"First of all, it's nothing against Ron Paul, he's a nice guy, great writer, and a good educator, but philosophically the state is an immoral and criminal enterprise, and you do not get into an immoral and criminal enterprise in order to turn it into something better. If we believe that this is possible, then let's join a local street gang and try to turn them into charity workers. Let's join the Mafia and try to turn them into the United Way. Let's start with something small not the biggest most monstrous tentacled government that the world has ever seen. So no I think it's not possible. If we look at him as someone who can educate people, yeah, education is good. I think there's better ways to do it, but if we think that you can go into the belly of the beast and come out a knight in shining armor, I think that's a fantasy. Liberty activists for 150 years have been trying to get into the government and turn it into virtue. I think we have to be a bit more critical about our approach and start looking for other alternatives."

"There are lots of other alternatives. I come from an annoying entrepreneurial background where if you do stuff that doesn't work for long enough at some point, unlike the government, you have to say, 'let's look at what we're doing and see if we can change it.' There are lots of other ways of changing the world and getting rid of the state other than political action. We're trying to put someone at the top to strip it down? Not gonna happen. Too many people invested, too many people sucking off the government tit. It's not gonna work. But what we can do is recognize that political power is something that is kept aloft by the belief of the masses and we can attack that belief, we can criticize that belief, we can undermine that belief horizontally without having to worry about political power."
For more information about What's Wrong with Ron Paul? Click Here

Thank you very much for pointing this out...I have been suspecting from the beginning that he is just another NWO puppet...nobody is allowed to say what he is saying...he might be the "savior" crushing the FED and building the world currency out of its ruins
Right, they've obviously got some very "revolutionary" plans coming. As many researchers have pointed out, controlled "revolutions" are an Illuminati favorite way of instituting change for their agenda while masking it as power to the people. The whole Ron Paul, Alex Jones, End the Fed meme is being spoon-fed to us, likely because there is something bigger brewing beneath the surface.
If for instance we ended the Fed, but still borrowed interest-based paper from the IMF/World Bank, nothing actually changes, while the media can spin it as a victory. Ultimately, Stephen Molyneux is correct in saying that you cannot kill the beast by becoming it's head and dismantling it from the top down. There's too many vested interests and besides, presidents are mostly puppets anyway, have we forgotten that? There are dozens of levels of National Security above president... that means there are thousands of people involved in NSA, CIA, FBI and other agencies which have lifetime security clearances above that of the President... how could someone from this ceremonial post dismantle those agencies above him?
Stefan explains comment about governments being immoral and criminal enterprises
Hey Eric
Came across your blog and love it. I also have to agree with you, not because I have anything against Ron Paul, Alex Jones or any of those people. Like I think you now realize, no SYSTEM will make your world better. No matter who you put on a pedestal all you'll get is a boot to the face. They feel shafted by Obama, soon they'll be disappointed by the next President. No one outside of yourself can control your mind.
Ezra Pound was locked up most of his life but he was one of the most free man in the world. No man or woman can make you whole, you are the whole but not until you realize it.
Keep up the good work.
About the Illuminati or Masonic hand-symbols..., I believe that I've seen pictures of Ron Paul using the Upright Pentagram (the sign-language symbol for Love) only; however, I have seen pictures of the Bush's and the Clinton's, etc. using the inverted pentagram (the "rock on" or "hook 'em horns" symbol).
"The "hook 'em horns" or "rock on" hand-symbol is an inverted pentagram; whereas the sign-language symbol for Love is an Upright Pentagram.
"Do you see the difference?
"The "rock on" has two-points up and three-points down, an inverted pentagram; whereas Love has two-points down and three-points up, an Upright Pentagram.
"And the so-called "peace-sign" is also an inverted pentagram; whereas the real Peace-sign, which is an Upright Pentagram, is as follows:
"Gnostics must greet each other with the mantra “Inverencial Peace.” Alternatively, they should recognize each other with the hand-sign with which Jesus Christ is usually depicted, namely, extending the thumb, index, and middle-fingers of the right hand." – The Major Mysteries, by Samael Aun Weor
Therefore it is quite possible that Ron Paul is of the White Lodge (Upright Pentagram).
The Black Lodge (inverted pentagram) existing as the "lodge" that most politicians in this Kali Yuga belong to.
Does it matter whether or not Ron Paul is of the alleged White or Black lodge? They use the same symbol, just inverted versions of the pentagram...one is supposedly good, and the other is supposedly evil.
That is very delusionary...both the White and Black lodges (if they exist) are one and the same. Ron Paul is just another puppet in the game of power.
Does it matter whether or not Ron Paul is of the alleged White or Black lodge? Ron Paul is just another puppet in the game of power.
Right. Every lodge keeps secrets, takes blood oaths, and plays the power game, white, black, Prince Hall, Eastern Star, all one in the same.
Age old "byzantine power game" - (Eastern Roman Empire)
Any way, Mr. Anon- i need to talk to you about Gnostic Christianity in detail, is there any way to contact you?
I need to understand a few details.
Dude, first of all, your awesome for doing what you do. You've inspired me to reach out and help people while also try to wake them up.. I have been following your blog for several months now and learn something new with every post. But, I was wondering why you do not talk about the Venus project or Zeitgeist movement? I listened and watched the video involving you and Stefen Molyneux discussing it and don't understand why you still lean towards Stefen. If it wasn't for Jacque or TZM, I wouldnt be here posting right now... So please sir, whenever you get a chance, is it possible you could provide me with the reasons you do not support this movement? My email is hinsond23@hotmail.com...(and if any of you others who follow Eric would also like to enlighten me, please do) Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!
Thanks for the comment Anon. The Venus Project is the NWO packaged to look like the anti-NWO solution. It's a communist technotopia centrally-controlling all resources while claiming to be a "people's paradise" where they'll never have to work again. It's an elaborate, beautifully constructed, fully funded trap to harness half-awake people's energy into creating a new form of totalitarian centrally-controlled government in grid-lock techno-cities. You wanna be free? Buy some land in the middle of nowhere, dig a well, grow a garden, build a house, and never pay taxes, or vote, or consent to any government demand again. That's what it means to be a free man. Not the Venus Project's monstro-city lifestyle. For more practical solutions, check out my recent podcast:
Solutions to the System
"White Lodge:
"That ancient collection of pure souls who maintain the highest and most sacred of sciences: White Magic or White Tantra. It is called White due to its purity and cleanliness. This “Brotherhood” or “Lodge” includes human beings of the highest order from every race, culture, creed and religion, and of both sexes." - Gnostic Glossary
"Black Lodge:
"Any institution formed by fornicators is a Black Lodge" - Samael Aun Weor
"Fornicators", meaning those who do not practice the Sciences of Sexual Transmutation and the psychological Transformation of Impressions.
I agree with Eric in that "Zeitgeist" is a false solution:
Has anyone here looked much into claiming self-sovereignty, by renouncing their United States corporation citizenship; meaning that in doing so, one would then be a National of the United States of AMERICA who is only bound to Common Law or the Law of the Land, as opposed to existing as a citizen of the United States corporation, the latter of whom is bound to U.S.-corporation-laws (i.e. I.R.S. taxes, drivers-licenses, social-security cards, etc.)?
Druv, I should soon be replying more to your comments and questions in the "Sex: The Secret Gate to Eden" Atlantean Conspiracy blog.
What is the longest it can take for comments to show up after posting them? Last time this happened my comment showed up after a few hours or so, but this time it isn't posting even after a few hours....
Hey Anon, for some reason your comments got caught in my spam filter... when that happens they won't show up until I get online and approve them as "not spam." Sorry, all set now though. Peace
Cool, thanks. Perhaps posts get caught in the spam filter if they contain links, or if we somehow double-post. Peace.
Hey Eric,
Just got access to wifi again and wanted to thank you for your reply.. Druv sent me some good information regarding other issues but did not cover anything over TVP, TZM, etc... I have been very appreciative of what Jacque has shown to me and would have given anything to help ideas get out.. It does however, suck ass, if he is another stooge.. I have been all over the place "praising" TVP ideas and kind of feel like a retard now. But I still have my concerns.. I was curious, how do you know Jacque (and Peter Joseph) are stooges involved with the NWO? please remember I am still new to tho whole "conspiracy theory" thing, so my resources are quite limited compared to as yours... From my first understandings of TVP, I totally thought it was just a bunch of crazy utopian, socialist
ideas.. Just as my parents raised me, that is the way I thought. But for some reason, I really tried opening my mind and putting aside my so-called "normal" way of thinking, and tried listening to what both Jaqcue and Peter had to say. And from that, I am where I am today: a whole lot more aware and conscious (but still lost a bit, indeed :)) but still, they have taught me to question what is really going on...
Also, another reason why I still have belief that TVP is not a NWO fuck, is because I always called out people such as Michael Moore and Alex Jones.. Is it possible that Jaqcue is much more appealing than those other guys?? I am so lost right now man.. I just see no reason why not to believe in thE equal distribution of resources to the world and that technology CAN indeed control that, just as technology does so much for us today..
Thank you again for your reply, I really appreciate your time and work towards waking people up and I hope to either join you, or convince you that TVP may be a decent solution/alternative, IF they are not NWO buttfucks (excuse the language, I have bEen drinking.
Take care, and hope to hear more from you...
- Derek
P.s. my # is 509-499-4448, if anybody would like to talk with me... This typing on the iPhone hurts my brain.
Haha shit!! I feel like that may have not been intelligent to put my number here, but oh well, I'm about to go insane anyway.
And also, Eric, I forgot to mention that I did indeed listen to a bit of that radio broadcast by yourself(solutions to the system) and really liked what I heard. I only listened up to the part where you mentioned all the poisons and junk we submit our bodies.. But you reminded me to listen to the rest of it. Both myself and my girly are trying to live in a more healthy way, we really appreciate what we heard so far!
And one more thing, how much do you charge for teaching Wing-chun? I have gained a great respect in kung-Fu and found that wing-chun seems to fit my ways of thinking the
most.. I do have access to a tiny bit of the money in this world and would much rather spend it on the more important things in life...
I kind of agree with anonymous. I don't understand either. I have been following the Zeitgeist movement as well and it seems to be a great idea. Why does it have to be that this movement is part of the NWO? Is it not possible for people to live within communities that benefit the whole? Isn't that how tribes and Amish people live.
Your solution to move to the country, produce your own food, and live off the grid is a great idea but not necessarily an option for many people. Many people would like the community type living as it makes it easier for everyone.
Is there proof that this movement is part of the NWO? Is it possible that maybe Illuminati are infiltrating and making people believe that it is NWO?
I have heard of this happening, just as they are infiltrating the "Green" movement and discounting it as well.
Curious and confused.
Hey Derek, thanks for the messages.
how do you know Jacque (and Peter Joseph) are stooges involved with the NWO?
The "Venus" Project is a tip of the hat to Lucifer, the Morning Star. Zeitgeist is full of one-eye and rising sun symbolism as well as gaining millions upon millions of views out of nowhere. Peter Joseph also rose from obscurity to being all over the mainstream and alternative medias. But beyond all that, it's the ideology that confirms the Venus Project as being part of the NWO. You will live hive-like in mega-cities where the government controls, manufactures, and distributes everything right down to your hydroponic (i.e. starved of nutrients) food. It is high-tech communism with a face-lift and is certainly antithetical to true freedom. True freedom is living in nature, small communities, working the land yourself, free from some overarching bureaucracy demanding your allegiance.
Also, another reason why I still have belief that TVP is not a NWO fuck, is because I always called out people such as Michael Moore and Alex Jones.. Is it possible that Jaqcue is much more appealing than those other guys??
Right, Michael Moore and Alex Jones are perhaps a bit more obviously controlled opposition, but even people like Ron Paul, Charlie Veitch, and Peter Joseph (IMHO) are controlled opposition as well. The NWO plays chess with us pawns thinking 30 moves ahead. They're creating the turmoil that will bring about world war as well as funding/leading controlled opposition groups who will rise to power "against" the establishment, and through this thesis/antithesis dialectic they bring about the synthesis which is always more control.
Eric, I forgot to mention that I did indeed listen to a bit of that radio broadcast by yourself(solutions to the system) and really liked what I heard. I only listened up to the part where you mentioned all the poisons and junk we submit our bodies.. But you reminded me to listen to the rest of it. Both myself and my girly are trying to live in a more healthy way, we really appreciate what we heard so far!
Glad to hear that! We have to heal our bodies (physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually) if we're going to have any hope of healing the world. I hope you'll listen to the rest of the podcast and check out my health articles:
Atlantean Conspiracy Health Section
And one more thing, how much do you charge for teaching Wing-chun? I have gained a great respect in kung-Fu and found that wing-chun seems to fit my ways of thinking the
I also have unwavering respect for Kung-Fu and especially Wing Chun. I charge 300 baht an hour, but unfortunately I don't think that's going to help you much unless you live in Bangkok. If you are in Bangkok though, definitely get ahold of me and we'll train/talk.
Bangkok Wing Chun
Hey Gena, thanks for the comment. I'm glad to see you're into solar power and gardening... those are definitely two positive ways forward. I hope my comment to Derek helps further explain my feelings on TVP. Also check these out:
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Critical Review
Freedomain Radio Debates the Venus Project
I'd like to comment on the symbolism behind the Masonic hand signs - the "two-horned" hand sign represents the Egyptian goddess Hathor, also known by so many other names in ancient Egypt and throughout world history. The "Illuminati" use and worship a feminine deity but demonize that very deity as well as the symbols to cloak the fact that God is more feminine than masculine and that they've been worshipping her for 5,000 years. This is not meaning the genders are equal. Only a fool is tricked into their duality games. Does it really matter whether your higher power is masculine, feminine, or a tree or Pepsi can, for that matter? It's what is in the heart.
The "V" sign, the peace sign, represents the female genitalia as well. The Chevron symbol represents the opposite, the masculine.
But symbols are only that: symbols. Obsessing over them is only entering into their mind games and giving them much undue attention.
Everything is hidden in plain sight and very simple. The "Illuminati" are obsessed that which they utterly lack and can never connect with: real life, nature, love, creativity, birth, etc. Every act of destruction and manipulation is obsessed with destroying that which they will never be capable of knowing as us normal "earth folks" do. This is all this is about. Total contempt and envy.
Even the word "Mason" means "mother of the sun." Here is a great article by world renowned astrologer Olga Morales where you can see how everything they use is feminine while they tell us its demonic. It's all a 5,000 year hoax:
I love your blog :)
Good points, thanks for sharing Power of 3!
The problem I have with Ron Paul is look at who his top supporter is; Alex Jones. What Alex Jones represents to society is to create that image that all conspiracy theorists are loud mouth psychopaths that are going to blow up on any given minute. Ron Paul isn't that bad, but it's who supports him and who funds him.
I fear that one day Jones will correctly predict a false flag and his trigger happy idiot fan base will just go along with him and explode in violence. I know a lot of people that think that idiot is some kind of patriot, and you know what makes them stand out? They are always pissed off all the time. i listened to Alex Jones ONCE about 3 or 4 years ago. It was the time he said they were putting mandatory road blocks for flu vaccinations. It scared the shit out of me, then a week went by and I seen nothing happened....a month went by, nothing happened, and then I figured he was a bullshit artist.
The people that listen to him though and put him on the pedestal as some kind of hero, are the most dangerous people though. Just try talking to someone who is hardcore into Alex Jones. You cannot without them getting pissed off and tirading on you just like him. That's the ones I worry about. He's leading them like Judas, and they are a lot younger and dumber than they were years ago, and far more trigger happy than ever. Those are the ones that are going to screw around and make us lose our 2nd amendment rights.
We're definitely on the same page!
I fear that one day Jones will correctly predict a false flag and his trigger happy idiot fan base will just go along with him and explode in violence.
I wrote an article on that very subject:
Alex Jones: General of the Second American Revolution
He's leading them like Judas
Lol. I wrote an article about that too :)
Alex Judas Goat Jones
I like reading your stuff Eric, you and me totally are in the same boat!
I think it was 2009 when I listened to Jones, it had to be. Like late 2009 I think. When there was that big rumor going around about mandated flu shots, and setting up road blocks to force everyone in the country to get them. It scared the shit out of me, but it never happened....and I remember his catch phrase very well "defend your family" "don't let them take you away" he was 100% encouraging violence.
I'm all for the 2nd amendment but I am a peaceful person. I don't agree on that hardcore violent revolution that he preaches. I believe you should own a firearm to protect yourself from thieves and intruders.
Another thing I can tell you Alex was totally wrong on was the oil spill bullshit he was running in 2010. I live on the gulf coast, I seen the tar balls myself washing up on beaches, and when Alex said that BP did that on purpose, he is full of shit. I can tell you this personally because BP came down here and was giving out $10,000 checks every month to people who lost their work on the count of it. Ship captains were getting up to 25 thousand dollars! And this wasn't a handful of people, it was thousands who got money. I know a lot of people personally who never worked in seafood in their life and they got a check. Later on they tightened up the background checks and had people prove that it made them miss work, since so many took advantage of the holes in it and got free money. BP had no problem whatsoever giving huge checks to workers, that was until the government stepped in and put a stop to it later on. After they put their man in charge of the BP Claims, the money stopped. Recently they reopened the BP Claims Centers and they kicked the guy out who was running it for the government, and he's being investigated for fraud and corruption. Since they re-opened, they are giving fishermen checks again for lost wages.
For Alex Jones to say that BP intentionally caused the oil spill so they would have to pay fishermen and seafood workers millions of dollars all along the gulf coast is the funniest crap I have ever heard him say.
Hello Eric,
Someone I respect introduced me to your work and I have to say that before I heard the first interview with you I would have said, "this all sounds a bit crazy" but after listening to just that one (since then I've listened to more and done a bit of contemplation and further research), I'm impressed at how well you express yourself and present your perspective and arguments. Keep up the good work. As to Ron Paul, I also find him congenial but until we actually spend a lot of time with someone, we can't say for sure. Nevertheless, Ken over at Redefining God.com has put together some of the most thoughtful analysis of the NWO geo-political moves, including Ron and Ran Paul and Marine Le Pen in France. Ron Paul is associated with the Mises Economic Institute and is a great propenent of a gold-backed (supposedly), global, economic system. On Sociological issues be may be a non-interventionist and Libertarian volunteerist but he stills supports global government. He seems like a great solution to problem, reaction, solution..doesn't he? Again, do check out Ken's work on redefininggod.com. cheers, Era
I figured this out when my comment -"..it's time to entertain the real possibility that nuclear weapons are merely government psyops"- was quickly erased from Ron Paul's FB page...only a few weeks ago. Definitely a freemason.
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