The old view was a material universe separated by objective space and
time, a clockwork machine operating under fixed laws which evolved in
complexity until consciousness (the ability to experience) mysteriously manifested
into the first ever self-aware unit of (now “living”) matter. No scientist, however, could explain how
something as complex as life and consciousness, our complex immaterial internal
worlds of thought, emotion, sensation, and perception could ever arise from
something as simple as random interactions of physical matter. No biological, chemical, electrical,
magnetic, or other quantitative, qualitative such formula, can ever explain how
consciousness could emerge from mere physical interactions of non-experiencing,
non-living, unconscious particles of matter.
"In the old thinking I cannot change anything because I don't have any role at all in reality. Reality is already there. It is material objects moving in their own way from deterministic laws and mathematics determines what they will do in a given situation. I, the experiencer, have no role at all. In the new view, yes, mathematics can give us something. It gives us the possibilities that all these movements can assume, but it cannot give us the actual experience that I'll be having in my consciousness. I choose that experience, and therefore, literally, I create my own reality. It may sound like a tremendous, bombastic claim by some New Agey without any understanding of physics whatsoever, but really quantum physics is telling us that." -Amit Goswami Ph.D, "What the Bleep Do We Know?"

physicist and colleague of Albert Einstein, Dr. John Wheeler, often remarked
that nothing is more important in quantum physics than the observer effect and the measurement problem because they destroy the materialist concept of the
world “sitting out there” with the observer “safely separated from it by a 20
centimeter slab of plate glass.” Even to
observe something as miniscule as an electron that slab of plate glass must be
shattered. The scientist must reach in,
install his devices, and decide whether to measure position or momentum. It is up to him which he decides, but
installing the equipment to measure one prevents and excludes the possibility
of measuring the other, because his act of measuring actually changes the state
of the electron. Due to the free-willed
decision of the observer, the universe afterwards will never again be the
same. Thus to accurately describe what
has happened, Wheeler insisted that the old word “observer” must be replaced
with the new word “participator” because in some strange and fantastic way, our
universe is a participatory universe.
a shift! In a radically different
interpretation of our relationship to the world we live in, Wheeler states that
it’s impossible for us to simply watch the universe happen around us. Experiments in quantum physics, in fact, do
show that simply looking at something as tiny as an electron – just focusing
our awareness upon what it’s doing for even an instant in time – changes its
properties while we’re watching it. The
experiments suggest that the very act of observation is an act of creation, and
that consciousness is doing the creating.
These findings seem to support Wheeler’s proposition that we can no
longer consider ourselves merely onlookers who have no effect on the world that
we’re observing.” -Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (xi)
idea of ‘participation instead of observation’ has been formulated in modern
physics only recently, but it is an idea which is well known to any student of
mysticism. Mystical knowledge can never be obtained just by observation, but
only by full participation with one’s whole being. The notion of the
participator is thus crucial to the Eastern world view, and the Eastern mystics
have pushed this notion to the extreme, to a point where observer and observed,
subject and object, are not only inseparable but also become
indistinguishable. The mystics are not
satisfied with a situation analogous to atomic physics, where the observer
and the observed cannot be separated, but can still be
distinguished. They go much further, and in deep meditation they
arrive at a point where the distinction between observer and
observed breaks down completely, where subject and object
fuse into a unified undifferentiated whole.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (141-2)
Mystics, yogis, shamans, Eastern
philosophers and the like have no trouble whatsoever understanding quantum
physics. These amazing discoveries causing
such a stir among the “scientific” community are really just experimental proofs
of ancient wisdom long understood by such “simple” folk. The ideas of cosmic mind and the
participatory universe are already fundamental tenets of their worldview. It is only modern Westerners raised on the
materialist paradigm that find these facts puzzling.
award-winning American physicist, successor to Albert Einstein at Princeton’s
IAS, and director of the Manhattan Project, Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, was well
aware of quantum physics’ uncanny resemblance to Eastern philosophy. He once stated that, “the general notions
about human understanding . . . which are illustrated by discoveries in atomic
physics are not in the nature of things wholly unfamiliar, wholly unheard of,
or new. Even in our own culture they have a history, and in Buddhist and Hindu
thought a more considerable and central place. What we shall find is an
exemplification, an encouragement, and a refinement of old wisdom.”
Prize-winning German physicist, successor to Max Plank, and pioneer of the
Uncertainty Principle, Dr. Werner Heisenberg, was also well aware of the
parallels between quantum physics and Eastern thought. He stated that, “the great scientific
contribution in theoretical physics that has come from Japan since the last war may be an indication of
a certain relationship between philosophical ideas in the tradition of the Far East and the philosophical substance of quantum
“We are poised on the brink of a
revolution – a revolution as daring and profound as Einstein’s discovery of
relativity. At the very frontier of
science new ideas are emerging that challenge everything we believe about how
our world works and how we define ourselves.
Discoveries are being made that prove what religion has always
espoused: that human beings are far more
extraordinary than an assemblage of flesh and bones … Human beings and all
living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to
every other thing in the world. This pulsating
energy field is the central engine of our being and our consciousness … There
is no ‘me’ and ‘not-me’ duality to our bodies in relation to the universe, but
one underlying energy field.” -Lynne
McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe,” (XXIII)
physics illustrates how everything in the Universe, in all dimensions of life
and reality ultimately consists of ‘Quanta’ of Energy, vibration. This Energy not only pervades and is integral
to everything in existence, it is also ‘living’ Mind, living Consciousness. Everything in the Universe therefore has its
being within this infinite intelligent Energy.
Everything is an aspect of this infinite intelligence, every person,
every animal, every tree, every star and every planet, and every
micro-organism, however small, is ultimately an equal aspect of the very same
Energy; there is no separatedness except as an illusion created by the ego and
five physical senses; we and everything in the Universe without exception are
one.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality” (89-90)
Hinduism “Mahamaya” is a goddess personifying the power to create the material
universe. In Buddhism, Buddha’s
supernatural mother is known as “Maya.”
In ancient Egypt Ma’at or Mayet was the female Goddess responsible for
setting order and balance at the moment of creation. The Indian word “Maya” has
the same meaning as the Mesoamerican “Mayan” civilization half a world
away. In both cultures, Maya, loosely
translates to “illusion” or “delusion” as both peoples believed the entire physical
universe to be an illusion, a delusion of our consciousness separating our
fundamental Oneness (the Father) into individualized subjective perspectives
throughout time/space (the Mother, Matter, Ma’at, Mayet, Mayan illusion).
“So it is conceivable that all of this really is just a
great illusion, that we have no way of really getting outside of to see what is
really out there. Your brain doesn't
know the difference between what's taking place out there and what's taking
place in here. There is no ‘out there'’
out there independent of what's going on in here.” -Fred Alan Wolf Ph.D,
“What the Bleep Do We Know?”
of the discoveries that proved to be most astonishing to physicists was the
observation that the only time Quanta ever manifest as particles is when people
are actually looking at them. The
significance of this realization alone is extremely profound in terms of the
understanding of the material world and of all creation. The wisdom of the ages has always maintained
and taught the physical world of matter is nothing but an illusion, only
perceived by most as ‘reality’ due to observation and experience by the
mediation of the five physical senses.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate
Reality” (75)
the entire material universe, at the most fundamental level is simply one undifferentiated interconnected energy resonating at various frequencies. Solid matter, for instance, is energy of a
very slow, dense vibration, such as H2O in ice form. In a block of ice, the collective vibration
of H2O molecules slows and freezes into a rigid, highly-structured
alignment. The vibration of that block
of ice is so slow that your hand cannot pass through the dense mass of H2O
molecules. However, if you take that
same mass of molecules and raise the temperature so they vibrate at a faster
rate, then that rigid impenetrable solidity gives way to more flowing/fluid,
chaotic, lower-density, liquid state – water - which your hand can pass right
through. If you continue heating the
same mass of molecules, causing them to vibrate even faster, then that flowing,
liquid state gives way to an even more chaotic, lower-density, free-form,
gaseous state – steam - which your hand passes through with even less
resistance than water. This example
illustrates how “materiality” is simply an illusion created by interfering
energy patterns of varying vibrations decoded by mind/consciousness.
physicist David Bohm was absolutely correct when he made the observation that
the physical Universe is actually ‘frozen light.’ This can be likened to the process of water
freezing. As water gets progressively
colder the molecules comprising that water progressively slow down as they
vibrate at lower rates of Energy of which they ultimately comprise, until
eventually the Energy vibration of the molecules becomes too low to sustain the
water as a liquid at which point the water freezes and becomes ice. The physical composition of the ice and the
atoms and molecules that comprise it are exactly the same as when it existed as
water, the only difference being that as ice the Energy that ultimately
comprises that water or ice is now vibrating at a much lower level. Exactly the same principle applies to the
existence of the physical Universe within the greater Universe as a whole. As Energy vibrates at a progressively lower
rate and density increases as a result, there came a point during the initial
creation of the Universe where the vibrations of Energy became too low to be
sustainable in its usual fine free Energy form, and therefore differentiated
into particles of various increasing sizes, ultimately manifesting as matter,
the physical Universe as observed by science and people on Earth generally.”
Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality” (209)
Classical physics and the old science taught us that human beings were
mere survival machines powered by chemicals and genes. They taught us that the brain was the
originator of consciousness, and that our internal worlds of thought, emotion, sensation,
and morality were mere by-products of material evolution. They taught us that we humans were separate,
isolated entities in a desolate, mechanical, clockwork universe. They taught us that time and space were
finite and that nothing traveled faster than light.
Quantum physics and the new science, however, teach us that human
beings are spiritual entities having this physical experience. They teach us that consciousness is the
primary mind-stuff of the universe, and that time, space, and matter exist only
within and by virtue of consciousness.
They teach us that we humans are indivisible from our environment and
each other, that our bodies, the stars and space are composed of One
undifferentiated expanse of vibrating energy.
In short, the old material science brought us a disempowering message
of division and haphazard coincidence; the new spiritual science brings us the
empowering message of absolute unity and divine cosmic mind.
science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that
will change our concepts of reality and of human nature, bridge the gap between
ancient wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between
Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism.” -Dr. Stanislav Grof, “Beyond the Brain”
exploration of the atomic and subatomic world in the twentieth century has
revealed an unsuspected limitation of classical ideas, and has necessitated a
radical revision of many of our basic concepts. The concept of matter in
subatomic physics, for example, is totally different from the traditional idea
of a material substance in classical physics. The same is true for concepts
like space, time, or cause and effect. These concepts, however, are fundamental
to our outlook on the world around us and with their radical transformation our
whole world view has begun to change. These changes, brought about by modern
physics, have been widely discussed by physicists and by philosophers over the
past decades, but very seldom has it been realized that they all seem to lead
in the same direction, towards a view of the world which is very similar to the
views held in Eastern mysticism … [and] if physics leads us
today to a world view which is essentially mystical, it returns, in a way, to
its beginning, 2,500 years ago. It is
interesting to follow the evolution of Western science along its spiral path,
starting from the mystical philosophies of the early Greeks, rising and
unfolding in an impressive development of intellectual thought that
increasingly turned away from its mystical origins to develop a world view
which is in sharp contrast to that of the Far East. In its most recent stages,
Western science is finally overcoming this view and coming back to those of the
early Greek and the Eastern philosophies.
This time, however, it is not only based on intuition, but also on
experiments of great precision and sophistication, and on a rigorous and
consistent mathematical formalism.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (17-19)
physics, which explores reality beyond the 'physical' world of the atom, is
saying basically the same as the mystics, and people like me, who talk of
different dimensions and frequencies of existence interpenetrating our own.
Spirituality and true science - in its open-minded, open-hearted form – are
essentially at one. It is mainstream science and mainstream religion that has
caused the apparent rift because they are slaves to arrogance, ignorance and
dogma. One is not science and the other is not spiritual. They are two
polarities of the same falsehood. The open-minded quantum physicist would have
no problem with most of what I am going to say in this book, while the
cap-touching, protecting-my-funding, mainstream 'scientist' would roll his eyes
in bewilderment. Such is the chasm of view that exists in the so-called
scientific community.” –David Icke, “Infinite Love is the Only Truth,
Everything Else is Illusion” (21-22)
Download the Spiritual Science 284-page E-book
Great article Eric, very informative, although I am very familiar with quantum, it's nice to read articles like this one.
Now the question is, how does this knowledge of everything being light apply to us, I mean how can it help an individual find peace, harmony, happiness, financial gain etc...
Thanks for the comment Richard. I think this Spiritual Science kind of knowledge has helped me and will help others to better understand themselves as non-physical beings and their place in the physical world. When you think that you are simply your physical body, and you believe you are living a haphazard Godless big-bang accidental existence, it creates the pop culture kind of people you see today. Materialistic, selfish, proud, clever, dishonest, insincere, apathetic, cynical, superficial and greedy. If I'm just my physical body and all of existence is just the result of a cosmic accident, then I better get what's mine and screw everyone else because we're all just going to flit away into non-existence at death. I only live once and there's no God to judge me, so screw everyone that gets in the way of me getting what I want! (Know that kind of person?) Spiritual Science shows beyond any doubt that there is existence and life after death, that we are non-physical beings inhabiting physical bodies, that everything in the universe is in fact One, and originates from the One consciousness. The way I've encyclopedically compiled and creatively presented the evidence in this book I think it can certainly help people find peace, harmony, happiness, wealth etc. There is a peace of mind and contentment that comes with the realizing/remembering that you are an immortal soul :)
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Well, I'll be a [rhesus] monkey's uncle!
Hello Eric.
I love your blog and I respect all your work, it's truly amazing, you do a great job making people aware of the reality we live in.
Some time ago I discovered this site, and it resonates a lot with they way I understand life, I think you should check it out too, and see what you think about it. I personally do not believe it's a fake, but you decide for yourself ;)
It is interesting that C S Lewis foresaw the convergence of aspects of science with mysticism and discussed its implications:
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