The Western world, from Australia to the United States, UK and parts of Europe, are moving in a unified front toward dictatorial Internet censorship. Australia has led the way, despite outcry from its populace, by "filtering" out certain banned content. In the United States, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, in continuing his family's tradition of oppressing free humanity, has pushed forward Cybersecurity legislation that has already passed the House. He has done so in the name of warding off ghastly cyber "attackers" conceivably fronting for al Qaeda while ushering in a means to restrict free speech and expression online for the general population.
With Obama's support, most of the developed world has accepted plans for government-approved online activity and Pentagon-monitored internet traffic. The U.S. and UK are facilitating the hijacking of what has, until now, been a highly-democratic Internet. Overall, it has been a technological God-send for bringing together communication and strongly expressing thought outside of the mainstream information available on television and in print.

Internet Censorship Alert! Alex Jones Exposes Agenda to Blacklist Dissenting Sites
Censorship Bills in UK, US, Australia Aim to Block "Undesirable" Websites
Frightening Taste of Internet Censorship as Major Free Speech Websites Blocked has already been censored for two years in most places in China. Myspace "accidentally" deleted my Sheeple Revolt site thrice now, and put in their "phishing keywords." This coordinated effort to shut down the free web is an incredibly important issue, and I hope people send this article out to your email lists, facebooks, twitters, inform your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers, the internet is really the last remaining bastion of free information we have. Don't let it die with a whimper. If your provider ever starts censoring anti-establishment websites, you must complain and threaten to change services until they stand up for the free web.

Those Bastards... I'm sending this link to all my friends so they can see what is going on. Thanks Eric Keep up the great work....
THis is a topic I have been aware of for too long and hidden my head in the sand about. What happens in Aus happens in Canada and with our great king/lord chabad lubinovitch bottom kisser Steven Harper leading the globe into the wonderful brave new world, we are on the same path.
Alex Jones has been very active on this topic for the last while. After the last few INTERNET busts to the general public, they are very anxious to shut us down.
Think on it. We exposed H1N1. We exposed the climate sham and rubbed Gore's face in his own bs. We have awakened up people more and more to the international boycott because we can communicate much better.
I know there are a few other things we bloggers have done that REALLY HAVE P#SSED some people off. Mainly the Rockefellers. Got that guy is a slick piece of blood-sucking work, isn't he?
They are getting desperate and pulling out all the stops at this point. But they still have things up their sleeves we will have to be strong when they come out of the blue at us ... and they will.
We are now at war, mon ami. This is indeed ... WAR.
Well put Noor, I agree. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Eric! Sending this all to my friends! and will add this on facebook!
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All across the world, wherever internet "filtering" and Testking 642-504 outright censorship has been phased in via Testking VCP-410 libraries, businesses, airports, and so forth, Testking 640-802 sites that are critical of Testking 640-863 government are consistently blocked first.
I know there are a few other things we bloggers have done that REALLY HAVE P#SSED some people off. Mainly the Rockefellers.I was looking about funny facebook status, daring messages, hindi sms and funny quotes
I am sad to see that two of the best information sites on the Internet have disappeared virtually over night.
PAK ALERT PRESS is gone now. If you want stuff from before 2009 there is some left, but all the rest is wiped out.
Also gone is WHAT REALLY HAPPENED. Gone. Poofed.
INCOGMAN is gone as well but, since that was such a racist site, I am sure that is why it was removed although there might be other causes.
The first two sites really put it out there although I believe Pak Alert really bravely went first where few were able to follow. The site was terrific! He must have seriously ticked someone off also since Pak is under such severe attack in so many ways.
HAARP is partly responsible for the weather problems there as well as the bombings. After all America does have Pak in line for destruction in PNAC.
I for one will miss them and can only pray they find their way back.
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