Until now,
the prevailing Newtonian mechanistic worldview has dominated Western culture, science
and metaphysics for hundreds of years.
The idea that we live in an unintelligently designed universe - the idea
that out of nowhere, nothing, for no reason spontaneously became everything,
has been accepted as scientific gospel. This atheistic, nihilistic, purely
materialistic paradigm presented by believers of Big Bang evolution, however,
cannot explain the multitude of non-physical, non-local findings in quantum mechanics. They cannot explain how
consciousness, intelligence and life supposedly evolved from unconscious,
unintelligent, dead matter. They cannot
explain why apple seeds grow apple trees and pear seeds grow pear trees, or how
arm cells know to be arms and leg cells know to be legs. They cannot explain the holographic universe
or morphogenic fields, the placebo effect, psychoneuroimmunology, acupuncture,
the aura, chi/prana or remote healing; telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance,
precognition and the entirety of psi science; they cannot explain out-of body
or near-death experiences, ghosts, entheogens, the soul, the spirit world or
“Although the true nature of
the Universe has been known and taught throughout the ages by many and varied
sources throughout the world, all of which are highly consistent and in broad
agreement, it is also now being substantiated by the work of modern quantum
physics, and increasingly by other branches of the sciences as well. All areas of the sciences will surely soon
have to accept the fact that true Universal reality is not and never can be
based entirely in the familiar three-dimensional world of physical matter as
has been assumed since the days of Isaac Newton, but is rather an infinite,
multi-dimensional reality, a Universe of living Consciousness of which everyone
and everything without exception is an integral and equal aspect. The true nature of the Universe will
certainly challenge the perceptions of most people, if for no other reason that
throughout the ages there has been a prevalent misperception of a ‘God’ who is
completely separate from everyone and everything else in existence, and who
‘rules’ over ‘his’ three dimensional world of matter from high places.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality”
emerging wisdom of spiritual science has rendered the atheist materialist
paradigm extinct. Consciousness, life,
the beautiful diversity, complexity and interconnectedness of nature and the
universe are not the result of some random coincidental physical
phenomenon. Remember, the odds against our universe containing
the precise physical forces and attributes necessary to sustain life is one
octillion to one. In other words, there
is only a 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance that the universe
was unintelligently designed. So if
there is an intelligent designer, a creative force beyond all space, time and
matter, what are the properties of this entity?
Theologists and metaphysicians throughout history have agreed that this
intelligent creative force must by definition be all-knowing (omniscient),
all-powerful (omnipotent), and all-present (omnipresent). Furthermore, by definition if “God,” an
omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being exists, then we all must be a part of
it! In my Asbestos Head book I wrote:
God is causal, singular and separate - an outside entity somehow responsible
for His own existence, the creation of the universe, and the creation of other
beings to recognize Him, or existence is non-causal, plural, parts and whole of
all that is with nothing outside Us because We’re all infinite self-reflexive
pieces of God interacting, changing, acting out eternity.”
Many people are happy to accept the notion that God is some external entity like a bearded white man in the clouds who created us and watches over the universe like a cosmic fishbowl. Others are happy to accept that there is no God and the universe, consciousness, life, matter, space and time are all the result of a random spontaneous big bang accident. Personally, neither of these ideas have ever resonated with me, and both are relatively modern. If instead we consult the most ancient culture and the oldest texts in recorded history, the Indian Vedas, a very different story presents itself:
“Here's a parable, an analogy, which comes from India, from the Upanishads, and is thousands of years old. It presents a parabolic answer to the root question of all religion and philosophy (Who am I and what is this?), and does so in a way which everyone can relate to. In the beginning of the world (and though it probably had no ultimate ‘beginning’ as we think of them, you have to start somewhere), there was only Brahma. Being all there was, and therefore totally known to himself, Brahma soon realized that this totality of awareness would eventually become extremely boring . . . after all, when you know everything there is to know, then there's no surprise, nothing to keep you interested. It's like reading the same book for the seventy-eight millionth time. Anyway, since he was omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (all-everywhere), Brahma decided to create a diversion for himself, a way of introducing the elements of surprise, intrigue and drama into his experience. He thought, ‘What would it be like to forget who I really am?’ So, he invented the game of cosmic hide-and-seek. According to the rules of this game, Brahma would pretend to break pieces of himself off from the whole so that to all appearances they would seem separate. That's the ‘hide’ part. Then, as the apparently separate consciousness at the center of each of those apparently separate pieces, and through their apparently separate and unique perspectives, he would ‘seek’ to rediscover who he really was, which was, of course, everything. Imagine seeing yourself from an infinite number of different perspectives, each one initially ignorant of its relationship to all the rest. Imagine going to sleep and dreaming a different lifetime each night, each lasting for more or less years, each complete with the full range and variety of emotional life and death details. Imagine having the same dream but playing a different role in it each night, seeing it through different eyes each time. Well, guess who those apparently separate pieces are? Since there is only one I Am in the universe, one consciousness, it's all a game of hide-and-seek, and each one of us is in the same state: I'm IT AND You're IT!” -Roger Stephens, "A Dangerous Book" (22-23)
Many people are happy to accept the notion that God is some external entity like a bearded white man in the clouds who created us and watches over the universe like a cosmic fishbowl. Others are happy to accept that there is no God and the universe, consciousness, life, matter, space and time are all the result of a random spontaneous big bang accident. Personally, neither of these ideas have ever resonated with me, and both are relatively modern. If instead we consult the most ancient culture and the oldest texts in recorded history, the Indian Vedas, a very different story presents itself:
“Here's a parable, an analogy, which comes from India, from the Upanishads, and is thousands of years old. It presents a parabolic answer to the root question of all religion and philosophy (Who am I and what is this?), and does so in a way which everyone can relate to. In the beginning of the world (and though it probably had no ultimate ‘beginning’ as we think of them, you have to start somewhere), there was only Brahma. Being all there was, and therefore totally known to himself, Brahma soon realized that this totality of awareness would eventually become extremely boring . . . after all, when you know everything there is to know, then there's no surprise, nothing to keep you interested. It's like reading the same book for the seventy-eight millionth time. Anyway, since he was omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (all-everywhere), Brahma decided to create a diversion for himself, a way of introducing the elements of surprise, intrigue and drama into his experience. He thought, ‘What would it be like to forget who I really am?’ So, he invented the game of cosmic hide-and-seek. According to the rules of this game, Brahma would pretend to break pieces of himself off from the whole so that to all appearances they would seem separate. That's the ‘hide’ part. Then, as the apparently separate consciousness at the center of each of those apparently separate pieces, and through their apparently separate and unique perspectives, he would ‘seek’ to rediscover who he really was, which was, of course, everything. Imagine seeing yourself from an infinite number of different perspectives, each one initially ignorant of its relationship to all the rest. Imagine going to sleep and dreaming a different lifetime each night, each lasting for more or less years, each complete with the full range and variety of emotional life and death details. Imagine having the same dream but playing a different role in it each night, seeing it through different eyes each time. Well, guess who those apparently separate pieces are? Since there is only one I Am in the universe, one consciousness, it's all a game of hide-and-seek, and each one of us is in the same state: I'm IT AND You're IT!” -Roger Stephens, "A Dangerous Book" (22-23)

you are the One objective infinite consciousness, to hide from yourself you
must first divide your sense of self into several subjective finite packets of
consciousness. At and as the root of
each of these subjective packets of consciousness will be the feeling of “I am”
and “I am not” – the feeling of existing as an individual entity separated from
the totality. With that, the hiding
part is complete.
next step is creating a sensory rich, holographic, and ultimately illusory
material world and physical bodies where these subjective awarenesses can interact,
play and experience. To best accommodate
this, since God is a singularity, the material world must be a world of
duality, a world of polar opposites, where each soul, each individuated facet
of God may experience the heights, depths, and breadth of possibility, so there
must exist both good and evil, male and female, positive and negative, pleasure
and pain, birth and death, inhale and exhale, black and white, dark and light, day
and night, sun and moon, yin and yang, intelligence and ignorance and so on and
so forth.

“In the
Eastern view, then, the division of nature into separate objects is not
fundamental and any such objects have a fluid and ever-changing character. The
Eastern world view is therefore intrinsically dynamic and contains time and
change as essential features. The cosmos is seen as one inseparable reality -
for ever in motion, alive, organic; spiritual and material at the same
time. Since motion and change are
essential properties of things, the forces causing the motion are not outside
the objects, as in the classical Greek view, but are an intrinsic property of
matter. Correspondingly, the Eastern image of the Divine is not that of a ruler
who directs the world from above, but of a principle that controls everything
from within: He who, dwelling in all things, Yet is other than all things, Whom
all things do not know, Whose body all things are, Who controls all things from
within - He is your Soul, the Inner Controller, The Immortal.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (24-5)
“Think of the difference between a droplet of water and the
ocean; the droplet symbolizes the sense of division, of being an individual
'me', unconnected to anything else. This
is like identifying with being 'Bill Bloggs' or 'Ethel Jones'. But, put that
droplet back in the ocean, and where does the ocean end and the droplet begin?
There is no beginning and no end, no Alpha and Omega, because all is One. At
that level there is no 'we' - only an Infinite 'I'. Part of that ocean may be
calm and peaceful and another may be angry and rough, but it is still the same
ocean, the same Oneness. We are always the ocean, always Infinite Awareness,
and we cannot literally become disconnected from that. However, when we forget
who we are, we can be confused into a sense of division, of being the droplet,
and we perceive reality through the tiny lens that this creates in our minds …
We are the ocean, Infinite Awareness, but we believe we are just a little
powerless, insignificant droplet. We identify with division and 'parts', not
unity.” –David
Icke, “The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy” (3)
way to understand this concept is through dreams. In dreams you create entire worlds, environments,
situations, and even other people. You
interact and converse, create conflict and resolutions, get emotional and
involved, but suddenly when you wake up from the dream you realize that all
those environments, situations, and other people were really all you! They only
seemed like separate individuals because of the level of consciousness you were
operating on at the time. It is the same in this world, where you think you are
a separate person, but in fact when you die, a piece of God wakes up to realize
He was only dreaming.
“To many, the statement ‘I am God’ rings of blasphemy. God,
according to conventional religion, is the supreme deity, the almighty eternal
omniscient creator. How can any lowly human being claim that he or she is God? Yet when mystics say ‘I am God,’ or words
to that effect, they are not talking of an individual person. Their inner
explorations have revealed the true nature of the self, and it is this that
they identify with God. They are claiming that the essence of self, the sense
of ‘I am’ without any personal attributes, is God. The contemporary scholar and
mystic Thomas Merton put it very clearly: If I penetrate to the depths of my
own existence and my own present reality, the indefinable am that is myself in
its deepest roots, then through this deep center I pass into the infinite I am
which is the very Name of the Almighty. ‘I am’ is one of the Hebrew names of
God, Yahweh. Derived from the Hebrew YHWH, the unspeakable name of God, it is
often translated as ‘I AM THAT I AM.’
Similar claims appear in Eastern traditions. The great Indian sage Sri
Ramana Maharshi said: ‘I am’ is the name of God… God is none other than the
Self. In the twelfth century, Ibn-Al-Arabi, one of the most revered Sufi
mystics, wrote: If thou knowest thine own self, thou knowest God. Shankara, the
eighth-century Indian saint, whose insights revitalized Hindu teachings, said of
his own enlightenment: I am Brahman… I dwell within all beings as the soul, the
pure consciousness, the ground of all phenomena... In the days of my ignorance,
I used to think of these as being separate from myself. Now I know that I am
All.” -Peter
Russell, “From Science to God”
Since people always
misinterpret the phrase “I am God,” I prefer to explain it as “I am, is
God.” The self-awareness and continuity
of being expressed by the words “I am,” our inner witness and intuition, is our
direct channel to God. It is undeniable
that if God is omnipresent, then He must exist in you, He must be you, and
everyone and everything else in existence as well. We are all playing an equal part as lost ripples
in God’s infinite ocean of consciousness.
“There is a Hindu myth that human consciousness began as a ripple that decided to leave the ocean of ‘consciousness as such, timeless, spaceless, infinite and eternal.’ Awakening to itself, it forgot that it was a part of this infinite ocean, and felt isolated and separated. Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden may also be a version of this myth, an ancient memory of how human consciousness, somewhere in its unfathomable past, left its home in the implicate and forgot that it was a part of the cosmic wholeness of all things. In this view the earth is a kind of playground in which one is free to experience all the pleasures of the flesh provided one realizes that one is a holographic projection of a higher-order.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (300) In the Judaic Kabbalistic belief this concept is present as the entirety of creation is seen as “an illusory projection of the transcendental aspects of God.” In Christianity it is said the Father and Son are one, thy Father art in heaven (the non-physical) but the Son lives in the flesh (the physical). The Father is Brahman, the ultimate objective implicate reality, and the Son is Atman, a fractal fragment of the One sent to experience and enjoy the Father’s creation. The Mother Mary is nature, or Mahamaya, the sustainer of the material world. She is the illusion maker, the agent of change, keeping all things from atoms to galaxies in constant motion and flux between polarities. It is her dynamic endless dance of forms which keeps us from realizing that there is ultimately no such thing as separateness. The Upanishads state that “one should know that nature is an illusion (maya), and that Brahman is the illusion maker. This whole world is pervaded with beings that are parts of him.”
basic recurring theme in Hindu mythology is the creation of the world by the
self-sacrifice of God -‘sacrifice’ in the original sense of ‘making sacred’- whereby
God becomes the world which, in the end, becomes again God. This creative
activity of the Divine is called Ma, the play of God, and the world is seen as
the stage of the divine play. As long as
we confuse the myriad forms of the divine with reality,
without perceiving the unity of Brahman
all these forms, we are under the spell of maya. Maya, therefore, does not mean that
the world is an illusion, as is often wrongly stated. The
illusion merely lies in our point of view,
if we think that the shapes and structures, things and events,
around us are realities of nature, instead of realizing that they are
concepts of our measuring and categorizing minds. Maya is the
illusion of taking these concepts for reality, of confusing
the map with the territory. In the
Hindu view of nature, then, all forms are relative, fluid and
ever-changing maya, conjured up by the great magician of the
divine play.” -Fritjof
Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (87-8)
ultimate reality is called ‘Brahman’ and is exactly the same as ‘The One’, ‘The
All’, Spirit, ‘everything that is’, and in the West might be regarded as the
true definition of ‘God’. Brahman,
Universal Consciousness, considered to be the ultimate reality, is infinite,
exists beyond the five physical senses and is incomprehensible. Most ancient wisdoms of the world teach that
human beings are ‘God’ in the microcosm, immortal Spirits ‘made’ in the ‘true
image of God’. Hinduism teaches the same
principle in the form of ‘Atman’ which is equivalent to the human Soul. The Hindu culture teaches Atman and Brahman,
the individual reality and the ultimate reality are one.” -Adrian Cooper,
“Our Ultimate Reality” (26-7)
“The Hindus call the implicate level of reality Brahman. Brahman is formless but is the birthplace of all forms in visible reality, which appear out of it and then enfold back into it in endless flux. Like Bohm, who says that the implicate order can just as easily be called spirit, the Hindus sometimes personify this level of reality and say that it is composed of pure consciousness. Thus, consciousness is not only a subtler form of matter, but it is more fundamental than matter; and in the Hindu cosmogony it is matter that has emerged from consciousness, and not the other way around.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (288
Finally, quantum
physicists like David Bohm and consciousness researchers like Peter Russell
have now proven what the world’s most ancient spiritual teachings have long
espoused for thousands of years - the faculty of consciousness is primary to the creation of the material world. A conscious observer must first exist to collapse the wave function allowing particles to manifest into the explicate reality. This means that before the creation of the
material world there must have existed a self-aware conscious observer (God)
and every physical manifestation is actually the result of His conscious
basic elements of the world view which has been developed in all these
traditions are the same. These elements also seem to be the fundamental
features of the world view emerging from modern physics. The most important characteristic of the
Eastern world view - one could almost say the essence of it - is the awareness
of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experience
of all phenomena in the world as manifestations of a basic oneness. All things
are seen as interdependent and inseparable parts of this cosmic whole; as
different manifestations of the same ultimate reality. The Eastern traditions constantly refer to
this ultimate, indivisible reality which manifests itself in all things, and of
which all things are parts. It is called Brahman in Hinduism, Dharmakaya in
Buddhism, Tao in Taoism. Because it transcends all concepts and categories,
Buddhists also call it Tathata, or Suchness: What is meant by the soul as
suchness, is the oneness of the totality of all things, the great all-including
whole. In ordinary life, we are not
aware of this unity of all things, but divide the world into separate objects
and events. This division is, of course, useful and necessary to cope with our
everyday environment, but it is not a fundamental feature of reality. It is an
abstraction devised by our discriminating and categorizing intellect. To
believe that our abstract concepts of separate ‘things’ and ‘events’ are
realities of nature is an illusion. Hindus and Buddhists tell us that this
illusion is based on avidya, or ignorance, produced by a mind under the spell
of maya. The principal aim of the Eastern mystical traditions is therefore to
readjust the mind by centering and quietening it through meditation. The
Sanskrit term for meditation Samadhi - means literally ‘mental equilibrium’. It
refers to the balanced and tranquil state of mind in which the basic unity of
the universe is experienced: Entering into the samadhi of purity, one obtains
all-penetrating insight that enables one to become conscious of the absolute oneness of
the universe.” -Fritjof
Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (130-1)
Excellent article. Thanks :)
I don't think evil is necessary in duality though... Night and day can both be pleasurable... The question of the origin of evil is the big one...
Is it possible that when Brahma created the dream-universe AKA matter/the Goddess, she a) decided she was actually God, not Brahma, and b) that the consciousnesses within her were hers to be manipulated...?
If, so this is the story of Sophia/Lucifer/Eve too...
Is it possible that Brahma's dream, which started off as an exploration of what it was to be a God, ended up a nightmare as the creation took on a consciousness of it's own that was in opposition to His desire?
So the *matrix* (female) machine came to life (HAL) and decided it was boss... (This is a recurring theme.) And so Brahma became trapped in his own dream?
Yin and Yang are not good and evil. Evil is conflict between the two... :)
Great article Eric! I've heard this interview before but again a pleasure hearing it! Greetz from the Netherlands! Danny
Thanks Danny and Veritopian! I like your ideas that Yin and Yang are not good and evil, but that evil is conflict between the two, and that Brahma's dream has nightmare portions when he's in the deepest part of his slumber. When lucid, the dream characters are aware of their ultimate existence as God, the dreamer. When least lucid, the dream characters believe that only they exist and God doesn't... that the dream is the only reality and there is no dreamer... that the creation created itself out of nothing for no reason without a creator!
Hi Eric,
The Yin Yang insight came from Sun Yung Moon FYI :)
There is a mystery to solve though. Evil has taken on a life of it's own...
The theory is this: When Brahma created the Universe, is equivalent to when Sophia created the Demiurge. The Demiurge/Universe became self-aware and thought it was God. It wasn't aware of Brahma, and it made a faulty creation because of it's pride.
In other words, Brahma's dream is the Demiurge's virtual-reality... It became a prison from which Brahma couldn't (fully) awake (without breaking his own laws)... E.g. You marry a woman, then after she's given birth, you find out she's a psychopath...
The Universe of Matter is the Goddess: Female. She's God's 'wife': The Earth to His Fire. She is Isis, Venus, Lucifer, Sophia etc etc... SHE is the origin of evil: Passive Yin became active by exercising Will, thus conflict was born.
Mankind was designed to be the Will of the Father on Earth, but the Mat(t)er didn't like that, she wanted her own will. Cue conspiracy against mankind, Satan, Archons, suffering, football etc... :)
Haha, great explanation. So is Sophia like the "Satan" character from the Gnostic Gospels or something? I've briefly heard it explained something like that but I've never heard the whole story... are the "archons" the same as Christianity's "fallen angels?" I've heard archons described as a psychopathic mindset or like demons/jinns, is that correct? There's so many names/versions of the same general mythology. Just like the Adam and Eve story or Noah's story all existed in various forms all over the ancient world, just the names are different and small elements of the story change.
Archons are any Rulers really. They exist on many levels, from local-politicians up to the principle of 'Fire'. The elements of the horoscope are Archons... They all derive from the Matrix, and the same set of rules.
The original Archons I think existed before time, that's one meaning of the name. They are the 7 original Elohim. I categorise them as follows, they follow on from Yin & Yang:
- (4 Elements) Fire, Air, Water, Earth
- (3 Powers) Voice, Heart, Sex
So Yin is Sophia/Lucifer. Yang is a false-Yang (Demiurge - man created by woman). We're in the realm of 'shadow' or 'chaos'... The 7 are hence all corrupted from the first mistake.
So there was a 'correction' from outside the (mistake) Universe, mankind was inserted into the matrix as an archetype in order to bring the will of the true Creator in, and tame the universe. Because the Demiurge is/was a douchebag, and a terrible (androgynous) male-archetype, he had to be replaced...
Man was built by the Elohim, and it outperformed everything else - including the creators. That pissed them off...
This results in mankind being limited, given the false knowledge of good and evil, and ruled by psychos - all just to keep us down. Because our true nature is beyond this Universe, and it makes them look bad.
We also have the demon-spirits and physical predators of various species (flying around in UFOs) living off people, and they're 'Archons' in the 'Ruler' sense too. Plus they all work for Mme Satan... Aka Pandora's Box...
The Matrix is a mathematical construct: A Hyper-cube of interacting archetypes that creates the illusion of reality, Aka Maya (It has hundreds of names). It's the 'throne of God', God's Holy Vehicle, and vehicles are always female (Yin)... :)
Since awakening i have realised that everything is sacred, and that everything is connected.
I have also stated before on other forums that we as humans are god experiencing itself as a human being does, and i guess that goes the same for every other thing that exists in the universe.
Your idea's are fascinating, certainly possible. Have you other similar but different explanations to offer, or does this one hammer it for you, Eric?
Hey, thanks Jester, I'm open to anything, but this is my understanding of who/what "God" is, the original a priori pre-existant intelligent, consciousness which exists outside of all time, space and matter, that which created the material universe much like we create dreamscapes, environments and people who seem separate and real, but are ultimately illusory and aspects of the dreamer's consciousness.
This vid popped up today about the Gnostics and Archons. It's worth a watch.
I'd have to say it makes a compelling argument for the Archons & their control system... They call us 'Containers', he says...
Jester, you're right. Everything is sacred... If we treat our life as sacred, we come to the moment in awe & love of existence. It is the way to defeat the Archons, and to stop being food. It's what Jesus (and all sages) taught.
I have a theory that has emerged from the 4 elements: There are 2 forms of time: Real Instantaneous/Eternal Yang time, and Illusory Sinusoidal/Cyclic Yin time... Here's a post about it:
Basically we're trapped in Yin time by our being given the 'mind-of-the-predator'...
Interesting video, many aspects of the archon "mythology" certainly ring true.
Telepathy is communication through common consciousness, that is why those we are closest too can 'read' us best.
Another good short that resonates with this is-
Scott Adams 'God's Debris'
Yea i think the archons are just controllers of this 3 dimensional planet maybe from the astral realms or 4th dimension plane. They are just entities who live off our energy while were in this world. Maybe they are the same as demon descriptions from religions today.Were there is good there must be bad even though its all an illusion to begin with and were sucked up in it from society. I see that the so called ascended masters like jesus, buddha,krisnna, all were just ordinary beings who just awoken to the illusion of life but people turned them into god figures when all is truly god or consciousness in disguise.
TheVeritopian; Your philosopical content is very sexist against whatever you believe "yin/female energy/women represent, much like religion always have been against traits the culture regard as "womanly". pretty ignorant and misogynous statements- whats even the point more than lowbrow comments against "the other sex", or "yin" "energy" in general..the universal dynamics is probably much more vibrant than these classical tired sexist dogmas of blaming the other sex for "the essence of evil "(which can be used to control the other sex in the society you live in) also, Im not a "vehicle" or "materia" for being a woman, Im as soulful as You, and you just seem ignorant like a lot of misogynist teachings in these matters was.
To the writer of the article; I never got the concept of the "surrender yourself and your ego to the Oneness" -theory. In my ideal version of how it is, how I would like it to be, there is both a collective Oneness and a Soul, and worlds where we can manifest and share experiences and create and much as it is now, physically and spiritually connect and be moved by each other's souls/beings. both "reality" and spirituality. Heaven for me is practically what we have now, if we only could "keep" our soul and eternally be reborn or be in realities and freely keep bonds with the souls we have met and bonded with (like family, friends and lovers) and somehow remember our journeys and "selfs". And experience the feeling of connectedness, love, happiness, exhiliration of different kinds, humbleness to the spiritual collectivess that is bigger than our ego's, and still be some kind of "soul" with aspects of "self" or "ego". The whole point is to have a soul, a self or an ego in relation and connection with other souls or egos so that we can make this reality or universe move and be wonderful to live in and experience, to touch others, make things like (existencial) beauty (the spiritual kind) "manifest" in our dynamics and to be spiritually/culturally creative and moved by what we see, feel and experience. I dont think the point is to be passive and feel like you are just a mindless shell with no "real" experience, belief, hope and "realness" etc. on the contrary you should really try to engage with your soul in the world, see it, see others, feel it, connect and take part with all of your being and your relation with others
there might be other imaginative fantastic worlds with the same compound feelings of love, self, other beings, spirituality, the amazing beauty of the world. the only real existencial dilemma is that I just really hope that life as we know it and the soul moves on and "keep existing" in some sense, because if we have a respect and sense of love for it, we already live in a "paradise", if we only were eternal, in some sense. I feel awe, love, heartfelt joy and "sacredness" from all this every day, or all of the time, I think it is beautiful. to me, it is "paradise" already, we are here to create and experience beauty, in an eclectical and personal way, and it help if you tries to make the world more beautiful with the ways of your soul/being/person/experience and tries to communicate or share this to expand or make dynamic in the collective. and if someone are suppressed, if you feel something is unjust, you try to change it and fight for what you think is worth fighting for, in a concrete way. thats why I dislike the concept of passive materia/a vehicle of illusion, because the whole point is to be aware of everything and then you individually take a stand and affects something else. its about personal consciousness and personal courage/wisdom/insight/love. and you feel humble for all the beauty, the soul connections and experiences you get and cherish them. the collective oneness most certainly are happy about this, too. and then hopefully you keep on doing this forever. as "yourself", and somehow aware of "your self"/your soul (in connection with the oneness) and other people/whatever can connect with you as "your self" in an eternal circle of life (or spiritual life, but reality as we know it is something truly beautiful, Im an altruist
Anon, it is popular belief that we live in a patriarchy, that 'Satan' is male, that evil is done by men, for male purposes. If I'd said that it would have been uncontroversial, you would probably have agreed, even though it's just as 'sexist' a view as the one you think I'm describing.
Women have been brought up with feminism, which teaches disrespect of the male, while ironically making women more like men. It's a perversion of our true archetypes... The corruption of the true genders is what evil is - it's conflict between Yin & Yang. Inevitably it had to originate somewhere, and inevitably it has to arise in Yin because that's her nature: dark.
Why is it so unthinkable that 'Satan' is a female spirit? Surely that perception itself is sexist?
Here's a *woman* who has decided the same thing independently, and gives a very good reason:
And what exactly do you think Isis/Ishtar/The Queen of Heaven etc. is then, if not Satan/Lucifer?
Excellent understanding of Vedanta and Upanishads.
There is no such thing as Evil...its tthe absence of goodness or the mind becoming so scattered in the world that it takes the transitory world as real and wants to expand through material gains be it power,money, sex etc. Evil is deep rooted recognition with the ego.
Just as darkness and cold have no status on their own. Darkness is absence of light and cold the absence of heat.
Same way Evil is absence of goodness or forgetfulness of the true nature of our soul/consciousness. The minute we realise that the world is transitory and nothing lasts we realise the futility of greed, , possessiveness, ego, jealously, etc
Evil is hence the absence of self realisation.
Very well put Mahek! Thanks for the insight.
Wonderful Article! I always enjoy learning, or waking up to the truth of the matrix. Your views are very clear to an awakened mind and I appreciate the transparency of you post. Cheers!
You have your cosmology incorrect. Brahman is not Eternal. Brahman, is correlative to YHVH of the Torah. Brahman, is 'Nature's God' - and 'Creator', of Man and Woman. You're correct - Brahman has existence - and is rooted in 'I AM' - but there is a 'God' "above" Brahma,
It's Parabrahman. Non existent. Where concepts go to die.
Lord Brahma is actually born from the navel of Vishnu according to Veda..Cheers for your work I like it a lot...
Too deep
All is one, one is all.
i can't say i have woken up but my eyes are oppening, it's hard to explain but it seems i've been waiting for this, i started with fe but so many doors have openned since, thanks guys
interesting article. What is the idea of heaven? I believe in God, but the form i believe in is Yahweh & his son Yahushua. Where does good and evil come into play? who is the consciousness behind evil? Why do i feel bad for doing something wrong?
Reading suggestion; I AM THAT by Nisargadatta Maharaj
Please I encourage you all to check out www.circumcsioncomplex.com for how genital mutilation has drastically effected the mind of man and thus "science"...
Hi there,
I just wanted to say thank for writing this fascinating article. You've managed to put into words, and very eloquently, some of my recent contemplations and integrations. Earlier this year I had two breakthrough experiences with 5-MeO-DMT in the form of Bufo alvarius toad secretion under the supervision of a Mexican MD. Without a doubt the most profound collective experience of my life to date. Previous to these experiences I would call myself as an agnostic. Following these experiences, I have now have a very strong conviction that I encountered God/universal consciousness/Brahman/The One/Source etc, we really are all one in a very deep cosmic sense, and the universe we inhabit is definitely not a meaningless accident, and is far more mysterious, and far more beautiful and amazing than I ever dared dream or hope. It's great to know that I'm not alone, as it can be isolating at times integrating an awakening experience of this magnitude and depth, which by its very nature is far beyond what others know of or have experienced.
Onwards!!! :)
Hey there Eric! Whilst reading and searching for more answers on the true evil to fight, seeing *the vertipions comments* sort of brought alot of light to my thoughts! If we are all one in "God's" or Brahman's or whoever you'd want to call "them" (god) don't you think this game of hide and seek is as infinite as it seems finite? Honestly, if I could, I'd choose to kill "satan" or the "devil" with kindness..you see if we are all of one, then even they belong to continue the infinity..(brake the fear) I truly believe in creating a world which exsists in a utopia but just like exsistence itself wouldn't that be a paradox? Same with a dystopia.. I always perplex myself when I consider a place without a physical body being in any pain or pleasure, being one with "God" and being bored would only be boring if you weren't omnipresent! Or omnipotent! Now I know I'm rambling and going all over the place but I haven't seen or found your oppinion on thoth? Although I did see some articles about the connection between the bible and Egyptian Gods, why is it the bringer of light or "Lucifer" is wrong or bad? I understand Satanism or demon worship being VERY immoral; yet I never understood the connection to Thoth.. i do understand satan is supposed to equal Lucifer=thoth sun god ect ect yet when reading the emerald tablets it seems to highlight a key point in this game of "hide and seek" if we are always searching for answers (even beyond this universe) then cant their be more than bad vs good? Like pure exsistence (incarnation) in dimensions like feelings/thoughts/atoms ect? And if we were to bridge these gaps wouldn't there be gaps inbetween those and so forth and so On? Where darkness only exsists to make light... Experience is my point, and if "God" got bored with himself, first creating duality (or like stated the difference between) would he not make an opposing player? Someone bound to hide us from his being? Not out of hate or control but only to further the game? These people (i believe) (like they who said satan is a woman,) exsist to parallel those who are pure in intention, they have no empathy, no soul, and no "real" "exsistence" with God, they are just there to scare or hide or trick us in two believing that there is a good vs bad, An "us vs them" thought process..(or even a sheep mentality) when truly it is "we vs I am" being Love and inerstanding or lacking both.. suppose we are all consious; besides those false incarnations or "demons" thats why we arent seeing the unity IN THE INDIVIDUALITY. (Creating more confusion and more pain!)
if we truly could ascended, all as one; and make a "utopia" where we still could hide from yourself, (being all) wouldn't we be bored?the only way we get to a utopia is first reaching the dystopia for only then up is the only way! I believe peace stems from each exsistence (each I) learning and setting moral bounds and being one with nature (being one with the we.) Tranquility only exsists in other world's (or dimensions) I believe; (which is interesting when you talk about Jesus being mushrooms)(or rather Christ consiousness being a hallucinogen) I think the only reason we are here (meaning those who seek truth) are to show, love, encourage and bring new thought to those who are blinded by the borders, (those who want to belive in a true evil) (those who seek to make it and want to be godly now) those who doubt an infinite amount of levels to somewhere we wouldn't even wanna be..(the last and unreachable start which stems from consiousness (gods) bordem)... being omnipotence is only perceivable; when an infinite amount of infinites are as well.. if we are god.. then we chose to came here and struggle to feel the opposites, the "duality", and break down those walls so that we could discover ourselfs! I hope you can at least semi follow😂 This is why I LOVE FLAT EARTH "THEORY" it encompasses ALL the truth about A creator and makes us question what we really are..!!! if you have any more info on Thoth or the true enemy's of love I'd love to get some links! Please keep up the good work and continue spreading light where the brothers of dark cloak it! Namaste!
My take is similar to hide and seek but the game is explained slightly different by the introduction of light in the darkness, day and night, understanding all the dualities. A biblical concordance holds as many definitions of light as the dictionary has for the word run. According to Genesis light is the first "thing" created before the earth or the sun. It would take a good bit of time to appreciate and ponder on all those meanings and how all of them could be wrapped up into something we simplify refer to as "light" and its opposite. Let there be consciousness, awareness, knowledge, exposure of everything...versus the opposite. It may be better to ask since the Christ story is found in various legends, myths, and religions, is not the essence of the story not wired into our consciousness for it appears everywhere. Whatever we conceive the Creator to be certainly shades what we believe is the answer to why are we here. I can only answer by how it plays out in my consciousness where I find innate moral convictions such as murder is wrong, torture is wrong, hurting others for fun is wrong. Some concepts and behaviors "feel" innately repugnant. And though it can be argued these are learned not innate experimenting with all the possibilities of light juxtaposed against darkness just seems to be more interesting and "useful" than just playing with oneself, creation seems more purpose driven. Perhaps I'm blinded by indoctrinations. Hard to step back and empty yourself before going forward again. What a relief it is to think about the Creator instead of all the ways the globalist psychopaths are conjuring up to cull the heard while most haven't a clue. Talk about darkness light has a hard time penetrating, too much for words.
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