to the book of Jubilees Good made 22 great things in 7 days - when he created the earth. - That is exactly how mush per day ? HINT 22/7
The list goes on and on... And that is the SECRET behind the Bible.
Ben and Mr. Mandal are correct about the scientific explanation regarding water/32 degrees. It doesn't actually melt at 33, everything happens at 32. But this doesn't discount my point at all. The transition from 32nd to 33rd degree is the biggest step in the whole system. No other step is more important than the step from 32nd to 33rd. My great uncle Mason is 32nd degree and he told my dad that he would never be able to attain the 33rd degree because of all the necessary things you must do for initiation. Sounds just like the "heat of fusion" that happens at 32.
All very good information, thanks!
I followed a curious discussion on some or other forum, talking about Obama being the antichrist. Once someone mentioned princess charles, and all his antichrist attributes, it became a bit of a non starter. They both ooze "evidence".
What i did notice is this: They have FLOODED us with this imagery/symbolism, so that almost anyone can be shown to possess 666 attributes. If only for confusion purposes, but it makes it simple to refute a "666" accusation, purely because it's so common.
Picassopaint was a great addition, thanks :)
The word Christ is used 555 times in the New Testament.
With all due respect, this is not true. A simple online search of a concordance will reveal 571 times the word Christ is mentioned in the New Testament.
There are many versions/translations of the Bible. You may be right, but we may both be right as well. I got that figure from a published source, forgot where though, it's in TAC.
I've checked a couple online concordances now and they say 555. Where are you getting 571?
How Many Times is Christ Mentioned in the New Testament
The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Would you mind posting what concordances you were looking at? My original post was in the middle of the night and I only looked up the one source, The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. I has since looked up several more. Bibletab.com 573 times, Godsview.com 569 times. You are correct that it varies with translation. However none of the ones I found concludes 555 times. Biblegateway.com allows you to search by translation. 528 times NASB, 506 ASV, 699 Amplified, 469 NIV, 584 NKJV, 560 New Living, 602 Wycliffe.
Answers.com to my knowledge is not a concordance.
You are correct that it varies with translation.
End of debate.
None of the ones I found concludes 555 times.
That is the end of the debate.
This is Gyana Mudra - this transforms life energy to intelligence.
Yup, I use the gyana mudra every morning with my pranayama meditation :)
Placing the "A-OK" mudra affront the forehead (third-eye) means whoever started that boyscouts hand-sign must've been aware that gyana transmutes prana/chi to the pineal gland as well.
Just like the "metal horns" suchi mudra is for detoxing, and the heavy metal fans who flash it during concerts are very much participating in an emotional aggression detox. The masons who use these hand-signs as "gang-signs" and have introduced them into popular culture, are likely therefore aware of their origin and purpose but choose to keep the source (Yoga / Shiva, as in your avatar Druv) a secret.
I just wanted to thank you for all of your insight and for sharing it with others. I have been following your blog for well over a year and it has been a great aid. The world is certainly a strange place, and since my "ahha" moment, I have appreciated being able to identify with others that recognize the synchronicity and essence that exists. Again, thank you.
Hey Eric, you mentioned your great uncle Mason was a 32nd degree Mason. Is "Mason" his actual first name? And what connections do your family have with freemasonry? I have just never read anything about you mentioning you're related to high degree freemasons and am just curious to know what the deal with that is.
Thanks so much for the encouragement Megan! For Jordan, I've mentioned him periodically, my great uncle Jim is a 32nd degree Freemason, but he is the only Mason in my family. He reads my website on occasion and doesn't approve... he fears for himself when I expose what little he's divulged to me and my father, and says he fears for my life doing what I do. He specifically wanted me to stop writing about the Moon Landing Hoax, asking where I got my information and saying "they" really don't like this particular lie being exposed. But I'm committed to Truth, Freedom, Peace and Love and I won't stop until those ideals are manifest throughout the world. As it is, the Masons have already tried to threaten, bribe and co-opt me, but I've refused all their offers.
21 comments in Part 1 and 21 in Part 2 of this Numerology article. Take both 2's of the 21's..add both 1's together..2-2-2..times 3 because you add the 2 and 1 together of the 21...666. I'm on to something here..
make it go viral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great blog Eric, stumbled in it today when reading about Hitler. This stuff are interesting. What more interesting is that you are staying here in Thailand, and you are a Wing Chun enthusiast. Interesting to me as I am a Taichichuan martial arts version practitioner. I am from the Philippines staying here in Bangkok. This comment is out of topic, but I cant see no contact page to send you email. Hope to hear from you. No need to post this comment. Thanks pal, keep the chi flowing.
Hey Alex, thanks for the comment! You can email me privately at ericdubay@hotmail.com if you'd like. It's always nice to know fellow Bangkok martial artists. How long have you been doing Tai Chi? If you're ever interested in trying out some Wing Chun be sure to let me know! :) Peace
Great to hear from you Eric. I might send you an email too, but I find it convenient to respond here now. I am doing Taichichuan for about three years before, but I stopped for about three years as well. I was so into it back in my home country, but working in Bangkok now for three years and never did it as I used to. Rusty and rigid now, I think it is a good idea to start getting those chi flowing again.
And yeah, Wing Chun is interesting.I will be sending you a private email to discuss more about this.
Thanks. Cheers!
Definitely a good idea to keep that chi flowing :) Where do you stay and what do you do for work in Bangkok? Talk again soon in email. Peace
Hi, Metanumersyllogy, - check it out. Jack Tafoya - has two books...google him...
Read the Book of Revelation.
It's all clear now anyway if you have wisdom to
understand that 2 elongated lines on a barcode is a 6.
Each barcode has 3 double elongated lines.
Hence, it spells 666.
Barcode on documents leads to temporary hell.
Barcode on one's body by isotope rays leads to permanent hell.
According to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, 666ed people will
first hide the green 666 with durags and long sleeves, but then openly will walk
with shiny green 666 on their foreheads or wrists.
God gives you a name during baptism.
Devil gives you an anti-name during anti-baptism.
Barcode is Druid black magic curse and a form of mark of the beast just like Social Security.
People who took any number (which is an anti-name given during anti-baptism by the beast) on documents or in computer go to temporary hell;
but those who receive green 666 (given with World Passport with no name on it) on forehead or wrist go to permanent hell.
How not to go to hell?
Give back all these anti-name anti-baptism documents back to the beast
by writing to appropriate authorities.
If authorities refuse to cancel these anti-names, then write again (up to three times).
If you wrote to the gov't three times about it, but gov't refused, then God will not send you to hell.
Don't take the microchip. If you already took it, get rid of it because microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take the World Passport (grey plastic card with no name on it).
Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Those who reject 666 will go to heaven. Also, their direct ancestors will be saved from hell.
All who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ or sign themselves with sign of the cross during WW3 will be saved. War in Ukraine will last two years (2014 - 2016). Then WW3 will start. Then Tsar will come to power in Russia to protect people from the antichrist. Antichrist will allow all sin. Don't sin. God is merciful but 666 is not forgivable. 666 is given with grey plastic card.
Food stores, prisoners, and police will 666 people too. Don't get new documents. Don't get any surgeries. Don't eat meat. Don't eat fast food. Don't eat junk food. Pray the Jesus prayer.
Don't go into UFO to be healed by evil demons. Feed the pigeons. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael. Reject vaccines. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape mark of the beast.
Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist. According to Russian Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7525 years ago.
Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer: "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner."
Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets. Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light.
Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Go hide with 7-15 Orthodox Christians to escape 666.
Here is the answer:
just to confirm Eric's 555 mentions of Christ in the Bible, the only real translation we have (or the easiest and most real version we can get) is the KJV. any real bible has to be translated from textus. all other non-KJV english bibles are translated from a *mix* of two alexandrian versions from 325ad (the nicea council year i think), i.e, from a non-Christian fringe cult in egypt that couldn't make up its mind on their own bibles. for copyright law, any copyrighted bible (and only KJV is in public domain i think?) must be changed (i.e. DIFFERENT, with different meaning) in at least 10% of the text. i've looked into the bible for many years, and with the exception of the translation of one or two words, i think the KJV is perfect and is the best bible you can get your hands on in this day and age.
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