This above video is the most amazing succinct yet comprehensive outline of the anarchist / voluntarist position I've found online. Please take the time to watch this presentation and share this important information with everyone you can. The only thing we need to make these voluntarist societies a reality is the awareness and initiative of the masses to step away from their violent, coercive states and form their own community solutions like the ones offered here. Stop paying their taxes, stop voting for their puppets, stop working for their governments and corporations, stop buying their products, stop listening to their media, stop consenting to attend their courts, stop respecting their imposed authority, stop obeying their legislation and regulations, and last but not least, stop eating my friends! to prove your dedication and desire for freedom for all beings is genuine!

At the end of their ropes
My comment is somewhat off topic but i do not believe anarchy would be a succesful government system for at least 50-100 years... The lack of self sustainability from people would destroy USA. Now this is just a theory but i think some kind of open local representative government would work. If communities elected 2 local reps. to move on to another level of election to choose 2 reps. to move up the 12 levels or however many levels is relevant with the jurisdiction required. If the communities elect their representatives, corruption would basically be impossible; since locals are usually most interested with improving the quality of life in their communities, not corruption. Also this system would have to be voluntary from whoever chooses to participate. Corruption would basically be impossible... What do you think and also anyone reading?
My comment is somewhat off topic but i do not believe anarchy would be a successful government system for at least 50-100 years
Anarchy means no government, so it would never be a "successful government system," as it means no government, no standardized system, self-rule. What you've presented is a possibility if enough people in a given area voluntarily decide they would like to so. The video's idea of Home Owner's Associations, Land Claims Bureau's, Private Security Firms etc. is also a good idea. But the whole point of voluntarism is that any or all such ideas become possible. Under our current non-voluntarist governments we are all ruled by force/coercion. We are compelled to pay taxes and follow legislation because the state holds a monopoly on the use of force against us all. I see no reason why we need to wait 50-100 years to stop the government monopoly of force and violent taxation. I'd say voluntary governance is thousands of years overdue, and who are these people that need another 50-100 years before state violence, coercion and corruption are eliminated? Why do you think the USA "would be destroyed" if governance became voluntary? Everyone is so scared of freedom it's hilarious.
Freedom is Anarchy
Govern Mental = Mind Control
The Mafia Government
I agree that anarchy is the natural system of self-organization among human beings, and desirable because it promotes harmony between the individual and group. However, since the invention of farming and slavery, anarchical systems have been gradually destroyed and subverted. The dictatorship and ultimate autocracy of the new world order is the exact opposite of anarchy. All this leads to three questions:
1. Why is anarchy the right system? This is a philosophical and moral question which to my knowledge has yet to be fully made in public. For all it's Bakunin's and Chomsky's anarchy has to to be fully developed and articulated as a moral philosophy.
2. How do current societies transition to anarchical structures? This requires widespread understanding, agreement, and application of the principles for dispute solving that go far beyond anything taught in conflict resolution studies. Ultimately it rests on the same depth of philosophical understanding as 1.
3. How can anarchical societies protect themselves from determined psychopathic predatory groups without the tools and methodologies of the state? This question I have no convincing answer to, so if anyone has, please let me know.
Words to Live by
This AIN'T cool!
Eric-(Anarchy means no government, so it would never be a "successful government system," as it means no government, no standardized system, self-rule.) Currently USA is not Anarchy so- Eric) Switching to Anarchy would only be an option for a small minority of people in the US... futhermore the transition into Anarchy would not be possible to most people since most people are not farmers or have selfsustainable knowledge. In other words, if people were to overthrow the government and replace it with no government/Anarchy, then alot of people would be put in a terrible position. The majority of the people are the ones who lack self-sustainability. Do you know what happens when hundreds of millions of dependent people lose access to food, water, electricity,etc. Fucking chaos is what happens and its mainly becauase so many people have lost their grass roots knowledge. Now a selfsustainable anarchists might think,"tough luck dependent idiots, us independents could care less about your dysfunctional society", or they could think," hmm it looks like anarchy is not a good idea for now since most people are not independent"... Your comment(((Under our current non-voluntarist governments we are all ruled by force/coercion. We are compelled to pay taxes and follow legislation because the state holds a monopoly on the use of force against us all. I see no reason why we need to wait 50-100 years to stop the government monopoly of force and violent taxation. I'd say voluntary governance is thousands of years overdue, and who are these people that need another 50-100 years before state violence, coercion and corruption are eliminated? Why do you think the USA "would be destroyed" if governance became voluntary? Everyone is so scared of freedom it's hilarious)))... First i want to clarify my comment (who are these people that need another 50-100 years before state violence, coercion and corruption are eliminated?) I am not saying we need 50-100 years to end corruption, i am saying that is how long the majority of dependent people will most likely need in order to become independent so that transitioning into Anarchy would be a nice breeze for most people. And to your comment, the voluntary open community representative democracy that i am talking about is of course... voluntary...
Any system in which people live by has to be voluntary!!! I completely agree with you that a voluntary system is thousands of years late. And to your comment(((Under our current non-voluntarist governments we are all ruled by force/coercion. We are compelled to pay taxes and follow legislation because the state holds a monopoly on the use of force against us all.))) This is where you missed the beauty of the system i tried to explain... 1. It would be completely voluntary and this governments key function is being decentralized so that people actually matter, unlike our current system where citizens have no say/no freedom to influence their communities, or city,etc. 2. For a free market system to work and really any system there has to be no tax!!! We have tax and it definitely should not exists!!! Like i said, it has to be voluntary, and tax does not go together with the word voluntary... Not only that but in order for any system that uses money. There has to be a fixed money supply that can never change!!! This is not what we have. We have private banks that can just make more money which lowers moneys value. In other terms, we have banksters that steal peoples money value which makes life way harder than it should be because we have to constantly raise our productivity whenever they print more money!!!! Its slavery at its finest and i believe my government system is completely revolutionary and is the next step to freedom. But hey i guess you misunderstood my comment(dont worry the chemtrails are becoming more potent,Its not you, its them lol). And as for your comment... Why do you think the USA "would be destroyed" if governance became voluntary? Everyone is so scared of freedom it's hilarious.) I think you misinterpreted my message since i think the only way for a government to be funtional is if it is voluntary. I am for freedom,Peace-AG
To the first anonymous, those are great questions to be pondered. To me such "how" questions seem less important than the "why" questions though. Because under self-rule, the "how" is an organic, non-centralized, unplanned process. The "how" is "however!" because it's voluntary and up to the people, unlike the violent/coercive state which painstakingly plans out in every detail of how to forcibly govern others.
Futhermore the transition into Anarchy would not be possible to most people since most people are not farmers or have selfsustainable knowledge. In other words, if people were to overthrow the government and replace it with no government/Anarchy, then alot of people would be put in a terrible position.
If a government is overthrown, then it is replaced. The transition to anarchy does not happen via overthrow, it happens as people stop paying taxes, stop voting, stop consenting to attend de facto courts, stop obeying imposed state authority figures (judges, police, politicians, soldiers), start creating our own interest-free people's banks and soon the state's power and influence crumbles into nothingness. Self-rule will happen when the people are ready to stop being irresponsible slaves and assert their sovereignty instead of always begging for freedom from their oppressors.
I am not saying we need 50-100 years to end corruption, i am saying that is how long the majority of dependent people will most likely need in order to become independent
50-100 years for dependent people to become independent? It only takes most children 18 years to become independent. 50-100 years to stop relying on stolen money for public programs? That's a bit much. In 50-100 years everyone that's alive now will be dead, so I don't see how that's a realistic figure. If you can't become independent and self-sustainable in the space of a few years, it's because you prefer being a dependent slave. Nobody needs 100 years to prepare for anything but death.
Any system in which people live by has to be voluntary!!! I completely agree with you that a voluntary system is thousands of years late.
That is key. I'm glad you agree that voluntarism must be the basis for any morally just system. The use of force to control and tax people is immoral and unjust. Your voluntary system that you proposed sounds great. There are many such ideas that would work and all of them are better than non-voluntary governance. Peace
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