Facebook is a CIA data-mining operation used to gather and store massive amounts of valuable information about hundreds of millions of people. All this info is then used by governments and corporations to target individuals or demographics they're interested in exploiting. These 5 videos above showcase (often very humorously) the many pitfalls and negative aspects of using Facebook, from being "tagged" in lame photos, to changing the meaning of "friendship," to a complete loss of privacy. I'm currently still hypocritically on Facebook using it to promote my books/websites, but if it's any consolation, I only use it to expose these institutions trying to control us, and some day soon when the disadvantages out-weigh the benefits I'll join the ranks of proud ex-facebookers. Peace

No doubt, I deleted my account, the messages, any friend links, but fortunately, I was never into those social networking sites, so my account was very bare minimum.
Nonetheless, even if you delete all your stuff, they still keep records of it.
I removed my pictures from my websites a while ago, although for different reasons ;)
In a perfect world, these would be great tools for the good of all.
Not in this dimension!
I really enjoy your site and appreciate all the bits of information you give.
I deleted my face-book account, although I'm not as popular as most having only 43 friends, wink wink.
The one beef I have is the filthy language. I can't recommend this particular post. I know we're all grown-ups but we really don't need to use such harsh words to get our point across.
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this blog.
Thanks for the comments. Sorry about the title. I went back and forth about the title for a while and asked a few folks before deciding fuck it, we're all adults here, the F--K F------K alliteration just seemed too good to pass up. :) I'm not one to use swear words often, but I'm also not one to completely abstain from them and thereby giving these certain words some illusory negative power over me. Know what I mean?
I deleted my fuckbook account last year and never looked back....
I can understand you use your account for promotion I used it that way to...but I think all the pricate data I had in there will never be really deleted...so I hope you dont have that much private things in your account eric
At the moment I´m looking at facebook as a form to expose the shit we are in , i like checking globalist magazines , join the comments and expose the truth , i have no friends whatsoever neither I want to , but i think it´s a way of checking on where the sheeple is being lead to in many occasions , i hope I´m right.
In the meantime , check the videos here, about Lybia(leaks): http://anonymousdelsur.blogspot.com/
Im still busy deleting a whole lot of other ish off my facebook as im typing this . . but facebook is one of the main tools i use to promote my music as i am an artist as well as a music producer. . . alot of it is exposing the elite and spreading consciousness . . i need some advice on what i should do though, i have about almost 2000 'friends' . . what i would rather look at as a database to promote my music to. . at first i was using facebook for my personal account but im now thinking of creating a new account under my producer/artist name and inviting as much of the same people as possible. . just for promotional use and then deactivate my old account. . . think its a plan?? Obviously the new profile will not have any of my proper info?
Yeah, as long as you're limiting your use to things that benefit you and not "them" I can see the advantages to using facebook and that's why I'm still on there.
I think the internet world needs to perform a "controlled release" of these huge big brother sites that censor, track, trace, and database us such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube. We can't ignore their popularity, thus their potential in helping people, but we also can't ignore the fact that there are other search engines, social networks, and streaming media sites out there, free, independent, sites without an agenda that won't censor, track, trace or database us, and we should slowly release ourselves from the grips of these big brother sites in favor of more diversity among more various free/independent sites.
I love your blog, its wonderful. ive been researching Libya trying to find the raw info behind the entire U.S.A UK and French intervention but i wanted to see if uve collected any data on that? iam very interested in what you have to say on the matter. Btw i love the new radio thing :)
my best of love from Costa Rica
Hey Jaigurudev, that makes me think of that great Beatles song, Across the Universe. Thanks for the comment. I haven't been researching the Libya situation too deeply, let me know if you find anything interesting. It seems to me the hidden hand is fomenting the grounds for a WWIII in the middle east much like Albert Pike's letter about the 3 world wars needed to bring in the New World Order. Sadam Hussein was a cruel dictator so we go and "help" by killing his population. Mumbarek is a cruel dictator so we go and "help" by killing his population. Gadaffi is a cruel dictator soooo, yeah... it's all a puppet show by the big media (owned by banks and weapons corporations) to justify and rile up populations to blow the hell out of each other.
lol dude this is the internet hows ching chong china land? i'm chonging it up too ni haw and hung shaw roe mmmmmmmmm
Your forgetting the biggest (and most in obvious) threat of them all, Apple.
Facebook (or as I like to call it, Fecesbook) brings out the worst in everyone. People from all walks of life act like spoiled whiny teenage girls when on Fecesbook. There are so many more wonderful destinations to explore, both on the 'net and in real life! But all anyone wants to do anymore is screw around on Fecesbook. F**k that noise! Facebook-free and proud of it!
Facebook was addicting for me. I thought that a social-website would be good for me, but turns out the so-called 'friends' from school only add you to make themselves look popular! And who wins? The companies that made it, of-course!
The truth stings! And I found out about this thing being used to mine in information by the cia to countries, and it's sick!
This is a wake-up call for anyone who wants to sign up an account, would you put all your trust into pictures of you, your information, your personal preference, your date of birth, sharing sensitive information, sexual prefrences and the like to a website because it's a 'social-networking site' and 'it's popular'? Wake up! I will delete my facebook and actually use the good ol' way of communicating, the healthy, natural way of communicating called: 'Calling and meeting with people!'
Yes I get ignored when I try to say I'm bored, and that comes to show that no-one is interested in you! If you want attention, find your hobbies, meet people and go from there - It's easy to see why there's people who haven't heard of facebook - and for good reason! I am not an adult, I'm 20 but they aren't clear in their privacy statement. Next-time, I will only rely on myself and not my desperation - for friends.
Please, please please, I urge others, delete your facebook accounts, and if there's friends who love you and you love them - Tell them to do the same, get their numbers via email - like hotmail, and just leave! I deleted my facebook and I'm not going back, ever! I deleted my pictures, but I'm worried I'm not deleting everything! Nothing in this world is perfect, and that's a fact of life!
Also, there's alot of people who want to exploit you for profit and alot of bad as-well as good! Don't fall in and sell yourself short - Be proud that you have self-dignity and self-awareness and always know the truth! Because truth is love, and truth is life! Thank you!
Great comments Anonymous and Ignatius, thanks for sharing!
FUCK is not a 'filthy' word. it's not 1950 anymore. grow the fuck up already and deal with it.
Actually, any determined government or data mining company worth its salt doesn't need Shitbook to get tons of info on any person. Shitbook just makes it easier for them.
Great Site and great webpage. I was wondering if I could put a link to this page from my blog. I have been trying to convince people to get off facebook for a long time. I dont have an account and never will. Your site has a ton of information I think I would like people to see.
Hey Terry, thanks for the comment. You can definitely link to this article on your website. Peace
Since many years I have scanned the Internet for any signs of Shitbook opposition out there, and to my joy there fortunately still are people who walk with their eyes open and wallets closed for huge "big brother" corporations.
My disgust towards Shitbook has been increasing gradually over years as I saw more and more people around me using this stuff. It scares the hell out of me when I think about the kind of unbelievable power Zuckerberg and his shareholders bear in their hands, and the commercial or political goals they could achieve with it.
That damn website is a prequel to a whole new world, my friends. The world in which all humankind will be united within one system. But don't you naively think that we'll live united in peace and blah blah... Perhaps there will be peace, but there also will be complete annihilation of true valors, uniqueness, non-conformist subjects in societies and everything else that may arise from mental variety between peoples.
We all will be damn shit-book robots.
This is the future world vision I often think about, while looking at all this stupid crap and how easily people (also known as sheep) get drawn to it.
Keep on with your stand against shit-book decadence. Hopefully our voice means anything.
Greetings from Poland, Ekhangel
Omg! Lmao! I have said "Fuck Facebook" forever! Never heard anyone agree with me. It's like high school on crack! I use it rarely to find past job references. That's it. Never really cared for it but thought it was useful for searching . Then everyone's talking bout it and the more I listened the more disgusted i got. My ex really pushed me over the edge with it with his exes,. Anyway loved the video with the cards. That's all I really wanted to say but went on a small tirade. Have a lot more to say after alota beers.
muffin@nodude.se LETS STOP THIS SHIT
Fuck fa(r)cebook!
Atlantis was just Minoan Crete! No conspiracy abounds -- just (over) a billion fools happily posting their entire lives for anyone and all to see. Who would put it past groups like NSA and CIA to mine the data? If it's there for the taking, why not?
I'm often asked how I "manage" to not have Facebook, and the answer is simple: Who needs it?
If I need to get a hold of my friends, I don't need a cool blue website to be my interactive address book and "friend" record.
Yup. I recently no longer found any need for the book. Who cares what the blissfully ignorant do and say. I spent way too much of my precious time trying to help the unknowing masses only to realize my own life was passing me by. Being a "conspiracy theorist" is in fashion now so when you try and talk about reality, you will get "my conspiracy is bigger and more profound than yours". Why bother?
But hey if you feel compelled to educate the unwilling or unknowing masses do so, bit don't waste one second if you have doubts. Its not worth it.
why not do as a lot of people do, make it all up. Pretend to be that kid in your school that all the girls were after. older than you want to be, pick any age you like. live in a little town where nothing happens, move without all the expense and hassle of relocating, pick any town you like in any country! are you bugly. take photo's of a random person you would like to look like, and make them into the person you would like to be, intelligent and good looking!
Wow, if you're looking for more reasons to hate Facebook, check this out:
Facebook - I Want My Friends Back!
Why is it that people feel they are getting something for nothing? That never happens. You lose your identity and give us all your freedoms of keeping your information somewhat private when you get involved with those such as Facebook and the others. They all promise (smirk, smirk) that they will not compromise your personal information. People are sooo stupid and show complete apathy, since this is completely false. I guess people just dont get it.
All I have is a msn email account and nothing else. So many hound me to join this and that, and I just say...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... I hold my privacy sacred.
Those videos are spot on. I recently left Facebook too and had to write an article myself on my whole experience with the virtual reality. Thanks for this, I will add a link to you in my blog.
This is my article I wrote and published on Facebook if any of you wish to read it
I hope my experience is some what helpful to others, and encourages them to delete their account. I feel so much better since I deleted it. I have far more better things to do with my time. Facebook just gets in the way of things. Who wants to sit there and see people they fucking hated in school adding them and pretending to be their friend? That always bothered me. Like why do you even care about me now, you used to always pick on me when we were in school?
And you are spot on with it being a CIA mining database. Most people on there don't even care or think about this. If you can't think, how can you speak?
I pray one day we have one day where everyone just walks away from Facebook.
I posted few comments on Vıkıpedia being a fascist Nazi organisation manupulating information and CIA activities in Turkey against Turks on my 2 months in facebook. How right you are apparently facebook is also all of the above blaspheming against the earth rubiators. Lying and conditioning. sincerely-Rıfat Diker
I finally deleted my Facebook account due to the manipulative ways this site has taken control over my life and what I choose to do with my time.
I am also a sole proprietor of a massage business and I do not want my facebook account to influence potential clients or even potential employers should I choose to find a part time job on the side. Plus I really hated the fact that my current employer kept tabs on my facebook account as well. My business website does not include a picture of me as I felt that could attract the wrong kind of clientele toward my massage business.
Before deleting my account, I would bing/google my name to see what would come up. My facebook link never seemed to exist. There was another woman of the same name(she was white, I am black) who's profile would pop up above my website. The only reason I found that odd was because I would not be logged into facebook at the time of clicking on "her" facebook link and still my facebook picture/profile would be mixed into hers. A glitch I chose to ignore at the time.
NOW that my account is fully deleted...I woke up to an email from Bing webmaster this morning urging me to submit my business website, which was silly since I have gone through this method months before. So I decided to Bing my name again just to see what would come up.
ABOVE my business website happens to NOW be a black girl (the white one no longer seems to exist) of the same name (this did not exist before)who's page seems COMPLETELY made up of certain interests, hobbies, favs that would be the POLAR OPPOSITE of me. (seriously...this "girl" with my name portrays herself like a complete dumba$$.) There are NO PHOTOS< RECENT ACTIVITY< LOCATION or even FRIENDS linked to her profile page to even indicate that this is a real person. The next, new black girl with my name is simply a picture of a woman who straight up looks like a crackhead. NOTHING else is linked to her profile to make it look like a real person either. Just a profile picture of some cracked out black woman who happens to have my exact same name. If any client or potential employer were to link up with this photo, there first thought would be...hell no.
I have applied to several jobs and I don't even make it to the interview to be SEEN. Any potential employer or potential client can link onto these faux facebook sites that are listed ABOVE MY BUSINESS WEBSITE and ASSUME that I am either a cracked out whore, or a ditsy lady gaga-MTV loving-likes to go to the mall and forever 21 loving moron. ( no offense to the lady gaga fans out there, but this is not the image I would ever want to portray out to the public)
perhaps I'm being paranoid, but I seriously would not put it past the facebook administrators to put up faux facebook links above someones business website to try and "convince" that they MUST put try to save their business reputation and put themselves back onto facebook. My only solution now is to post my picture on my website, and my manta, linked in,yelp, google places---all this SH!T...in order to deter people from assuming I am one of these other "people" out there with NOTHING on their facebook profile that indicates that they are even real people.
i have never been on facebook myspace or any of that other bullshit i hate that i have to work my ass off and still starve while these cocksuckers get movies and books and money for doing as little in thier piece of shit lives as possible fuck facebook and those who dont agree
Thank you for helping me verify I have a bit of sanity!!!!!
This is the most narcissistic society EVER!!!
Nobody gives a shit what you are doing...they just want the dirty laundry.....
Really people !
Everything on facebook will haunt your ass in the future mark my words.
Good luck ...LOL.. OMG...wtf!
I made the mistake of a myspace acct. back in 06, against my better judgement. never even punched a keyboard until 05 because i really hate the advent of the internet & always knew it was gonna end up doing big brother's dirty work....so after the little taste of spyspace i got out and i just fucking cringe when i hear anybody talking about their social media networking....and it's all really about vicarious living....people get on and they paint fantasies of themselves and try to sell them to everybodyelse...pointless, stupid shit....while the aluminaughty takes notes.......they know how to get people to trap themselves, and then it's great entertainment for the eavesdroppers. So yeah...most definitely fuck facebook. Why do peoples logic centers go to shit when profanity is used? it's so WEAK! So fuckin sick of PC shit
Haha, well put, thanks Anon!
"Fuck Facebook " was a awesome title to display dismay...
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