✦ Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion
Monday, August 29, 2011
The Bible - Never Meant to be Literal or Historical
In the entire Dubay family, every living member except myself is a devout Christian. Since I was old enough to reason, sitting in junior church or engrossed in late-night debates with my grandmother, I could never extinguish a number of nagging doubts regarding their religion. Heaven, hell, sin, judgement, 10 commandments, angels, demons, invisible immortals like Jesus, Satan, and God, talking snakes, animal sacrifices, virgin births, walking on water, parting the Red Sea, staffs turning into snakes, eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ, talking burning bushes on mountain-tops claiming to be God, and many more fantastical, unbelievable stories that defy logic/physics and have never happened again before or since. Billions of Christians have willingly accepted this improbable mish-mash of ancient allegories and myths as literal, historical fact, but for us more discerning skeptics, even a family full of blind faith isn't enough to convince.
After moving to Thailand, having plenty of time for introspection and study, I began to research subjects like Astrotheology, Numerology, Symbology, Magic Mushrooms, and Christian History, which provided clear evidence that the Bible was never meant to be taken historically or literally by it's writers, but rather symbolically as an amalgamation of ancient myths and occult archetypes. The Bible's characters, situations, parables, and lessons, just like the Tarot or I Ching, are meant to be universal teachings, signposts to potentialities of human consciousness and experiences applicable to everyone at different times in their life. When read Gnostically, using our intuition and imagination, identifying and relating the various occult symbols, numbers, names, and stories, the Bible becomes an interesting, subtle, and infinitely varied metaphysical treatise. But when read and taught literally by the Christian establishment, the Bible becomes the most awesome weapon of mind-control the world has ever seen.
The "Chosen Land" Crop Circle. The Masonic Eye in the Triangle, here surrounded by 33 rays, representing the 33 Masonic degrees of initiation, corresponding to the journey of the kundalini serpent up the 33 vertebrae of the human spine, the eye being the third-eye or Pineal gland.
The total words of the Bible are 788,280 = 33
Jesus died at age 33
The first temple of Solomon stood for 33 years in pristine splendor.
Solomon had 70,000 carriers and 80,000 stone cutters in the hills, as well as 3,300 foremen who supervised the project and directed the workmen.
King David ruled for 33 years in Jerusalem.
Jacob had from his first woman Leah 33 children (Gn 46,15) Not possible literally, the poor woman would be dead.
YES!, I think I get it now!
What is a JEW? "A Jew is one Inwardly" (Romans 2:9)
It means one who enters into meditation.
Is Ra El = Isis-Ra-Elohim, the feminine, the masuline, and EL-Spirit or God (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna in Kundalini Yoga).
"Is" or "Isis", the Egyptian Goddess, also seen as the Moon Goddess; "Ra", the Egyptian Sun God, and "El", generally meant to signify "God"
The lower mind, the moon, is integrated with the higher mind, the sun, by the spirit or electromagnetism from above.
Jews are not a race and Israel is not a country, biblically speaking that is. It's Mythology describing one who has attained the higher, by way of meditation, by becoming a Jew (one who meditates), one INWARDLY.
The chosen land is the human brain, but first the Canaanites have to be driven out. The lower mind quality is overturned, and then:
"Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God"
What would the Palestinians do, if they read that the holy land is mythology describing the human brain? And that the word "Is Ra El" means "ISIS Ra Elohim?"
And a Jew is one INWARDLY, one who meditates, that's the chosen one. Would they tell all their Palestinian friends, and create a world uprising against the false Is Ra El? Sorry, the Jews who live in the country Israel, the Bible is not talking about you, and it's the truth! God doesn't choose a race of people.
And Prime Minister Golda Meirs' Zionist arrogance: "This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy." See the problem folks?
Ah, it's all in the Old Testament? Gotcha, right, well do as you like then. But it's all MYTHOLOGY dodos, so who is Is Ra El, and where is the Promised Land? Herein, Lies the problem with reading mythology LITERALLY:
"When the LORD your God hands these nations over to you and you conquer them, you must completely destroy them. Make no treaties with them and show them no mercy." (Deuteronomy 7:1-4)
What we are seeing in Gaza, and have seen so many times, both there and in Lebanon, is merciless Old Testament slaughter: cold, calculated, heartless slaughter. The Bible mythology, although it is mythology, the country of Israel takes the whole thing literally, and we see the results of that in Palestine and Gaza, heartless, cold, cruel slaughter, just like the mythological God of the Old testament, a murderer from the beginning:
"So they sent twelve thousand warriors to Jabesh-gilead with orders to kill everyone there, including women and children. "This is what you are to do," they said. "Completely destroy all the males and every woman who is not a virgin" (Judges 21:10-24)
"Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, 'Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all - old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple"' (Ezekiel 9:5-7)
The parallels are endless between the bloodthirsty 'God' of the Old Testament and the actions of the heartless, soulless, Artificial Israel of today. Everyone of these verses can be explained in the light of Mythology, because that's what Israel is, it's pure MYTHOLOGY.
Zionism is NOT the fault of our good Israeli friends who work hard to fight the Zionist movement in their own country. We honor all the people of Israel who are opposed to the slaughter of Palestinians. It's only the minority who seek to dominate and control other human beings. Many Jews know that the Bible is mythology, but they keep silent about it. Mythology is needed to protect the language of symbols from the ravages of the Church and Religious barbarians. This is the reason all great religious scriptures were written in symbols, dark sayings and allegory.
So why does everyone read the Bible LITERALLY?
Because they have CHARIOTS of IRON, BARS of BRASS, and GATES of STEEL forged into their minds by the religious (the Pharisees), says the Bible. In modern terminology, we say someone is HARD headed or stubborn, the mythologists that wrote the Bible used terminologies such as chariots of iron, bars of brass and gates of steel, to describe the HARD HEADED ones. You see, it's ALL in the MIND!!
Failure of modern effort to read the deep message of the Bible is due to the fact that modern scholars stupidly and stubbornly refuse to see that ancient scriptural writing was esoteric or hidden as to its meaning, and allegorical and symbolical as to its method. The ancients did not use newspaper directness. On the contrary they put up their secret wisdom, vouchsafed to them by the great Sages, in the form of allegories and myths, which were to be taken as fiction in their outward dress, but as the cinematograph of profoundest truth and knowledge in an inward sense.
By a combination of symbols, nature signs and allegories, often woven into a background of real history, they sought to portray the deepest types of spiritual experience and an intellectual grip on reality. The Bible has been crassly taken for literal truth about living personages on the stage of mortal history. It has been rendered literally and historically.
This is the most egregious blunder, the most grandiose error, in all human history, this mistaking of spiritual allegory for literal human narrative. We are in position to make the unqualified declaration for the first time in the modern age that there is not one iota of history, in the ordinary acceptation of that term, in the Bible from beginning to end.
Some portions of Jewish history are utilized as the base and frame of spiritual myths. The several Judges, Patriarchs and Kings are made to stand for the central figure of the Christos. Geographical names and historical persons are mentioned but only as characters in the mystic or religious drama. According to Eusebius, one of the three chief formulators of Roman Christian theology, the Gospels of the New Testament are themselves nothing but old dramatic books of the Essenes in pre-Christian days.
The earliest and greatest of the framers of Christian theology, Philo, Clement and Origen, expressly declared it was impossible and an impiety to assert that the logos of God could take the flesh of a human personality. New research makes it positively clear that the Old Testament narratives are in their entirety rewritings of old Egyptian material, distorted and obscured as it passed through later Hebrew hands. And Egyptian scripture was never historical. It was spiritual symbology, pure and unalloyed. The weirdest phenomenon of history transpired when later ignorance took the Egyptian constructions and converted them into an absurd literal narrative. And the thinking of the whole world of the civilized West has thus been based on history that never occurred, and the Christian Church has been founded on a set of miracles that were never performed.
The only miracle envisaged in ancient theology was the transformation of human character by the indwelling god, and this spiritual miracle was poetized, dramatized and allegorized in a hundred forms of outward representation, all of which was absurdly taken for personal history later. This conversion of spiritual into biographical history has made Christianity the instrument of the grossest degradation of sublime ancient truth to which it has ever been subject. That is to say that all Christian doctrines present the ancient wisdom in a more literal and hence cruder form of meaning than had ever been done before in national religions. In the nailing of a personal Jesus on a wooden cross Christianity reduced the glorious drama of the spiritual life to its grossest and most repellent form.
It is our declaration, based on years of the most assiduous research, that it is impossible to understand the allegories of the Bible without a knowledge of ancient methods of sacred writing, and of the ancient philosophies. Our work in this field has been rewarded by a number of the most signal discoveries which are basic for further grasp of the material. The composers of ancient scriptures were poets, allegorists, dramatists and mythicists. They never wrote literally. They were in the line of generations of sages and seers who had developed the art of spiritual representation to a point of the utmost ingenuity and complexity, completely shrouding the intended real meaning under veils of symbolism, which have utterly misled modern scholars who could not pierce the outer veil to read the truth hidden underneath. Hence the works can not be read without the keys to the myths and reference to the symbols used.
The ancients themselves testify plentifully that the scriptures are allegories. Origen regards the whole Bible as a set of allegories. But the most astonishing declaration to this effect is St. Paul's own statement in Galatians that the whole story of Abraham and Sarah and Hagar is "an allegory." There is not a scrap of evidence anywhere to identify the Israelites as the historical Hebrews or Jews. The latter simply appropriated the distinction to themselves and fitted their history into the sacred scheme.
As proof of this it is offered that a monument in Egypt contained hundreds of Palestinian place names, afterward localized in the Holy Land of Judea, before the "historical" Exodus from Egypt. Hence the modern discovery of a town in Palestine bearing the name of a place mentioned in the Bible does not offer a single whit of proof that the Bible is history. It only proves that the religious formulators of the national epic had given to a certain place a name already found on the uranograph or spiritual chart, much as European explorers gave sacred names such as Salem, Providence, New Haven, Canaan, Newark, Corpus Christi and Santa Fe to new towns when they came to America. Jerusalem, Egypt, Sodom, Babylon and others are therefore only spiritual names transferred to the map from the celestial chart.
We are prepared to support the statement, then, that the Bible, sadly misinterpreted by its most loyal devotees, is in reality a collection of ancient works that embody in veiled figures the fundamentals of the genuine old wisdom of the hierophants. One might say indeed, that it is a repository of the great Mystery teaching of early times. In fact it is an assemblage of material comprising the substance of Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Kabalism, Chaldean astrology, Greek Orphism and Hindu Wisdom, drawn mostly from ancient Egypt. It would not inaptly be described as a book of Platonic Theosophy.
"The lower mind, the moon, is integrated with the higher mind, the sun, by the spirit or electromagnetism from above"
Naaaahhh that is the sun cults version. As Monica Sjoo and others will tell us, the MOON lunar mythos preceeded the solar myths of the more militaristic brotherhoods who suppressed the Goddess. THEIR god(s) become the sum, ie., Osiris etc, and this still continues: "Reading The Sun God chapter from, The Great Cosmic Mother:” This was the pattern: The sun hero who vanquishes “evil” in the form of monster serpents or dragons was originally a moon hero, like Hercules, and as such the son/lover of the Great Goddess. In moon mysteries he overcame death in ecstatic self-transcendence experiencing luminous oneness with her. But when he becomes the patriarchal sun hero, he kills the Mother Goddess in Her dark underworld-serpent aspect. Instead of transcending his ego, he “transcends” the whole world, cosmic union giving way to worldly conquest and destruction of the sources of life. He destroys life in the name of “conquering death”. Jungian psychoanalysts interpret this process as the liberation of the individual ego---the male ego, of course---from the “forces of darkness” and “the unconscious”, i.e., the mother. The hero’s action in rescuing the “maiden” from the dragon symbolizes, Jung says, the freezing of his own anima—his essential self—from the “devouring” aspect of the mother. This almost suggests that woman, in herself, is merely a projection of the male anima; and indeed that’s what women are in most patriarchal systems. Jungians have never shown an awareness of the politics of mythology---or of mythology as the history of the preliterate real world. The sun hero is doing more than “liberating his ego” from the mother; he is “liberating” his being from responsibility to the being of the world. He liberates himself by arrogantly and recklessly destroying the interconnecting webwork of which he is a part---and then the “tragic hero” is surprised when he looks around himself, and sees nothing but wasteland and death…The sun hero slashes through the timeless web of interconnecting life energy and lays it all waste, in order to enjoy swift satisfaction, fame, and conquest. Conquest of what? Of the fact that life is paradox: (1) the fact that psychic powers are deeply hidden and dangerous, needing to be guarded by wisdom (the serpent guarding the treasure), and (2) the fact that their release can cause destruction as easily as integration. The sun hero wars against the double-edged reality of the cosmic process, slashing through paradox, denying cyclic recurrence and the serpent wisdom that comes with it, refusing to believe that his ego must die before the true magic power can be safely revealed. From Marduk to Superman, he is a little boy warring against the subtle (serpentine) nature of life: demanding it be made neat, simplistic, logical, unambiguous, designed as a flat stage for his triumph---and nothing more."
continued: "In The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir catalogues men’s hatred and fear of woman because she presents him with the ambiguities with life and death, his classic response to these ambiguities is denial and conquest. (pages 255-256) “The pattern was repeated everywhere. The Sumerians* who invaded Mesopotamia circa 3000 BC plundered the superior civilization of the settled matriarchal inhabitants, and put their own solar king on the throne. The solar king was surrounded by solar priests, who “rewrote” religion into a mythic-spiritual rationalization of war, conquest and “royal” hierarchy. Since the Sun God rose to power through war and conquest, it follows that the mythology, popular epics, and religious doctrine of worldwide patriarchy should stress and glorify the virtues of warriors. Facism is inherent in a patriarchal worldview. Life came to be seen as a battleground in which the victor deserves his spoils” (pages 257-258) [remember video last night showing the typical image used by these fascists be they present American imperialists, or the Nazis----the symbol of the Eagle looking left (its right) and its talons clutching the fasci.]"
continued: "Historically, imperial troops and native armies do not maintain the this repression and exclusion of women by external force of arms alone. Patriarchal religious doctrine is the internal mechanism of oppression: God’s pistol in the skull. European pagans were conquered ultimately not by the Roman eagle but by the Hebrew Sun God, Christ. In his name, missionaries preached the ultimate nihilism: the God-willed evil and worthlessness of earthly life, made foul at its source by woman’s sin; and the apocalyptic goal of complete absorption into the heavenly sun/son, whose holy fires burn away all flesh. The bomb, of course, is the apotheosis of the patriarchal Sun God. Man no longer needs to worship the sun---he can make his own, and force the entire earth to bow down before it *So dig, the biblical priests use the Sumerian ‘dead’ language as their esoteric sub-script which keeps to a patriarchal roots interpretation of the meaning of sacred mushrooms and their experience. I.e., that they represent their phallic war god’s penis and seed [‘semen seed which saves’]. Nature/woman becomes mere receptacle, and the goal is not deep ecstatic union with nature but a goal to get off-earth to heaven, and/or to put-nature-right-according-to-God/patriarchal-specification in the future, after destroying the very Web of Life."
Hi all, nice to make your acquaintance here on Eric's cool blog.
Like most of you, I have been on a quest for truth for over 25 years, there's much out there, and much to learn.
One of the greatest things that I learned is that the Bible is Greek Mythology, see the links below.
The New Testament of the Bible was written in Greek.
The Old Testament of the Bible became a Greek document in 300 B.C. It is called the Septuagint and has become the chosen Biblical document of the western world.
The Septuagint was written by Hellenized Jews.
These were Jewish people who migrated to places such as Alexandria Egypt and Greece and came under the influence of the Greek culture including the mythological ways of teaching.
Philo was a Jewish philosopher who had much to do with the Greek Biblical formation. Much of his work can be found in the New Testament and attributed to others .
You can find much on the web about Philo and his heavy influence in both the Old and New Testaments.
Back in 1981 I began reading all of the books about the new world order, bloodlines and all the rest, I eventually began to get disillusioned by it all, it's all great to know, but no one was giving a solution as to how one can rise above it, how one can keep from letting this whole lower minded world from destroying ones own mind and consciousness.
So I switched my search from knowing the problem to finding a solution, that's what led to reading the ancient texts such as the Baghdad Gita, the Bible, the Upanishads, etc...
It was during these years that I began to see what all these books were really talking about, and that is the MIND and it's condition that was created by this world, and how to overcome the negative effects of this world, created by those left brain/lower minded controllers of this world.
So that's what my blog is about
Also if you watch Bill Donahue's videos here on live stream, you will see that he brings the Bible alive, he seamlessly integrates the Bible, Buddha and Krishna into one accord.
The entire Bible is ancient mythology describing things that go on in the mind or consciousness of a person.
You will ultimately see this as you watch Bill's lectures, he began giving these lessons in 1985 until 2008, he had to stop because he's now 83 years old.
Eric's blog is a great place to get much truth, there's no doubt he has spent a great deal of time building it, and my hats off to him and anyone that takes the time to share truth with others.
"Zionism is NOT the fault of our good Israeli friends who work hard to fight the Zionist movement in their own country. We honor all the people of Israel who are opposed to the slaughter of Palestinians. "
The star of David is not a Jewish symbol, but an occult symbol. The six-pointed star is a hexagram - a curse mark - no matter what name it may have: the Star of David, Solomon's Seal, Double Triangle, Shield of David, etc. so when judging a Jew or Israeli I investigate what they stand by. Jews have to renounce that star or they are not as they claim themselves to be (peaceful) they are deceivers...beware! Religion can get really literal, take for instance the synagogue of Satan jesus spoke about. pretty obvious! Much is allegorical, just like reading Aesops fables. It's all good just take what you get out of it and leave what you don't get. Christopher Hitchens does not see the truth of 9/11 so I don't see him as a valuable resource for anything.
Actually the star of David (Sol Om ONs) seal is an occult (hidden symbol), but it's not evil, it means the merging of mans lower mind with Christ, Buddha consciousness.
In the universe is a constellation called Fornax.
It is the furnace where the sacrifice is consumed.
It is the place of the Sun resurrection, the place of fire.
From here the fire comes down to the tomb, (fornix), which causes the Christ consciousness in you to resurrect from the dead.
The bright star in Fornax is called Delta Fornax.
Thus we have the symbol of Delta in the sky with the point looking down.
When we bring together Delta Fornix in you looking up, with Delta Fornax in the sky
looking down, what do we get ?.
In your meditation you reach it by reaching Delta Brain waves.
Four cycles per second.
So remember, Delta Is Ready When You Are
http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/hidden.html (The cosmic connection)
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus Christ refers to himself as the Amen (Rev 3:14. )
Amen Ra is the name of the Egyptian Sun God.
The life of Jesus duplicates the trajectory of the Sun.
Coming down from Aries the Ram (The Highest Point),
Crucified on the constellation "The Southern Cross" on Dec. 21st
Entombed in the bowels of the earth, 3 days and 3 nights on Dec, 22, 23 and 24 (Winter Solstice),
Born Again on Dec 25th.
Out of the constellation Virgo (The Virgin) returning to the highest point Aries ( Spring Equinox), in the northern sky sitting at the right hand (Eastern Sky) and summer comes.
In addition, in the Bible, Jesus dies and there is an eclipse and he rises at Sun Rise and his day is Sun Day.
Eric Dubay said: But when read and taught literally by the Christian establishment, the Bible becomes the most awesome weapon of mind-control the world has ever seen.
It doesn't become cruel only when you take it literaly, it became cruel long time ago when it was corrupted.
Mythology is needed to protect the language of symbols from the ravages of the Church and Religious barbarians. This is the reason all great religious scriptures were written in symbols, dark sayings and allegory.
Illogical: God who wrote the original Bible didn't and doesn't need your Mythology, you need it to somehow to explain why the corrupted book you believe to be original is so cruel.
This is the reason all great religious scriptures were written in symbols, dark sayings and allegory.
Complete opposite: they were all of them (originally) written so clearly so that anyone could easily understood why they have been created and who man's real enemy is (demons/jinns - the generation of people before Adam). Lucifer didn't agree that Adam was a better creation of God and rebelled against his/her own creator. That's why he/she is guaranteed a place in Hell but has been given time to test us. He/she doesn't blame himslef/herself for his/her problems, but the man. That's the reason why he/she pledged to misdirect most of the people from God to somehow prove God that His new creation was not good enough in the first place. That's the main reason why God's words have been corrupted and the Bible is a good example of that.
Failure of modern effort to read the deep message of the Bible is due to the fact that modern scholars stupidly and stubbornly refuse to see that ancient scriptural writing was esoteric or hidden as to its meaning, and allegorical and symbolical as to its method.
The Bible has got hidden messages, but those messages which have been added to or completely replaced the original words of God are not meant for you, a general God believer. They are meant for those people who believe in their own God, the author of the current Bible, the Lucifer. They use it as a plan of action, rebellion against God, but don't realise that the only new loser is going to be themselves as Lucifer will claim that not he/she, but their own faults caused them to rebel against God.
The earliest and greatest of the framers of Christian theology, Philo, Clement and Origen, expressly declared it was impossible and an impiety to assert that the logos of God could take the flesh of a human personality.
You don't have to be a genius to understand that. It's ironic that more people believed/believe Jesus was a God than the number of people who believed/believe the "false" God-men, even though Isa the messenger never claimed to be one.
Eric, you quote those greatest of the framers of Christian theology, who proved it is impossible for a man to be God. But you believe God has divided Himself into billions because he was bored of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. You believe every one of us is a part of God, i.e. you are a small part of God too. How do you explain this?
i've long felt Heaven and Hell were states of your mind.
i think after reading up on things--including eric's blog, and now perusing and amusing thru richard's, i finally feel satisfied with the purpose of the Bible.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Druv, I don't really know anything about the "Nazirutha degrees" I was just looking for pictures of the 33 vertebrae, what do you know about it?
Did you know that the Maya civilization in South America meant "illusion" just like in Indian Sanskrit, the word Maya means "illusion?" The Mayans also had the words Yoga, Kundalini, and Chakra in their language meaning exactly the same as in the most ancient language Sanskrit.
The star of David is not a Jewish symbol, but an occult symbol.
Occult in the sense that it's origin has been hidden, yes. But long before the Rothschild's, Israel, or any others started using it, this was the ancient symbol, thousands of years old, for depicting the heart chakra:
Eric, you quote those greatest of the framers of Christian theology, who proved it is impossible for a man to be God. But you believe God has divided Himself into billions because he was bored of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. You believe every one of us is a part of God, i.e. you are a small part of God too. How do you explain this?
God is just a placeholder name for The Infinite Everything. You, me, this tree, that rock, the air, all space, matter and time are part of and within God. God is Oneness, the true reality behind the veil of separation and duality consciousness. I think this article on Non-Duality will help elucidate:
I'm just posting some of the videos that I think are really interesting, actually they all are, but these are especially good. If I'm adding too much here Eric, just let me know.
Not all all, this is the place to share. Thanks for all the great recommendations and for putting together your enlightening blog.
i've long felt Heaven and Hell were states of your mind. i think after reading up on things--including eric's blog, and now perusing and amusing thru richard's, i finally feel satisfied with the purpose of the Bible.
That's great, and I agree with you and Richard that Heaven/Hell and indeed everything the Bible talks about is about YOU, mind, consciousness... not about some literal, historical people. As I said before, our religious brain-washing establishment has been so adamant about personifying and historicizing Jesus that they started the calendar over at 0 A.D. to try and convince people he was a real person with a real death date. They knew it worked because 500 years earlier SE Asia did the same thing starting their calendar over on Buddha's supposed death date. So here in Thailand it's year 2554 since the establishment personified/historicized version of "Buddha" died, and elsewhere it's year 2011 since the establishment personified/historicized version of "Jesus" died.
The Bible is a Mind Book. The Quran is no different in this regard. It's all esoteric mythology. The fanatical Muslims read the Quran Literally, just as fanatical Christians read the Bible Literally. For instance the Infidel, is actually your very own lower nature. Jihad means to declare all out war against this lower mind. The teachings of Mohamed are as valid as the bible, just don't read it LITERALLY.
And since the right half of the brain controls the left half of the body. This means that only left handed people are in their right minds.
The Bible is Greek Mythology describing the enlightenment experience, a control book for the masses, when read literally, the most misunderstood book of Mythology in the world.
The entire bible is a book about the human mind written in deep symbolism, called MYTHOLOGY, in fact the entire Bible is Greek Mythology.
In FACT all of the Earth's spiritual books and a large portion of all the MYTHOLOGIES are talking about the battles that go WITHIN one's own nature, one's own MIND.
Lets read a verse from the Bible, and see what it says about the state of the mind.
"Broken down is the city of chaos. Every house is shut up, so that no one can enter. In the streets there is an outcry, all joy has reached its eventide. The mirth of the world is gone. Desolation is left in the city, And its gates are battered in ruins" - Isaiah 24:10-12
The city is the MIND, it's in ruins, why? because of the lower divine EGO that has set up it's residence there, it smells like the scent of spring flowers, yet it has the poison of the hemlock.
It is this ruined city (mind) that has caused and still causes all of the problems on this earth. It is the DIVIDED mind. It is the Kim Il Sungs', Pol Pots', Hitlers', Stalins', Etal. The gates are batterd and in ruins, because the Pharoah (the ego) is loosed running up and down and through the Earth. The Myths are describing this ruined city, that's what all the stories in the Bible are about. The city is always the mind. Mind is all there is.
The greatest myth, is that myths are just myths - Michael Tsarion (Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation)
All of begets in the Bible, from Adam and Eve, and all of their descendants are either thoughts that arise of the right hemisphere of your brain (EVE), or thoughts that arise of the left hemisphere of your brain (ADAM).
Jdg 1:19 And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out [the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
The wars in the Bible are the wars that go on in human consciousness, the lower mind vs the higher mind, this is in the same vein as Baghavad Gita.
The Bible is NOT a His-Story Book, it is a Your-Story Book.
It is a war about the duality of the mind, and God, the Son of man (the higher consciousness), is trying to unite these two minds into one.
And what did Jesus say? When Jesus said, "I come from the UNDIVIDED" he was saying the UNDIVIDED mind, whereby the left and right hemisphere's of the brain become one. The MOON (lower mind), integrating with the SUN (the higher mind). This is what the entire Bible story is talking about. The woman of Revelations is the "MIND", this mind wears the sun, the higher consciousness, and has the MOON under her foot, showing control over the Emotions, or lower mind.
Nothing of the kind ever happened LITERALLY.
This is the fallacy and bafoonery of religion.
The scriptures: Isaiah ( 29:11): "When men give it to one who can read, saying, 'read this,' he says, 'I cannot, for it is sealed.'"
The Bible stories are extremely deep metaphors, and not easy to understand, but hopefully you will find enough on this blog to finally see it.
From Genesis and the sixth day of creation, resting on the seventh, all the way through the Book of revelations and opening the seven seals/chakras are all stories that take place within human consciousness.
Jesus that they started the calendar over at 0 A.D. to try and convince people he was a real person with a real death date.
They knew it worked because 500 years earlier SE Asia did the same thing starting their calendar over on Buddha's supposed death date.
So here in Thailand it's year 2554 since the establishment personified/historicized version of "Buddha" died, and elsewhere it's year 2011 since the establishment personified/historicized version of "Jesus" died.
Great Eric, you don't miss much!!
Not many people know what you posted.
Here is a page from Richard Hoaglands website, missionenterprise.com
He has an excellent page on the calender change, and it was astronomical, because the Bible story is written in the zodiac.
There's FOUR parts to this calender on Hoaglands site.
Again, spot on, just listen as Bill Donahue confirms what you said.
God is just a placeholder name for The Infinite Everything. You, me, this tree, that rock, the air, all space, matter and time are part of and within God. God is Oneness, the true reality behind the veil of separation and duality consciousness. I think this article on Non-Duality will help elucidate:
Yes, and I witnessed this the most when I was in Thailand, as an example, when the people set those little boats out to sea with the candles, and give thanks to the sea for giving them life.
Absolutely fantastic, right on the mark. Something a religious person cannot and will not grasp, because of their literal brainwashing.
Religion often separates us because it’s read literally rather than metaphorically. Thus the religious stories are not interpreted as mythology, but fact.
The results penetrate us: the Catholic world made in six days by an anthropomorphic deity who then has a serpent contrive to make all of us sinners; the Muslim world where woman are often viewed inferior to men and treated like objects (more covered than coveted); the Jewish world where ancestral land rights divinely promised in ancient texts are the pretext for them — once an abused, homeless people — to dominate and keep homeless another people.
You’re born and at some point along the way, someone you trust, or an authority figure, indoctrinates you about stories proffered by a religion, stories represented to be the Truth, literally, rather than myth, figuratively.
Campbell writes: “A mythology is an organization of symbolic narratives and images that are metaphorical of the possibilities of human experience and fulfillment in a given society at a given time.” (The Hero’s Journey, page 135)
Or, as he puts it more mystically: “[a myth] is a metaphor transparent to transcendence”. (The Hero’s Journey, page 40)
And since the right half of the brain controls the left half of the body. This means that only left handed people are in their right minds.
This is not always absolutely true. Those who use their right-brains may also be right-handed. It is not as clear-cut as this statement suggests.
Besides, the two poles of the brain are symbolic of the two pillars of the World Trade Center, Solomon's Temple's Boaz and Jachin, the Sun and the Moon.
The Bible must also not be taken as a, "spiritual metaphor" either as that may be just as misleading, deceitful, and illusive. No religious book can be relied upon, one must be able to recognize the religious bullshit of our world.
The very beginning of the Bible declares quite clearly that this is mythology and in no way to be taken literally.
A woman sits down and begins to have a very intelligent conversation with a snake.
This is after that woman is created from a spare rib taken from her sleeping husband.
From there on you have another story of a talking donkey, a talking bush, a man whose walking stick turns into a snake.
You have a man taking two of every kind of animal on to a boat. You have people walking on water, virgins giving birth, people resurrecting from graves.
And what has our culture done with all of this? We have taken it literally and will attack and kill anyone who dares challenge our interpretation.
Look around at the insanity that pervades the world and you will see what the scripture meant when it said, be not a minister of the letter , for the letter kills.
Most people, even most fundamental Christians, will acknowledge that some of the Bible is symbol. At the same time they will take other text literally.
You simply cannot do that. Either everything is historical or nothing is.
Christians will pick and choose the stories that make up the foundation of their beliefs and claim they are literal. Things such as the virgin birth, crucifixion and resurrection.
On the other hand they will read the writings of other mythologists who write of Pegasus, and Medussa etc. and declare them as fairy tales.
To them the adventures of Hare Krishna are fairy tales but virgin births, talking snakes, and resurrections from the dead are very very real.
All of this Disney like material has unfortunately become the basis of everlasting blood baths which are going on at the very moment that you are reading this page.
Snakes cannot talk, donkeys cannot talk, and bushes cannot talk.
After talking to the bush,. Moses opens the Red Sea so that his followers can cross over but when the bad guys followers chase the good guys the Red Sea closes down on them. Sound like some mythology to you ?
In addition to this, Moses the hero of this story has a walking stick. A cane. When he lays it down it turns into snake. There is a beautiful explanation. When you lay down dependence on yourself represented by the spine (the snake) it turns into the winding serpent Kundalini.
You have another hero and his job is to take two of every kind of animal on a boat to escape a flood. Two of every kind of animal on a boat.
You have a woman who is over 90 years of age, gets pregnant and has a child.
A man who is swallowed by a large fish and lives inside the stomach of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights.
You have a man who leads a group of people blowing horns around a town and on the 7th time around the walls fall down and they overrun the city.
You have a very strong man who loses his strength when his hair is cut.
A man sees things flying through the sky and they land and they have the faces of lions, men, ox’s and eagles.
A bunch of bones in the desert start to move and dance around and then flesh covers the bones as they are dancing around in the desert.
You have 3 men tossed into an oven and the fire is heated up to a roar and when someone looks into the oven they are sitting around talking with another person.
You have a hand with no arm that floats into a room and begins writing on a wall.
And of course on top of all of this you have the virgin birth, the resurrection out of the grave.
The ascension. A man actually flying up into the sky.
A man being raised out of a grave who has been dead 4 days.
A man walking on the water.
An incident where a man who is to pay his taxes goes fishing and finds the money in the fish’s mouth.
And of course, the ultimate mythology upon which our western culture is based.
God required a human sacrifice so he had his son born of a virgin and sent down to be crucified so the blood would flow and God could then forgive you and me. This being done the human who was sacrificed then rose from the dead and flew up into heaven. This we have chosen to be a literal fact.
Oh I almost forgot about the lady is turned into a pillar of salt. Great for popcorn but literally? And she was married to one of Gods chosen people who was saved out of the fires of Sodom and Gomorrah. So this guy Lot celebrated his god fortune by taking his two daughters up to a mountain and having sex with them. Gods chosen guy.
On and on and on with the wild stories finally ending with Revelation and the beast with 7 heads and ten horns.
And if we are going to declare that these Greek stories are literal then we also have to declare that Pegasus is a white horse that fly's through the sky and Medusa really did have snakes growing out of her hair.
And all of this stuff has become the basis for our western culture. People flock to churches to read and hear more about this material.
Not from a mythological, what does it mean basis, but from the point that this is all literal and should be taken literally.
Would you not have to be reasonable here and come to the conclusion that no one has ever understood even one bit of the Bible.
What we have just highlighted is what people take literally and use as the basis of their morality and their religion.
One has to then ask, what good can their religion be if they take all of this stuff literally. And if they are not going to take the talking donkey literally how can they take the crucifixion and resurrection literally ?
Please keep in mind that my reason for going through all of this is to suggest to you that if a book does not specify what is literal and what is not literal ,and has so many bizarre stories in it, then there is no choice given to the reader but to accept it as symbolic mythology.
What is wrong with you people? Can't you see that whole, "eat light to be light" mantra is Luciferean?
What is wrong with you? Lucifer is a fairy tale. Why are you so worried about a fairy tale character? She's talking about health/diet, why do you always have to bring "Lucifer" into it? How about "eat life to be life?" Would you approve of that "mantra" instead? She's talking about the qualities of living foods... they are grown by and filled with the sun's energy which sustains us. And that's not "Sun Worship" or "Luciferianism," Anonymous Xinyu, it's just biology and physics.
Yes, and the reason that all of these myths were left for us is for the purpose of saving ourselves from this lower ego mind matrix world that we live in, with all its control over our minds (spirit).
Its the inward journey via the silence of meditation, just as buddha, jesus and krishna taught, that will allow us a place of truth that cannot be found in this world of greed and corruption, this kills the human spirit, the city is in shambles.
The bible says "be still and know that im god"
"and they stood still while god slew their enemies"
This means to still the mind in meditation, the enemies are our thoughts that come agsinst us all the time in our waking life.
Each and every story is actually a meditative journey.
That is a great secret, at last we can see that the bible squares with both buddha and krishna, its all the same teaching in a different wrapper.
Those of us that are like neo in the movie realize that we have been in a deep sleep, its only been in the last ten years or so that people are finally seeing into this world and what its all about, we saw it with the greedy banksters and ceo's, yes the controllers write the rules.
The ancients that wrote the myths knew that this is the condition of the world, and they knew this condition destroys the freedom of the human spirit, so thay left us instruction books as how to Repair the damage, and that comes through meditation above the five senses; taking no thought.
Lucifer is not the devil, theres no such thing, lucifer is a symbol of our indwelling divine ego, the light that we are in these bags of skin.
Lucifer is raised to its higher state, christ, krishna, buddha etc..when the energy in the solar plexus rises to the brain in meditation. Every person in the bible is just Symbol of the energy of the body, our electrical impulses, electromagnetism, chi etc...
The spiritual battle between Jesus and Satan, the "Jihad" between lower-higher minds takes place within us and then manifests in the physical world as emanations from the "heavens" and "hells" inside us. Can you imagine how hellish it is inside the minds of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissenger, or Baron Rothschild? Can you imagine how heavenly it is inside the minds of Ramana Maharshi, Mooji, or Bob Marley?
We all want peace and happiness, but we're all searching for it outside of ourselves where we'll never find it. We may find pleasures and excitements outside, but those are fleeting and superficial. True peace and happiness must first be cultivated within through meditation/introspection, only then can it manifest in our daily lives and the world around us. Some great methods for this are seated meditation, walking meditation, yoga, chi kung, pranayama, and tai chi.
Myself and many others on this site have been doing meditation, pranayama, chi kung, and kundalini yoga for a number of years now and I can confidently say if everybody just did a bit of this daily internal work, we'd be living in a very different, much more peaceful, enlightened, and intuitive world.
Eric, you hit the head of the nail, that is in a nutshell a summation of the entire worlds spiritual teachings. To seek within, you can never get it from the outside world.
Eating dead foods, clogging up your gut pipeline, will slow down your body's process / progress...to enLightenment
Your DNA is affected by light (photon, specifically for those mentally blocked)
Richard basically summed it up--"Lucifer (a lower mental state of being) is raised to its higher state, christ, krishna, buddha etc..when the energy in the solar plexus rises to the brain in meditation"
So, if you eat good stuff, you sustain your Life Force and are better prepared for seeing, being your potential higher self.
My friend, may he rest in peace, were touching upon religion. He told me straight up "You are God". I replied, "I am", really taken by surprise.
I asked what religion he followed, he said buddhism. I have always felt buddhism was what I am most aligned with--peace & kindness towards others, although I never studied it or read about it in detail.
But that left me pondering for a long time about me being God.
What is wrong with you people? Can't you see that whole, "eat light to be light" mantra is Luciferean?
What is wrong with you? Lucifer is a fairy tale. Why are you so worried about a fairy tale character? She's talking about health/diet, why do you always have to bring "Lucifer" into it? How about "eat life to be life?"
How do you know the anonymous commentator is a "she"? You wouldn't be "colluding on comments" would you now!
Anyway, we have Romans 14:1: "As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him."
But that's just allegory, right?
Well we could look at the vedas: In Manu Smruti Chapter 5 verse 35 it says, “But when a man who is properly engaged in a ritual does not eat meat, after his death he will become a sacrificial animal during twenty-one rebirths"
Well we could look at the vedas: In Manu Smruti Chapter 5 verse 35 it says, “But when a man who is properly engaged in a ritual does not eat meat, after his death he will become a sacrificial animal during twenty-one rebirths"
Meat is a symbol of truth, if anyone doesn't get truth this go round, he or she will come back and do this gig over again. 21 reduces to three, it means the first three chakras of the body, this lower level of consciousness demands rebirth, it's all symbolism. NOT LITERAL, just like the bible.
From the bible; Hebrews 5:12-13 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
1 cor:3:2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 3:3 For ye are yet carnal.
People who's consciousness are at the first two chakras, cannot and won't understand the true spiritual interpretation, it's not for them in this incarnation, carnal means lower mind.
Leviticus: "And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you."
- has 33 terms written in that picture, read the terms carefully.
I started thinking then lookie what i found =)
There are between 31-33 bones that make up the spine called the vertebral column. The difference is in the coccygeal bones, which some times are counted as two, three, or four separate bones.
I was correct when i thought that there are 33 bones within the spine.
Hence the terms in that picture define the 33 separate bones with those specific terms.
And the way - 33 nazirutha degrees is written shows Sanskrit origin.
Please read the terms carefully!
Then we all know where it originated from =) --------------------------------
Btw Eric, if the people of Maya -
Have the same meaning for the word "Maya" as illusion, and they have the words "Yoga" and "Kundlini"...
Then we know they are the followers of God Shiva =)
The first blog i posted on, shows the complete truth that you and i have seen.
Meat is a symbol of truth, if anyone doesn't get truth this go round, he or she will come back and do this gig over again. 21 reduces to three, it means the first three chakras of the body, this lower level of consciousness demands rebirth, it's all symbolism. NOT LITERAL, just like the bible.
I am sorry, but Vedic is correct - those are the laws of the universe, if you hurt a life - then you will become the victim of the same atrocity in your next life.
Laws of Karma baby, cant escape it. Every one suffers for their dark karma.
In essence we all are the same soul.
Even the animals, as we are also reborn as animals in our 84,00,000 rebirths.
Hence its best never to harm a living thing, they might have been some one you loved dearly in your previous life.
"And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat.
Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you."
Still think it's symbolic?
YES, everything is symbols.
Things that are unclean are the thoughts that come fro m the lower mind thinking, you are not to consume these, pigs are a symbol of filth, so we are to consume the things of the lower, Oink, Oink
Cows are symbols of eating (consuming good positive thoughts) because they take from the earth grass, and produce milk, milk is a symbol of good spiritual things.
The bible is a SPIRITUAL book, not a NUTRITION book, you must learn to interpret ancient dark sayings and their wise words.
Only eat fish with scales is the same thing, I have a page on Leviticus and some of it's meanings
If you don't get it, it's not meant for you to understand, some are still drinking milk, they are NOT yet ready for strong meat (understanding myth), because they are yet carnal.
I am sorry, but Vedic is correct - those are the laws of the universe, if you hurt a life - then you will become the victim of the same atrocity in your next life.
Laws of Karma baby, cant escape it. Every one suffers for their dark karma.
In essence we all are the same soul.
Even the animals, as we are also reborn as animals in our 84,00,000 rebirths.
Hence its best never to harm a living thing, they might have been some one you loved dearly in your previous life.
I am in total agreement with you, we will come back over and over until we get it right, until we ultimately have a kundalini experience.
I'm just saying there are many things in the Gita, Rig veda etc..that just like the Bible is to be taken symbolically.
Like Buddha being born out of his mothers right side without any pain, and taking seven steps right after he was born. Obviously this is a symbolic statement.
Anyhow, the York Pogrom of 1190 explains why TWA 800 was blown up in the air. It also explains why they chose 800...because on March 16, 1`99`0 they commemorated the York massacre at Clifford`s castle. The +800 part was simply part of the whole ritual to remind us of the coming 9/11 attack (see how 1190 is Ground Zero + 9/11).
The +111 weeks or +777 days is symbolic of the twin towers and the Marriott World Trade Center, as well as Flgiht 77, the Pentagon at 77 W, and Building 7, and of course, the Statue of Liberty with its 7 pointed crown on its 11 pointed star...Seven Eleven stores as well are suggested.
If the York Massacre of 1190 almost exactly matches what happened on 9/11/2001 then there the implications are that there is no such thing as time or space...because if there really is a space-time reality at play, then there should have not been any conection between what happened at one, "York" in England, and another, "York" in America...I mean, really?
The clifford rower incident in 1190 is called synchronicity, coined by carl jung.
Synchronicites shows that there is an intelligence working in the background of the fabric of space.
Curiously the bible says this, that which was yesterday is today and that ahich is today will be tomorrow, theres nothing new under the sun.
Synchronity in numbers and dates continue to show up to alert those who pay attention that all of these evil things are the works of mans mind and none other.
Carl jung said that when we see major synchs, its the universal intellugence that caused it, or the collective unconscious.
Thanks Richard for the synchronicity lesson (which I know already), but what I am saying is that this synchronicity can only be explained by discarding space-time altogether, as can all synchronicities (which occurs everywhere to everyone).
While the phenonemon of synchronicity is often, there has been inadequate explanation as to what the implications are, or for that matter - whether or not synchronicities defy space-time logic.
Alsovif you go to google and type in "synchronicities in the move knowing" you'll get some good pages showing all kind if wierd synchs that came true. Look for avthread in the website godlikeproductions.
Eric, I had suspicions about you since the day you said every one os us is part of God and that you frequently interact with beings in other dimensions.
The way you began this post and the comments you made prove that you believe this post covers the ultimate idea you want to instill in your readers.
It did just the opposite. This post of yours told me a lot about who you really are. You disappointed me so much, that I now suspect you are one of many Truthers who tell half truhs because either they: 1) don't know the whole truth (still hope you are one of these); OR 2) tell a little bit of truth to get attention before deluding/deceiving.
One indication of why you might be one of the latter is that you don't seem to miss a lot in your research (even Hollow Earth theory), but you decline to take into account the big possibility (certainty for many people even Christians) that the main object of your post, the current Bible, could be corrupted, i.e. all the symbols and hidden messages (which are actual mind control tecniques, not the literal reading of the words) have been included into the original Bible by people you seem to think as the great Sages with secret wisdom, who are actually the enemies of God (who serve their own God, the Lucifer).
The comments praising you for this piece of BS, especially Nightwatchman who exceeded even Druv in stupidity, may be making you feel good, but don't forget it doesn't mean that what you wrote is correct.
You try to convince unconvincingly why Bible needs to be understood metaphorically rather than literally. That means you really believe God has written the Bible, i.e. God exists as a whole.
But in the comments section you are agree with people who claim that God and Lucifer are just states of our mind and we could be either God and Lucifer depending that state, i.e God doesn't exist as a whole. How do you explain this?
You haven't explained yet why you quote some different writers for different reasons which contradict each other and your own beliefs.
Eric, I had suspicions about you since the day you said every one os us is part of God and that you frequently interact with beings in other dimensions.
The way you began this post and the comments you made prove that you believe this post covers the ultimate idea you want to instill in your readers.
It did just the opposite. This post of yours told me a lot about who you really are. You disappointed me so much, that I now suspect you are one of many Truthers who tell half truhs because either they: 1) don't know the whole truth (still hope you are one of these); OR 2) tell a little bit of truth to get attention before deluding/deceiving.
One indication of why you might be one of the latter is that you don't seem to miss a lot in your research (even Hollow Earth theory), but you decline to take into account the big possibility (certainty for many people even Christians) that the main object of your post, the current Bible, could be corrupted, i.e. all the symbols and hidden messages (which are actual mind control tecniques, not the literal reading of the words) have been included into the original Bible by people you seem to think as the great Sages with secret wisdom, who are actually the enemies of God (who serve their own God, the Lucifer).
The comments praising you for this piece of BS, especially Nightwatchman who exceeded even Druv in stupidity, may be making you feel good, but don't forget it doesn't mean that what you wrote is correct.
You try to convince unconvincingly why Bible needs to be understood metaphorically rather than literally. That means you really believe God has written the Bible, i.e. God exists as a whole.
Please read the Bible verses on the right side bar of the blog.
The bible itself says DO NOT READ ME LITERALLY, no one has to make it up, you don't have to convince anyone that snakes and donkeys cannot and never have spoken human languages.
Virgins cannot give birth, no one can walk on water except for David Blane, Chris Angel and Andre Cole.
Eric, I had suspicions about you since the day you said every one of us is part of God and that you frequently interact with beings in other dimensions.
This post of yours told me a lot about who you really are. You disappointed me so much, that I now suspect you are one of many Truthers who tell half truths
Why is it that every "anonymous" that disagrees with me lately always has to throw in a question of my integrity along with their point of contention? I'm curious why so many people in the comments section "have their suspicions about me" like I'm one of "them." But whatever, if people can't discern that I'm the real deal, then that's their intuition's malfunction, not mine.
Anyway, everyone of us is part of God, but I never said that I "frequently interact with beings in other dimensions." You're completely misquoting me.
You try to convince unconvincingly why Bible needs to be understood metaphorically rather than literally. That means you really believe God has written the Bible, i.e. God exists as a whole.
How did you come up with that fallacious bit of logic? I say the "Bible needs to be understood metaphorically rather than literally," and you say therefore "that means you really believe God has written the Bible??" What does my assertion that the Bible isn't literal have to do with the assertion the God wrote the Bible!? No, God doesn't have hands or write books. As I said, God is just a placeholder name for the Infinite Everything.
But in the comments section you are agree with people who claim that God and Lucifer are just states of our mind and we could be either God and Lucifer depending that state, i.e God doesn't exist as a whole. How do you explain this?
Eric Dubay said: Anyway, everyone of us is part of God, but I never said that I "frequently interact with beings in other dimensions." You're completely misquoting me.
That's what I understood when you said I have been privy to many mystical (right-brained) experiences and have felt/experienced in my consciousness truths deeper than Science, Math, Logic or Language could ever touch.here
What does my assertion that the Bible isn't literal have to do with the assertion the God wrote the Bible!?
If you don't believe it is the word of God, why do you believe it has to be read metaphysically, i.e. differently. If you don't believe it's the word of God, what's the point of researching it so deeply? If it's not the word of God, it's just like any other book we have.
No, God doesn't have hands or write books. As I said, God is just a placeholder name for the Infinite Everything.
Who is the original author of the Bible then? If the author is a human being, why isn't it treated just like anything else?
The term Infinite Everything is an oxymoron. Everything has got a limit. That we haven't understood the limit of the things we learn doesn't mean they don't have a limit, i.e. infinite. Infiniteness is an attribute of God, not that of His creations.
I ask the same question again: why do you always discount the known fact that the Bible has been corrupted? You rather try to convince us that the Bible should be read metaphysically (which never leads to a cut-and-dry meaning) Your honest answer will be appreciated.
Every single religious text is based on lies, deceit, and deception.
There is no metaphysical, spiritual, or historical truths to any of events, peoples, or miracles in any religious text book.
A book that is soaked in blood, mired in lies, and co-opted, manipulated, corrupted, and deceive millions if not billions of people into dupes for the religious cog that is driving the world into madness and lunacy.
There is no god, satan, lucifer, or any mystical deity. Astrotheology are all a cover for the worship of the intellectual-religious process of utter lunacy.
To the person above, why are so bent out of shape about what others know.
There's information that Eric posted and if you don't like it, then why even worry about it, why post here, if you don't get it, then you don't get it.
You obviously need to get on a good reading program of Joseph Campbell, Shopenhauer and others, and deprogram yourself from religious brainwashing.
The bible is NOT corrupt, the only thing that is corrupt are the ninds that read ancient mythology literally, totally against the bible itself, you are having some difficulty understanding this.
You can see that I have posted the livestream videos of Bill, just watch them and learn, it's quite easy.
To the person above, why are so bent out of shape about what others know? There's information that Eric posted and if you don't like it, then why even worry about it, why post here, if you don't get it, then you don't get it.
Hahaha, exactly! It's Mr. "Anonymous" Xinyu Hu as usual. He's the reason AC Forum is members only. He's created 4 new emails and entire fake personas just to get back into the Forum. Then once he's there he pretends to be different people and comes back to the same threads to agree with himself. Unfortunately he forgets to change his IP address so everyone else can clearly see what a lying troll he is. Check this out:
He's the one that always brings up Lucifer, Solace, Lunacy and "the Thought Process" regardless of what you're talking about and complains if you say "eat light to be light." He's a self-proclaimed nihilist who wrote 2 weeks ago: The world is fucked, and the people (no matter which side you pick) are fucked beyond belief. I find it personally exciting to see humans fuck up, and I hope it always gets worse. The life of this world deserves to be sucked away, because - unless you believe in it - it is a whole load of bullshit.
He began by MSN/Skype/emailing me almost daily (I never messaged him, but he never got tired of messaging me and talking for as long as I'd allow). Eventually his neediness turned into obsession and when I wouldn't pander to his obsession he said "I made a grave mistake" and ever since has made sworn enemies with me.
Now he makes comments like this daily and even after repeatedly pointing out how obvious his bullshit is, he doesn't stop. So it's a psychotic little game with him and he loves the attention we give his retarded comments. I'm his idol. He's absolutely obsessed with me, but does nothing except belittle my work, and endlessly repeat his nihilist mantra that we "must do nothing." He says even meditation is something, but to defeat "them" (which he and his other idol Bryan Kemilla call "the Luciferian egregore thought-process") we must "DO NOTHING." Sounds like a skipping DVD of "The Never-Ending Story" ... "Noo, Atreyu, at least blackness or space would be something, this, this is nooothing."
When people point out that bothering and debating with me everyday certainly isn't "nothing" thus he doesn't even practice what he preaches, he just basks in his own hypocrisy and doesn't respond to your perfectly rational argument... and comes back tomorrow to do the whole thing over again.
It is quite sad to see Eric doing name-calling, labelling, and being confrontational when he clearly dones't recognize that two weeks ago is irrelevant.
All in all though, those writers of the Bible sure do know human nature.
But how could they??? That was a looooooong time ago. Maybe not even that many humans around to "research" on.
I've always thought those writers were very very wise. But where did their knowledge come from? How could they, in their lifetime, know the deepest of human nature?
And to write with all their allegories, poetry, and that gemantrics thingy takes skill, if not an art from.
Yes, Xinyu absolutely wishes he was me and since he can't even come close he just rides my internet coat tails.
As I've only half-jokingly told my girlfriend most mornings when I wake up to read the lying bullshit you constantly post, if you were here in person trying to snake your way into my life, saying the shit you say to/about me, I would kick you in the stomach. Think of it as tough love. I'd help you up afterwards and make sure you could still breathe, then send you off to the hospital for your broken ribs. Don't mistake my "peace" sign-off which you constantly belittle, for meaning that I wouldn't beat the whining shit out of you.
You have admitted to me that you've alienated all your friends and now have none. Even your idol Bryan Kemilla is sick of you and won't talk to you. You are the worst kind of leech, whom I would extinguish from my life in an instant if we were face to face. But since you live on the other side of the world, you can just ignore the fact that I can't stand you, ignore the fact that I repeatedly ban and delete you, ignore the fact that I ignore your emails, ignore the fact that I've exposed you as a lying troll and just keep coming back every day to get your jollies by pissing me off.
Congratulations, you've done it again. But I must say, the more I allow you to piss me off, the more I understand how to deal with parasites like you. So thanks for teaching me how to expose lame internet stalkers.
The statement that Bryan Kemila won't even talk to me is not because he hates me. He never said that. I just have not contacted him directly via phone call in the longest time.
Anyhow, as I stated bluntly, I don't hate you, and you are not my enemy.
If Eric treats his former, "friend" as if he were a, "leech" or a, "parasite" as he says, just imagine this kinda guy trying to organize a, "peace movement."
It is incredible the amount of hatred, bigotry, and animosit that I have to see Eric Dubay go through just because his view of reality is being threatened by another perspective that he does not like.
It is quite amusing to see the entire, "truth" movement clinging onto people like Eric Dubay who is obviously filled with as much hatred and fear as the elites he is trying to destroy. How he treats the people he does not like tells you a lot.
Watch out people. Eric is not teh real deal. The real deal is in YOU WAKING UP from the DREAM. Dubay's stuff is just the tip of the ice-berg. Don't think Dubay does not want to form a new elite once the old elites are defeated. He does. See how he treats, "Xinyu?" Yeah, that is how he will treat anyone else whom he hates because they may destroy his own status quo reality (fantasy).
So, while his accusations are correct - that I did in fact create many false identities in order to enter Atlantean Conspiracy forums, I feel that it is still my obligation to do so because so many people are simply being misled.
So it's your "obligation" to mislead people because they are being misled? That makes perfect sense, just like your "do nothing, don't even meditate" mantra.
the conspiracy movement is hijacked from any intention to find any truth. It is interested in, "positive activism" - a feel-good way of saying that they know the, "truth" when in fact they are the ones who the most in the dark. They are the ones who are in the dark because they only want to verify and revel in the truth that they believe to be true. They are propagating and perpetuating the 3 dimensional illusion, and as such - they all have made a grave mistake into thinking that more intellectual knowledge and, "enlightenment" can and must free them when in fact the opposite is true.
Even if they do fight through successfully - what will they do after they defeat the New World Order elites? Oh, right - make another pecking order in order to, "resolve" the vacuum of power left behind by the former elites. Yes, that is what they will do, because that what anyone with any power would do. The conspiracy movement is nothing more than an organized sham, a scam, a facade, a masquerade, and a facade to justify the domination of the world by a new echelon of elitists like Eric Dubay. Eric Dubay and many others will fulfill the vacuum left behind by their predecessor, and off we go to the luancy of hte 3 dimensional realm all over again. It is going to be like deja vu for everyone, but they will not see it because as far as they are concerned - it is business as usual.
Xinyu is a nihilist and says he "finds it personally exciting to see humans fuck up, and I hope it always gets worse. The life of this world deserves to be sucked away." Then he blames me for "positive activism" which he says will create a new matrix, or a new new world order where I, Eric Dubay, dominate the world! I know I dominate your pathetic world Xinyu where you worship me day and night, but normal people just read my blog and go about their days. I have no desire for power, nor would I ever accept such a position of power.
Come on, "a new echelon of elitists like Eric Dubay." What? What are you talking about? You think the power-hole created by my website exposing the NWO will be filled with me and other bloggers who will take over the world!? Are you insane? Why do you keep harping on that my website and my presence on the internet is somehow taking over the world? Your obsession with me is beyond delusional, and you're the most pathetic person I've never met. How's that for honesty?
Even your idol Bryan Kemilla is sick of you and won't talk to you. You are the worst kind of leech, whom I would extinguish from my life in an instant if we were face to face.
Ermmm...Kemila never said he is sick of me. Where did you get this information you lying truther? You made it up to make yourself look legitimate becaues you know are just filled with hatred towards me, and so is able to conveniently ignore anything I say. So, in turn, I ignore your threats and ultimatums.
I am the devil you will have to face...because that devil is growing inside you, even with all that, "light" food intake, the devil is just gonna get stronger. Don't under-estimate how culpable even the best can be corrupted by the intention to do more good, only to end up in the opposite end of the pool.
LOL, my girlfriend is reading your retarded comments and here's what she just messaged me:
hate him. he wastes your time and good energy. if he hates you enough he will do this forever for sure. if not he should stop keep coming to write his bullshit again and again. he has you in his mind every single second and press F5 repeatedly. he's fucked up.
What i mean is that in 1190 there was an attack on the jewish tower in york england.
Fasrf foward to 911, new york attack on jewish towers, larry silverstein and other jews own the trade tower complex.
Its synchronicity, a cosmic wink showing that until mankind operating from his lower left ego mind wars and killing repeat with dates and such to show our foolishness as humans. History repeats itself, the only thing that changes are the weapons, back then they used rocks and arrows, today we use advanced weapins of all sorts.
1190 jewish attack, 911 jewish attack, a repeat.
We are the beast, the fallen angel that fell from its higher state to a lower one at incarnation on the 49th day of gestation, when the pineal gland is complete and functioning, it the sends out a wave offer and attracts an angel/angle of light, and that angle if light is you says phycicist jihn gribbins.
Dont get into a tizzy because its real, and we've caught your gf wearing it with you standing next to her, all the while promoting Eat Raw Vegan, and the slaughtering of food animals.
FUR animals fare just as much pain and torture--maybe far worse because there is no REGULATIONS to them.
They are electrocuted (at the ANUS), gassed.
So, if your gf is INDEED wearing a REAL fur, I hope you can show her the pain and suffering from FUR animals.
I'm sure you've already explained to her about the FOOD animals.
Sorry for my anger/language to everyone else. If you knew what Xinyu and the other trolls constantly put me through I know you'd sympathize and share my frustration. Tough love and peace.
If I don't delete these off topic ad hominem comments then I'm allowing Xinyu and the troll brigade to overtake all the good discussion and general flow of information for everyone else.
I like to think of these comments sections as a high-level message board for truth-seekers, but to maintain its integrity as such I need to exercise moderation power either by constantly deleting bullshit or approving all comments before they show up. I already made the AC forum members only thanks to my #1 worst fan Xinyu, and I don't want to interrupt the flow doing that here, but the accusations, lies, and slander thrown at me by him and others has no place here.
Of course by doing so, then I open myself up to all their "censorship" accusations which are "true," but completely justified and if they don't like it they can go away. But they don't go away. They come back with the same crap everyday. Why do I need to allow their comments to stand? So I delete those too.
If I allow them to lie, accuse, attack, and carry us off-topic, they win. If I constantly delete their posts, then I'm constantly censoring, which is "bad," so they win. If I make the comments section approval-only, the flow is interrupted and they win. It's a lose - lose - lose frustrating situation for me. Any suggestions out there from people who actually like and sympathize with me?
Didnt know that merely asking a QUESTION regarding a picture you posted would elicit such a touchy response.
Ms. Asshole =-)
Just to show you all how this works... This is still Xinyu. I've been talking to/dealing with him for a couple years now. If you want to see examples of how he creates different aged/gendered personas all from the same IP address to agree with himself, see here:
Now that I've let the "fur" stuff stand, he's calling himself "Ms. Asshole" to pretend he's not Xinyu, and a female at that. So Eric just called a "poor innocent female" an asshole.
Suppose you really did meet Xinyu, and find out that he is not such a badass in person. Would you still act like an asshole yourself? Hate and anger is not the answer.
Now that he's established himself, ahem herself, as a poor innocent female, s/he can proceed to say that I'm the asshole, and teach down to me that "hate and anger is not the answer." Thanks for the lesson in morality Xinyu... your hypocrisy is blatant as usual.
Eric, I understand how difficult to keep telling the truth when there are so many of people who earn a living by belittling the truthseekers.
But I'd be cautious to think that every post questioning your point of view belongs to this group of people. You don't want to drive your readers who are in search of truth out, do you? Or do you only want to keep the readers who agree with you no matter what you say?
I know when it's Xinyu, when it's another troll, or when it's a genuine person. I never delete legitimate dissent or debate. I only delete purposefully inflammatory, off topic, ad hominem, or lying posts. I'm not hearing any recommendations... what do people think I should do about this issue?
"Any suggestions out there from people who actually like and sympathize with me?"
Well, I'm not sure if I'd fall into that category - I'm sure you're well aware that I'm not typically "on your side" - but I'd suggest you keep deleting them. I use Google Reader, where they show up even if you do delete them, and he frankly seems like an ass.
Censorship is not always a bad thing. There are things which should be censored, and from what I can see and you have said about this guy (and while I don't often agree with you, you don't really lie about things), I'd say give him the boot.
I suppose I'm likely next on the chopping block if the moderation starts getting out of hand, but I can't let my own interests interfere with a recommendation!
The problem is - it was not Xinyu, it was me. I understand that you might have been in a bad mood, angry etc (it can happen to every one of us), but I found it very unpleasant to found my comments with constructive criticism deleted just because you thought they were from someone else. Own ego is the last thing we have to feed when searching for truth, don't you think so?
Deleting some of the comments is a neccessity, but why stop people discussing just because you don't like or share their point of view? Isn't it better to let people to judge who is right and who is wrong? People who read this kind of sites and blogs are not fools, don't you agree? Why don't you want the communication to be bi-/multi-directional rather than unidirectional (from you only)?
I thought you deleted couple of my comments not to lose credibility before your readers. If you care more about your own ego or your reputation, why search for truth and maintain such a blog? Neither of the above will lead you to truth, will they?
We, your readers, could help you more to prove unfounded comments wrong no matter who is saying it.
And Ben, thanks for the advice. I really like you and Matt actually. I know we're often opposed on certain issues, but the opposition just creates an open dialectic where we can expound and debate our ideas. I appreciate your legitimate and multi-various dissent. What Xinyu and the other trolls do is just attack me, claim they know some truth and I'm hiding it from you. But Xinyu for example has his own blogs. As I said, he's absolutely obsessed with me, will not leave me alone, and he's just riding my internet coat tails to get readership for the dead-end synchromystiegoism he promotes.
Anonymous Xinyu, no one is buying this. How many different personas are you trying to keep up right now? Do you even know? The gig has been up for a long time now, but you don't stop and have no remorse. You seemlessly went from being a compulsive needy weirdo "friend" constantly contacting me with your synchromystibullshit to being my worst enemy spending hours of your day everyday to try and put wrenches in the works of whatever I do. You write articles to trash me, attack and spam my comments section daily, create alter-egos to regain access to the forum over and over. What gives dude? Just go about your life. As I said, if we were face to face and you weren't cowering behind a computer monitor, I would extinguish you from my life in an instant because I wouldn't stand there listening to your weaselly bullshit, I'd knock you upside your whining pie-hole.
I believe now that there is no limit to your Xinyu paranoia. He might be as bad as you describe, I don't know and don't care either - I started following your blog very recently. How sad it is that Xinyu has won just because you accuse me of being someone else rather than answering my simple question...
One question: why do you expect your readers to believe what you say on the most important matters even though you don't want to believe them on simplest matters like who posted what?!
If you believe the readers will enjoy seeing you saving yourself bu jumping into your "Xinyu" ship rather than answering tough questions, you are deluded. Will you delete this too to save your reputation?
Just curious: what was the main reason why you labeled me Xinyu and started throwing stones at him rather than just answering my simple question: why you want the Bible to be read metaphysically when it is the most corrupted word of God after Torah?
1) Out of laziness; 2) You don't like to be challenged; 3) You knew you were going to be proven wrong; 4) You can't accept the Bible to be corrupted because it will significantly harm your this and previous posts about Bible; 5) If you do so you will have to consider if there is any uncorrupted word of God which yu don't want to do; 6) All of the above.
I'm not holding my breath for your honest answer, because last couple of times you simply decided to ignore my previous questions.
Who is Vladimir S.? Why is he taking credit for my work? He took out "after moving to Thailand" and replaced it with "I" in the second paragraph so he could pawn it off as his own work. Then he added and subtracted from my article to fit his liking... and claims we're close friends at the bottom of the article? WTF
"Metaphysically" and "Metaphorically" are two different words with different meanings Xinyu, but you keep naively using them interchangeably then accusing me of not replying to your nonsense. Richard already answered your question, and I told you months ago I'm ignoring you remember? AC forum is members only thanks to you, I blocked you from my MSN/Skype, I deleted you off facebook, I don't respond to your emails, and this comments section is the last place left for you to annoy the shit out of me (as you do) and forcibly elicit a response like this. Goodbye Xinyu, you obsessive compulsive needy nerdy creepy two-faced lying sociopath.
Who is Vladimir S.? Why is he taking credit for my work? He took out "after moving to Thailand" and replaced it with "I" in the second paragraph so he could pawn it off as his own work. Then he added and subtracted from my article to fit his liking... and claims we're close friends at the bottom of the article? WTF
That is kinda freaky, may be its Xinyu's new persona?
Its best to start Copy writing your material, that due is after all unprotected data.
I appreciate the heads-up. I'll let it slide for now because at least he's spreading the word and kept some of my links intact. If Vladimir reads this, I don't mind you using my work as long as you credit me and don't tweak it to make it sound like you wrote it. Thanks. Peace
I really appreciate this post and the dialogue. The Bible has been a source of deep consternation for me my whole life long. I am not sure if this is something you have looked at, but I found it very refreshing and it offered another more plausible explanation about "the lost years of Jesus". The Ring of Power produced by AmenStop Productions. http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=1969
Take good care. Your blog is extraordinarily interesting and I have posted it just about everywhere. Many Thanks.
47Great post! I couldn't agree with you more. I too discovered the Bible was not literal history after many many nights studying history, philosophy, numerology, etc. What really got me started on that journey was questioning why the Bible seemed to contradict itself in so many places. When you see it as non-literal, it all begins to make sense.
That is all fine and good but what i cannot get on board with is why did so many die needlessly in the name of god and religion if it was all an allegory?
So if "God" inspired it to be all written in allegory, he/she has got some esplainin' to do for all the murders committed in his/her name when it comes to religion and especially religion of the bible... don't ya think?
The pogroms, the inquisition, et al, and ad nausem to this very day. Or is one just going to wish this away that it musta been karma what did them in...?
Hey I read your post and this video will give you the secrets of new age, orient, and christian religions. This is the source of all false relgions and self-divination, enjoy:
With all due respect you have no idea what you are talking about. There is no inner light within man. The word of God is true. God says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. All this stuff about inner this and that is eastern mystercism. The man of sin (Satan the father of lies)has always had it in mind to exalt himself above the most high, (Isaiah 4:12-14,2Thess2)the deception is that he makes those who seek the god within to believe they can be like god and find the power within. All they find is they become a follower of self and in turn satan. Friend you are on a dangerous road. Jesus said Repent(turn from sin) and believe in Him. You can't join religious truths together and have some yin and yang thing going on. jesus said He is the only way, the truth and the life and know one, (including you) can come to God the Father except through Him.
I see Satanism as the flip side of what you selling. It is like a Tweedledee Dee and Tweedledum Dum scenario. You lot guilt people, and make them look up to a father-figure/deity the 'authority' whose 'Word' you MUST obey. Sheeeit your even "commanded" to love him, as though you love on command....! Then you push this crap onto children, and some like did happen to Aleister Crowley--the self-confessed "wickedest man in the world, Beast 666--because of his strict joyless Christian up bringing go screaming over to what they conceive of its complete opposite. He wanted to be Satan's Commander in Chief. So that is a re-action, see? It is an inevitable reaction for some to a a very oppressive belief system which guilts you as soon as you can understand the lingo of the culture and drives it in. VERY oppressive, and it breeds its opposite which it is OWN mythical creation of the "Devil". You devil is the curse of your belief system, in other words, but you are totally ignore-ant of this. Un-conscious. Not aware.
One thing is sure: when all the final events of this flat earth's history will soon take place, as recorded in advance in the Bible (Daniel, Revelation in particular), we (everybody) will know this WAS, IS, and WILL BE the true Word of YHWH. No one has never had ALL the truth on ALL subjects in his hand or mind. But what is necessary and sufficient to be SAVED is clearly revealed in this book. The question is: who/what will i trust? My human intelligence/senses? Or the Word which foretells events in advance? We can doubt about miracles, but we can not set aside events which are prophesied for long, or we have to change the text. What we miss when thinking about punitive judgment (second/eternal death: NO scriptural eternal hell) and eternal reward/life is ... LOVE. Both are expression of infinite love. Without free choice, there is no free/real love. Thinking about a G-d/energy is nice to the natural mind/intellect. But if YHWH is a person (we are created as His image), and has a character (which has been deformed by 'religion'), He has also a Law which is the expression of His loving character. Thanks to you Eric and others before you who (re-)opened our eyes about this earth, we feel more than ever nearer to Him, which IS just above us, as it is written. IF i finally accept Him as a BEING, supreme and eternal SPIRIT, i will have to ackowledge His Law. And this is the point, where human destiny is to make a final choice.
Heaven gives us total choice. Force is the method of the ennemy. The Son of Man, Yahushua (= Yah Saves) IS the answer of infinite LOVE to the issue of breaking His immuable Law. Nothing less than Love in response to this incredible - but truthfull and real to the uttermost - offer will be accepted to participate to His glory, through the sacrifice of His own Son, AND the obedience to His Law, by His grace and power. Now: if the Law do not exist, or is alterable or subjective, then no sacrifice is required, and there is no need of a Saviour. But if the Law is universal and never ending, then we (all of you and i) have problem. Because we can not fulfill its requirements by our own. This is why no practice, no works, no merits (even very good, with very good fruits), no spirituality could never be claimed to gain perfection, no human effort (though necessary) could never be claimed to gain imortality, and reach the divine nature. This is ONLY a pure gift of love, to those who simply and wholeheartedly will trust and have FAITH in Him to do this.
Yah resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. All our gifts - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual - are freely given to one purpose only. Not our glory, but His glory. So that His image, which has been stolen from a real enemy much clever than any human (his masterpiece: claiming he do not exist), will be restored in those who will walk and live by FAITH alone, grounded in the solid fondation of ALL truths: the Bible. How can one reject the Creator's power but believe in spiritual'energy'. As it is for the creation/evolution complete opposition (as the light is opposed to darkness), how can we think there are spiritual forces/intelligences which would have no Almighty Creator? If He is able to CREATE this world and submit it to inherent natural laws, wouldn't He be able to operate direct interventions (above these natural laws) according to His infinite wisdom? And: how can intelligence come from 'energy'? How can order come from chaos? I do not claim to 'prove' His existence. Nor can i 'prove' the divine origin of the Bible. Because no one can 'prove' Him. But anyone can experience Him. What do you fear to know the answer? Who has the humility and courage, now, to ask in his heart (prayer is not a ritual, it is a direct inward dialogue with HIM) if this is true? What have you to loose that He can not fill? What have you to hide that He can not see? What have you to do that is more important than answering this question? Where are you going that is more vital than knowing the ONE that has always loved you - more than your parents, your friends, your spouse, your children - and will offer you (spiritually first, with persecutions - the world/darkness can not receive the Word/light) everything you ever wanted: a relationship that make you complete! His Spirit living inside of you, because you are His temple. What are you doing with His temple that is more fulfilling than receiving His infinite love and wisdom in you? This IS the true Word of YaHuWaH and His Son Yahushua: 'Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.' (Matt 11:28-30)
Nice work, however I have a question about --
33 nazirutha degrees:
1)Why is it presented in Sanskrit form?
2) Secondly, how is this related to yoga?
3) and from where did it originate?
Beautifully written...bravo!
: )
As a child myself, I've never quite felt satisfied about a "vengeful god" idea.
In high school, Greek mythology was one of my most favorite subjects. I wondered, what if the Bible was...mythology?
Now, I am beginning to think more and more Greek "mythology" was history (giants), and the Bible IS the mythology.
might that be a Fur stolen?
"The lower mind, the moon, is integrated with the higher mind, the sun, by the spirit or electromagnetism from above"
Naaaahhh that is the sun cults version. As Monica Sjoo and others will tell us, the MOON lunar mythos preceeded the solar myths of the more militaristic brotherhoods who suppressed the Goddess. THEIR god(s) become the sum, ie., Osiris etc, and this still continues:
"Reading The Sun God chapter from, The Great Cosmic Mother:” This was the pattern: The sun hero who vanquishes “evil” in the form of monster serpents or dragons was originally a moon hero, like Hercules, and as such the son/lover of the Great Goddess. In moon mysteries he overcame death in ecstatic self-transcendence experiencing luminous oneness with her. But when he becomes the patriarchal sun hero, he kills the Mother Goddess in Her dark underworld-serpent aspect. Instead of transcending his ego, he “transcends” the whole world, cosmic union giving way to worldly conquest and destruction of the sources of life. He destroys life in the name of “conquering death”. Jungian psychoanalysts interpret this process as the liberation of the individual ego---the male ego, of course---from the “forces of darkness” and “the unconscious”, i.e., the mother. The hero’s action in rescuing the “maiden” from the dragon symbolizes, Jung says, the freezing of his own anima—his essential self—from the “devouring” aspect of the mother. This almost suggests that woman, in herself, is merely a projection of the male anima; and indeed that’s what women are in most patriarchal systems. Jungians have never shown an awareness of the politics of mythology---or of mythology as the history of the preliterate real world. The sun hero is doing more than “liberating his ego” from the mother; he is “liberating” his being from responsibility to the being of the world. He liberates himself by arrogantly and recklessly destroying the interconnecting webwork of which he is a part---and then the “tragic hero” is surprised when he looks around himself, and sees nothing but wasteland and death…The sun hero slashes through the timeless web of interconnecting life energy and lays it all waste, in order to enjoy swift satisfaction, fame, and conquest. Conquest of what? Of the fact that life is paradox: (1) the fact that psychic powers are deeply hidden and dangerous, needing to be guarded by wisdom (the serpent guarding the treasure), and (2) the fact that their release can cause destruction as easily as integration. The sun hero wars against the double-edged reality of the cosmic process, slashing through paradox, denying cyclic recurrence and the serpent wisdom that comes with it, refusing to believe that his ego must die before the true magic power can be safely revealed. From Marduk to Superman, he is a little boy warring against the subtle (serpentine) nature of life: demanding it be made neat, simplistic, logical, unambiguous, designed as a flat stage for his triumph---and nothing more."
continued: "In The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir catalogues men’s hatred and fear of woman because she presents him with the ambiguities with life and death, his classic response to these ambiguities is denial and conquest. (pages 255-256)
“The pattern was repeated everywhere. The Sumerians* who invaded Mesopotamia circa 3000 BC plundered the superior civilization of the settled matriarchal inhabitants, and put their own solar king on the throne. The solar king was surrounded by solar priests, who “rewrote” religion into a mythic-spiritual rationalization of war, conquest and “royal” hierarchy. Since the Sun God rose to power through war and conquest, it follows that the mythology, popular epics, and religious doctrine of worldwide patriarchy should stress and glorify the virtues of warriors. Facism is inherent in a patriarchal worldview. Life came to be seen as a battleground in which the victor deserves his spoils” (pages 257-258) [remember video last night showing the typical image used by these fascists be they present American imperialists, or the Nazis----the symbol of the Eagle looking left (its right) and its talons clutching the fasci.]"
continued: "Historically, imperial troops and native armies do not maintain the this repression and exclusion of women by external force of arms alone. Patriarchal religious doctrine is the internal mechanism of oppression: God’s pistol in the skull. European pagans were conquered ultimately not by the Roman eagle but by the Hebrew Sun God, Christ. In his name, missionaries preached the ultimate nihilism: the God-willed evil and worthlessness of earthly life, made foul at its source by woman’s sin; and the apocalyptic goal of complete absorption into the heavenly sun/son, whose holy fires burn away all flesh. The bomb, of course, is the apotheosis of the patriarchal Sun God. Man no longer needs to worship the sun---he can make his own, and force the entire earth to bow down before it
*So dig, the biblical priests use the Sumerian ‘dead’ language as their esoteric sub-script which keeps to a patriarchal roots interpretation of the meaning of sacred mushrooms and their experience. I.e., that they represent their phallic war god’s penis and seed [‘semen seed which saves’]. Nature/woman becomes mere receptacle, and the goal is not deep ecstatic union with nature but a goal to get off-earth to heaven, and/or to put-nature-right-according-to-God/patriarchal-specification in the future, after destroying the very Web of Life."
Black Race
I have been pondering lately, what is it that makes the elites portray the Black race so negatively.
You know they take the good and distort it into bad.
There must be something more to the Black Race of People that the elites are trying to cover up...
Hi all, nice to make your acquaintance here on Eric's cool blog.
Like most of you, I have been on a quest for truth for over 25 years, there's much out there, and much to learn.
One of the greatest things that I learned is that the Bible is Greek Mythology, see the links below.
The New Testament of the Bible was written in Greek.
The Old Testament of the Bible became a Greek document in 300 B.C. It is called the Septuagint and has become the chosen Biblical document of the western world.
The Septuagint was written by Hellenized Jews.
These were Jewish people who migrated to places such as Alexandria Egypt and Greece and came under the influence of the Greek culture including the mythological ways of teaching.
Philo was a Jewish philosopher who had much to do with the Greek Biblical formation. Much of his work can be found in the New Testament and attributed to others .
You can find much on the web about Philo and his heavy influence in both the Old and New Testaments.
Back in 1981 I began reading all of the books about the new world order, bloodlines and all the rest, I eventually began to get disillusioned by it all, it's all great to know, but no one was giving a solution as to how one can rise above it, how one can keep from letting this whole lower minded world from destroying ones own mind and consciousness.
So I switched my search from knowing the problem to finding a solution, that's what led to reading the ancient texts such as the Baghdad Gita, the Bible, the Upanishads, etc...
It was during these years that I began to see what all these books were really talking about, and that is the MIND and it's condition that was created by this world, and how to overcome the negative effects of this world, created by those left brain/lower minded controllers of this world.
So that's what my blog is about
Also if you watch Bill Donahue's videos here on live stream, you will see that he brings the Bible alive, he seamlessly integrates the Bible, Buddha and Krishna into one accord.
The entire Bible is ancient mythology describing things that go on in the mind or consciousness of a person.
You will ultimately see this as you watch Bill's lectures, he began giving these lessons in 1985 until 2008, he had to stop because he's now 83 years old.
Eric's blog is a great place to get much truth, there's no doubt he has spent a great deal of time building it, and my hats off to him and anyone that takes the time to share truth with others.
"Zionism is NOT the fault of our good Israeli friends who work hard to fight the Zionist movement in their own country. We honor all the people of Israel who are opposed to the slaughter of Palestinians. "
The star of David is not a Jewish symbol, but an occult symbol. The six-pointed star is a hexagram - a curse mark - no matter what name it may have: the Star of David, Solomon's Seal, Double Triangle, Shield of David, etc. so when judging a Jew or Israeli I investigate what they stand by. Jews have to renounce that star or they are not as they claim themselves to be (peaceful) they are deceivers...beware! Religion can get really literal, take for instance the synagogue of Satan jesus spoke about. pretty obvious! Much is allegorical, just like reading Aesops fables. It's all good just take what you get out of it and leave what you don't get.
Christopher Hitchens does not see the truth of 9/11 so I don't see him as a valuable resource for anything.
Actually the star of David (Sol Om ONs) seal is an occult (hidden symbol), but it's not evil, it means the merging of mans lower mind with Christ, Buddha consciousness.
In the universe is a constellation called Fornax.
It is the furnace where the sacrifice is consumed.
It is the place of the Sun resurrection, the place of fire.
From here the fire comes down to the tomb, (fornix), which causes the Christ consciousness in you to resurrect from the dead.
The bright star in Fornax is called Delta Fornax.
Thus we have the symbol of Delta in the sky with the point looking down.
When we bring together Delta Fornix in you looking up, with Delta Fornax in the sky
looking down, what do we get ?.
In your meditation you reach it by reaching Delta Brain waves.
Four cycles per second.
So remember, Delta Is Ready When You Are
http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/hidden.html (The cosmic connection)
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus Christ refers to himself as the Amen (Rev 3:14. )
Amen Ra is the name of the Egyptian Sun God.
The life of Jesus duplicates the trajectory of the Sun.
Coming down from Aries the Ram (The Highest Point),
Crucified on the constellation "The Southern Cross" on Dec. 21st
Entombed in the bowels of the earth, 3 days and 3 nights on Dec, 22, 23 and 24 (Winter Solstice),
Born Again on Dec 25th.
Out of the constellation Virgo (The Virgin) returning to the highest point Aries ( Spring Equinox), in the northern sky sitting at the right hand (Eastern Sky) and summer comes.
In addition, in the Bible, Jesus dies and there is an eclipse and he rises at Sun Rise and his day is Sun Day.
He is the Sun God .
Feel like I just read a whole lotta nothing.
The bible's, like, allegorical. Yeah? It uses symbols. Was probably tampered with.
Thanks. You know all that for a fact, yeah?
Just checking.
A great new video here posted by Bill Donahue.
Watch nd see what you think.
The bible is NOT what they said it was.
Why did Jesus speak in parables?
Put away your wife if she commits adultery. What is a wife in mysticism?
great Lesson here.
Eric Dubay said:
But when read and taught literally by the Christian establishment, the Bible becomes the most awesome weapon of mind-control the world has ever seen.
It doesn't become cruel only when you take it literaly, it became cruel long time ago when it was corrupted.
Mythology is needed to protect the language of symbols from the ravages of the Church and Religious barbarians. This is the reason all great religious scriptures were written in symbols, dark sayings and allegory.
Illogical: God who wrote the original Bible didn't and doesn't need your Mythology, you need it to somehow to explain why the corrupted book you believe to be original is so cruel.
This is the reason all great religious scriptures were written in symbols, dark sayings and allegory.
Complete opposite: they were all of them (originally) written so clearly so that anyone could easily understood why they have been created and who man's real enemy is (demons/jinns - the generation of people before Adam). Lucifer didn't agree that Adam was a better creation of God and rebelled against his/her own creator. That's why he/she is guaranteed a place in Hell but has been given time to test us. He/she doesn't blame himslef/herself for his/her problems, but the man. That's the reason why he/she pledged to misdirect most of the people from God to somehow prove God that His new creation was not good enough in the first place. That's the main reason why God's words have been corrupted and the Bible is a good example of that.
Failure of modern effort to read the deep message of the Bible is due to the fact that modern scholars stupidly and stubbornly refuse to see that ancient scriptural writing was esoteric or hidden as to its meaning, and allegorical and symbolical as to its method.
The Bible has got hidden messages, but those messages which have been added to or completely replaced the original words of God are not meant for you, a general God believer. They are meant for those people who believe in their own God, the author of the current Bible, the Lucifer. They use it as a plan of action, rebellion against God, but don't realise that the only new loser is going to be themselves as Lucifer will claim that not he/she, but their own faults caused them to rebel against God.
The earliest and greatest of the framers of Christian theology, Philo, Clement and Origen, expressly declared it was impossible and an impiety to assert that the logos of God could take the flesh of a human personality.
You don't have to be a genius to understand that. It's ironic that more people believed/believe Jesus was a God than the number of people who believed/believe the "false" God-men, even though Isa the messenger never claimed to be one.
Eric, you quote those greatest of the framers of Christian theology, who proved it is impossible for a man to be God. But you believe God has divided Himself into billions because he was bored of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. You believe every one of us is a part of God, i.e. you are a small part of God too. How do you explain this?
Who were the GREEKS? An eye opener here.
I'm just posting some of the videos that I think are really interesting, actually they all are, but these are especially good.
If I'm adding too much here Eric, just let me know.
still going thru your blog (with a nice cup of mint tea ;), richard)
it's all starting to come together now.
i always wondered why they would make "son" (a male living being) sound the same as "sun" (an entity).
but that's the english language for you!
i've long felt Heaven and Hell were states of your mind.
i think after reading up on things--including eric's blog, and now perusing and amusing thru richard's, i finally feel satisfied with the purpose of the Bible.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Druv, I don't really know anything about the "Nazirutha degrees" I was just looking for pictures of the 33 vertebrae, what do you know about it?
Did you know that the Maya civilization in South America meant "illusion" just like in Indian Sanskrit, the word Maya means "illusion?" The Mayans also had the words Yoga, Kundalini, and Chakra in their language meaning exactly the same as in the most ancient language Sanskrit.
The star of David is not a Jewish symbol, but an occult symbol.
Occult in the sense that it's origin has been hidden, yes. But long before the Rothschild's, Israel, or any others started using it, this was the ancient symbol, thousands of years old, for depicting the heart chakra:
The Heart Chakra
Eric, you quote those greatest of the framers of Christian theology, who proved it is impossible for a man to be God. But you believe God has divided Himself into billions because he was bored of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. You believe every one of us is a part of God, i.e. you are a small part of God too. How do you explain this?
God is just a placeholder name for The Infinite Everything. You, me, this tree, that rock, the air, all space, matter and time are part of and within God. God is Oneness, the true reality behind the veil of separation and duality consciousness. I think this article on Non-Duality will help elucidate:
What is Advaita or Non-Duality?
I'm just posting some of the videos that I think are really interesting, actually they all are, but these are especially good. If I'm adding too much here Eric, just let me know.
Not all all, this is the place to share. Thanks for all the great recommendations and for putting together your enlightening blog.
i've long felt Heaven and Hell were states of your mind. i think after reading up on things--including eric's blog, and now perusing and amusing thru richard's, i finally feel satisfied with the purpose of the Bible.
That's great, and I agree with you and Richard that Heaven/Hell and indeed everything the Bible talks about is about YOU, mind, consciousness... not about some literal, historical people. As I said before, our religious brain-washing establishment has been so adamant about personifying and historicizing Jesus that they started the calendar over at 0 A.D. to try and convince people he was a real person with a real death date. They knew it worked because 500 years earlier SE Asia did the same thing starting their calendar over on Buddha's supposed death date. So here in Thailand it's year 2554 since the establishment personified/historicized version of "Buddha" died, and elsewhere it's year 2011 since the establishment personified/historicized version of "Jesus" died.
From Richard's Hidden Light House blog:
The Bible is a Mind Book. The Quran is no different in this regard. It's all esoteric mythology. The fanatical Muslims read the Quran Literally, just as fanatical Christians read the Bible Literally. For instance the Infidel, is actually your very own lower nature. Jihad means to declare all out war against this lower mind. The teachings of Mohamed are as valid as the bible, just don't read it LITERALLY.
And since the right half of the brain controls the left half of the body. This means that only left handed people are in their right minds.
The Bible is Greek Mythology describing the enlightenment experience, a control book for the masses, when read literally, the most misunderstood book of Mythology in the world.
The entire bible is a book about the human mind written in deep symbolism, called MYTHOLOGY, in fact the entire Bible is Greek Mythology.
In FACT all of the Earth's spiritual books and a large portion of all the MYTHOLOGIES are talking about the battles that go WITHIN one's own nature, one's own MIND.
Lets read a verse from the Bible, and see what it says about the state of the mind.
"Broken down is the city of chaos. Every house is shut up, so that no one can enter. In the streets there is an outcry, all joy has reached its eventide. The mirth of the world is gone. Desolation is left in the city, And its gates are battered in ruins" - Isaiah 24:10-12
The city is the MIND, it's in ruins, why? because of the lower divine EGO that has set up it's residence there, it smells like the scent of spring flowers, yet it has the poison of the hemlock.
It is this ruined city (mind) that has caused and still causes all of the problems on this earth. It is the DIVIDED mind. It is the Kim Il Sungs', Pol Pots', Hitlers', Stalins', Etal. The gates are batterd and in ruins, because the Pharoah (the ego) is loosed running up and down and through the Earth. The Myths are describing this ruined city, that's what all the stories in the Bible are about. The city is always the mind. Mind is all there is.
The greatest myth, is that myths are just myths - Michael Tsarion (Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation)
All of begets in the Bible, from Adam and Eve, and all of their descendants are either thoughts that arise of the right hemisphere of your brain (EVE), or thoughts that arise of the left hemisphere of your brain (ADAM).
Jdg 1:19 And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out [the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
The wars in the Bible are the wars that go on in human consciousness, the lower mind vs the higher mind, this is in the same vein as Baghavad Gita.
The Bible is NOT a His-Story Book, it is a Your-Story Book.
It is a war about the duality of the mind, and God, the Son of man (the higher consciousness), is trying to unite these two minds into one.
And what did Jesus say? When Jesus said, "I come from the UNDIVIDED" he was saying the UNDIVIDED mind, whereby the left and right hemisphere's of the brain become one. The MOON (lower mind), integrating with the SUN (the higher mind). This is what the entire Bible story is talking about. The woman of Revelations is the "MIND", this mind wears the sun, the higher consciousness, and has the MOON under her foot, showing control over the Emotions, or lower mind.
Nothing of the kind ever happened LITERALLY.
This is the fallacy and bafoonery of religion.
The scriptures: Isaiah ( 29:11): "When men give it to one who can read, saying, 'read this,' he says, 'I cannot, for it is sealed.'"
The Bible stories are extremely deep metaphors, and not easy to understand, but hopefully you will find enough on this blog to finally see it.
From Genesis and the sixth day of creation, resting on the seventh, all the way through the Book of revelations and opening the seven seals/chakras are all stories that take place within human consciousness.
WOE! Eric really is tuned in.
Jesus that they started the calendar over at 0 A.D. to try and convince people he was a real person with a real death date.
They knew it worked because 500 years earlier SE Asia did the same thing starting their calendar over on Buddha's supposed death date.
So here in Thailand it's year 2554 since the establishment personified/historicized version of "Buddha" died, and elsewhere it's year 2011 since the establishment personified/historicized version of "Jesus" died.
Great Eric, you don't miss much!!
Not many people know what you posted.
Here is a page from Richard Hoaglands website, missionenterprise.com
He has an excellent page on the calender change, and it was astronomical, because the Bible story is written in the zodiac.
There's FOUR parts to this calender on Hoaglands site.
part 2
Again, spot on, just listen as Bill Donahue confirms what you said.
God is just a placeholder name for The Infinite Everything. You, me, this tree, that rock, the air, all space, matter and time are part of and within God. God is Oneness, the true reality behind the veil of separation and duality consciousness. I think this article on Non-Duality will help elucidate:
Yes, and I witnessed this the most when I was in Thailand, as an example, when the people set those little boats out to sea with the candles, and give thanks to the sea for giving them life.
Absolutely fantastic, right on the mark. Something a religious person cannot and will not grasp, because of their literal brainwashing.
Religion often separates us because it’s read literally rather than metaphorically. Thus the religious stories are not interpreted as mythology, but fact.
The results penetrate us: the Catholic world made in six days by an anthropomorphic deity who then has a serpent contrive to make all of us sinners; the Muslim world where woman are often viewed inferior to men and treated like objects (more covered than coveted); the Jewish world where ancestral land rights divinely promised in ancient texts are the pretext for them — once an abused, homeless people — to dominate and keep homeless another people.
You’re born and at some point along the way, someone you trust, or an authority figure, indoctrinates you about stories proffered by a religion, stories represented to be the Truth, literally, rather than myth, figuratively.
Campbell writes: “A mythology is an organization of symbolic narratives and images that are metaphorical of the possibilities of human experience and fulfillment in a given society at a given time.” (The Hero’s Journey, page 135)
Or, as he puts it more mystically: “[a myth] is a metaphor transparent to transcendence”. (The Hero’s Journey, page 40)
Joseph Campbell
MUST listen to Joseph Campbell, it's everything you always thought.
And since the right half of the brain controls the left half of the body. This means that only left handed people are in their right minds.
This is not always absolutely true. Those who use their right-brains may also be right-handed. It is not as clear-cut as this statement suggests.
Besides, the two poles of the brain are symbolic of the two pillars of the World Trade Center, Solomon's Temple's Boaz and Jachin, the Sun and the Moon.
The Bible must also not be taken as a, "spiritual metaphor" either as that may be just as misleading, deceitful, and illusive. No religious book can be relied upon, one must be able to recognize the religious bullshit of our world.
When the occult practitioner puts a curse on someone, he uses the hexagram.
The bible is NOT a religious book, it's a book of ancient mythology describing the mind in the field of consciousness.
The more i read, the more intrigued i become--great blog richard!
More substance for
Eat light, to be Light!
What is wrong with you people?
Can't you see that whole, "eat light to be light" mantra is Luciferean?
Taken from Bible Mythology:
The very beginning of the Bible declares quite clearly that this is mythology and in no way to be taken literally.
A woman sits down and begins to have a very intelligent conversation with a snake.
This is after that woman is created from a spare rib taken from her sleeping husband.
From there on you have another story of a talking donkey, a talking bush, a man whose walking stick turns into a snake.
You have a man taking two of every kind of animal on to a boat. You have people walking on water, virgins giving birth, people resurrecting from graves.
And what has our culture done with all of this? We have taken it literally and will attack and kill anyone who dares challenge our interpretation.
Look around at the insanity that pervades the world and you will see what the scripture meant when it said, be not a minister of the letter , for the letter kills.
Most people, even most fundamental Christians, will acknowledge that some of the Bible is symbol. At the same time they will take other text literally.
You simply cannot do that. Either everything is historical or nothing is.
Christians will pick and choose the stories that make up the foundation of their beliefs and claim they are literal. Things such as the virgin birth, crucifixion and resurrection.
On the other hand they will read the writings of other mythologists who write of Pegasus, and Medussa etc. and declare them as fairy tales.
To them the adventures of Hare Krishna are fairy tales but virgin births, talking snakes, and resurrections from the dead are very very real.
All of this Disney like material has unfortunately become the basis of everlasting blood baths which are going on at the very moment that you are reading this page.
Snakes cannot talk, donkeys cannot talk, and bushes cannot talk.
After talking to the bush,. Moses opens the Red Sea so that his followers can cross over but when the bad guys followers chase the good guys the Red Sea closes down on them. Sound like some mythology to you ?
In addition to this, Moses the hero of this story has a walking stick. A cane. When he lays it down it turns into snake. There is a beautiful explanation. When you lay down dependence on yourself represented by the spine (the snake) it turns into the winding serpent Kundalini.
You have another hero and his job is to take two of every kind of animal on a boat to escape a flood. Two of every kind of animal on a boat.
You have a woman who is over 90 years of age, gets pregnant and has a child.
A man who is swallowed by a large fish and lives inside the stomach of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights.
You have a man who leads a group of people blowing horns around a town and on the 7th time around the walls fall down and they overrun the city.
You have a very strong man who loses his strength when his hair is cut.
A man sees things flying through the sky and they land and they have the faces of lions, men, ox’s and eagles.
A bunch of bones in the desert start to move and dance around and then flesh covers the bones as they are dancing around in the desert.
You have 3 men tossed into an oven and the fire is heated up to a roar and when someone looks into the oven they are sitting around talking with another person.
You have a hand with no arm that floats into a room and begins writing on a wall.
And of course on top of all of this you have the virgin birth, the resurrection out of the grave.
The ascension. A man actually flying up into the sky.
A man being raised out of a grave who has been dead 4 days.
A man walking on the water.
An incident where a man who is to pay his taxes goes fishing and finds the money in the fish’s mouth.
And of course, the ultimate mythology upon which our western culture is based.
God required a human sacrifice so he had his son born of a virgin and sent down to be crucified so the blood would flow and God could then forgive you and me. This being done the human who was sacrificed then rose from the dead and flew up into heaven. This we have chosen to be a literal fact.
Oh I almost forgot about the lady is turned into a pillar of salt. Great for popcorn but literally? And she was married to one of Gods chosen people who was saved out of the fires of Sodom and Gomorrah. So this guy Lot celebrated his god fortune by taking his two daughters up to a mountain and having sex with them. Gods chosen guy.
On and on and on with the wild stories finally ending with Revelation and the beast with 7 heads and ten horns.
And if we are going to declare that these Greek stories are literal then we also have to declare that Pegasus is a white horse that fly's through the sky and Medusa really did have snakes growing out of her hair.
And all of this stuff has become the basis for our western culture. People flock to churches to read and hear more about this material.
Not from a mythological, what does it mean basis, but from the point that this is all literal and should be taken literally.
Would you not have to be reasonable here and come to the conclusion that no one has ever understood even one bit of the Bible.
What we have just highlighted is what people take literally and use as the basis of their morality and their religion.
One has to then ask, what good can their religion be if they take all of this stuff literally. And if they are not going to take the talking donkey literally how can they take the crucifixion and resurrection literally ?
Please keep in mind that my reason for going through all of this is to suggest to you that if a book does not specify what is literal and what is not literal ,and has so many bizarre stories in it, then there is no choice given to the reader but to accept it as symbolic mythology.
What is wrong with you people? Can't you see that whole, "eat light to be light" mantra is Luciferean?
What is wrong with you? Lucifer is a fairy tale. Why are you so worried about a fairy tale character? She's talking about health/diet, why do you always have to bring "Lucifer" into it? How about "eat life to be life?" Would you approve of that "mantra" instead? She's talking about the qualities of living foods... they are grown by and filled with the sun's energy which sustains us. And that's not "Sun Worship" or "Luciferianism," Anonymous Xinyu, it's just biology and physics.
Yes, and the reason that all of these myths were left for us is for the purpose of saving ourselves from this lower ego mind matrix world that we live in, with all its control over our minds (spirit).
Its the inward journey via the silence of meditation, just as buddha, jesus and krishna taught, that will allow us a place of truth that cannot be found in this world of greed and corruption, this kills the human spirit, the city is in shambles.
The bible says "be still and know that im god"
"and they stood still while god slew their enemies"
This means to still the mind in meditation, the enemies are our thoughts that come agsinst us all the time in our waking life.
Each and every story is actually a meditative journey.
That is a great secret, at last we can see that the bible squares with both buddha and krishna, its all the same teaching in a different wrapper.
Those of us that are like neo in the movie realize that we have been in a deep sleep, its only been in the last ten years or so that people are finally seeing into this world and what its all about, we saw it with the greedy banksters and ceo's, yes the controllers write the rules.
The ancients that wrote the myths knew that this is the condition of the world, and they knew this condition destroys the freedom of the human spirit, so thay left us instruction books as how to
Repair the damage, and that comes through meditation above the five senses; taking no thought.
Lucifer is not the devil, theres no such thing, lucifer is a symbol of our indwelling divine ego, the light that we are in these bags of skin.
Lucifer is raised to its higher state, christ, krishna, buddha etc..when the energy in the solar plexus rises to the brain in meditation. Every person in the bible is just Symbol of the energy of the body, our electrical impulses, electromagnetism, chi etc...
The spiritual battle between Jesus and Satan, the "Jihad" between lower-higher minds takes place within us and then manifests in the physical world as emanations from the "heavens" and "hells" inside us. Can you imagine how hellish it is inside the minds of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissenger, or Baron Rothschild? Can you imagine how heavenly it is inside the minds of Ramana Maharshi, Mooji, or Bob Marley?
We all want peace and happiness, but we're all searching for it outside of ourselves where we'll never find it. We may find pleasures and excitements outside, but those are fleeting and superficial. True peace and happiness must first be cultivated within through meditation/introspection, only then can it manifest in our daily lives and the world around us. Some great methods for this are seated meditation, walking meditation, yoga, chi kung, pranayama, and tai chi.
above is a good read on lucifer, he is our very own lower fallen star.
Myself and many others on this site have been doing meditation, pranayama, chi kung, and kundalini yoga for a number of years now and I can confidently say if everybody just did a bit of this daily internal work, we'd be living in a very different, much more peaceful, enlightened, and intuitive world.
Eric, you hit the head of the nail, that is in a nutshell a summation of the entire worlds spiritual teachings. To seek within, you can never get it from the outside world.
Great post.
I Sing the Body Electric:
Eat a photon, sustain your electromagnetic Life Force
Eating dead foods, clogging up your gut pipeline, will slow down your body's process / progress...to enLightenment
Your DNA is affected by light (photon, specifically for those mentally blocked)
Richard basically summed it up--"Lucifer (a lower mental state of being) is raised to its higher state, christ, krishna, buddha etc..when the energy in the solar plexus rises to the brain in meditation"
So, if you eat good stuff, you sustain your Life Force and are better prepared for seeing, being your potential higher self.
You are all gods and goddesses.
I cant believe the subject of history and religion and politics is fascinating to me...now.
Those were the boringest subjects in school, and I avoided history as much as possible. Mom had to drag us kicking and screaming to church...
My friend, may he rest in peace, were touching upon religion.
He told me straight up "You are God". I replied, "I am", really taken by surprise.
I asked what religion he followed, he said buddhism. I have always felt buddhism was what I am most aligned with--peace & kindness towards others, although I never studied it or read about it in detail.
But that left me pondering for a long time about me being God.
Now I finally am seeing it come together.
btw, his mother is my Reptilian friend ;)
What is wrong with you people? Can't you see that whole, "eat light to be light" mantra is Luciferean?
What is wrong with you? Lucifer is a fairy tale. Why are you so worried about a fairy tale character? She's talking about health/diet, why do you always have to bring "Lucifer" into it? How about "eat life to be life?"
How do you know the anonymous commentator is a "she"? You wouldn't be "colluding on comments" would you now!
Anyway, we have Romans 14:1:
"As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him."
But that's just allegory, right?
Well we could look at the vedas:
In Manu Smruti Chapter 5 verse 35 it says,
“But when a man who is properly engaged in a ritual does not eat meat, after his death he will become a sacrificial animal during twenty-one rebirths"
Anyone fancy that? I'll pass.
A woman gets pregnant at the age of 90
Really? "All things which are an allegory"
Well we could look at the vedas:
In Manu Smruti Chapter 5 verse 35 it says, “But when a man who is properly engaged in a ritual does not eat meat, after his death he will become a sacrificial animal during twenty-one rebirths"
Meat is a symbol of truth, if anyone doesn't get truth this go round, he or she will come back and do this gig over again. 21 reduces to three, it means the first three chakras of the body, this lower level of consciousness demands rebirth, it's all symbolism. NOT LITERAL, just like the bible.
From the bible; Hebrews 5:12-13 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
1 cor:3:2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 3:3 For ye are yet carnal.
People who's consciousness are at the first two chakras, cannot and won't understand the true spiritual interpretation, it's not for them in this incarnation, carnal means lower mind.
"And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you."
Still think it's symbolic?
33 "nazirutha" picture
- has 33 terms written in that picture, read the terms carefully.
I started thinking then lookie what i found =)
There are between 31-33 bones that make up the spine called the vertebral column. The difference is in the coccygeal bones, which some times are counted as two, three, or four separate bones.
I was correct when i thought that there are 33 bones within the spine.
Hence the terms in that picture define the 33 separate bones with those specific terms.
And the way - 33 nazirutha degrees is written shows Sanskrit origin.
Please read the terms carefully!
Then we all know where it originated from =)
Btw Eric, if the people of Maya -
Have the same meaning for the word "Maya" as illusion, and they have the words "Yoga" and "Kundlini"...
Then we know they are the followers of God Shiva =)
The first blog i posted on, shows the complete truth that you and i have seen.
The legend i have told you will come true Eric.
Meat is a symbol of truth, if anyone doesn't get truth this go round, he or she will come back and do this gig over again. 21 reduces to three, it means the first three chakras of the body, this lower level of consciousness demands rebirth, it's all symbolism. NOT LITERAL, just like the bible.
I am sorry, but Vedic is correct - those are the laws of the universe, if you hurt a life - then you will become the victim of the same atrocity in your next life.
Laws of Karma baby, cant escape it. Every one suffers for their dark karma.
In essence we all are the same soul.
Even the animals, as we are also reborn as animals in our 84,00,000 rebirths.
Hence its best never to harm a living thing, they might have been some one you loved dearly in your previous life.
"And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat.
Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you."
Still think it's symbolic?
YES, everything is symbols.
Things that are unclean are the thoughts that come fro m the lower mind thinking, you are not to consume these, pigs are a symbol of filth, so we are to consume the things of the lower, Oink, Oink
Cows are symbols of eating (consuming good positive thoughts) because they take from the earth grass, and produce milk, milk is a symbol of good spiritual things.
The bible is a SPIRITUAL book, not a NUTRITION book, you must learn to interpret ancient dark sayings and their wise words.
Only eat fish with scales is the same thing, I have a page on Leviticus and some of it's meanings
If you don't get it, it's not meant for you to understand, some are still drinking milk, they are NOT yet ready for strong meat (understanding myth), because they are yet carnal.
I am sorry, but Vedic is correct - those are the laws of the universe, if you hurt a life - then you will become the victim of the same atrocity in your next life.
Laws of Karma baby, cant escape it. Every one suffers for their dark karma.
In essence we all are the same soul.
Even the animals, as we are also reborn as animals in our 84,00,000 rebirths.
Hence its best never to harm a living thing, they might have been some one you loved dearly in your previous life.
I am in total agreement with you, we will come back over and over until we get it right, until we ultimately have a kundalini experience.
I'm just saying there are many things in the Gita, Rig veda etc..that just like the Bible is to be taken symbolically.
Like Buddha being born out of his mothers right side without any pain, and taking seven steps right after he was born. Obviously this is a symbolic statement.
That's all I'm saying
@ Vedic,
me IS a she ;)
eric & i have previously emailed ;)
on the other hand, he has mistaken some of my comments to be a he ;D
girls do have brains too.
Isn`t it curious that TWA 800 + SWISS 111 = 911É
I commented that on Eric`s last 77 part 3 post.
Interesting how nobody mentioned that coincidence!
Advent and AV temple destruction and coming of the new mind & 9/11
Ancient History and 9/11 In ancient times is where it all began between Jews and Muslims
Can We Apologize For What We Have Done To Them?
Coincidence, Intentional or Divine ? 9Av ,temple destroyed. WTC was on 9th av
Jesus against wealth. World Trade Ctr. was wealth
The Inquisition Connected to 9/11 Christianity tried to eliminate them
They present a very interesting side of all this which focuses on their suffering
Jesus said we all must forgive 7X70. But we do not
Brains played no part. The attack on 9/11 was by light beings
9 Av was the location of the World Trade Ctr. It is time of destruction in Hebrew
It's easy to sing the songs and wave the flag. Its quite another to kill and be killed.
The Hijackers were very religious and very deadly
Religious history is filled with hate. And its going on now
Religious people find a joy in killing others and themselves.
WTC on 9 Ave in NY. Read of 9Av in Hebrew
9/11 is a symbol for us
Tisha B'Av 9Av 9Av time of destruction in Hebrew. 9Av address of the WTC. Who knew ?
1190 in York , Cliffords tower.Coincidence ?
Located on 9th Av. Tish B'av is 9av and is temple destruction
Wealth and the World Trade Center
You must separate from government and religion and turn within.
I find this to be almost beyond belief except it is true.
This is a historical piece concerning an attack against Jews in York England.
What makes it so interesting is that it occurred in a TOWER in YORK in 1190
The text from the above web site reads:
The site at Clifford's Tower, the keep of York's medieval castle, still bears witness to the most horrifying event in the history of English Jewry.
On the night of March 16 1190 the feast of Shabbat ha-Gadol, the small Jewish community of York was gathered together for protection inside the tower.
Rather then perish at the hands of the violent mob that awaited them outside, many of the Jews took their own lives, others died in the flames.
This appalling event has become the most notorious example of antisemitism in medieval England.
Yet it was by no means an isolated incident but rather the culmination of a tide of violent feeling which swept the country in the early part of 1190.
So here we have an anti Jewish attack and massacre of people in a tower in York in 1190.
And we all experienced an anti Jewish attack and massacre of people in a tower in New York on 9/11
Thanks for the additional info Nightwatchman
Anyhow, the York Pogrom of 1190 explains why TWA 800 was blown up in the air. It also explains why they chose 800...because on March 16, 1`99`0 they commemorated the York massacre at Clifford`s castle. The +800 part was simply part of the whole ritual to remind us of the coming 9/11 attack (see how 1190 is Ground Zero + 9/11).
The +111 weeks or +777 days is symbolic of the twin towers and the Marriott World Trade Center, as well as Flgiht 77, the Pentagon at 77 W, and Building 7, and of course, the Statue of Liberty with its 7 pointed crown on its 11 pointed star...Seven Eleven stores as well are suggested.
Thanks Richard!
Ancient History and 9/11 In ancient times is where it all began between Jews and Muslims
Can We Apologize For What We Have Done To Them?
Dear Richard,
Are you Jewish?
If the York Massacre of 1190 almost exactly matches what happened on 9/11/2001 then there the implications are that there is no such thing as time or space...because if there really is a space-time reality at play, then there should have not been any conection between what happened at one, "York" in England, and another, "York" in America...I mean, really?
Not jewish.
The clifford rower incident in 1190 is called synchronicity, coined by carl jung.
Synchronicites shows that there is an intelligence working in the background of the fabric of space.
Curiously the bible says this, that which was yesterday is today and that ahich is today will be tomorrow, theres nothing new under the sun.
Synchronity in numbers and dates continue to show up to alert those who pay attention that all of these evil things are the works of mans mind and none other.
Carl jung said that when we see major synchs, its the universal intellugence that caused it, or the collective unconscious.
Thanks Richard for the synchronicity lesson (which I know already), but what I am saying is that this synchronicity can only be explained by discarding space-time altogether, as can all synchronicities (which occurs everywhere to everyone).
While the phenonemon of synchronicity is often, there has been inadequate explanation as to what the implications are, or for that matter - whether or not synchronicities defy space-time logic.
Synchronity is a bizzare thing, i have a page on some of it here, Eric has already got a good page, but their may be something of interest.
Alsovif you go to google and type in "synchronicities in the move knowing" you'll get some good pages showing all kind if wierd synchs that came true. Look for avthread in the website godlikeproductions.
Sorry for the spelling errors, im typing on a phone and its difficult.
The Twin Towers destroyed in New York in an anti Jewish attack on 9/11.
Richard, How did you come to this conclusion?
How is this Anti- Jewish in any way?
Eric, I had suspicions about you since the day you said every one os us is part of God and that you frequently interact with beings in other dimensions.
The way you began this post and the comments you made prove that you believe this post covers the ultimate idea you want to instill in your readers.
It did just the opposite. This post of yours told me a lot about who you really are. You disappointed me so much, that I now suspect you are one of many Truthers who tell half truhs because either they:
1) don't know the whole truth (still hope you are one of these);
2) tell a little bit of truth to get attention before deluding/deceiving.
One indication of why you might be one of the latter is that you don't seem to miss a lot in your research (even Hollow Earth theory), but you decline to take into account the big possibility (certainty for many people even Christians) that the main object of your post, the current Bible, could be corrupted, i.e. all the symbols and hidden messages (which are actual mind control tecniques, not the literal reading of the words) have been included into the original Bible by people you seem to think as the great Sages with secret wisdom, who are actually the enemies of God (who serve their own God, the Lucifer).
The comments praising you for this piece of BS, especially Nightwatchman who exceeded even Druv in stupidity, may be making you feel good, but don't forget it doesn't mean that what you wrote is correct.
You try to convince unconvincingly why Bible needs to be understood metaphorically rather than literally. That means you really believe God has written the Bible, i.e. God exists as a whole.
But in the comments section you are agree with people who claim that God and Lucifer are just states of our mind and we could be either God and Lucifer depending that state, i.e God doesn't exist as a whole. How do you explain this?
You haven't explained yet why you quote some different writers for different reasons which contradict each other and your own beliefs.
Anonymous said...
Eric, I had suspicions about you since the day you said every one os us is part of God and that you frequently interact with beings in other dimensions.
The way you began this post and the comments you made prove that you believe this post covers the ultimate idea you want to instill in your readers.
It did just the opposite. This post of yours told me a lot about who you really are. You disappointed me so much, that I now suspect you are one of many Truthers who tell half truhs because either they:
1) don't know the whole truth (still hope you are one of these);
2) tell a little bit of truth to get attention before deluding/deceiving.
One indication of why you might be one of the latter is that you don't seem to miss a lot in your research (even Hollow Earth theory), but you decline to take into account the big possibility (certainty for many people even Christians) that the main object of your post, the current Bible, could be corrupted, i.e. all the symbols and hidden messages (which are actual mind control tecniques, not the literal reading of the words) have been included into the original Bible by people you seem to think as the great Sages with secret wisdom, who are actually the enemies of God (who serve their own God, the Lucifer).
The comments praising you for this piece of BS, especially Nightwatchman who exceeded even Druv in stupidity, may be making you feel good, but don't forget it doesn't mean that what you wrote is correct.
You try to convince unconvincingly why Bible needs to be understood metaphorically rather than literally. That means you really believe God has written the Bible, i.e. God exists as a whole.
Please read the Bible verses on the right side bar of the blog.
The bible itself says DO NOT READ ME LITERALLY, no one has to make it up, you don't have to convince anyone that snakes and donkeys cannot and never have spoken human languages.
Virgins cannot give birth, no one can walk on water except for David Blane, Chris Angel and Andre Cole.
Eric, I had suspicions about you since the day you said every one of us is part of God and that you frequently interact with beings in other dimensions.
This post of yours told me a lot about who you really are. You disappointed me so much, that I now suspect you are one of many Truthers who tell half truths
Why is it that every "anonymous" that disagrees with me lately always has to throw in a question of my integrity along with their point of contention? I'm curious why so many people in the comments section "have their suspicions about me" like I'm one of "them." But whatever, if people can't discern that I'm the real deal, then that's their intuition's malfunction, not mine.
Anyway, everyone of us is part of God, but I never said that I "frequently interact with beings in other dimensions." You're completely misquoting me.
You try to convince unconvincingly why Bible needs to be understood metaphorically rather than literally. That means you really believe God has written the Bible, i.e. God exists as a whole.
How did you come up with that fallacious bit of logic? I say the "Bible needs to be understood metaphorically rather than literally," and you say therefore "that means you really believe God has written the Bible??" What does my assertion that the Bible isn't literal have to do with the assertion the God wrote the Bible!? No, God doesn't have hands or write books. As I said, God is just a placeholder name for the Infinite Everything.
But in the comments section you are agree with people who claim that God and Lucifer are just states of our mind and we could be either God and Lucifer depending that state, i.e God doesn't exist as a whole. How do you explain this?
What is Advaita / Non-Duality
Intuition doesn't malfunction, intuition IS. Mind/ego is another matter. Which do you think you're operating from?
Good point, it's more of an ego malfunction. Your intuition knows I'm sincere :) You agents love to hate me
Eric Dubay said:
Anyway, everyone of us is part of God, but I never said that I "frequently interact with beings in other dimensions." You're completely misquoting me.
That's what I understood when you said I have been privy to many mystical (right-brained) experiences and have felt/experienced in my consciousness truths deeper than Science, Math, Logic or Language could ever touch. here
What does my assertion that the Bible isn't literal have to do with the assertion the God wrote the Bible!?
If you don't believe it is the word of God, why do you believe it has to be read metaphysically, i.e. differently. If you don't believe it's the word of God, what's the point of researching it so deeply? If it's not the word of God, it's just like any other book we have.
No, God doesn't have hands or write books. As I said, God is just a placeholder name for the Infinite Everything.
Who is the original author of the Bible then? If the author is a human being, why isn't it treated just like anything else?
The term Infinite Everything is an oxymoron. Everything has got a limit. That we haven't understood the limit of the things we learn doesn't mean they don't have a limit, i.e. infinite. Infiniteness is an attribute of God, not that of His creations.
I ask the same question again: why do you always discount the known fact that the Bible has been corrupted? You rather try to convince us that the Bible should be read metaphysically (which never leads to a cut-and-dry meaning) Your honest answer will be appreciated.
But that's just your opinion/interpretation.
Were you there when the Bible was written?
How do you know what Eric says is false?
Every single religious text is based on lies, deceit, and deception.
There is no metaphysical, spiritual, or historical truths to any of events, peoples, or miracles in any religious text book.
A book that is soaked in blood, mired in lies, and co-opted, manipulated, corrupted, and deceive millions if not billions of people into dupes for the religious cog that is driving the world into madness and lunacy.
There is no god, satan, lucifer, or any mystical deity. Astrotheology are all a cover for the worship of the intellectual-religious process of utter lunacy.
To the person above, why are so bent out of shape about what others know.
There's information that Eric posted and if you don't like it, then why even worry about it, why post here, if you don't get it, then you don't get it.
You obviously need to get on a good reading program of Joseph Campbell, Shopenhauer and others, and deprogram yourself from religious brainwashing.
The bible is NOT corrupt, the only thing that is corrupt are the ninds that read ancient mythology literally, totally against the bible itself, you are having some difficulty understanding this.
You can see that I have posted the livestream videos of Bill, just watch them and learn, it's quite easy.
Good luck to you
To the person above, why are so bent out of shape about what others know? There's information that Eric posted and if you don't like it, then why even worry about it, why post here, if you don't get it, then you don't get it.
Hahaha, exactly! It's Mr. "Anonymous" Xinyu Hu as usual. He's the reason AC Forum is members only. He's created 4 new emails and entire fake personas just to get back into the Forum. Then once he's there he pretends to be different people and comes back to the same threads to agree with himself. Unfortunately he forgets to change his IP address so everyone else can clearly see what a lying troll he is. Check this out:
Biggest Loser on the Internet, Disagrees with Everything Eric Writes, But Will Not Leave Him Alone
He's the one that always brings up Lucifer, Solace, Lunacy and "the Thought Process" regardless of what you're talking about and complains if you say "eat light to be light." He's a self-proclaimed nihilist who wrote 2 weeks ago: The world is fucked, and the people (no matter which side you pick) are fucked beyond belief. I find it personally exciting to see humans fuck up, and I hope it always gets worse. The life of this world deserves to be sucked away, because - unless you believe in it - it is a whole load of bullshit.
He began by MSN/Skype/emailing me almost daily (I never messaged him, but he never got tired of messaging me and talking for as long as I'd allow). Eventually his neediness turned into obsession and when I wouldn't pander to his obsession he said "I made a grave mistake" and ever since has made sworn enemies with me.
Now he makes comments like this daily and even after repeatedly pointing out how obvious his bullshit is, he doesn't stop. So it's a psychotic little game with him and he loves the attention we give his retarded comments. I'm his idol. He's absolutely obsessed with me, but does nothing except belittle my work, and endlessly repeat his nihilist mantra that we "must do nothing." He says even meditation is something, but to defeat "them" (which he and his other idol Bryan Kemilla call "the Luciferian egregore thought-process") we must "DO NOTHING." Sounds like a skipping DVD of "The Never-Ending Story" ... "Noo, Atreyu, at least blackness or space would be something, this, this is nooothing."
When people point out that bothering and debating with me everyday certainly isn't "nothing" thus he doesn't even practice what he preaches, he just basks in his own hypocrisy and doesn't respond to your perfectly rational argument... and comes back tomorrow to do the whole thing over again.
It is quite sad to see Eric doing name-calling, labelling, and being confrontational when he clearly dones't recognize that two weeks ago is irrelevant.
All in all though,
those writers of the Bible sure do know human nature.
But how could they???
That was a looooooong time ago.
Maybe not even that many humans around to "research" on.
I've always thought those writers were very very wise. But where did their knowledge come from?
How could they, in their lifetime, know the deepest of human nature?
And to write with all their allegories, poetry, and that gemantrics thingy takes skill, if not an art from.
Xingyu, you wish you were Eric.
Eric must read this.
Yes, Xinyu absolutely wishes he was me and since he can't even come close he just rides my internet coat tails.
As I've only half-jokingly told my girlfriend most mornings when I wake up to read the lying bullshit you constantly post, if you were here in person trying to snake your way into my life, saying the shit you say to/about me, I would kick you in the stomach. Think of it as tough love. I'd help you up afterwards and make sure you could still breathe, then send you off to the hospital for your broken ribs. Don't mistake my "peace" sign-off which you constantly belittle, for meaning that I wouldn't beat the whining shit out of you.
You have admitted to me that you've alienated all your friends and now have none. Even your idol Bryan Kemilla is sick of you and won't talk to you. You are the worst kind of leech, whom I would extinguish from my life in an instant if we were face to face. But since you live on the other side of the world, you can just ignore the fact that I can't stand you, ignore the fact that I repeatedly ban and delete you, ignore the fact that I ignore your emails, ignore the fact that I've exposed you as a lying troll and just keep coming back every day to get your jollies by pissing me off.
Congratulations, you've done it again. But I must say, the more I allow you to piss me off, the more I understand how to deal with parasites like you. So thanks for teaching me how to expose lame internet stalkers.
The statement that Bryan Kemila won't even talk to me is not because he hates me. He never said that. I just have not contacted him directly via phone call in the longest time.
Anyhow, as I stated bluntly, I don't hate you, and you are not my enemy.
Is all that name-calling really necassary?
If Eric treats his former, "friend" as if he were a, "leech" or a, "parasite" as he says, just imagine this kinda guy trying to organize a, "peace movement."
It is incredible the amount of hatred, bigotry, and animosit that I have to see Eric Dubay go through just because his view of reality is being threatened by another perspective that he does not like.
It is quite amusing to see the entire, "truth" movement clinging onto people like Eric Dubay who is obviously filled with as much hatred and fear as the elites he is trying to destroy. How he treats the people he does not like tells you a lot.
Watch out people. Eric is not teh real deal. The real deal is in YOU WAKING UP from the DREAM. Dubay's stuff is just the tip of the ice-berg. Don't think Dubay does not want to form a new elite once the old elites are defeated. He does. See how he treats, "Xinyu?" Yeah, that is how he will treat anyone else whom he hates because they may destroy his own status quo reality (fantasy).
In Xinyu's article he posted he says:
So, while his accusations are correct - that I did in fact create many false identities in order to enter Atlantean Conspiracy forums, I feel that it is still my obligation to do so because so many people are simply being misled.
So it's your "obligation" to mislead people because they are being misled? That makes perfect sense, just like your "do nothing, don't even meditate" mantra.
the conspiracy movement is hijacked from any intention to find any truth. It is interested in, "positive activism" - a feel-good way of saying that they know the, "truth" when in fact they are the ones who the most in the dark. They are the ones who are in the dark because they only want to verify and revel in the truth that they believe to be true. They are propagating and perpetuating the 3 dimensional illusion, and as such - they all have made a grave mistake into thinking that more intellectual knowledge and, "enlightenment" can and must free them when in fact the opposite is true.
Even if they do fight through successfully - what will they do after they defeat the New World Order elites? Oh, right - make another pecking order in order to, "resolve" the vacuum of power left behind by the former elites. Yes, that is what they will do, because that what anyone with any power would do. The conspiracy movement is nothing more than an organized sham, a scam, a facade, a masquerade, and a facade to justify the domination of the world by a new echelon of elitists like Eric Dubay. Eric Dubay and many others will fulfill the vacuum left behind by their predecessor, and off we go to the luancy of hte 3 dimensional realm all over again. It is going to be like deja vu for everyone, but they will not see it because as far as they are concerned - it is business as usual.
Xinyu is a nihilist and says he "finds it personally exciting to see humans fuck up, and I hope it always gets worse. The life of this world deserves to be sucked away." Then he blames me for "positive activism" which he says will create a new matrix, or a new new world order where I, Eric Dubay, dominate the world! I know I dominate your pathetic world Xinyu where you worship me day and night, but normal people just read my blog and go about their days. I have no desire for power, nor would I ever accept such a position of power.
Come on, "a new echelon of elitists like Eric Dubay." What? What are you talking about? You think the power-hole created by my website exposing the NWO will be filled with me and other bloggers who will take over the world!? Are you insane? Why do you keep harping on that my website and my presence on the internet is somehow taking over the world? Your obsession with me is beyond delusional, and you're the most pathetic person I've never met. How's that for honesty?
Even your idol Bryan Kemilla is sick of you and won't talk to you. You are the worst kind of leech, whom I would extinguish from my life in an instant if we were face to face.
Ermmm...Kemila never said he is sick of me. Where did you get this information you lying truther? You made it up to make yourself look legitimate becaues you know are just filled with hatred towards me, and so is able to conveniently ignore anything I say. So, in turn, I ignore your threats and ultimatums.
I am the devil you will have to face...because that devil is growing inside you, even with all that, "light" food intake, the devil is just gonna get stronger. Don't under-estimate how culpable even the best can be corrupted by the intention to do more good, only to end up in the opposite end of the pool.
You're not the devil inside of me, you're an asshole outside of me.
The Twin Towers destroyed in New York in an anti Jewish attack on 9/11.
Richard, How did you come to this conclusion in your blogs or did i get it wrong?
How is this Anti- Jewish in any way?
By the by:
This proves that Christianity was a made up religion which was initiated by the Zionist in search for the Secrets of the Holy grail.
Bible is the warped version of the teachings of the original cultures which was created for mental subjugation of the whole world.
Christian inquisition - inculturation around the world is the proof of its fascist ideology.
The pope is just a stooge of the Zionist.
Its only a matter of time till the Original wave destroys the dark echo.
Eric and Xinyu - lets keep our batteries charged for the Zionist.
LOL, my girlfriend is reading your retarded comments and here's what she just messaged me:
hate him. he wastes your time and good energy. if he hates you enough he will do this forever for sure. if not he should stop keep coming to write his bullshit again and again. he has you in his mind every single second and press F5 repeatedly. he's fucked up.
Hahahaha. I love you babe.
Just for the record: I don't hate Eric. Eric and his gang hates me.
【 First on Fire 】 says:
see he press F5
Eric says:
【 First on Fire 】 says:
sorry for the late reply.
What i mean is that in 1190 there was an attack on the jewish tower in york england.
Fasrf foward to 911, new york attack on jewish towers, larry silverstein and other jews own the trade tower complex.
Its synchronicity, a cosmic wink showing that until mankind operating from his lower left ego mind wars and killing repeat with dates and such to show our foolishness as humans. History repeats itself, the only thing that changes are the weapons, back then they used rocks and arrows, today we use advanced weapins of all sorts.
1190 jewish attack, 911 jewish attack, a repeat.
We are the beast, the fallen angel that fell from its higher state to a lower one at incarnation on the 49th day of gestation, when the pineal gland is complete and functioning, it the sends out a wave offer and attracts an angel/angle of light, and that angle if light is you says phycicist jihn gribbins.
Hope that helps
scroll down until you john gribbins explanation.
Until you see john gribbins explanation, i cant type good from this phone.
scroll down until you john gribbins explanation.
Thank you :)
The fur is fake asshole, and yes I will continue deleting off-topic ad hominem comments.
I'm glad you finally answered the fakeness of the FUR.
But why delete the question regarding the FUR BEFORE you answered?
I had to ask a THIRD time.
Food animals aren't the only ones to suffer.
Or are you just SAYING the FUR is fake?
It looks real to me.
Dont get into a tizzy because its real, and we've caught your gf wearing it with you standing next to her, all the while promoting Eat Raw Vegan, and the slaughtering of food animals.
FUR animals fare just as much pain and torture--maybe far worse because there is no REGULATIONS to them.
They are electrocuted (at the ANUS), gassed.
So, if your gf is INDEED wearing a REAL fur, I hope you can show her the pain and suffering from FUR animals.
I'm sure you've already explained to her about the FOOD animals.
Sorry for my anger/language to everyone else. If you knew what Xinyu and the other trolls constantly put me through I know you'd sympathize and share my frustration. Tough love and peace.
Didnt know that merely asking a QUESTION regarding a picture you posted would elicit such a touchy response.
Ms. Asshole
Suppose you really did meet Xinyu, and find out that he is not such a badass in person. Would you still act like an asshole yourself?
Hate and anger is not the answer.
If I don't delete these off topic ad hominem comments then I'm allowing Xinyu and the troll brigade to overtake all the good discussion and general flow of information for everyone else.
I like to think of these comments sections as a high-level message board for truth-seekers, but to maintain its integrity as such I need to exercise moderation power either by constantly deleting bullshit or approving all comments before they show up. I already made the AC forum members only thanks to my #1 worst fan Xinyu, and I don't want to interrupt the flow doing that here, but the accusations, lies, and slander thrown at me by him and others has no place here.
Of course by doing so, then I open myself up to all their "censorship" accusations which are "true," but completely justified and if they don't like it they can go away. But they don't go away. They come back with the same crap everyday. Why do I need to allow their comments to stand? So I delete those too.
If I allow them to lie, accuse, attack, and carry us off-topic, they win. If I constantly delete their posts, then I'm constantly censoring, which is "bad," so they win. If I make the comments section approval-only, the flow is interrupted and they win. It's a lose - lose - lose frustrating situation for me. Any suggestions out there from people who actually like and sympathize with me?
Didnt know that merely asking a QUESTION regarding a picture you posted would elicit such a touchy response.
Ms. Asshole
Just to show you all how this works... This is still Xinyu. I've been talking to/dealing with him for a couple years now. If you want to see examples of how he creates different aged/gendered personas all from the same IP address to agree with himself, see here:
Biggest Loser on the Internet, Disagrees with Everything Eric Writes, But Will Not Leave Him Alone
Now that I've let the "fur" stuff stand, he's calling himself "Ms. Asshole" to pretend he's not Xinyu, and a female at that. So Eric just called a "poor innocent female" an asshole.
Suppose you really did meet Xinyu, and find out that he is not such a badass in person. Would you still act like an asshole yourself? Hate and anger is not the answer.
Now that he's established himself, ahem herself, as a poor innocent female, s/he can proceed to say that I'm the asshole, and teach down to me that "hate and anger is not the answer." Thanks for the lesson in morality Xinyu... your hypocrisy is blatant as usual.
I love how Xinyu called himself a "badass" too. Nice touch, Ms. Asshole.
Isn't it sad that someone could live an existence solely to bring misery to another person.
Eric, I understand how difficult to keep telling the truth when there are so many of people who earn a living by belittling the truthseekers.
But I'd be cautious to think that every post questioning your point of view belongs to this group of people. You don't want to drive your readers who are in search of truth out, do you? Or do you only want to keep the readers who agree with you no matter what you say?
I know when it's Xinyu, when it's another troll, or when it's a genuine person. I never delete legitimate dissent or debate. I only delete purposefully inflammatory, off topic, ad hominem, or lying posts. I'm not hearing any recommendations... what do people think I should do about this issue?
"Any suggestions out there from people who actually like and sympathize with me?"
Well, I'm not sure if I'd fall into that category - I'm sure you're well aware that I'm not typically "on your side" - but I'd suggest you keep deleting them. I use Google Reader, where they show up even if you do delete them, and he frankly seems like an ass.
Censorship is not always a bad thing. There are things which should be censored, and from what I can see and you have said about this guy (and while I don't often agree with you, you don't really lie about things), I'd say give him the boot.
I suppose I'm likely next on the chopping block if the moderation starts getting out of hand, but I can't let my own interests interfere with a recommendation!
The problem is - it was not Xinyu, it was me. I understand that you might have been in a bad mood, angry etc (it can happen to every one of us), but I found it very unpleasant to found my comments with constructive criticism deleted just because you thought they were from someone else. Own ego is the last thing we have to feed when searching for truth, don't you think so?
Deleting some of the comments is a neccessity, but why stop people discussing just because you don't like or share their point of view? Isn't it better to let people to judge who is right and who is wrong? People who read this kind of sites and blogs are not fools, don't you agree? Why don't you want the communication to be bi-/multi-directional rather than unidirectional (from you only)?
I thought you deleted couple of my comments not to lose credibility before your readers. If you care more about your own ego or your reputation, why search for truth and maintain such a blog? Neither of the above will lead you to truth, will they?
We, your readers, could help you more to prove unfounded comments wrong no matter who is saying it.
This comment above is again Xinyu, pretending not to be Xinyu. Just like the fur comments, "Ms. Asshole," and the badass Xinyu comment.
Why do you think all the Anonymouses are one person?! It wasn't me who wrote the fur or Ms Asshole comment!
I use UltraSurf, which hides my IP and uses a US one. That may the reason why you think me and others are the same.
And why judge questions depending on which IP they are coming from anyway? If it's a legitimate question why answer it no matter it's coming from?
Corrected: If it's a legitimate question why not answer it no matter where it's coming from?
I'm not 100% sure if UltraSurf uses a US IP, but surely not mine ;-)
And Ben, thanks for the advice. I really like you and Matt actually. I know we're often opposed on certain issues, but the opposition just creates an open dialectic where we can expound and debate our ideas. I appreciate your legitimate and multi-various dissent. What Xinyu and the other trolls do is just attack me, claim they know some truth and I'm hiding it from you. But Xinyu for example has his own blogs. As I said, he's absolutely obsessed with me, will not leave me alone, and he's just riding my internet coat tails to get readership for the dead-end synchromystiegoism he promotes.
Anonymous Xinyu, no one is buying this. How many different personas are you trying to keep up right now? Do you even know? The gig has been up for a long time now, but you don't stop and have no remorse. You seemlessly went from being a compulsive needy weirdo "friend" constantly contacting me with your synchromystibullshit to being my worst enemy spending hours of your day everyday to try and put wrenches in the works of whatever I do. You write articles to trash me, attack and spam my comments section daily, create alter-egos to regain access to the forum over and over. What gives dude? Just go about your life. As I said, if we were face to face and you weren't cowering behind a computer monitor, I would extinguish you from my life in an instant because I wouldn't stand there listening to your weaselly bullshit, I'd knock you upside your whining pie-hole.
I believe now that there is no limit to your Xinyu paranoia. He might be as bad as you describe, I don't know and don't care either - I started following your blog very recently. How sad it is that Xinyu has won just because you accuse me of being someone else rather than answering my simple question...
One question: why do you expect your readers to believe what you say on the most important matters even though you don't want to believe them on simplest matters like who posted what?!
Still Xinyu.
Still paranoia.
Still Xinyu. Therefore, not paranoia.
AC rule #1:
All difficult or challenging questions towards Eric will be deemed to have come from Xinyu, therefore no answer will be given.
Still Xinyu. Yawn.
If you believe the readers will enjoy seeing you saving yourself bu jumping into your "Xinyu" ship rather than answering tough questions, you are deluded. Will you delete this too to save your reputation?
Still Xinyu. You're not asking me any questions, you're just attack spamming as usual.
Just wondering: do you know this guy? And does he really have permission to publish your content?
Tired of telling you that I'm not Xinyu...
Just curious: what was the main reason why you labeled me Xinyu and started throwing stones at him rather than just answering my simple question: why you want the Bible to be read metaphysically when it is the most corrupted word of God after Torah?
1) Out of laziness;
2) You don't like to be challenged;
3) You knew you were going to be proven wrong;
4) You can't accept the Bible to be corrupted because it will significantly harm your this and previous posts about Bible;
5) If you do so you will have to consider if there is any uncorrupted word of God which yu don't want to do;
6) All of the above.
I'm not holding my breath for your honest answer, because last couple of times you simply decided to ignore my previous questions.
Who is that? No he doesn't have my permission. Thanks.
Alright, I'm done with you Xinyu. AC comments are approval only. Good bye.
Who is Vladimir S.? Why is he taking credit for my work? He took out "after moving to Thailand" and replaced it with "I" in the second paragraph so he could pawn it off as his own work. Then he added and subtracted from my article to fit his liking... and claims we're close friends at the bottom of the article? WTF
"Metaphysically" and "Metaphorically" are two different words with different meanings Xinyu, but you keep naively using them interchangeably then accusing me of not replying to your nonsense. Richard already answered your question, and I told you months ago I'm ignoring you remember? AC forum is members only thanks to you, I blocked you from my MSN/Skype, I deleted you off facebook, I don't respond to your emails, and this comments section is the last place left for you to annoy the shit out of me (as you do) and forcibly elicit a response like this. Goodbye Xinyu, you obsessive compulsive needy nerdy creepy two-faced lying sociopath.
Who is Vladimir S.? Why is he taking credit for my work? He took out "after moving to Thailand" and replaced it with "I" in the second paragraph so he could pawn it off as his own work. Then he added and subtracted from my article to fit his liking... and claims we're close friends at the bottom of the article? WTF
That is kinda freaky, may be its Xinyu's new persona?
Its best to start Copy writing your material, that due is after all unprotected data.
He is gonna keep coming after your content, so best use my technique now , or i can find other methods if you like.
Thanks for the recommendation/links Druv.
Regarding Vladimir (I'm the one who asked), that's what I figured. (He only added the "friends" claim after he was questioned.)
You can report the copyright violation to that site using their contact form: http://www.gather.com/submitCase.action
(Their Terms of Service (link at bottom) has a section on such reports, outlining the information they need.)
I appreciate the heads-up. I'll let it slide for now because at least he's spreading the word and kept some of my links intact. If Vladimir reads this, I don't mind you using my work as long as you credit me and don't tweak it to make it sound like you wrote it. Thanks. Peace
I really appreciate this post and the dialogue. The Bible has been a source of deep consternation for me my whole life long. I am not sure if this is something you have looked at, but I found it very refreshing and it offered another more plausible explanation about "the lost years of Jesus". The Ring of Power produced by AmenStop Productions. http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=1969
Take good care. Your blog is extraordinarily interesting and I have posted it just about everywhere. Many Thanks.
Thanks Anonymous!
Here is a better idea...moderate moderation.
47Great post! I couldn't agree with you more. I too discovered the Bible was not literal history after many many nights studying history, philosophy, numerology, etc. What really got me started on that journey was questioning why the Bible seemed to contradict itself in so many places. When you see it as non-literal, it all begins to make sense.
That is all fine and good but what i cannot get on board with is why did so many die needlessly in the name of god and religion if it was all an allegory?
So if "God" inspired it to be all written in allegory, he/she has got some esplainin' to do for all the murders committed in his/her name when it comes to religion and especially religion of the bible... don't ya think?
The pogroms, the inquisition, et al, and ad nausem to this very day. Or is one just going to wish this away that it musta been karma what did them in...?
Hey I read your post and this video will give you the secrets of new age, orient, and christian religions. This is the source of all false relgions and self-divination, enjoy:
With all due respect you have no idea what you are talking about.
There is no inner light within man.
The word of God is true. God says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
All this stuff about inner this and that is eastern mystercism. The man of sin (Satan the father of lies)has always had it in mind to exalt himself above the most high, (Isaiah 4:12-14,2Thess2)the deception is that he makes those who seek the god within to believe they can be like god and find the power within. All they find is they become a follower of self and in turn satan.
Friend you are on a dangerous road. Jesus said Repent(turn from sin) and believe in Him. You can't join religious truths together and have some yin and yang thing going on. jesus said He is the only way, the truth and the life and know one, (including you) can come to God the Father except through Him.
I see Satanism as the flip side of what you selling. It is like a Tweedledee Dee and Tweedledum Dum scenario.
You lot guilt people, and make them look up to a father-figure/deity the 'authority' whose 'Word' you MUST obey. Sheeeit your even "commanded" to love him, as though you love on command....!
Then you push this crap onto children, and some like did happen to Aleister Crowley--the self-confessed "wickedest man in the world, Beast 666--because of his strict joyless Christian up bringing go screaming over to what they conceive of its complete opposite. He wanted to be Satan's Commander in Chief.
So that is a re-action, see? It is an inevitable reaction for some to a a very oppressive belief system which guilts you as soon as you can understand the lingo of the culture and drives it in. VERY oppressive, and it breeds its opposite which it is OWN mythical creation of the "Devil". You devil is the curse of your belief system, in other words, but you are totally ignore-ant of this. Un-conscious. Not aware.
Peace to you all.
One thing is sure: when all the final events of this flat earth's history will soon take place, as recorded in advance in the Bible (Daniel, Revelation in particular), we (everybody) will know this WAS, IS, and WILL BE the true Word of YHWH. No one has never had ALL the truth on ALL subjects in his hand or mind. But what is necessary and sufficient to be SAVED is clearly revealed in this book. The question is: who/what will i trust? My human intelligence/senses? Or the Word which foretells events in advance? We can doubt about miracles, but we can not set aside events which are prophesied for long, or we have to change the text. What we miss when thinking about punitive judgment (second/eternal death: NO scriptural eternal hell) and eternal reward/life is ... LOVE. Both are expression of infinite love. Without free choice, there is no free/real love. Thinking about a G-d/energy is nice to the natural mind/intellect. But if YHWH is a person (we are created as His image), and has a character (which has been deformed by 'religion'), He has also a Law which is the expression of His loving character.
Thanks to you Eric and others before you who (re-)opened our eyes about this earth, we feel more than ever nearer to Him, which IS just above us, as it is written. IF i finally accept Him as a BEING, supreme and eternal SPIRIT, i will have to ackowledge His Law. And this is the point, where human destiny is to make a final choice.
Heaven gives us total choice. Force is the method of the ennemy. The Son of Man, Yahushua (= Yah Saves) IS the answer of infinite LOVE to the issue of breaking His immuable Law. Nothing less than Love in response to this incredible - but truthfull and real to the uttermost - offer will be accepted to participate to His glory, through the sacrifice of His own Son, AND the obedience to His Law, by His grace and power.
Now: if the Law do not exist, or is alterable or subjective, then no sacrifice is required, and there is no need of a Saviour. But if the Law is universal and never ending, then we (all of you and i) have problem. Because we can not fulfill its requirements by our own. This is why no practice, no works, no merits (even very good, with very good fruits), no spirituality could never be claimed to gain perfection, no human effort (though necessary) could never be claimed to gain imortality, and reach the divine nature. This is ONLY a pure gift of love, to those who simply and wholeheartedly will trust and have FAITH in Him to do this.
Yah resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. All our gifts - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual - are freely given to one purpose only. Not our glory, but His glory. So that His image, which has been stolen from a real enemy much clever than any human (his masterpiece: claiming he do not exist), will be restored in those who will walk and live by FAITH alone, grounded in the solid fondation of ALL truths: the Bible.
How can one reject the Creator's power but believe in spiritual'energy'. As it is for the creation/evolution complete opposition (as the light is opposed to darkness), how can we think there are spiritual forces/intelligences which would have no Almighty Creator? If He is able to CREATE this world and submit it to inherent natural laws, wouldn't He be able to operate direct interventions (above these natural laws) according to His infinite wisdom? And: how can intelligence come from 'energy'? How can order come from chaos? I do not claim to 'prove' His existence. Nor can i 'prove' the divine origin of the Bible. Because no one can 'prove' Him. But anyone can experience Him. What do you fear to know the answer? Who has the humility and courage, now, to ask in his heart (prayer is not a ritual, it is a direct inward dialogue with HIM) if this is true? What have you to loose that He can not fill? What have you to hide that He can not see? What have you to do that is more important than answering this question? Where are you going that is more vital than knowing the ONE that has always loved you - more than your parents, your friends, your spouse, your children - and will offer you (spiritually first, with persecutions - the world/darkness can not receive the Word/light) everything you ever wanted: a relationship that make you complete! His Spirit living inside of you, because you are His temple. What are you doing with His temple that is more fulfilling than receiving His infinite love and wisdom in you? This IS the true Word of YaHuWaH and His Son Yahushua: 'Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.' (Matt 11:28-30)
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