1. Visit MediaControl.org yourself
2. Subscribe and become one of the community, friend us on Facebook, and/or follow on Twitter
3. Send in any original media (art, writing, music, film) you'd like to share with the internet at large to mediacontrol@hotmail.com, you'll get your own page/link and massive help promoting your site/work/ideas
4. Help promote us by word of mouth, links, social networking and any other ways you know to spread the word
The more energy we give to independent projects like this, the more we create and share our own free media, the less people will follow and believe the government/corporate-controlled media outlets and talking heads with their outdated rhetoric and NLP. Thanks to everyone who has been helping to make MediaControl.org a success!
mediacontrol wont load today.
Seems to be loading today. Hope that was a fluke. Peace
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