Did you know there is lead in most lipsticks and mercury in most mascaras!? Did you know that cancer-causing phthalates, banned from use in children's toys, are one of the most common ingredients in many skin products? Did you know the FDA has no regulatory control over cosmetics companies, and allows them to decide their own safety standards? They don't even have to fully label ingredients!

In a 2006 EWG study they analyzed the umbilical cord blood of hundreds of newborn infants and found an average of 300 toxic synthetic chemicals in every baby tested. This means that these mother's bloodstreams were so full of man-made chemicals from their food, water, air, pills, vaccines, and skin products, that they're transmitting these hundreds of toxic, unnatural, chemicals into the fresh blood of their newborns.

Above is Annie Leonard's, The Story of Cosmetics, a fast-paced and informative narrated cartoon examining the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products, from lipstick to baby shampoo; revealing the implications for consumer, worker and environmental health; and outlining ways we can move the industry away from hazardous chemicals and towards safer alternatives (Visit SafeCosmetics.org to learn more about this project).
This next clip is a mainstream news segment with former Ms. America Susan Jeske who has been on a mission to alert the world to the dangers of cosmetics since she had severe health issues resulting from the toxic synthetic chemicals in her skin care and beauty products. She now travels around the US and the world talking about these issues. Please do yourself and do your loved ones a favor today by checking the health risks of the personal care products you use at CosmeticsDatabase.com, then sharing this blog post with everyone in your email lists and social networks! Thanks. Peace.
My goodness! What a surprise! Most of the toxins effect reproductive capabilities.
Can we spell "population reduction" boys and girls?
When I began boycotting Israeli goods, the hardest one to get around was hair products, especially dyes. I finally found an outlet for natural European products. They cost more, but "I am worth it" as they say in L'Oreal ads.
Interesting that if you buy "SNAIR HAIR" in North America you risk absorbing poisons, but if you buy the same product in the EU, you get natural ingredients. Scratches head.
My girls are young women who are very conscious of every bite that goes into their bodies ~ one is vegan, the other a raw foodie. Finally I got them to consider actually cleaning the water they drink in such copious amounts. Now, the one who wears make up is going to have a rather rude awakening.
The other, is like her Mom, she does not wear make up. Thanks for making the lesson for make up girl cos I am going to send it to her now.
My 13yo daughter is going to be given this article, most appreciated!!!
peace and love
Thanks for the comments! I hope to see everyone stop buying over-priced, carcinogenic chemicals and start purchasing only 100% natural, organic cosmetics and skin care products. Peace.
Greetings! I recommend you to enter the Mama cosmetics site at mamacosmetics.com and enjoy pure, natural, organic cosmetics shops online.
That is just terrible how many chemicals are in everyday cosmetics, why do they get away with this?
Have you heard of Inika Cosmetics? The founder suffered from polycystic ovaries and went on a chemical detox and got pregnant after totally eliminating them from her system!
Great information. Isn't it amazing how we are now being told by science that sunlight causes cancer? Strange, considering that UV light destroys cancer cells, along with most other pathogens. I for one refuse to use the carcinogenic sun blocks that are being pushed upon us. Our forefathers worked the land for generations without contracting cancer.
I have now got to the point where I distrust the chemical industry so much that I use bicarbonate of soda to brush my teeth. The thought of using these legalised rat poison pastes for hygiene is what leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Same here Anonymous. We use baking soda or herbal toothpaste without fluoride or other dangerous chemicals. And sunlight in moderation is vital for the human body whereas all chemical sunblocks are toxic and carcinogenic.
And to think, they have to test new ingredients/products each and everytime on animals.
I stopped decades ago from using cosmetics/personal care from all companies (and their "organic" subdivision branches) that don't specifically label as "non-animal" tested.
ALso note, many formerly holistic brands have been bought out by the big companies that DO test on animals--again, their paradigm of "PLAYING BOTH SIDES" which seem to be a common theme with "them" whom control politics, false flag half hoaxes with probable real sacrificed victims, natural food companies....and cosmetics & persnal care companies!
My wife and I have been making our soap using the cold pressed method. We use olive oil and coconut oil, together with essential oils. It's surprisingly easy — much much easier than baking a loaf of bread. You need very little equipment, most of which you'll like have already in your kitchen. A liter of olive oil, and little of the other oils makes about 20 good sized bars, so it's very economical too.
There are several youtube videos that show how to make soap, check out a few, and you local library most likely has books too.
We make soap four or five times a year, about 100 bars, many of which serve as gifts and thank you presents for friends and family.
Great suggestion, thanks Nonoun! :)
When I was a kid, I got pimples really bad on my face, and everything I used to try and get them off, it NEVER worked. My mother spent loads of money on products and treatments and nothing it ever helped me, it only made it worse. After I quit going to middle school, I stopped using all that stuff and it was like a dream come true, they started to go away. I totally stopped using all those pimple removers and they all went away, it was a miracle.
If that don't teach you nothing, then I don't know what will lol and I was real young back then, but it taught me a world of difference.
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