We've been rocking out all week to Genki Sudo's "World Order," check out these great music videos and choreography:
I really enjoy the music and dancing, but besides the obvious name "World Order" there are many suspicious red-flags that go off in my mind about this band. Firstly Genki Sudo used to be an MMA fighter and has now seamlessly transitioned into the entertainment industry. Such high-level versatility and success is usually only issued to those that promote the NWO agenda, and with a name like "World Order" that seems likely in this case.

As an MMA fighter, Genki used to always walk around the ring with a sign composed of all the world's flags and the words "We Are All One" which is a true statement in the spiritual sense, but misused and abused politically by those who would like to see a one world government. This theme is also prevalent in his World Order lyrics. Even more telling, in one of the songs above the lyrics "No Chaos, No Order" are repeated over and over. "Ordo ab Chao" or "Order out of Chaos" is the motto of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry. In these pictures you can see Genki also has a tribal Eagle/Phoenix-like tattoo on his back which resembles the Masonic two-headed Eagle/Phoenix.

In one of the videos they are running past a clock which is set at 11:11, another calling card of the occult. The temperature is 9.1 degrees as well, providing the 9/11 sync. I was also watching a documentary about Genki and in it he's shown being lowered down from the sky in a UFO wearing an E.T. hat even though it has nothing to do with anything going on in the documentary. So, much like Illuminati Congo, I'm confused about the message Genki is trying to promote, and I'm suspicious of Masonic involvement, but the music and dancing is great so I'll stop analyzing any further and just enjoy. I'll leave you with a telling quote from Genki himself:
Many disasters are ongoing in Japan; earthquakes, Tsunami, and nuclear accidents. These unprecedented things may be able to change however from now. That's why I expressed through World Order to convey some message to you in my own way. I see these accidents will become a turning point of civilization. I think the time of revolution is coming, where people in the world coexist with this planet against the system of modern society, economy and politics. Any accident is neutral. Although we are straying around this deep darkness, I believe we can get through anything when each of us can let go of our fear and face things positively. The world won't change on its own. We do change one by one. That makes the world change. The darkness just before the dawn is deepest. So, we do rise up together to greet the brilliant morning truly coming for the human beings. WE ARE ALL ONE. ~Genki Sudo
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Running to the Mason Lodge |
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Old World Order |
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New World Order |
Nice post, it's good to see you finding occult connections in martial arts. I'm pretty sure the U.F.C is an organisation who's purpose is to glorify violence conciderring they ALWAYS have Military adds every time accompanying their shows. Sorry i haven't posted mine on proboards yet, i've been researching david carradine's death and his family history with aleister crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis. I'll be posting it very soon in the research project section.
I posted this on the easter article but i don't know if you'll review that comment section since it's an older post, so i'll post it here. I hope you know about this.
Thanks, this is brilliant. what do you think about Jesus's resurrection though? do you think it happened or do you think it is another symbolic story of the phoenix. And i've been reading about lilith, do you think lilith is the judeo christian version of ishtar? i also read that the Owl in bohemian grove is not moloch, because moloch is a bull, and the owl is infact lilith; which makes sense because lilith is a baby killer symbolised by an owl and the bohemean grove ritual includes the sacrafice of an infant, she's the original harlot (prostitute) and i find it no coincidence that the "hooters" symbol is an owl. Do you think Asmodeus is the seccond husband of lilith after she was banned from the guarden of eden and seperated from her first husban: Adam? Demonology is very complicated isn't it?
I see nothing wrong with over-analyzing something. In fact, I enncourage it. The hallmark of cynicism is that nothing can be relied on...at least you always have to be on the watch for deception.
And as for BG - the original statue that the Grovers adored and worshipped was the BUDDHA...GUATAMA BUDDHA. What is the difference whether or not the Grovers worship the Bull, the Owl, or the Buddha? They are all devoted to demonism, which is intellectual lunacy, and enlightenment is a cover for lunacy.
can you provide your source anonymous? thank you for your response. It sounds even more bizare, which makes me more curious. thanks again.
Hey seekjusticenotrevenge, I sent you my source information via your email.
thanks, illuminatimatrix isn't my favorite website though. but i DEFINITLEY appreciate the help.
here's a link that touches the subject of guatama buddha at the bohemian grove in the 1880's
it makes me wonder about the mysteries of esoteric and occult biddhism.
here's the source of "anonymous" for everyone to have the chance to see it. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:so781LGxNIMJ:illuminatimatrix.wordpress.com/43-the-grand-canal-dammed-to-hellth-care-reform/+illuminatimatrix.wordpress.com+buddha+bohemian+grove&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&source=www.google.com
I really enjoy the music and dancing, but besides the obvious name "World Order" there are many suspicious red-flags that go off in my mind about this band. Firstly Genki Sudo used to be an MMA fighter and has now seamlessly transitioned into the entertainment industry. Such high-level versatility and success is usually only issued to those that promote the NWO agenda, and with a name like "World Order" that seems likely in this case.
Has it occurred to you that everyone is promoting the NWO? Even the, "resistance movement?"
The Biggest Con by TPTB:
All I knows is, I watched the Lady Gaga 'music' video called Born This Way, for the first time yesterday, and my mouth fell open:O You can bet the Satanists are workin full swing
a. genki sudos transition into the entertainment industry could just be because he is an extremely talented and ( as any person who has met him has reported ) is very kind, warm individual and oddly enough, kind heartedness combined with inner strength and disernment, is far more powerful than selfishness combined with abition.
b. his statement 'we are all one', relates to the theory of emptiness in buddhism, in which on initial perception, we percieve our existences to be physically singular and detached from that which is around us. emptiness is the step of realizing that this is untrue, that we are all sharing one existence, there are no real boundaries. it is a theory which evokes love towards all beings when realized and felt as opposed to intellectually understood, seeing that we are indeed all one.
c. no chaos no order, happy and sad, on and off, light and dark...
in relation to his tatoo, and your theory of contributing this to the two headed masonic eagle, what is the difference? two heads as appossed to genkis tatoo, which has one head, and is derived very much from mayan like graphics ( little hint ;) ) of course, the pheonix resembles the transition from a previous state, to a new state.
in relation to the previous poster who said that in the grove they worshipped buddha guatama, well if you look at the buddhas handposition, in contrast with traditional buddhist hand positions, in the image that should tell you, with some research,
if you truely think that enlightenment is cover for lunacy? you should pick up a book, instead of propagating lies, become learned and stop spreading what you are spreading, for those comments cause great damage, for buddhism is truely the way to defeat all that is evil, to cultivate a good heart, to take responsiblity for your life and your contribution to reality, to give yourself worth and to be kind and knowledgable, to make those around you happy and to grow!
".at least you always have to be on the watch for deception. "
indeed, the only true deception on this page is from yourself.
that is not lunacy, that is beautiful and filled with love.
and love smashes evil, just like light disperses all dark, and how dark can only grow, in the absense of light.
so become light ^^.
and in short, genkis message IS LOVE FOR ALL SENTIENT BEINGS, live your life with love and carefully, familizarise yourself with virtous things of love and care for the world!
best of luck my friends, take care and be happy! x
Obvious symbolism, at 04:13...Is some kind of identification or provocation, i dont know.
I really have difficulties to merge buddhism and illuminati
Mr Genki Sudo and all who take part in the dance: Thank you so much for a refreshing view of what is possible in our world! I want to shake your hand, and wish everyone could experience your world. Thank you again. Michael Franke mfranke60@webmail.co.za
The Buddha's not a demon, he was a philosopher who taught compassion and spiritual liberation...
And Genki's really a great guy. I don't like the idea of a single group having absolute control over everything and dictating our lives and wills like the Illuminati or whatever you guys are working against either, and I can understand people are suspicious in a world where so much significant decisions are made behind the scenes, but most of these things can't be all that bad...
In there new video "PERMANENT REVOLUION" they pass near a small monument that has the masonic lodge symbol
Great catch Anon, you're right, there is a blatantly purposeful Masonic compass/square symbol at 0:20!
World Order - Permanent Revolution
http://idolator.com/7263192/kesha-die-young-video-review-revue Have you checked out that moron pop slut Keshas new video 'die young'? More in your face occult symbology from the same school of shit 'music' that brought us lady gaga and rihanna.. Her recent performance on the oz x factor was full of the same crap too. sad these sell outs are so influential on young women. Jim
Hey Jim, thanks for the comment. Yes I did see that stupid new Kesha video, more blatant symbolism and "whore propaganda" to indoctrinate young girls.
BORROWING MONEY from China, to give to Israel, to fund wars using OUR AMERICAN SOLDIERS BLOOD!
In my opinion:
The World order will occur a greatest war because every nation will compete each other to be in the first place; in order to order the world (whole nation)
Anyway nice post..
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