Monday, March 19, 2012

Alex Jones is an Inside Job (Part 3)

I received an email last week from Iraq war veteran and former Alex Jones supporter, Gregory Pitchford, that made me want to continue this series (Alex Jones is an Inside Job part 1 and part 2). Greg Pitchford served at Abu Ghrahib in 2006 and saw many things he wished to expose and blow the whistle on Alex's show, but he was already suspicious Alex may be a controlled opposition agent. To test his theory, he contacted GCN and here's what happened in his own words:

"On January 1st 2012 I contacted Alex Jones program director John at Genesis Communication's Network by email and by phone. I divulged non-classified information to John concerning the Abu Ghrahib prison off the air to prove a theory that Alex Jones was a Shill and not interested in real stories but half-truths and exaggerated ones. At the time, Alex was reporting about a porn site at TSA. I decided to use my knowledge concerning a porn site at Abu as bait along with other non-classified info. Not only were they not interested, what happened next to me was truly a nightmare."

His phone and computer were hacked, his bank account was drained and then returned, suspicious people started following him, his army commander and ex-girlfriend started calling digging for information, then someone from his unit called saying he really stepped on some political toes and better watch out. This is not the first story I've heard that follows this same pattern: Call Alex Jones, expose something outside his accepted realm of truth, and the next thing you know there's a knock on the door from some three-letter agency suits... which brings us to these next excellent articles by David Chase Taylor ( and

Is Alex Jones a STRATFOR Double Agent?

Alex Jones of and has long been accused of being many things; namely: a CIA agent, a Mossad agent, or a Jesuit priest. While his true identity and political allegiance has been secret for many years, his time as the defunct leader of the 9/11 Truth movement is about to come to an end.

Based on the following evidence, Alex Jones is likely a STRATFOR (Strategic Forecasting, Inc.) double intelligence agent. This conclusion is based on the following data and research which should leave little doubt that Alex Jones has been built up over the last decade to prematurely ejaculate the 2nd American Revolution, disrupt genuine political movements, and gather intelligence on American citizens.

End Game
Alex Jones’ film “End Game” appears to be the cover for Operation Endgame, a “2003-2012 plan under implementation by the Office of Detention and Removal Operations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain and deport all removable aliens and “suspected terrorists” currently living in the United States by 2012″. Based on following evidence and behavior history of Jones, it is highly likely that he is part of this operation.

Austin, Texas
The city of Austin is the capital of Texas and home to both STRATFOR and Alex Jones. The city also boasts other political intelligence operatives; namely: Karl Rove, top Republican Strategist, Steven Jackson, founder of the Illuminati card game, Jehmu Green, founder of Rock the Vote, and Silona Bonewald, founder of the League of Technical Voters. Austin is located only 199 miles away from Lake Jackson, Texas, which is home to U.S. Congressman and 2012 U.S. Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Needless to say, Austin represents a majority of the Republican/Right Wing power structure in America.

Founded in 1996
A global intelligence company, Strategic Forecasting, Inc., also known as STRATFOR, was founded in 1996 in Austin, Texas, by George Friedman. Alex Jones’ career was also founded in 1996 when he began his radio career with a public-access television cable TV program, but was quickly promoted and hired on at KJFK in Austin hosting a show entitled “The Final Edition”.

Apples & Oranges?
Prior to STRATFOR’s alleged hacking incident on December 24, 2011, the following data and information was present on the STRATFOR website. When compared, there is little doubt that STRATFOR and Alex Jones’ Infowars and PrisonPlanet are indeed one and the same:

The Apples
STRATFORE WEBSITE: “STRATFOR’s global team of intelligence professionals provides an audience of decision-makers and sophisticated news consumers in the U.S. and around the world with unique insights into political, economic, and military developments. The company uses human intelligence and other sources combined with powerful analysis based on geopolitics to produce penetrating explanations of world events. This independent, non-ideological content enables users not only to better understand international events, but also to reduce risks and identify opportunities in every region of the globe. The company delivers content daily on its Web site, in videos, e-mails and books, and an iPhone app.”

STRATFORE WEBITE: STRATFOR delivers critical intelligence and perspective through:

  1. Situation Reports: Snapshots of global breaking news
  2. Analysis: Daily reports that assess key world events and their significance
  3. Quarterly & Annual Forecasts: Rigorous predictions of what will happen next
  4. Multimedia: Engaging videos and information-rich interactive maps
  5. Intelligence Guidance: Internal memos that guide STRATFOR staff in their intelligence-gathering operations in the immediate days ahead

Currently STRATFOR’s products are oriented around individual subscriptions, of which the “Premium” product is the most comprehensive in content offered. Some of STRATFOR’s work remains available free to the public. STRATFOR has some products available to the public including private briefings, corporate memberships, a publishing business that includes written and multimedia analysis and an iPhone application.

The Oranges
Alex Jones and his team of reporters, writers, and producers routinely schedule, host and quote former and current intelligence officials such as Dr. Steve Pechenik (DOD), Wayne Madsen (NSA), Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer (Senior Fellow at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies), David MacMichael (CIA), Ray McGovern (CIA), and James Wesley Rawles (ARMY Intelligence) just to name a few. These intelligence operatives provide Alex Jones’ listeners with unique insights into political, economic, and military developments. Alex Jones and Infowars use live reporting, websites, podcasts, video streams, videos, books, iPhone applications and a host of other media to attempt to explain and make understood world events.

Alex Jones & Infowars delivers critical intelligence and perspective through:

  1. Situation Reports: Snapshots of global breaking news (Nationwide Reporting- Nightly News)
  2. Analysis: Daily reports that assess key world events and their significance (Daily Radio Show)
  3. Forecasts: Rigorous predictions of what will happen next (Forecasting – Gerald Celente)
  4. Multimedia: Engaging videos and information-rich interactive maps (Movies, Videos, Websites)
  5. Intelligence Guidance: (Internal memos likely guide INFOWARS staff in their intelligence-gathering operations as they database addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses)

Alex Jones’ main product is merchandise in the way of DVD’s, books, stickers and clothing, but customers can obtain the “premium” Prison Planet TV membership which allows unfettered access to all of Alex Jones’ films, interviews and broadcasts in high quality. Alex Jones’ daily radio show, website and iPhone application remain free to the public.

People in High Places
According to STRATFOR, the company’s publicity list includes Fortune 500 companies and international government agencies, although their client list is allegedly confidential. Like STRATFOR, Alex Jones’ publicity list includes celebs like Charlie Sheen, Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura and Joe Rogan, as well as a number of other “elite” individuals within government, intelligence, Hollywood, and the corporate world. How and why Jones is so deeply connected to the “elite” despite being a “conspiracy theorist” is a mystery and quite baffling unless he is indeed part of an intelligence network.

9/11 Predictions

In the days before and on 9/11, both STRATFOR and Alex Jones were making predictions about what was going to happen and who would be allegedly responsible. According to Wikipedia, STRATFOR has a connection to the 9/11 attacks: “At the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks, STRATFOR made its “breaking news” paragraphs, as well as some notable analyses predicting likely actions to be taken by al-Qaeda and the Bush administration, available freely to the public.

According to Alex Jones himself, he predicted 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks that followed. Jones’ information and insight is also free to the public. Clearly, there is some sort of an intelligence connection at play. STRATFOR, a Zionist intelligence operation, obviously knew of the impending 9/11 attacks which were carried out by the Israeli Mossad. Jones job has been to make 9/11 an “Inside Job”, thus putting the blame squarely on the American government and it’s people rather than the Israeli Mossad where it belongs. Jones' numerous and baseless terror predictions such as an impending bioterror attack is likely coming from STRATFOR and the Mossad intelligence networks.

STRATFOR was founded by Dr. George Friedman, an admitted Zionist. In an interview, Friedman was asked the following: “Does being Jewish affect the way you view the world, I begin. “Being Jewish keeps things in perspective,” he says, smiling. “We lost two temples.” Alex Jones’ repeated denials and lies in regards to Zionism clearly indicate that he is a Zionist tool. Aside being married to an Israeli, Jones has purposely lied and deceived his audience about the real Zionist threat to America.

Clearly Alex Jones and his likely employer STRATFOR have ulterior and devious motives when it comes to the 9/11 Truth movement and the future of America. Exposing Jones and his partners in crime is the first step towards getting a real and independent investigation into 9/11 and saving America from is rapid free-fall.

Alex Jones previously attempted to bait the American public into a full-blown riot on the eve of Y2K (December 31, 1999) by repeatedly stating that the Russians had nuked the United States. Jones’ traitorous actions were to be repeated on February 6, 2011, when a thermonuclear weapon was to be detonated at Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas. David Chase Taylor’s free ebook entitled The Nuclear Bible was published 10 days prior on January 28, 2011, in an attempt to stop the impending false-flag nuclear attack.

Overwhelming direct and circumstantial evidence has now surfaced in the aftermath of the failed Super Bowl plot which unequivocally shows that Taylor’s actions did indeed stop, or at least postpone, a Zionist nuclear terror attack upon America. Jones was set to blame the U.S. government in the aftermath of the attack in a calculated attempt to goat Americans into an armed response, despite the fact that Pakistan has been set up over the last 25 years as the scapegoat of nuclear terror.

Humanity, namely America, is waking up. Had a nuke gone off in Texas that Sunday night, riots, martial law, and an armed revolution would have likely ensued. Alex Jones’ job is to make sure that happens. We are in an information war. While 90% of what Alex Jones says is true, it’s the 10% he is omitting that is going to end up damning America. Exposing the one and only Alex Jones as a potential STRATFOR double agent is paramount and the first step into exposing the truth behind the truth movement.

10 Reasons Why Alex Jones is the Most Dangerous Man in America

The goal of Alex Jones and his Zionist handlers is to get America to destroy herself. This is done the
same way that Russia was destroyed under Stalin; dividing and then collapsing society upon itself by baiting Americans into a violent revolution against their own police and military.

Alex Jones is the founder of and, and the self-proclaimed grand-daddy of the 9/11 Truth movement. He has made and produced countless documentaries, the most famous of which are Terrorstorm, End Game, The Obama Deception and Fall of the Republic. While many people have enjoyed listening to his radio show, patriotic Americans are now starting to question his true motives.

Currently, The Alex Jones Show boasts a radio audience of over 3 million gun-owning Americans. In effect, Alex Jones is the unofficial Commander and Chief of the largest militia the world has ever seen. With this unprecedented concentration of power into the hands of one man, it is imperative that people take a second look at Jones, his true motives, and what it means for the future of America. After all, can America really afford a betrayal by Alex Jones?

While Jones can be thanked for waking Americans up to the evils of government, the fear is that Jones may be part of a greater Zionist plot to destroy America from within. While it may be hard to do, it is the patriotic duty of every American to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including Alex Jones.

1. STRATFOR Intelligence Operative
On February 12, 2012, news broke that Alex Jones was likely an intelligence tool of STRATFOR, a Zionist intelligence agency located in Austin, Texas. On February 15, 2012, just 3 days after the original article was published, Jones abruptly canceled his nationwide speaking tour which he had been promoting since February 2, 2012.

Jones stated that his sudden change in plans was due to the fact that “the collapse is so imminent”. Obviously, Jones has been made as a traitorous spy and is running scared. Revelation of Jones’ ties to Israeli intelligence should come as no surprise since Jones has not and will not reveal the true Zionist control of America.

As evidenced in further detail below, Jones has repeatedly made predictions that ultimately come true, especially in regards to terror events executed by the Israeli Mossad. The connection between Jones and Zionist STRATFOR is particularly damning considering STRATFOR openly admits to being an intelligence gathering center.

Therefore, it stands to reason that Alex Jones & Co. have been gathering intelligence, data and information on patriotic Americans since their inception in 1996, coincidently the exact same year that STRATFOR was founded. The widespread fear that Jones’ true mission is to identify and neutralize political information, activists and movements in America has now come to fruition.

Alex Jones is just like an insecticide - 98% of it's a harmless gas, but it's the 2% left that will kill you. What that means is that Jones will make total sense for a while, but when it counts, he will betray the American people.

2. Operation End Game
Alex Jones’ film End Game (2007) appears to be the cover for Operation Endgame, a “2003-2012 plan under implementation by the Office of Detention and Removal Operations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain and deport all removable aliens and “suspected terrorists” currently living in the United States by 2012″.

The term “suspected terrorists” essentially refers to anybody listening to Jones’ radio program, yet Jones conveniently failed to mention Operation Endgame in his 2 hour film about the extermination of humanity. Jones leaving out Operation Endgame is like making a movie about the Titanic, but forgetting to include the iceberg that allegedly sunk her. The blatant PSYOP by Jones & Co. was obviously done in a premeditated attempt to disguise the real Operation Endgame from truth seeking Americans.

Operation Endgame is the end game plan for America, its Constitution, its Bill of Rights, and could ultimately lead to the arrest, incarceration and slaughter of millions of Americans at FEMA concentration camps nationwide. Although Hollywood movies were made around the same time with roughly the same name, (e.g., End Game in 2006, End Game in 2009 and Operation Endgame in 2010), the film End Game appears to have been tailor made by Jones and STRATFOR to keep the operation secret from Americans. To date, their plan has worked.

3. The Stochastic Terrorist
Aside from calling for a violent revolution, but not in those words, Alex Jones is without a doubt the greatest stochastic terrorist alive today. Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communication (e.g. radio, television, movies, videos and the internet) to stir up random lone wolves to carry out violent acts of terrorism that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable (see below). Examples of Jones’ stochastic terrorism are all over the internet, but a small sample was taken from his radio broadcast of February 10, 2012, whereby Jones states “We are at the crossroads!”, “Time to get aggressive”, “It is on!”, and “There is no choice, you gotta fight them!”.

While Jones is indeed correct about many topics such as 9/11 Truth, the rising police state, eugenics, vaccines, fluoride, aspartame, etc., Jones’ handlers understand that the daily exaggeration of news and events will statistically cause a certain amount of individuals to psychologically snap, with a certain percentage of them resorting to acts of terrorism. These acts of terror are then used to demonize Americans and further legitimize the passing of draconian legislation which ultimately degrades the American way of life.

4. The Y2K Beta Test
During the Y2K scare of 2000, Alex Jones attempted to whip the American people into a frenzied hysteria and subsequent panic after he repeatedly lied on the air and stated that Russia was planning a preemptive nuclear strike upon the United States (see below). What Jones was engaged in was likely part of a Zionist beta-test to see how the American public would react to a War of the Worlds type of doomsday scenario. The fear is that Jones will repeat his Y2K behavior in the aftermath of a terror attack and bait his gun owning audience into a full-blown attack on police and military based on fraudulent information.

Jones’ Y2K actions were traitorous at best and an obvious and calculated attempt to deceive the American public into believing that nuclear war with Russia was imminent. Had Americans actually listened to Jones on December 31, 1999, riots would have ensued, thousands of Americans would have died, and martial law would have been instituted across America. As of 2012, Jones’ radio audience is far larger, far younger, and far more trigger happy than they were in 1999.

Lastly, one cannot say “Fire!” in a theater, yet Jones was allowed to openly try and bait the American public into a mass panic with no accountability whatsoever. If Jones was not part of the intelligence establishment, he would be rung up on charges, tried in a court of law, and likely convicted for conspiracy to commit terrorism. The late William “Bill” Cooper repeatedly exposed Jones’ dangerous Y2K behavior on his radio show and was subsequently gunned down on November 5, 2001.

5. Assassination of William “Bill” Cooper
After the premeditated and traitorous actions of Alex Jones on December 31, 1999 (Y2K), Bill Cooper took Jones to task on his radio show and warned that Alex Jones was not a real patriot and that his behavior was dangerous to America. On the day of 9/11, Cooper repeated his warnings regarding Jones and stated that Alex Jones is a disinformation agent sent to provocateur violence in the midst of a national tragedy.

On November 5, 2001, less than 2 months after 9/11, Bill Cooper was assassinated outside of his home in Eagar, Arizona. Despite Cooper’s death, Alex Jones continues to demonize and libel Cooper every chance he gets. Cooper, while not perfect, was a true American hero and the antithesis of Jones.

Cooper taught his listeners how to decipher news from propaganda, fact from fiction, and essentially how to think for themselves. While no evidence has surfaced linking Jones to the murder of Cooper, it is highly likely that Cooper was liquidated in order to silence his critique of Jones and to eliminate him as Jones’ only real competition.

6. Alex Jones goes COINTELPRO at the Austin Gun Rally
COINTELPRO is a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other agencies aimed at surveiling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations. The following actions by Alex Jones on January 25, 2010, CAN ONLY be construed as the work of an intelligence operative out to subvert genuine grassroots political movements:

A protest regarding the closure of the Texas Gun Show in Austin, Texas, turned ugly when liberty activists on the steps of the Austin Police Department headquarters were verbally attacked by Alex Jones. Although Jones was formally invited to speak at the protest, he declined, but showed up anyway to bullhorn, disrupt and drown out the event’s scheduled speakers.

In the video chronicling the takeover of the protest by Jones, an off-camera and unnamed activist asked why Jones didn’t work with the event’s organizers, to which Jones replied, “Well, I’m sorry; I brought 80% of the people here.” Catherine Bleish, Executive Director of the Liberty Restoration Project confronted Jones by stating that, “Many people worked really hard on this event,” to which Jones replied again, “You don’t know what you’re doing.” Jones then stated that “You’ve got a hard-on for me” and “I’ll be here in 20 years.”

The next day, Jones went on the air and blatantly lied about the events of the day by stating: “The whole time I was there I had like COINTELPRO poking me and getting in my face, and I’m sure some of them were because later I found out about a meeting afterwards with some people we know are connected to some operations about how they want to get me and go after me, it’s a whole another subject, but it borders on illegal but uh, luckily we had people on the inside that found out about that and called me about it”

Jones’ accusations that COINTELPRO was attacking him was a calculated attempt to shift blame away from himself onto others and to deceive his radio audience as to what really happened. If there was any doubt that Alex Jones is the COINTELPRO agent provocateur he speaks of, the video of the Austin gun protest is the smoking gun.

On January 25, 2010, Texas and America realized that:

A) Jones cannot be trusted,
B) Jones has ulterior motives, and
C) Jones is purposely working against, not for American patriots.

7. The Terror Predictions
Alex Jones appears to be fed just enough Israeli intelligence via STRATFOR to make bold terror predictions a few months, weeks, or days prior a terror event transpiring in realty. In all documented cases, Jones never cares to substantiate his predictions with hard evidence as to why he is making a given prediction, only stating that he “knows how the government thinks” and that “after analyzing the enemy profile” he is able to ascertain that certain events will happen.

As Alex Jones’ terror predictions continue to come true, Jones looks more and more prophetic which ultimately gains him more credibility with his audience. The fabricated likeness of Jones as a geopolitical mastermind will then be used to provocateur violence in the midst of a national tragedy, all based on fraudulent information. In essence, Jones has been built up by the Zionist establishment to prematurely ejaculate the 2nd American Revolution.

9/11 Terror Attacks
Both STRATFOR and Alex Jones made terror predictions in regards to 9/11 about what was going to happen and who would be allegedly responsible. According Wikipedia, STRATFOR has a connection to the 9/11 Terror Attacks: “At the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks, STRATFOR made its “breaking news” paragraphs, as well as some notable analyses predicting likely actions to be taken by al-Qaeda and the Bush administration, available freely to the public.”

On July 25, 2001, Alex Jones famously stated the following on his radio program: “We know the government is planning terrorism. We know Oklahoma City and World Trade Center was terrorism. The point is: If any terrorism comes it’s from this government. And if there was an outside threat like bin Laden, who was a known CIA asset in the 80’s, running the Mujahedeen War, whose family builds all the military bases over in Saudi Arabia right now, whose sits on the board of Iranian satellite, he is the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.”

Just 48 days later on September 11, 2001, the Israeli Mossad hijacked 4 planes, crashing 2 of them into the World Trade Center. As predicted by Jones, the blame was then placed onto Osama bin Laden by the Zionist media. Clearly, there is some sort of an intelligence connection at play between Jones and Israel. STRATFOR, a Zionist intelligence operation, obviously knew of the impending 9/11 attacks which were carried out by the Israeli Mossad. Post 9/11, Jones has made sure that Americans believe “9/11 an Inside Job”, thus putting the blame squarely on the American government and its people rather than the Israeli Mossad where it belongs.

Norway Terror Attacks
On July 21, 2011, Alex Jones famously stated the following on his radio program: “They are now shifting to a new phase…Now the next phase they have already been beta-testing behind closed doors with the police and military…Now they are moving it to White Al Qaeda.”

The next day, July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik, a white terrorist, allegedly bombed a government building and attacked a youth camp killing 77 and injuring 151, all while dressed in a police uniform. Coincidentally, the youth camp that was attacked just happened to have major pro-Palestine rally (anti-Israeli genocide) the previous day.

The Norway terror attacks also occurred on the same date as the King David Hotel Bombing of 1946, which was admittedly executed by Zionist terrorists, including the 6th Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin. Since the Norway terror attacks were perpetrated by the Israeli Mossad, it stands to reason that Jones was given insider information that something regarding terrorism and the new White Al Qaeda was about to transpire.

The Future Assassination of Obama
Aside from a 2011 report that Alex Jones is actually working for the Obama administration, Alex Jones is one of 10 or so “celebrities” that have openly predicted the future assassination of U.S. President Barack Obama. In a video uploaded on February 15, 2010, Jones emphatically states that he is “100%” sure an Obama assassination is going to happen.

There are many reasons to believe that an Obama assassination by the Israeli Mossad is going to happen, but interestingly this evidence is never mentioned by Jones.’s sister website entitled has fully exposed the future assassination of Obama by the Israeli Mossad and detailed how Alex Jones will attempt to provocateur and race bait in the aftermath of an Obama assassination. Should even a small percent of Jones’ audience act on his hate speech, a full-scale race war may ensue.

Upcoming Bio-Terror Attack
As of 2012, Alex Jones is now claiming that a major bio-terror attack is imminent. As with the 9/11, the Norway terror attacks and the future assassination of Obama, Jones is again making a baseless terror prediction without substantiating it with hard evidence. How Jones, a college dropout, is able to routinely predict geopolitical events without EVER providing a shred of evidence for his claims is a mystery at this point unless he is part of the STRATFOR intelligence network.

The bio-terror prediction is likely being made based on intelligence coming from STRATFOR and the Israeli Mossad. After all, Israel is the only modern nation that has NOT signed the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (refusal to engage in offensive biological warfare, stockpiling, and use of biological weapons) and therefor it stands to reason that should a bio-terror attack take place, it will be executed by the Israeli Mossad.

8. Denial of Zionism
The main job of Alex Jones is to convince people that Zionists do not own and operate the United States of America. That is why Jones has his audience chasing illusionary ghosts such as the New World Order, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Elites, Luciferians, Eugenicists, Satanists, Bilderbergers, the Royal Family, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller Family, the Rothschild Family, the Club of Rome, the World Bank, the United Nations, the Globalists, the Banksters, The FED, The Trilateral Commission, and even the Bohemian Grovers! Which one is it Alex?

Zionists are the only group Jones conveniently does not speak out. Despite Alex Jones stating that he defends the 1st Amendment and the right to Free Speech, everybody who has tried to call into Infowars to warn the audience about Zionism is immediately cut off and dropped.

When one researches the true power structure of America, undoubtedly they will find Zionists in every meaningful position. Despite all the evidence available, Jones has not and will not reveal the true Zionist control of America. Aside being married to an Israeli, Jones’ repeated denials and lies in regards to Zionism clearly indicating that he is nothing more than a Zionist tool.

9. The Millionaire Truther
The Alex Jones/Infowars money sucking machine has continually bilked and drained money from its listeners and fans with repeated “Money Bombs”, which are no different than what the infamous Jim and Tammy Fay Baker did to their audience. The numerous Money Bombs were allegedly conducted to raise capital for Jones’ 3rd studio in as many years, but as of February 17, 2012, Alex Jones is now speaking about building a 4th studio!

Even if the money is partially being used for a 3rd or 4th studio, the Money Bombs are an obvious personal money grab. One look at Jones’ website and it’s clear that Jones cares more about selling products than he does about speaking the Truth.

After all, should Jones betray his audience, he must get all the money he can before he twists the knife in the back of America. Based on his monopoly of truth related merchandise and repeated Money Bombs, Alex Jones is probably worth at least $50 million. Despite his grandiose success, whether legitimate or not, he is continually asking for donations despite not producing a new film in almost 4 years.

A great example of how Alex Jones continues to defraud his audience is detailed in a video entitled, “Alex Jones’ Potassium Iodide scam Exposed!”. As documented, Jones takes full advantage of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan by lying about the scarcity of potassium iodide in America in order to charge people exorbitant prices. Aside from jacking up the price, Jones went into daily diatribes in a calculated attempt to literally scare his audience into purchasing the potassium Iodide from the Infowars store. Enough said…Watch the video.

10. The Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot
On February 1, 2011, Julian Assange of Wikileaks revealed to the world via leaked classified diplomatic documents that Al-Qaida was on the brink of using a nuclear bomb and that the West was on the verge of a “Nuclear 9/11″. What the diplomatic documents failed to mention was actual target, date and location of the upcoming nuclear terror attack.

Published 4 days prior on January 28, 2011, The Nuclear Bible, specifically named Super Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, in Dallas, Texas, as the target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack. As detailed in The Nuclear Bible, Alex Jones’ traitorous behavior previously exhibited on Y2K was to be repeated that Sunday night when a thermonuclear weapon was to be detonated in Dallas, Texas. After all, that’s why Alex Jones began broadcasting on Sundays starting in 2008, so he would be live on the air when shit hit the fan!

Oiling His Guns
Exactly six months prior to Super Bowl XLV, Alex Jones stated on his radio program that he was “oiling his guns” in an obvious statement to his listeners that he was getting ready for a violent revolution of some sort. Based on Jones’ inflammatory rhetoric in the months counting down to the Super Bowl, Jones was psychologically prepping his audience for the scheduled nuclear terror attack.

Beta-Testing the Infowars Audience

Shortly after the comment by Alex Jones that he was “oiling his guns”, Jones began the disturbing trend of beta-testing his Infowars radio listeners. On almost a daily basis, Jones began to instruct his listeners to Google specific terms so that Jones and his handlers could see via Google Trends how many of his listeners were heeded his commands. Other forms of Beta Testing included the Obama poster campaign, whereby Jones ordered his listeners to print and hang millions of Obama Joker posters.

While these orders may seem innocent on the surface, it is clear that Jones & Co. were calculating how many listeners routinely obeyed his commands in order to gain a statistical understanding of Jones’ commanding effect on his audience. There is no doubt that many of Alex Jones’ listeners see him as an authority figure on truth, news, terror and the U.S. Constitution. Members of Jones’ audience who has previously heeded Jones’ commands would then be more likely to also heed Jones’ commands to commit violence and terrorism, similarly to the Stanford Prison Experiment.

Immediately after the February 6, 2011 Super Bowl, the beta-testing curiously stopped.

Pakistan, the Super Bowl nuclear terror scapegoat, has been set-up over the last 25 years as the greatest purveyor of terror and nuclear proliferation in recorded history. In the aftermath of the first nuclear attack upon America, Jones was set to blame the U.S. government for the attack just as he has done so many times before.

If gun owning Americans would have obeyed Jones’ subsequent orders to attack police, military and government installations across America, they would have been crucified in the court of public opinion when Pakistan was ultimately fingered in the attack. After the Jones led revolution, Jones would have vanished, millions of patriotic Americans would have been rounded up and disappeared, and Pakistan would have been targeted with nuclear weapons.

Super Bowl Aftermath
After the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot was exposed in early February of 2011, Jones was a blubbering mess on the radio and could barely contain his apparent anger and disbelief that he and the nuclear terror plan had been exposed. Since then, Jones has refused to speak about The Nuclear Bible, and has instructed his minions such as Mark Dice and We are Change censor, block, and ridicule The Nuclear Bible and This failed Super Bowl nuclear terror plot is potentially the biggest news story in American history and has the power to bring down the Obama administration, the U.S. Federal government, and the Zionist establishment, but no one will touch it

While Jones professes to be a loving Christian who cares about humanity, nothing is further from the truth. Aside from smoking, drinking, cursing, lying, using illegal drugs and constantly degrading fellow truthers, Alex Jones is a closet race baiter and blatant fear monger.

Jones, the alleged man of truth, breeds continual fear into his audience which inevitably causes them to be kept in a perpetual state of fight or flight. Instead of imparting wisdom on how to make America and the world a better place, Jones preaches a steady diet of negativity which ultimately never raises the consciousness of his listeners.

In a nutshell, Alex Jones is a divider rather than uniter. Exposing Alex Jones, STRATFOR, and their partners in crime is the first step towards getting a real and independent investigation into 9/11 and saving America from its rapid free-fall. America and Alex Jones are run by Zionists, not a New World Order. The sooner Americans figure this out, the better.

(Also see the following links: Alex Jones is a Liar, Brian Brown on Alex Jones, Is Alex Jones a Zionist Shill?, Alex Jones' Reaction on 9/11, Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen Discrediting 9/11 Truth)


Anthony said...

I have listened to his show and read articles on his sight for several years, and I agree with you. At some point, I just stopped paying attention to him because I realized all of the hate and negativity coming from him was making me sick. Thank you for the very well documented and logical case against him.

Anonymous said...

A united populace is the greatest fear of the ruling class.

It's clear he's disinfo (Jesuit coadjutor, from what I've heard). My question is this . . . is he Bill Hicks?

nvra75 said...

excellent post.

AJ is not the only one however.

Eric Dubay said...

It's clear he's disinfo


My question is this . . . is he Bill Hicks?


AJ is not the only one however.

True, pretty much all the mainstream "conspiracy heroes" are controlled opposition.

david said...

This is a very good article. No doubt he is disinfo, but the stratfor link is news to me.

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

peace and love Eric

Knowledgeislightweight said...

Well Said!

Anonymous said...

Well, I was going to approach this with an open mind, but this is just that idiotic Stratfor "exposé" copied and pasted. There is not a shred of conclusive evidence anywhere on that. If it can be proven that Obama isn't who he says he is after he sealed all his records, then it shouldn't be a problem doing the same thing for Alex Jones, especially considering how many people are gunning for him.

The more and more AJ's popularity grows, the more and more people crawl out of the woodwork to talk about how he "hacked their computers" or that he's a "zionist" and yadda yadda yadda. This so-called movement, swollen with jealousy and/or government money, has never been that pervasive until now.

This just isn't about AJ though, this is about other big conspiracy figures like David Icke and G. Edward Griffin etc. etc. You would think that the more popular that these facts and ideas get, the happier and more relieved the conspiracy community would be. But it appears that it's not about spreading the truth, it's about a popularity contest.

The enemy is not sophisticated enough for this conspiracy within a conspiracy meme. For real controlled opposition, see the leaders behind the Occupy Wall Street movement,, the current Tea Party, and KONY 2012. These are pushed as alternative, anti-establishment functions, but they're completely transparent.

What does the enemy have to gain from having somebody expose all of their operations? To spy on the patriot movement? Google and Facebook has that easily covered, as well as the multitude of other surveillance technology.

It's said that Alex Jones is a "Zionist" gatekeeper. But he talks about Israel and Netanyahu all the time. Oh, but he doesn't say "derp, Zionists are the grandmasters." That's because it's not true, from what I've surmised from my own research. Israel is definitely involved, but it's more like a US/UK/Israel powerbase rather than just Israel. Even if that were true, which it's not, what does that make the big bankers, the Fortune 100 corporation owners and first-world governments? Innocent?

What is so important about exposing *who* is behind the conspiracy? Even if you shipped every single criminal behind it to Mars, there'd be more to take their place. This system is far too engrained to just simply get the bad guys. The system itself is what needs exposing, for the illegitimate lie it is.

Globalism isn't just a word. The UN, IMF, World Bank, EU, NATO, the many free trade agreements, as well as the almost daily calls for "global governance," are proof enough of that. Zionism as a term is much more vague. It simply means anybody that believes in the state of Israel. (To be continued)

Anonymous said...

(Part 2) And fearmongering, you say? Well, maybe it's time to get scared. US and Israel are gearing up for an attack on Iran which will end up starting WW3, there are face scanners in the making that can scan 23 million faces in a second, agreeing to be fondled to fly in a plane is considered normal, and they're openly admitting about putting stuff in the water and that even your "smart"-enhanced toaster and microwave will be listening to you. Things have gotten cartoonishly dystopic. This isn't a game, this isn't an interesting topic of research, this is life and death.

You say that the most popular conspiracy researchers never have any solutions. That's not true either. David Icke is always going on about brotherly love and that love is the answer and yadda yadda yadda. In AJ's last public speaking video, he spent the last 45 minutes or so on solutions. He goes on about civil disobedience, confronting them in person, running for local office, that resistance alone is a victory itself, and most of all, spreading the word. They just don't have any quick solutions; that's because there are none. Like I said, the system is too engrained for one big solution. It's going to take all of us doing a little bit to defeat this.

But if anybody is suspicious, I'd say it's... you! :-o Now, of course, I could be wrong, *I don't have any real evidence,* and I do lean towards your sincerity a little more. It's just unusual that according to your old articles, you admired the popular conspiracy researchers. There can be only two conclusions: one, you're heartbroken that you perceive that these guys are traitors and you're lashing out, or two, you just said you admired them to get people to like you.

Plus, you seem pretty smart, you must understand how marginalized a position like "the Jews did it" is. Thanks to the anti-Zionist crowd, whenever a legitimate researcher wants to reveal a truth to a closed-minded internet community by talking about the banking conspiracy, they're going to say "you mean the Jewish banking conspiracy" and he's immediately discredited.

Then there's your scientific opinions that are far from accepted in society. As fascinating as they are, and as fun as it was to open my mind to those sorts of possibilities, there is no doubt that it muddies the waters. It associates the very real and very provable global conspiracy to what is normally perceived as wackiness.

Eric Dubay said...

The enemy is not sophisticated enough for this conspiracy within a conspiracy meme. For real controlled opposition, see the leaders behind the Occupy Wall Street movement,, the current Tea Party, and KONY 2012. These are pushed as alternative, anti-establishment functions, but they're completely transparent.

Yes, these are low-level controlled opposition operations which are "completely transparent" to most semi-awakened individuals. The Alex Jones / David Icke / Jesse Ventura / Peter Joseph / Jacques Fresco / Michael Moore / Mark Dice et al. are controlled opposition of a higher order.

What does the enemy have to gain from having somebody expose all of their operations?

Read Alice Bailey's "Externalization of the Hierarchy" for the full answer to that. Basically, you can't have a one world order without people knowing about it, so the way it's introduced is very important. Think about Zeitgeist and The Venus Project. They pretend to be anti-NWO but they want to centrally control all the world's resources and pack us into controlled cage-like technocratic cities... that IS the NWO.

Alex does not "expose all their operations," as you said, by any means. He exposes certain topics, omits certain key topics, then mixes in a bunch of sensationalism, fear-mongering, ego, negativity and misinformation to keep people following him instead of seeing beyond his role as a gate-keeper. Among other things, Alex acts as a beacon so would-be whistle-blowers like Greg Pitchford can get shut down. Look what he did at the Austin Pro-Gun rally.

It's said that Alex Jones is a "Zionist" gatekeeper. But he talks about Israel and Netanyahu all the time. Oh, but he doesn't say "derp, Zionists are the grandmasters."

He says he talks about them more than he actually talks about them, but he rarely ever connects the dots and exposes the Jewish/Zionist undercurrent to all these news-bites he covers. He never mentions that his wife, his radio station, all his main advertisers, and "the banking familes" he constantly rages against are all Jewish. The Jews are the original proponents of a One World Order, but he never exposes Judaism, the Talmud or the Protocols, and shuts down any caller that wants to discuss the Jewish question:

Alex Jones doesn't want you to know about Benjamin Friedman or Jack Bernstein

Eric Dubay said...

You say that the most popular conspiracy researchers never have any solutions. They just don't have any quick solutions; that's because there are none. Like I said, the system is too engrained for one big solution. It's going to take all of us doing a little bit to defeat this.

I never said that "most popular conspiracy researchers never have any solutions," where did you hear that? I'm in total agreement with you that there are no quick fixes, the system is too engrained for one big solution, and it's going to take us all doing our part to defeat this. I did an in-depth podcast on this very topic:

Solutions to the System

But if anybody is suspicious, I'd say it's... you! :-o

Really? T_T Why?

It's just unusual that according to your old articles, you admired the popular conspiracy researchers. There can be only two conclusions: one, you're heartbroken that you perceive that these guys are traitors and you're lashing out, or two, you just said you admired them to get people to like you.

Sure, people like Alex Jones and David Icke were instrumental to my semi-awakening, so I followed them like a little truther-sheeple until I found the higher-level information that they weren't exposing, and more important voices who weren't being heard because their's are so loud! These controlled conspiracy heroes like Alex Jones and controlled websites like have co-opted the entire conspiracy community. I was more disgusted than "heartbroken" upon realizing this, and I'm not "lashing out," simply telling it how I see it.

Plus, you seem pretty smart, you must understand how marginalized a position like "the Jews did it" is. Thanks to the anti-Zionist crowd, whenever a legitimate researcher wants to reveal a truth to a closed-minded internet community by talking about the banking conspiracy, they're going to say "you mean the Jewish banking conspiracy" and he's immediately discredited.

And why do you suppose such legitimate researchers, holding legitimate positions with plenty of evidence supporting them are "immediately discredited" when the three letters J-e-w are placed adjacently so? There has been a giant taboo stigma purposely placed over Judaism to keep quiet the elephant in the room. The ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, B'nai B'rith, AIPAC and other high-power Jewish organizations make sure exposing Judaism remains taboo. But just look at history, Jewish expulsion from over 100 countries means as a cult they've pissed off over 100 populations enough to get organized and kick them all out.

Then there's your scientific opinions that are far from accepted in society. As fascinating as they are, and as fun as it was to open my mind to those sorts of possibilities, there is no doubt that it muddies the waters. It associates the very real and very provable global conspiracy to what is normally perceived as wackiness.

I assume you're talking about my articles concerning Geocentricism. I'm not interested what's "accepted in society" or "perceived as wackiness." I'm only interested in the truth (and freedom) and that is what my life and this blog are all about. Having examined all the available evidence (which is more than most of my detractors can say) it is clear to me that the Earth is not in motion. If you can prove otherwise, I'll retract my position, and the establishment will rejoice and make you more popular than Einstein. Peace

milkyjay said...

This is the anonymous guy from earlier.

"Yes, these are low-level controlled opposition operations which are "completely

transparent" to most semi-awakened individuals. The Alex Jones / David Icke / Jesse

Ventura / Peter Joseph / Jacques Fresco / Michael Moore / Mark Dice et al. are controlled

opposition of a higher order."

Again, this is giving the enemy way too much credit and mystique. Look at the amount of

things they bungle up. Just from that list, Peter Joseph and Michael Moore are definitely

the low-level controlled opposition in which you speak, and they both have a lot in

common. They're both almost always contradictory, they both play at being coy, and they

both preach a form of socialism and world government.

My question to you is, what's the point of fooling the semi-awakened? Even at this point,

it's still a pretty small group. What's the point in getting them to understand that the world

operates on lies and monopoly money, but hold back on the whole Jewish thing, when it's

common knowledge and in mainstream papers that AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in


"Think about Zeitgeist and The Venus Project. They pretend to be anti-NWO but they

want to centrally control all the world's resources and pack us into controlled cage-like

technocratic cities... that IS the NWO."

And AJ ended up exposing this "movement" and rattled sabers with Peter Joseph on his

show about it. It was a (relatively) big thing at the time. What does the annointed ones

stand to gain from having one of their operatives attempt to shut down one of their own

operations, especially one that ends up being a pretty sweet deal in the end? It makes no


"Alex does not "expose all their operations," as you said, by any means."

Ah, so this is how it's going to be, you're going to take my phrases and put them in quotes

in an attempt to do what exactly? Belittle me?

"He exposes certain topics, omits certain key topics"

Such as? And don't pontificate about the mysterious men behind the mysterious curtain,

tell me about data or news or official white papers or anything of *importance.*

"then mixes in a bunch of sensationalism, fear-mongering"

Sorry, those are the times we live in.



"He exposes certain topics, omits certain key topics, then mixes in a bunch of

sensationalism, fear-mongering, ego, negativity and misinformation to keep people

following him"

How does this lead to that? Wouldn't those things lead people away from AJ? But one of

the main things that AJ tells his audience is to question everything, even himself, and do

the research on their own. He's not like a mainstream pundit that persuades you to believe him. (to be continued)

milkyjay said...

(Part 2) "instead of seeing beyond his role as a gate-keeper"

Those gates must be pretty weak, because Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill talk

about Israel almost daily and yet they're almost the mainstream media. Unless they're

controlled opposition of a different sort?

Ah yes, everybody is evil and bad, everybody except the blogosphere that is, they've

been in the game for a couple of years and they're willing to divulge the hard facts about

the people they don't like.

But don't get me wrong, I'm included in that blogosphere, and I've only been made aware

of the whole truth for two years myself. But this rise of "in-fighting" is just like Cass

Sunstein's conspiracy theory white paper that mimics the COINTELPRO of the 60s. They

would get on the internet and do "cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby

government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly

or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts

about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups." And as we all know, one of their favorite tactics is character assassination. However, the fact

that you allowed my comment through suggests that you're innocent. But that doesn't

mean the people feeding you information are.

"Among other things, Alex acts as a beacon so would-be whistle-blowers like Greg

Pitchford can get shut down."

He can still blow that whistle, ya know.

"Look what he did at the Austin Pro-Gun rally."

What sense is it to send one of their prized operatives into something that could

completely destroy his credibility with their intended audience? If they want to send an

agent provacateur, why not send in who they always send in, dumb kids/cops dressed all

in black who call themselves anarachists. I don't really know what to say about his

motivations, but acting as an agent makes no sense at all.

"He says he talks about them more than he actually talks about them, but he rarely ever

connects the dots and exposes the Jewish/Zionist undercurrent to all these news-bites he


Then how is that David Icke can talk about the Zionists all day long and be just as

controlled as AJ? Just how sophisticated is this program!!! In fact, in the latest interview

with David Icke, Jones even openly congratulated David Icke for being brave enough to

talk about Zionism. I forget which part it is, but I know that it's definitely the latest.

But it's really quite simple. He doesn't talk much about the Freemasons either, even

though he openly admits their involvement, as well as Israel's. The reason why he doesn't

harp on about these things is that that's not the kind of news he covers. He's about current

events and the machinations of the nWo.

"He never mentions that his wife, his radio station, all his main advertisers are all Jewish"

Oh the humanity.

"the banking familes"

Yet he names them, so it's obvious that he's not hiding them or gatekeeping. It's not like he takes the name "Rothschild" and changes it to "Johnson" to protect his masters. (To be continued)

milkyjay said...

(Part 3) "The Jews are the original proponents of a One World Order"

World conquest has been the goal since the beginning of civilization. Ancient Greece,

ancient Rome, Alexander the Great... it's pretty much the main goal with any empire. It's

the main goal for anybody with power. If you have enough power, the whole world is a

pretty tempting treat. It's funny, when the willfully ignorant laugh about the "craziness" of

world government, when it's been the name of the game ever since the first city-state.

"but he never exposes Judaism, the Talmud or the Protocols"

He doesn't have breakthrough analysis on any religion, and why would he? This is about

including everybody, not shutting people out. And with Jews, not only is it a religion, it's an

ethnicity too--how else would there be cartoon depictions of them with big noses?

"shuts down any caller that wants to discuss the Jewish question"

Ah yes, the Jewish question... where have I heard that before...

Look, if you were really passionate about exposing the truth of these guys and stopping

them in their tracks, you would stop this Jewish thing immediately. Even if every single

man behind the curtain happened to be Jewish, it would still be wrong because you're

also targetting the common people who happen to be Jewish too. Basically, you and the

other knuckleheads are turning what was once a virtuous open forum of ideas to launch

against the enemy into racist garbage.

"Alex Jones doesn't want you to know about Benjamin Friedman or Jack Bernstein"

Yeah, I saw that video too. What this guy doesn't say in this video is that his site has been hounding AJ with the charge of Zionist agent for a long time before that. I'd be mad too, if somebody was defaming my name and then cowardly acting like he's just a regular caller.

"I never said that "most popular conspiracy researchers never have any solutions," where

did you hear that?"

Sorry, you not understanding how to use quotation marks made me think you said it. It

was actually the Stratfor guy who said it in his AlexjonesGate story.

Oh wait, you can use quotation marks, they have been irritating me for the last hour after all. So why can't you use them to properly quote a source?

"higher-level information"

Haha. Like I said, this isn't a game, this isn't fun, this is not a hobby. Once you've reached

the plateau of knowing that the powers that be are actively targetting you, the rest of the information is essentially meaningless. They're not worth the research. I don't give a crap who they are or whether or not they receive justice, I just want this system torn down.

Using this "gatekeeper" logic, I never see you ever talking about central banks. That's their main funding! That's their lynchpin, their skeleton key. Are you a federal reserve gatekeeper? Do you understand how inane this Zionist gatekeeper thing is? A real gatekeeper is someone like, oh, Chris Matthews, who gatekeeps the whole thing and maintains the big lie.

"These controlled conspiracy heroes like Alex Jones and controlled websites like have co-opted the entire conspiracy community."

How exactly do you co-opt the internet, the home of the conspiracy community? Even the

government is having a hard time of that, and not for a lack of trying. It's the only forum

where ideas can exist in a type of "free market" with no regulatory oversight. (to be continued)

milkyjay said...

(part 4) "higher-level information"

Haha. Like I said, this isn't a game, this isn't fun, this is not a hobby. Once you've reached

the plateau of knowing that the powers that be are actively targetting you, the rest of the information is essentially meaningless. They're not worth the research. I don't give a crap who they are or whether or not they receive justice, I just want this system torn down.

Using this "gatekeeper" logic, I never see you ever talking about central banks. That's their main funding! That's their lynchpin, their skeleton key. Are you a federal reserve gatekeeper? Do you understand how inane this Zionist gatekeeper thing is? A real gatekeeper is someone like, oh, Chris Matthews, who gatekeeps the whole thing and maintains the big lie.

"These controlled conspiracy heroes like Alex Jones and controlled websites like have co-opted the entire conspiracy community."

How exactly do you co-opt the internet, the home of the conspiracy community? Even the

government is having a hard time of that, and not for a lack of trying. It's the only forum

where ideas can exist in a type of "free market" with no regulatory oversight.

"And why do you suppose such legitimate researchers, holding legitimate positions with

plenty of evidence supporting them are "immediately discredited" when the three letters

J-e-w are placed adjacently so?"

As you say, it's a taboo. And it's RACIST. And that's a no-no, especially in today's

politically correct world. That's what I mean by muddying the water.

"But just look at history, Jewish expulsion from over 100 countries means as a cult they've

pissed off over 100 populations enough to get organized and kick them all out."

And I can pull out some other statistics for other races and make some prejudiced

argument and as logical a position as I think I'm taking, it's still racist and unfair.

"I assume you're talking about my articles concerning Geocentricism. I'm not interested

what's "accepted in society" or "perceived as wackiness." I'm only interested in the truth

(and freedom) and that is what my life and this blog are all about. Having examined all the

available evidence (which is more than most of my detractors can say) it is clear to me

that the Earth is not in motion. If you can prove otherwise, I'll retract my position, and the

establishment will rejoice and make you more popular than Einstein."

Hey, I never said I don't agree with Geocentricism, I just said that society does not. I did

say it was fascinating to think about, and the experiments that I've read about are really

something else (as well as Einstein's quote about it), but I'm not qualified to speak in

conclusion about this subject as I don't understand raw scientific data. It was these series

of articles that piqued my interest in this site in the first place, I had never even heard of

the Geocentric theory until I saw your article. I shouldn't have mentioned it, really, as it's

actually this latent hatred of everything Jewish that truly undermines whatever other truths

you speak. If you've ever been around hobbyist forums that flirt around with coming to terms with the conspiracy, you'd understand the reverberations of this Zionist/Jewish thing.


Funny, I didn't really get that impression.

Eric Dubay said...

Wow, you are quite the AJ apologist aren't you?

My question to you is, what's the point of fooling the semi-awakened?

The same point as fooling the unawakened.

He can still blow that whistle, ya know.

Yeah, and he is, thanks to me, and no thanks to Alex Jones.

Then how is that David Icke can talk about the Zionists all day long and be just as controlled as AJ?

David Icke just pays lip-service to Zionism and like Jones, has never delved into the Jewish question. Listen to David Duke, Daryl Bradford Smith, Benjamin Friedman, Jack Bernstein, and ZionCrimeFactory, if you want to hear people who "talk about Zionists all day long" (Yeah I used quotes, big whoop, wanna fight about it?) :P

And with Jews, not only is it a religion, it's an ethnicity too--how else would there be cartoon depictions of them with big noses?

As I've said over and over, The belief in Judaism or any other religion has nothing to do with ethnicity, appearance or genetics. You cannot look at an Indian person and say "they look Hindu." You cannot look at an Asian and say "they look Buddhist." The majority of people who believe in Hinduism or Buddhism do look similar because of their background and geography, but their look does not in any way determine their belief system. The caricature dark-haired big-nosed Jew is no different.

Judaism is a religion which likes to masquerade as a race. They do this by stating that the children of Jewish mothers are lifelong Jews regardless of belief, and giving them dual-Israeli citizenship. But Judaism is a set of beliefs that can be followed by people of any nationality, any ethnicity can be a Jew, therefore it cannot be called a race. Calling Judaism a race is like calling Asians the Buddhist race. Isms are beliefs, not ethnicities.

Using this "gatekeeper" logic, I never see you ever talking about central banks. Are you a federal reserve gatekeeper?

I have a whole Banking section here on which you've conveniently ignored.

And I can pull out some other statistics for other races and make some prejudiced argument and as logical a position as I think I'm taking, it's still racist and unfair.

Really? Let's hear it. What other group of people have been kicked out of over 100 countries?

It's actually this latent hatred of everything Jewish that truly undermines whatever other truths you speak.

The second I open my mouth about Judaism, someone like you always comes to tell me I "hate everything Jewish." I don't hate anything, man, you sound like an ADL spokesman. I used to be a daily AJ listener and apologist just like yourself. Then when I discovered the truth of the Jewish question, just as I do with everything else, I set to work to expose it. How is that latent hatred? I think like the organizer of the Austin pro-gun rally, you've got a hard-on for Alex and can't stand seeing him exposed.

milkyjay said...

Hey, I'm sorry I was a little testy with you in the last post. I have a really bad temper that I end up regretting hours later.

"Wow, you are quite the AJ apologist aren't you?"

Well, he was instrumental to my initial awakening. Back in the day, I was basically a braindead liberal. I knew the government was "corrupt" and Bush was bad and it'd be great if the wars ended. Then I learned the Fed was private, and everything blew open for me, that's when I understood that everything I thought I knew, I really didn't.

Now I understand that all central banks are public *and* private, a form of mercantilism, and mercantilism is the big problem of today.

I do admire AJ and I listen to him regularly. A lot of other researchers report on these guys in a calm "reporter voice," but AJ reacts to these people that seems the most logical to me, that being righteous fury. He pumps me up. One could accuse him of simplifying this into an us vs. them mentality, but sometimes things are just that simple.

But that doesn't mean I follow him and that I haven't learned more. I'm pretty sure that's how it is for most of his listeners. That's how people who want to know the truth are.

"The same point as fooling the unawakened."

But like I said, there is no point. Once you know that there really is an elite and that they've constructed everything you know and that they essentially want you dead, that's all you need to know.

For argument's sake, let's say that it's agreed amongst the entire troofer movement that it's the Jews. What's next? Another holocaust is off the table (OBVIOUSLY but let's just say for argument's sake) because it would likely be the very same Jews who would foist it upon other Jews, just like last time. My theory in regards to that is that Hitler and the top Nazis were operatives and knew it, and they executed the holocaust so that Zionists can create Israel and play victim. I have little evidence of this except for Hitler's suspicious birth and bloodline, but it makes sense to me. The holocaust was awful, but not just for Jews, yet the main narrative suggests otherwise. Just a scant few years after WW2, Rothschild and the UN declared Israel an official state and we know how badly Israel behaved after that. Now it's an enormous taboo to say anything bad about Jews, and there's even an exclusive word for it, anti-semitism. So why?

Well, I could come to the conclusion that some people reach, that the Zionists are the grandmasters and you're just really not allowed to talk about them. I wholly disagree with this notion, as the enemy is less of a society or group of people, and more like an agenda. This is how this agenda is so strong and has survived so long, it's not exclusive to one group. This way, you have the US/UK/Israel governments, the largest corporations, the scientific madmen, the Illuminati families and the big six mega banks can all shoot for the same thing with hardly any overlap. Let's just hope ideas aren't truly bulletproof.

The conclusion I come to regarding the Jewish taboo is double-faceted. The first is so Israel can commit atrocities against the Middle East with immunity, and since America pushes the narrative that it's moral to support Israel because "nobody else will :'(," America has that same immunity. It's apparent that the Middle East has been a target for the enemy for quite some time, and it ain't because of oil, it's for normalization. Culture is like a dagger against their oppression. The second, and likely ultimate reason, is because it's going to be Israel who starts World War 3. From their writings in the 19th century (Albert Pike's being the most famous), there was always going to be three world wars, and it's after the third in which they get the world government they've always wanted. (to be continued)

milkyjay said...

But just to bring it up, have you seen that picture of Hitler in Argentina during the 70s? When I saw a link to it, I chuckled, thought "yeah, sure" but when I clicked it, an immediate wave of rage washed over me. I've lived with the narrative that Hitler "got what he deserved" at the end, but it appeared to me that even that wasn't true. Only a person with serious cognitive dissonance can look upon that picture and conclude that it's anyone but Hitler, and that's just ignoring the documentation and witnesses. This picture is how I know, deep down, that the creation of the holocaust and WW2 was staged from the beginning. The 20th century is the century of directed history.

Anyway, before I got to rambling, I was talking about what the ultimate purpose of exposing the Zionist grandmasters. What's next? We already know their names, and nothing's happened to them. We can't attack Judaism itself, because it's through unity of the common folk that will defeat them, and it's division they want. And if someone goes out and kills a member of AIPAC, the government will hurl NORTHCOM down our throats. Any possible solution regarding this always happens to play right into the enemy's hands, and it's why I think that I half of the people going after the Zionists are government-run, because they normally go beyond just Zionism and the Israeli state.

This is why I say, again and again, that attacking the people behind the system will get us nowhere, it's through attacking the system itself do we stand a chance.

"Yeah, and he is, thanks to me, and no thanks to Alex Jones."

With all due respect, he needs to take it to a widely circulated paper, especially if he has evidence to back it up. A lot of journalists would love to hear more about Abu Gharib.

"As I've said over and over, The belief in Judaism or any other religion has nothing to do with ethnicity, appearance or genetics. You cannot look at an Indian person and say "they look Hindu." You cannot look at an Asian and say "they look Buddhist." The majority of people who believe in Hinduism or Buddhism do look similar because of their background and geography, but their look does not in any way determine their belief system. The caricature dark-haired big-nosed Jew is no different.

Judaism is a religion which likes to masquerade as a race. They do this by stating that the children of Jewish mothers are lifelong Jews regardless of belief, and giving them dual-Israeli citizenship. But Judaism is a set of beliefs that can be followed by people of any nationality, any ethnicity can be a Jew, therefore it cannot be called a race. Calling Judaism a race is like calling Asians the Buddhist race. Isms are beliefs, not ethnicities."

milkyjay said...

(part 3) A Jew looks like a Jew, and it's very rare to find a blonde-haired Jew that isn't a recent convert. They're normally characterized by olive-colored skin, curly and/or spongey hair, and wide, circular faces, as well the caricaturized hooked nose and dark hair.

The Jewish religion and ethnicity interrelates; a quick glance at the wiki for Jews can tell you as much. There is a debate of whether today's Jews hail from Sephardic Jews, or are they from the Khazar (Turkic) converts of the 8th century. There's also a controversial opinion around that today's Jews have little to do with ancient Hebrews, and that they really hail from the ancient Sumarians. The fact that anybody can convert to Judaism and can thus become a Jew is what makes this issue and research into their origins so confusing. It's kinda like if history changed and white people from western Europe were known as Christians. They may not believe in the religion of Christianity, but they would be still be "Christians."

Perhaps it would be better if they had a different name that seperates the religion from the ethnicity. "Secular Jew" isn't enough. But I don't expect or even want them to seperate themselves from their heritage either.

"Really? Let's hear it. What other group of people have been kicked out of over 100 countries?"

I'm not playing that game.

"The second I open my mouth about Judaism, someone like you always comes to tell me I "hate everything Jewish." I don't hate anything, man, you sound like an ADL spokesman."

Come on. Let's get real here. You won't stop saying the "Jewish question" knowing full well how loaded a phrase that is. It's a little creepy that you're so enthusiastic tying today's Jews to Nazi propaganda. (And yes, I realize the phrase 'Jewish question' is much older, but we know what it means today.)

In the comments section of your article "Jew World Order," you said that the Jews of today should completely renounce their "Jewry" because the Talmud is just so bad. However, finding morally bankrupt quotes from religious texts is ultimately a banal exercise, anybody can and will do it. For these Jewish people to renounce who they are, they're also renouncing their family.

You've said yourself that there is no such thing as a Jewish ethnicity, and that it's simply a Jewish religion. Then you point out that that religion is based on the superiority of them over the inferiority of everybody else. So tell me, you don't hate everything Jewish, what part of Jewish do you like?

"you've got a hard-on for Alex and can't stand seeing him exposed."

No. I admire Alex Jones but I don't know Alex Jones, and I understand how foolish it is to martyr people. At the same time, this is a man's reputation and name here. If this was about anyone else who was truthful but was called an agent, I'd be here to defend them. Because this meme that the most popular conspiracy researchers are actually government operatives is obviously a government operation, and gets its support from the envious. It didn't start gaining ground until those conspiracy researchers themselves started gaining ground.

And again I ask, where's the evidence? Nothing conclusive, not even a particularly damning piece of circumstantial evidence. Just a few incidents of bizarre yet unrelated behavior and the ultimate "scoop" is that Stratfor and an Alex Jones production started in 96 (even though Alex Jones has been at it even before that, and exposed Waco in 93, but whatever right) and that you can word their mission statements to sound the same. Every argument you've put forward, I've refuted, you've ignored.

milkyjay said...

oops, i didn't realize my comments looked so messed up. it's from copying it from notepad. my bad

Eric Dubay said...

Well, I could come to the conclusion that some people reach, that the Zionists are the grandmasters and you're just really not allowed to talk about them. I wholly disagree with this notion, as the enemy is less of a society or group of people, and more like an agenda. This is how this agenda is so strong and has survived so long, it's not exclusive to one group.

You're right that it's an agenda and there are several groups involved which purposely makes it confusing, but like anything, cause and effect, there must be an initial group who initiated the agenda. Who are the first group of people to believe in a prophecized future One World Order where they rule? You know the answer. Which group of people currently own the vast majority of the world economy and media and are rapidly ushering in a one world order? Same answer.

I'll tell you what, I'm starting a new religion today and it's called Atlantisism. Anybody can join, and once you do, your progeny are all Atlantisists for the rest of their life regardless of belief. This way after the first generation we can claim to be both an Atlantisist religion and an Atlantisist race of people, for optimum martyr potential. Next I'm going to prophecize that in the future there will be a one world Atlantisist order in which Atlantists will rule over everyone else. Even though anyone can join, the second you do, you become chosen by God to rule over everyone else. Next I'll write a few books about how Atlantists are the bomb-diggity and everyone else is shit. I'll write verse after verse about how Atlantists rule the school and everyone else eats shit. I'll slap the words "holy" on the cover and wait to manifest destiny.

Eric Dubay said...

Here are a few choice excerpts from Judaism's holiest book, the Talmud:

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).

Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

“The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.”
-Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

“The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew.”
-Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30

“Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therfore he will be served by animals in human form.”
-Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855

“A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal.”
-Coschen hamischpat 405

“The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs.”
-Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b

“Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human.”
-Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b

“If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog.”
-Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b

“Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals.”
-Talmud Sanhedrin 74b

“It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile.”
-Sepher ikkarim III c 25

“It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah.”
-Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5

“A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands.”
-Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b

“Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.”
-Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772

If I changed the word "Jew" to "Atlantisist" and started publicizing my new religion I think I would quickly be put behind bars or in a mental institution. My new religion advocates lying, cheating, stealing, raping, and murdering but since it's a "religion" and I wrote those things in a "holy" book, now I can pretend I'm being oppressed whenever people try to point out that my religion and holy book advocate lying, cheating, stealing, raping and murdering. Ingenious! Who wants to join my cult ... ahem ... religion?

Eric Dubay said...

And again I ask, where's the evidence? Nothing conclusive, not even a particularly damning piece of circumstantial evidence. Just a few incidents of bizarre yet unrelated behavior and the ultimate "scoop" is that Stratfor and an Alex Jones production started in 96 (even though Alex Jones has been at it even before that, and exposed Waco in 93, but whatever right) and that you can word their mission statements to sound the same. Every argument you've put forward, I've refuted, you've ignored.

You're the one ignoring the evidence I've presented. Everyone else in the comments section except you agrees that Alex is controlled opposition:

Alex Jones is an Inside Job 1

Alex Jones is an Inside Job 2

Alex Jones' Reaction on 9/11

Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen Discrediting 9/11 Truth

Is Alex Jones a Zionist Shill?

Why is the ADL Promoting Alex Jones?

Alex Jones Linked to Jew Bronfman

Alex Jones is a Liar

Brian Brown on Alex Jones

milkyjay said...

Like I said earlier, the concept for a world government or one world order harkens back to the time of the ancients. If there's a quote prophesying world government centuries ago from a Jew, it means little. World government has always been the goal of the powerful; the only differences between each are the methods at which they attempt to construct it.

The ones who control the economy of the world today are the same ones who controlled it for two hundred years, the same that Thomas Jefferson warned about, the same that Andrew Jackson routed out. They're the robber barons, the monstrously rich banking families that control the central banks. It's the central bank and fractional reserve banking that is the elephant in the room, not the so-called evil Jew. The power to create money at will in a world that runs on money is the greatest power in the world. Get rid of the central bank and you get rid of their funding.

And as I said earlier, picking out immoral quotes from a religious text isn't even an argument. I learned that bit of logic from atheists picking out quotes from the Bible. Now I don't know hardly anything about the Talmud or even Judaism itself, but that has nothing to do with the point I'm driving at. A lot of people who argue that it's the Zionists behind it all leave it as just the political Zionists, but you're different, you attack everything that is Jewish, and to make yourself feel better about that, you claim that Jewish is a religion and nothing but. Regardless of what you think of the validity of the Jewish ethnicity, there are many Jews who do not have a religious bone in their bodies and yet they are still Jews. You can't change that and you shouldn't change that, and instead of respecting their heritage like any decent person should, you tell them that they should renounce it all because you think they're the arbiters of this imprisoning grid we live under. But evil people come in all shapes and sizes, and people of almost every race and religion knowingly maintains this system.

"You're the one ignoring the evidence I've presented."

That's not evidence, those are just links to your previous articles. Guess what. I've already read them and it wasn't very convincing. That is not how debating works; you don't see public debates, with podiums and all, and after one guy presents an argument, the other guy says "well, read my book." Every argument you've put forward in this discussion I've responded to, while you have been cherry picking the more convenient arguments I've made, until we get to this point where you respond to none of them. Which is for the best, I suppose, because neither of us are going to change our positions and this had to end sometime.

Anonymous said...

wow ... milkyjay if you are awakened it clearly doesnt show !! what i see is that you have found out about this big lie ... and now you think you know everything ... remember that eric has been up to this (exposing the lie) for a long time, but he also keeps stating that people must keep questioning everything !!! we all have been awaken by some realisation at some time ...maybe a word or picture or statement ... anything that may have ripped us out of our deep "sleep" we ALL have been following other truth searchers and exposers of the lies ... so yeah we did investigate what these people said and we also know that they do not have all the answers... BUT WE are used to researching and we cross-check as far as is possible ....and if we find what we do find ...that some of these guys are controlled opposition ...we are then also just as shocked ...but we KNOW THAT THE LIES GET COVERED UP and has been covered up so we do scrutinise stuff that don't add up more carefully would we have found these lies if we werent adament ?? eric has been attacked in this manner many times ... and sadly for you .... it has turned out to be true what he exposed ...and that is exactly the reason why he gets attacked ..the truth isnt always nice ...but it still is the truth ... a lie is usually nice ...but it stays a lie !!! there are many good "exposers" but the controlled-opposition is there FACT .. and if not for people like eric we would take much longer if ever we expose such persons
sadly whilst i read all the comments you made it became clear to me that you are linked to israel it jewish ancestry, relatives marriage etc... you made it very clear .... and you are religious .... you still need to do some research ...and hehehe next time don't use the "yada yada yada's too much is also a good give-away in many cases ...rather bla-bla-bla !!!

Bob Brown said...

The Rothschild empire who claim to be Jewish are the real problem with Israel. not the Jews par say but the the control this empire has on the entire world. This is Alex's train of thought. Beware of the Rothschild Empire.

Anonymous said...

Excellent expose. Few things more. He constantly blames nazis for everything, NWO, economic collapse, police state, it's always the nazis or "germanic death cult". While he in mean time tries to start domestic war between whites and mexican immigrants. And as ardent zionist he of course doesn't come anywhere near biggest psy op on western countries of all time, so called holocaust hoax.
Also he refuses to mention faked moon landings and Israeli involvement in president Kennedy's assassination. All this time while whites are being gradually turned minority in US with negative birth rates, constant feminist and homosexual propaganda, forced abortions, government child abductions by CPS, media slandering fathers as rapists, wife beaters and pedophiles etc etc. It is no secret that jews see whites as biggest threat to their world domination plans.

Anonymous said...

I would like to add a few MORE THINGS TOO:

June 8th 2012 LIVE (only, is not in archive show) at approx the 1.5 hr mark, of the Alex Jones show; AJ, comes out with the Ron/Rand Paul "Story". Amazingly, AJ isn't really mad, at what the Pauls where doing...considering the "rants" AJ usually does for much smaller things. BUT, the most important part, was when AJ slips up and yells Ron's Paul's wife is a freemason. This part has been edited out...I know what I heard.

Also consider, some believe AJ is related to Anson Jones (last president of the Rep of TX.) This makes sense, given AJ's knowledge about TX, and his hugh number of "kin" in is amazing how the facts just roll out of him.

But let's talk about pysops on TV for a minute: TV Show Burn Notice and main character ex-cia op Michael Weston...and this season's bad guy is Anson Fullerton, ex cia psyop expert...then there is Weston's bestfriend Sam Axe, and in Xanax, a psychotropic drug.

Aside note, on the "Michael Weston" guy, must be an icon or symbolic cia guy, cuz' on ABC's Missing, starring Ashley Judd, her character (is ex-cia)and has a child with another ex-cia agent, and name him "Michael Weaton".

So much more, but this should give the people sitting on the fence something more to think about when it comes to AJ, the "professional" journalist.

Anonymous said...

If Alex Jones was "the real thing" he'd be instructing the audience on how to file class action lawsuits, etc. What we NEED is to start an army that LOUDLY repeats what he really is. Chanting in the streets of Austin and other big cities, all day long - "Alex Jones is a Zionist agent. Alex Jones is a Zionist agent. Israel did 9-11!!! Israel and their dual-Israeli citizens in the US government did 9-11!!!"

israelside said...

So let me get this straight 90% of what he says is correct but he is disinfo, jewish agent and the most dangerous man in the world? LOL this is a joke of an article. Alex has faults for sure just like you but take the good he provides I say instead of taking advice only from perfect people. That means no one buddy!

Anonymous said...

It took me a few years of monitoring the to realize something doesn't add up. Research followed , including probing the's agenda by posting comments specifically composed to elicit agenda-revealing reactions, which eventually has left me without shadow of a doubt that is a crypto-zionist disinfo operation.
Some of you might remember me as once frequent commenter Causal Observer ,now a heavily censored virtual persona non-grata at for being an avid anti-zionazi.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that americans are always defending the zionist and making it a racist thing. not all jews are zionists, however zionists teach that gentiles are goyim who are non human, that we are like cattle, and that we are to be used to support the zionists, that we are their slaves. I have even heard one rabbi admit to 911, and how dumb we are (christians and muslims) that its so easy to pit us against each other while they profit from it. and no not all jews are this way, as a matter of fact there are large amounts of jews who are anti-zionism. I started of listening to alex and started getting suspicious not because of anything i heard, but because of his behavior including his demonic laugh he does quite often. And if a so-called truther isnt willing to lay ALL the truth on the line-they are about jesse ventura trying to talk about dr judy woods research of 911 and alex shutting him down! Dont be a fool, im not saying u cant listen to alexs show, but be aware that when u do, u arent getting the whole story. keep up the good work eric!

Aakashaessa said...

Alex Jones is a Puppet for Zionists!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex Jones, the most influential and well-known man in the conspiracy community, has now been exposed by dozens of reliable colleagues in the truth movement as being a Judas Goat.

A Judas Goat is a trained goat used at slaughterhouses, a
good-looking alpha-male type who they send in to associate with the sheep/cattle then lead them aloof onto trucks and into slaughterhouses, while its own life is spared.

The list of people Alex has lied to, short-changed, betrayed, or double-crossed in the truth movement has continued to grow to the point that it is glaringly obvious just who/what Alex Judas Goat Jones is.

Find out just how Traitorous Alex Jones is with this new Page:

Please Spread the Word
Alex is NOT TO BE TRUSTED!!!!!!!!


Open your Eyes!

Eric Dubay said...

Great FB page Aakashaessa, I've just subscribed and shared :) Peace

Anonymous said...

Hi Eric,

Our greatest adversary hides in the place you would very least expect to find him. There is an aspect about self that most are not aware of. There is a voice inside your head that you think is you, but its not! Conscientiousness is dualistic it seems.

In order to get good at a game, we must be challenged by a better player (opponent/adversary). To better understand who we are, it may help to understand at the most fundamental level, what we are. What we are, I submit, is a hologram. A mathematical geometric creation of light. There is no matter to be found anywhere in our reality, everything is made of atoms and atoms are empty. Because this is a creation, then there must be a purpose for creating it. If you created this high-tech holographic virtual world, it would seem to me that you would do so to experience it.

LIFE the ultimate game! Our bodies are vessels (avatars) utilized by the creator of the game to experience the creation. Each of us are a fractal aspect of the hologram. If you understand holograms you will know that any fractal piece of the hologram contains all the information of the whole piece. This is what explains kinesiology. (Read Power vs. Force the hidden determents of human behavior) How is that the body can know the truthfulness of a statement and yet you may not have any conscious awareness of the matter stated? It is the EGO, which prevents us. It is that voice inside that you think is you, but is not. The EGO is the great ADVERSARY, the LIAR. (SATAN, the DEVIL)

The divine self would never hurt itself, especially for something someone else has done, yet this what the majority of people do. Every event in this reality is a neutral event, you have freewill to choose how you wish to respond to the event. Never choose the reaction that is detrimental to you! Learning the attributes of the EGO is how you differentiate that voice you think is you, from the divine voice.

The EGO is addicted to its beliefs and opinions. The inherit problem with BELIEVING is that it puts you into a position of defending what it is you think you believe, but what if what you believe bumps into information that contradicts with that belief? How often have you heard someone say, despite all the factual information to the contrary, “I know, but, I just can’t believe it? This is how & why “belief” the drug of the EGO prevents you from knowing what your body already knows.

I came here to initially debunk something Ive read about in comments at another site. I would like to relate to you that story, but its to long. I think you'll like it. Is there an email address or another way?

CAO for now.

Anonymous said...

BTW my email address is

Eric Dubay said...

Great points Mannamade! I agree with you about the holographic nature of reality and power vs. force, I included both of those in my latest book Spiritual Science:

The Holographic Universe

Spiritual Science

My email address is if you'd like to send me along your other story. Always glad to hear such awakened thoughts :) Peace

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah...Jews Jews Jews.....communism is Jesuit-created and controlled, the Jews who implemented it were all Jesuit-trained, communism was invented on the Jesuit reductions in Latin america in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Unknown said...

Lets see if this comment actually gets posted and we'll see who is really disinfo. Weve heard the stratfor argument many times before and it is about as ridiculous as they come. And if the NWO is all about Zionism then why did the NWO allow most european jews to be killed in WW2? (approx. 6 million) The NWO protects themselves and their people the only ones divided by race are people watching mainstream news and people on this website. The NWO doesnt care if your a jew, they care about their own people and THEIR bloodline. You'll probably say I'm a working for Alex Jones but the truth is I'm just a bored Web designer/developer and a part time political activist. I have yet to see a shred of actual proof that AJ is a disinfo agent but Im not closeminded to the possibility however unlikely.

Anonymous said...

If critical thinking was taught and encouraged more in schools, then Alex Jones wouldn't have many fans.

All the guy is doing is making money off credulous people. It's as simple as that.

Anonymous said...

All the Cointelpro trolls are out in full force attacking Jones as he grows and grows. This is just like the idiot disinfo trolls who say Jones is a Vatican Assassin or some secret Vatican agent. Some of them may be FBI and or Pentagon disinfo trolls or just jealous. The Pentagon does have armies of paid trolls. Its time to grow up and wake up. Look up the Georgia Guidstones that were put up which call for world government and 80% of the word's population to be exterminated. All these globalists and bankers write books calling for world government and end of US sovereignty. This is not a game or a joke.


you have to be say Alex is controlled opposition, but,'s David Chase Taylor is on the money?!? one event, (thank GOD), has ever occurred, that David has predicted, warned about or surmised...not one.

Talk about twisted.

As to Alex - funny thing - Alex has stated the same thing, over and over again...he has been threatened, on his phone, in the same types, you say, he sent your way...what a joke!...

Come on, give it up!...Alex is just trying to fight for his life, his family and for his country.

What's wrong with you - Bill Hicks has been dead for some time...

Making money off credulous people?, pal, I have been around the block, a few times, plus, I have been listening to him, for several years now, almost daily...I think that a researched person as I am, with my own site, etc. and Christian discernment, would know by now, a charlatan and cointelpro agent and provocateur.

I haven't yet sent him a red cent...his videos can be viewed on YouTube for free.

The products he provides, are good, sound products for health and at low cost - if he were cointelpro, he would be funded by the govt. - he would not have to sell products to fund his program.

Critical thinking? No, pal, you need to 'wake up'?

It's as simple as that...;) L.

Anonymous said...

This is for Michael Hicks, Oct. 23, 2013. You ask why did the NWO allow 6 million Jews to die if the Zionists are in control? First this shows that you want people to believe that 6 million Jews in fact died when maybe they did not, buying into that, trying to give support to the Zionist NWO claim, so it never happens again or for the first time.Secondly, how can anyone prove those bones were not Polish, Russian, Gypsy, or even those of Germans or others, The Zionists have succeeded in capturing all the sympathy rightfully deserved by others, at least some others.Also when you burn bodies, they usually are blackened and chard. Might I suggest that those bodies, whom ever they might be, were cooked for the meat, as there was no food left in Germany at the end of the war. Maybe the Jews left in the camps at the end of the war ate the meat themselves. They would not want to discuss this so they said the bodies we Jews instead of others, that they might have been.
Now as for Alex Jones, I have not been listening long,my brother and I usually are the ones talking about this world situation, but even though he has not mentioned the Jews or the Zionists, he has not defended them, or has he?
Zionism is not people that believe in Israel, it is people that believe in the Devil and want to deceive the world that they are Gods people. When the Word of God, Jesus said in John 8:44 that the father of the Jew was not Abraham but the Devil otherwise they would believe in Jesus as Abraham would.They also want the world to believe they were given the land of Israel by God, but in Jesue own words, this is not so. God gave the land to Israel, his people and the children of the devil are not Gods people, they today are the true followers of Jesus not those that say they are then say the Jew is Gods people, they are traitors to Jesus.
Remember in the USA and else where there is a lot of talk about god but never Jesus and any God that does not have a son called Jesus is not God and the God the Jews talk about does not have a son and therefore is not my God and should not be yours. The USA is on the side of the Devil, and is fighting and dying for the Devil.

Unknown said...

Yall need to remember that there's a difference between Judaism and Zionism... I mean I keep reading how the "Jews" did it.. No they didn't, the zionists did.. To be Jewish doesn't mean your Israeli and vice versa. The Jewish holy book states it is against a state of Israel.. Jews are like Christians and Muslims, they're all over the world, they aren't a race.. Real Jews do not support the state of Israel, only the brainwashed ones and the zionists do. As for Alex Jones, all of this comes as a huge shock but hey I ended up on this site for a reason, I'm always second guessing. I stand with the idea that he doesn't really expose the Zionist factor, and being someone who listens to him almost everyday I can assure you of that

Anonymous said...

That's a silly looking hairpiece on Alex's head..

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones married his jewish wife, April Nichols 3 years after 911 on Sept 11, 2004. thats a 3-6-9-11 (2004=2+4=6) all big time Illuminati numerals. His best man Ray Rivero was suicided or pushed off a hotel balcony in 2006. Do the math folks...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this article about Alex Jones. It covers almost everything other websites have revealed about this traitor in one place.
Has any one noticed how many Jews were in the lineup to impeach Trump?
Alex jones is becoming a New Ager. He has David Icke on his show recently claiming that he would have him on again , but has not , because, he claimed that his e - mails were being interfered with and therefor have to use his phone more often to get in touch. Jones has been getting religious moralizing his listeners and giving New Age type lectures on spirituality , goodness etc. Religion, a topic he wopuld not touch in the past.
He loves to talk of Jeffery Epstein, blood drinking ,child sex, killing children, killing children during sex, beastiality, etc. and say that he loves women, and other sexual remarks.
As far as the Austin ,Texas rally is concerned, I believe , I heard him say to the young girl, who offered him time to speak, said to her that she had the Hots for him. Alex Jones proves that he is a propagandists, and lier, deceiver and disinformation agent as well as traitor.
It doesn't matter how much people claim that he has disseminated true information, it is like giving a dog treats and enticing it until it comes closer and closer and then you can capture it, or no different than hunter putting out salt blocks in the summer to attract deer into their hunting area in the hunting season. Alex Jones is a traitor no matter what truthful information he reveals.
Jones has claimed to have "read hundreds and hundreds of books about the New World Order, and read all of their White Papers and knows their plans and agenda," Alex Jones is a deceiver and lier because he has never revealed who the New World Order leaders and their agenda is. But others have.
He claims to be exposing for twenty five years which is another lie.